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Last active September 11, 2023 22:22
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PoolTogether v5 Hyperstructure - Arbitrage Bot, Calculate Profit
import { ethers, BigNumber } from 'ethers';
const { profitable, selectedIndex } = await calculateProfit(wantedAmountsIn, wantedAmountsOut);
// Calculates the amount of profit the bot will make on this swap
// and if it's profitable or not
const calculateProfit = async (
wantedAmountsIn: BigNumber[],
wantedAmountsOut: BigNumber[],
): Promise<{ profitable: boolean; selectedIndex: number }> => {
console.log('Gross profit = tokenOut - tokenIn');
const grossProfitsUsd = [];
for (let i = 0; i < wantedAmountsIn.length; i++) {
const amountOut = wantedAmountsOut[i];
const amountIn = wantedAmountsIn[i];
const underlyingAssetTokenUsd =
parseFloat(ethers.utils.formatUnits(amountOut, tokenOut.decimals)) *
const tokenInUsd =
parseFloat(ethers.utils.formatUnits(amountIn, tokenIn.decimals)) * tokenIn.assetRateUsd;
const grossProfitUsd = underlyingAssetTokenUsd - tokenInUsd;
console.log(`Index ${i}: $${grossProfitUsd} = $${underlyingAssetTokenUsd} - $${tokenInUsd}`);
const getMaxGrossProfit = (grossProfitsUsd: number[]) => {
const max = grossProfitsUsd.reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b), -Infinity);
return { maxGrossProfit: max, selectedIndex: grossProfitsUsd.indexOf(max) };
const { selectedIndex, maxGrossProfit } = getMaxGrossProfit(grossProfitsUsd);
console.log(`Selected Index ${selectedIndex} - $${maxGrossProfit}`);
// Compare the profit with the gas costs to learn if transaction will be profitable
const estimatedProfitUsd = maxGrossProfit - gasFeeUsd;
const profitable = estimatedProfitUsd > 0;
return { profitable, selectedIndex };
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