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Last active August 16, 2018 08:57
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Sample script for Zendesk API tutorial named "Making cross-origin, browser-side API requests" at
function init() {
// reset page
document.getElementById('error-msg').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('details').style.display = "none";
var url = window.location.href;
if (url.indexOf('your_redirect_url') !== -1) {
if (url.indexOf('access_token=') !== -1) {
var access_token = readUrlParam(url, 'access_token');
localStorage.setItem('zauth', access_token);
var ticket_id = localStorage.getItem('ticket_id');
document.getElementById('ticket-id').value = ticket_id;
window.location.hash = "";
makeRequest(access_token, ticket_id);
if (url.indexOf('error=') !== -1) {
var error_desc = readUrlParam(url, 'error_description');
var msg = 'Authorization error: ' + error_desc;
function getTicket(event) {
document.getElementById('error-msg').style.display = "none"; // clear error messages
var ticket_id = document.getElementById('ticket-id').value;
if ((!ticket_id) || isNaN(ticket_id)) {
showError('Oops, the field value should be a ticket id.');
if (localStorage.getItem('zauth')) {
var access_token = localStorage.getItem('zauth');
makeRequest(access_token, ticket_id);
} else {
localStorage.setItem('ticket_id', ticket_id);
function startAuthFlow() {
var endpoint = '';
var url_params = '?' +
'response_type=token' + '&' +
'redirect_uri=your_redirect_url' + '&' +
'client_id=your_unique_identifier' + '&' +
'scope=' + encodeURIComponent('read write');
window.location = endpoint + url_params;
function makeRequest(token, ticket_id) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (request.readyState === 4) {
if (request.status === 200) {
var data = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
var ticket = data.ticket;
var details_html =
'<p>' +
'Subject: ' + ticket.subject + '<br/>' +
'Status: <strong>' + ticket.status.toUpperCase() + '</strong><br/>' +
'Created: ' + ticket.created_at +
document.getElementById('details').innerHTML = details_html;
document.getElementById('details').style.display = "inherit";
} else {
document.getElementById('details').style.display = "none";
if (request.status === 0) {
showError('There was a problem with the request. Make sure you\'re an agent or admin in Zendesk Support.');
} else {
showError('Oops, the request returned \"' + request.status + ' ' + request.statusText + '\".');
var url = '' + ticket_id + '.json';'GET', url, true);
request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
function showError(msg) {
document.getElementById('error-msg').innerHTML = '<p> ' + msg + '</p>';
document.getElementById('error-msg').style.display = "inherit";
function readUrlParam(url, param) {
param += '=';
if (url.indexOf(param) !== -1) {
var start = url.indexOf(param) + param.length;
var value = url.substr(start);
if (value.indexOf('&') !== -1) {
var end = value.indexOf('&');
value = value.substring(0, end);
return value;
} else {
return false;
window.addEventListener('load', init, false);
document.getElementById('get-btn').addEventListener('click', getTicket, false);
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