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Created April 9, 2015 15:02
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* Smart Alarm is a versatile and highly configurable home security
* for the SmartThings.
* Please visit <> for more
* information.
* Version 2.2.6 (01/27/2015)
* The latest version of this file can be found on GitHub at:
* <>
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2014
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
name: "Smart Alarm",
namespace: "statusbits",
author: "",
description: "The ultimate home security application for SmartThings.",
category: "Safety & Security",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "",
oauth: [displayName:"Smart Alarm", displayLink:""]
mappings {
path("/armaway") {
action: [ GET: "apiArmAway" ]
path("/armaway/:pincode") {
action: [ GET: "apiArmAway" ]
path("/armstay") {
action: [ GET: "apiArmStay" ]
path("/armstay/:pincode") {
action: [ GET: "apiArmStay" ]
path("/disarm") {
action: [ GET: "apiDisarm" ]
path("/disarm/:pincode") {
action: [ GET: "apiDisarm" ]
path("/panic") {
action: [ GET: "apiPanic" ]
path("/status") {
action: [ GET: "apiGetStatus" ]
preferences {
page name:"pageSetup"
page name:"pageAbout"
page name:"pageSelectZones"
page name:"pageZoneSettings"
page name:"pageAlarmSettings"
page name:"pageNotifications"
page name:"pageVoiceOptions"
page name:"pageZoneStatus"
page name:"pageRemoteControl"
page name:"pageRestApiOptions"
// Show setup page
def pageSetup() {
if (state.version != buildNumber()) {
return pageAbout()
def alarmStatus
if (state.armed) {
alarmStatus = "armed "
alarmStatus += state.stay ? "Stay" : "Away"
} else {
alarmStatus = "disarmed"
def pageProperties = [
name: "pageSetup",
title: "Status",
nextPage: null,
install: true,
uninstall: state.installed
return dynamicPage(pageProperties) {
section {
paragraph "Smart Alarm is ${alarmStatus}"
if (state.zones.size()) {
href "pageZoneStatus", title:"Zone Status", description:"Tap to open"
section("Setup Menu") {
href "pageAlarmSettings", title:"Smart Alarm Settings", description:"Tap to open"
href "pageSelectZones", title:"Add/Remove Zones", description:"Tap to open"
href "pageZoneSettings", title:"Zone Settings", description:"Tap to open"
href "pageNotifications", title:"Notification Options", description:"Tap to open"
href "pageVoiceOptions", title:"Voice Notification Options", description:"Tap to open"
href "pageRemoteControl", title:"Remote Control Settings", description:"Tap to open"
href "pageRestApiOptions", title:"REST API Options", description:"Tap to open"
href "pageAbout", title:"About Smart Alarm", description:"Tap to open"
section([title:"Options", mobileOnly:true]) {
label title:"Assign a name", required:false
// Show "About" page
def pageAbout() {
def textAbout =
"${textVersion()}\n${textCopyright()}\n\n" +
"You can contribute to the development of this app by making " +
"donation to via PayPal."
def hrefInfo = [
url: "",
style: "embedded",
title: "Tap here for more information...",
required: false,
def pageProperties = [
name: "pageAbout",
title: "About",
nextPage: "pageSetup",
install: false,
uninstall: false
return dynamicPage(pageProperties) {
section {
paragraph textAbout
href hrefInfo
section("License") {
paragraph textLicense()
// Show "Zone Status" page
def pageZoneStatus() {
def pageProperties = [
name: "pageZoneStatus",
title: "Zone Status",
nextPage: "pageSetup",
uninstall: false
return dynamicPage(pageProperties) {
state.zones.each() {
def device = getDeviceById(it.deviceId)
def zoneStatus = "${it.sensorType}, "
if (it.alert) {
zoneStatus += "alert"
} else if (it.interior) {
zoneStatus += "interior"
} else if (it.entrance) {
zoneStatus += "entrance"
} else {
zoneStatus += "exterior"
if (it.bypass) {
zoneStatus += ", bypassed"
} else if (it.armed) {
zoneStatus += ", armed"
} else {
zoneStatus += ", disarmed"
section(device.displayName) {
paragraph zoneStatus
// Show "Add/Remove Zones" page
def pageSelectZones() {
def helpPage =
"A security zone is an area or your property protected by one of " +
"the available sensors (contact, motion, moisture or smoke). When " +
"the zone is armed, activating the sensor will set off an alarm."
def inputContact = [
name: "z_contact",
type: "capability.contactSensor",
title: "Which contact sensors?",
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputMotion = [
name: "z_motion",
type: "capability.motionSensor",
title: "Which motion sensors?",
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputSmoke = [
name: "z_smoke",
type: "capability.smokeDetector",
title: "Which smoke sensors?",
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputMoisture = [
name: "z_water",
type: "capability.waterSensor",
title: "Which moisture sensors?",
multiple: true,
required: false
def pageProperties = [
name: "pageSelectZones",
title: "Add/Remove Zones",
nextPage: "pageSetup",
uninstall: state.installed
return dynamicPage(pageProperties) {
section {
paragraph helpPage
input inputContact
input inputMotion
input inputSmoke
input inputMoisture
// Show "Zone Settings" page
def pageZoneSettings() {
def helpPage =
"Each zone can be designated as Exterior (default), Interior, " +
"Entrance or Alert zone."
def helpInteriorZones =
"Zones designated as Interior will not be armed in Stay mode, " +
"allowing you to freely move inside the premises while the alarm " +
"is armed."
def helpEntranceZones =
"If a zone is designated as Entrance, then alarm will not sound " +
"for a specified number of seconds, allowing you to disarm the " +
"alarm after entering the premises."
def helpAlertZones =
"Zones designated as Alert are always armed and are typically used " +
"for smoke and flood alarms."
def helpBypassZones =
"You can prevent a zone from setting off an alarm by enabling zone " +
"'bypass'. Bypassed zones will not be armed."
def inputEntranceZones = [
name: "entranceZones",
type: "enum",
title: "Select entrance zones",
metadata: [values: getZoneNames()],
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputInteriorZones = [
name: "interiorZones",
type: "enum",
title: "Select interior zones",
metadata: [values: getZoneNames()],
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputAlertZones = [
name: "alertZones",
type: "enum",
title: "Select alert zones",
metadata: [values: getZoneNames()],
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputBypassZones = [
name: "bypassZones",
type: "enum",
title: "Bypass selected zones",
metadata: [values: getZoneNames()],
multiple: true,
required: false
def pageProperties = [
name: "pageZoneSettings",
title: "Zone Settings",
nextPage: "pageSetup",
uninstall: state.installed
return dynamicPage(pageProperties) {
section {
paragraph helpPage
section("Interior Zones") {
paragraph helpInteriorZones
input inputInteriorZones
section("Entrance Zones") {
paragraph helpEntranceZones
input inputEntranceZones
section("Alert Zones") {
paragraph helpAlertZones
input inputAlertZones
section("Bypass Zones") {
paragraph helpBypassZones
input inputBypassZones
// Show "Smart Alarm Settings" page
def pageAlarmSettings() {
def helpArming =
"Smart Alarm can be armed and disarmed by simply setting the home " +
"'Mode'. There are two arming options - Stay and Away. Interior " +
"zones are not armed in Stay mode, allowing you to freely move " +
"inside your home."
def helpExitDelay =
"Exit delay allows you to arm the alarm and exit the premises " +
"through one of the Entrance zones without setting off an alarm. " +
"Exit delay is not used when arming in Stay mode."
def helpEntryDelay =
"Entry delay allows you to enter the premises when Smart Alarm is " +
"armed and disarm it within specified time without setting off an " +
"alarm. Entry delay can be optionally disabled in Stay mode."
def helpAlarm =
"When an alarm is set off, Smart Alarm can turn on sirens and light" +
"switches, take camera snapshots and execute a 'Hello, Home' action."
def helpSilent =
"Enable Silent mode if you wish to temporarily disable sirens and " +
"switches. You will still receive push notifications and/or text " +
"messages, if configured."
def inputAwayModes = [
name: "awayModes",
type: "mode",
title: "Arm Away in these Modes",
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputStayModes = [
name: "stayModes",
type: "mode",
title: "Arm Stay in these Modes",
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputDisarmModes = [
name: "disarmModes",
type: "mode",
title: "Disarm in these Modes",
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputExitDelay = [
name: "exitDelay",
type: "enum",
metadata: [values:["0","15","30","45","60"]],
title: "Exit delay (in seconds)",
defaultValue: "30",
required: true
def inputEntryDelay = [
name: "entryDelay",
type: "enum",
metadata: [values:["0","15","30","45","60"]],
title: "Entry delay (in seconds)",
defaultValue: "30",
required: true
def inputEntryDelayDisable = [
name: "entryDelayDisable",
type: "bool",
title: "Disable in Stay mode",
defaultValue: false
def hhActions = getHelloHomeActions()
def inputHelloHome = [
name: "helloHomeAction",
type: "enum",
title: "Execute this Hello Home action",
metadata: [values: hhActions],
required: false
def inputAlarms = [
name: "alarms",
type: "capability.alarm",
title: "Activate these alarms",
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputSwitches = [
name: "switches",
type: "capability.switch",
title: "Turn on these switches",
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputCameras = [
name: "cameras",
type: "capability.imageCapture",
title: "Take camera snapshots",
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputSilent = [
name: "silent",
type: "bool",
title: "Enable silent mode",
defaultValue: false
def pageProperties = [
name: "pageAlarmSettings",
title: "Smart Alarm Settings",
nextPage: "pageSetup",
uninstall: state.installed
return dynamicPage(pageProperties) {
section {
paragraph helpArming
input inputAwayModes
input inputStayModes
input inputDisarmModes
section("Exit Delay") {
paragraph helpExitDelay
input inputExitDelay
section("Entry Delay") {
paragraph helpEntryDelay
input inputEntryDelay
input inputEntryDelayDisable
section("Alarm Options") {
paragraph helpAlarm
input inputAlarms
input inputSwitches
input inputCameras
input inputHelloHome
paragraph helpSilent
input inputSilent
// Show "Notification Options" page
def pageNotifications() {
def helpAbout =
"Smart Alarm has multiple ways of notifying you when its armed, " +
"disarmed or when an alarm is set off, including Push " +
"notifications, SMS (text) messages and Pushbullet notification " +
def inputPushAlarm = [
name: "pushMessage",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Alarm",
defaultValue: true
def inputPushStatus = [
name: "pushStatusMessage",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Status Change",
defaultValue: true
def inputPhone1 = [
name: "phone1",
type: "phone",
title: "Send to this number",
required: false
def inputPhone1Alarm = [
name: "smsAlarmPhone1",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Alarm",
defaultValue: false
def inputPhone1Status = [
name: "smsStatusPhone1",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Status Change",
defaultValue: false
def inputPhone2 = [
name: "phone2",
type: "phone",
title: "Send to this number",
required: false
def inputPhone2Alarm = [
name: "smsAlarmPhone2",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Alarm",
defaultValue: false
def inputPhone2Status = [
name: "smsStatusPhone2",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Status Change",
defaultValue: false
def inputPhone3 = [
name: "phone3",
type: "phone",
title: "Send to this number",
required: false
def inputPhone3Alarm = [
name: "smsAlarmPhone3",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Alarm",
defaultValue: false
def inputPhone3Status = [
name: "smsStatusPhone3",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Status Change",
defaultValue: false
def inputPhone4 = [
name: "phone4",
type: "phone",
title: "Send to this number",
required: false
def inputPhone4Alarm = [
name: "smsAlarmPhone4",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Alarm",
defaultValue: false
def inputPhone4Status = [
name: "smsStatusPhone4",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Status Change",
defaultValue: false
def inputPushbulletDevice = [
name: "pushbullet",
type: "device.pushbullet",
title: "Use these Pushbullet devices",
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputPushbulletAlarm = [
name: "pushbulletAlarm",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Alarm",
defaultValue: true
def inputPushbulletStatus = [
name: "pushbulletStatus",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Status Change",
defaultValue: true
def pageProperties = [
name: "pageNotifications",
title: "Notification Options",
nextPage: "pageSetup",
uninstall: state.installed
return dynamicPage(pageProperties) {
section {
paragraph helpAbout
section("Push Notifications") {
input inputPushAlarm
input inputPushStatus
section("Text Message (SMS) #1") {
input inputPhone1
input inputPhone1Alarm
input inputPhone1Status
section("Text Message (SMS) #2") {
input inputPhone2
input inputPhone2Alarm
input inputPhone2Status
section("Text Message (SMS) #3") {
input inputPhone3
input inputPhone3Alarm
input inputPhone3Status
section("Text Message (SMS) #4") {
input inputPhone4
input inputPhone4Alarm
input inputPhone4Status
section("Pushbullet Notifications") {
input inputPushbulletDevice
input inputPushbulletAlarm
input inputPushbulletStatus
// Show "Voice Notification Options" page
def pageVoiceOptions() {
def helpAbout =
"Smart Alarm can utilize available speech synthesis devices (e.g. " +
"VLC Thing) to provide voice notifications."
def inputSpeechDevice = [
name: "speechSynth",
type: "capability.speechSynthesis",
title: "Use these text-to-speech devices",
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputSpeechOnAlarm = [
name: "speechOnAlarm",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Alarm",
defaultValue: true
def inputSpeechOnStatus = [
name: "speechOnStatus",
type: "bool",
title: "Notify on Status Change",
defaultValue: true
def inputSpeechTextAlarm = [
name: "speechText",
type: "text",
title: "Alarm Phrase",
required: false
def inputSpeechTextArmedAway = [
name: "speechTextArmedAway",
type: "text",
title: "Armed Away Phrase",
required: false
def inputSpeechTextArmedStay = [
name: "speechTextArmedStay",
type: "text",
title: "Armed Stay Phrase",
required: false
def inputSpeechTextDisarmed = [
name: "speechTextDisarmed",
type: "text",
title: "Disarmed Phrase",
required: false
def pageProperties = [
name: "pageNotifications",
title: "Notification Options",
nextPage: "pageSetup",
uninstall: state.installed
return dynamicPage(pageProperties) {
section {
paragraph helpAbout
input inputSpeechDevice
input inputSpeechOnAlarm
input inputSpeechOnStatus
input inputSpeechTextAlarm
input inputSpeechTextArmedAway
input inputSpeechTextArmedStay
input inputSpeechTextDisarmed
// Show "Remote Control Options" page
def pageRemoteControl() {
def textHelp =
"You can use remote controls such as Aeon Labs Minimote to arm " +
"and disarm Smart Alarm."
def inputButtons = [
name: "buttons",
type: "capability.button",
title: "Which remote controls?",
multiple: true,
required: false
def inputArmAway = [
name: "buttonArmAway",
type: "enum",
title: "Which button to Arm Away?",
metadata: [values:["1","2","3","4"]],
defaultValue: "1",
required: false
def inputArmStay = [
name: "buttonArmStay",
type: "enum",
title: "Which button to Arm Stay?",
metadata: [values:["1","2","3","4"]],
defaultValue: "2",
required: false
def inputDisarm = [
name: "buttonDisarm",
type: "enum",
title: "Which button to Disarm?",
metadata: [values:["1","2","3","4"]],
defaultValue: "3",
required: false
def inputPanic = [
name: "buttonPanic",
type: "enum",
title: "Which button to Panic?",
metadata: [values:["1","2","3","4"]],
defaultValue: "4",
required: false
def pageProperties = [
name: "pageRemoteControl",
title: "Remote Control Settings",
nextPage: "pageSetup",
install: false,
uninstall: false
return dynamicPage(pageProperties) {
section {
paragraph textHelp
input inputButtons
input inputArmAway
input inputArmStay
input inputDisarm
input inputPanic
// Show "Control Panel Options" page
def pageRestApiOptions() {
def textHelp =
"Smart Alarm can be controlled remotely by any Web client using " +
"REST API. Please refer to Smart Alarm documentation for more " +
"information.\n\n" +
"WARNING: Make sure OAuth is enabled in the smart app settings " +
"(in SmartThings IDE) before enabling REST API."
def textPincode =
"You can specify optional PIN code to protect arming and disarming " +
"Smart Alarm via REST API from unauthorized access. If set, the " +
"PIN code is always required for disarming Smart Alarm, however " +
"you can optionally turn it off for arming Smart Alarm."
def inputRestApi = [
name: "restApiEnabled",
type: "bool",
title: "Enable REST API",
defaultValue: false
def inputPincode = [
name: "pincode",
type: "number",
title: "PIN Code",
required: false
def inputArmWithPin = [
name: "armWithPin",
type: "bool",
title: "Require PIN code to arm",
defaultValue: true
def pageProperties = [
name: "pageRestApiOptions",
title: "REST API Options",
nextPage: "pageSetup",
install: false,
uninstall: false
return dynamicPage(pageProperties) {
section {
paragraph textHelp
input inputRestApi
paragraph textPincode
input inputPincode
input inputArmWithPin
if (isRestApiEnabled()) {
section("REST API Info") {
paragraph "Base URL:\n" + state.restEndpoint
paragraph "Access Token:\n" + state.accessToken
def installed() {
state.installed = true
def updated() {
private def setupInit() {
state.version = buildNumber()
if (state.installed == null) {
state.installed = false
state.armed = false
state.alarm = false
state.zones = []
private def initialize() {
log.trace "${}. ${textVersion()}. ${textCopyright()}"
state._init_ = true
state.exitDelay = settings.exitDelay?.toInteger() ?: 0
state.entryDelay = settings.entryDelay?.toInteger() ?: 0
state.offSwitches = []
if (settings.awayModes?.contains(location.mode)) {
state.armed = true
state.stay = false
} else if (settings.stayModes?.contains(location.mode)) {
state.armed = true
state.stay = true
} else {
state.armed = false
state.stay = false
log.debug "Subscribing to locations"
subscribe(location, onLocation)
log.debug "Subscribed to locations"
state._init_ = false
private def initRestApi() {
if (settings.restApiEnabled) {
if (!state.accessToken) {
def token = createAccessToken()
TRACE("Created new access token: ${token})")
state.url = "${}/" "REST API enabled"
} else {
state.url = "" "REST API disabled"
private def isRestApiEnabled() {
return settings.restApiEnabled && state.accessToken
private def initZones() {
state.zones = []
if (settings.z_contact) {
settings.z_contact.each() {
String zoneName = "contact: ${it.displayName}"
def zone = [
sensorType: "contact",
alert: settings.alertZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
entrance: settings.entranceZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
interior: settings.interiorZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
bypass: settings.bypassZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
armed: false,
alarm: null
state.zones << zone
subscribe(settings.z_contact, "", onContact)
if (settings.z_motion) {
settings.z_motion.each() {
String zoneName = "motion: ${it.displayName}"
def zone = [
sensorType: "motion",
alert: settings.alertZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
entrance: settings.entranceZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
interior: settings.interiorZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
bypass: settings.bypassZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
armed: false,
alarm: null
state.zones << zone
subscribe(settings.z_motion, "", onMotion)
if (settings.z_smoke) {
settings.z_smoke.each() {
String zoneName = "smoke: ${it.displayName}"
TRACE("zoneName: ${zoneName}")
def zone = [
sensorType: "smoke",
alert: settings.alertZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
entrance: settings.entranceZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
interior: settings.interiorZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
bypass: settings.bypassZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
armed: false,
alarm: null
state.zones << zone
subscribe(settings.z_smoke, "smoke.detected", onSmoke)
subscribe(settings.z_smoke, "smoke.tested", onSmoke)
subscribe(settings.z_smoke, "carbonMonoxide.detected", onSmoke)
subscribe(settings.z_smoke, "carbonMonoxide.tested", onSmoke)
if (settings.z_water) {
settings.z_water.each() {
String zoneName = "water: ${it.displayName}"
TRACE("zoneName: ${zoneName}")
def zone = [
sensorType: "water",
alert: settings.alertZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
entrance: settings.entranceZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
interior: settings.interiorZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
bypass: settings.bypassZones?.contains(zoneName) ?: false,
armed: false,
alarm: null
state.zones << zone
subscribe(settings.z_water, "water.wet", onWater)
private def initButtons() {
state.buttonActions = [:]
if (settings.buttons) {
if (settings.buttonArmAway) {
state.buttonActions[settings.buttonArmAway] = "armAway"
if (settings.buttonArmStay) {
state.buttonActions[settings.buttonArmStay] = "armStay"
if (settings.buttonDisarm) {
state.buttonActions[settings.buttonDisarm] = "disarm"
if (settings.buttonPanic) {
state.buttonActions[settings.buttonPanic] = "panic"
subscribe(settings.buttons, "button.pushed", onButtonPushed)
def resetPanel() {
// only turn back off those switches that we turned on
def switchesOff = state.offSwitches
if (switchesOff) {
TRACE("switchesOff: ${switchesOff}")
settings.switches.each() {
if (switchesOff.contains( {
state.offSwitches = []
state.alarm = false
// Reset zones
state.zones.each() {
it.alarm = null
if (it.bypass) {
it.armed = false
} else if (it.alert) {
it.armed = true
} else if (it.interior) {
it.armed = state.armed && !state.stay
} else if (it.entrance) {
it.armed = state.armed && (state.stay || state.exitDelay == 0)
} else {
it.armed = state.armed
// Schedule delayed arming of Entrance zones
if (state.armed && !state.stay && state.exitDelay) {
myRunIn(state.exitDelay, armEntranceZones)
// Send notification
def msg = "${} alarm is "
if (state.armed) {
def mode = state.stay ? "Stay" : "Away"
msg += "Armed ${mode}."
} else {
msg += "Disarmed."
log.trace msg
private def onZoneEvent(evt, sensorType) {
TRACE("onZoneEvent(${evt.displayName}, ${sensorType})")
def zone = getZoneForDevice(evt.deviceId, sensorType)
if (!zone) {
log.warn "Cannot find zone for device ${evt.deviceId}"
if (!zone.armed) {
zone.alarm = evt.displayName
if (state.alarm) {
// already in alarm state
// Activate alarm
state.alarm = true
if (zone.entrance && state.entryDelay && !(state.stay && settings.entryDelayDisable)) {
myRunIn(state.entryDelay, activateAlarm)
} else {
def onContact(evt) { onZoneEvent(evt, "contact") }
def onMotion(evt) { onZoneEvent(evt, "motion") }
def onSmoke(evt) { onZoneEvent(evt, "smoke") }
def onWater(evt) { onZoneEvent(evt, "water") }
def onLocation(evt) {
log.debug "Location change detected: $evt"
String mode = evt.value
if (settings.awayModes?.contains(mode)) {
log.debug "Detected Away Mode"
} else if (settings.stayModes?.contains(mode)) {
log.debug "Detected Stay Mode"
} else if (settings.disarmModes?.contains(mode)) {
log.debug "Detected Disarm Mode"
def onButtonPushed(evt) {
if (! {
def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
def data = slurper.parseText(
def button = data.buttonNumber
if (button) {
TRACE("Button '${button}' was pushed.")
def action = state.buttonActions["${button}"]
if (action) {
log.trace "Executing button action ${action}()"
def armAway() {
if (state.armed && !state.stay) {
state.armed = true
state.stay = false
def armStay() {
if (state.armed && state.stay) {
state.armed = true
state.stay = true
def disarm() {
if (state.armed) {
state.armed = false
def armEntranceZones() {
if (state.armed) {
state.zones.each() {
if (it.entrance && !it.bypass) {
it.armed = true
def msg = "Entrance zones are armed"
log.trace msg
def panic() {
state.alarm = true;
// .../armaway REST API endpoint
def apiArmAway() {
if (!isRestApiEnabled()) {
log.error "REST API disabled"
return httpError(403, "Access denied")
if (settings.pincode && settings.armWithPin) {
if (params.pincode != settings.pincode.toString()) {
log.error "Invalid PIN code '${params.pincode}'"
return httpError(403, "Access denied")
return apiGetStatus()
// .../armstay REST API endpoint
def apiArmStay() {
if (!isRestApiEnabled()) {
log.error "REST API disabled"
return httpError(403, "Access denied")
if (settings.pincode && settings.armWithPin) {
if (params.pincode != settings.pincode.toString()) {
log.error "Invalid PIN code '${params.pincode}'"
return httpError(403, "Access denied")
return apiGetStatus()
// .../disarm REST API endpoint
def apiDisarm() {
if (!isRestApiEnabled()) {
log.error "REST API disabled"
return httpError(403, "Access denied")
if (settings.pincode) {
if (params.pincode != settings.pincode.toString()) {
log.error "Invalid PIN code '${params.pincode}'"
return httpError(403, "Access denied")
return apiGetStatus()
// .../panic REST API endpoint
def apiPanic() {
if (!isRestApiEnabled()) {
log.error "REST API disabled"
return httpError(403, "Access denied")
return apiGetStatus()
// .../status REST API endpoint
def apiGetStatus() {
if (!isRestApiEnabled()) {
log.error "REST API disabled"
return httpError(403, "Access denied")
def status = [:]
status.status = state.armed ? (state.stay ? "armed stay" : "armed away") : "disarmed"
status.alarm = state.alarm
return status
def activateAlarm() {
if (!state.alarm) {
log.warn "activateAlarm: false alarm"
// Activate alarms and switches
if (!settings.silent) {
// Only turn on those switches that are currently off
def switchesOn = settings.switches?.findAll { it?.currentSwitch == "off" }
TRACE("switchesOn: ${switchesOn}")
if (switchesOn) {
state.offSwitches = switchesOn.collect { }
// Take camera snapshots
// Execute Hello Home action
if (settings.helloHomeAction) {
log.trace "Executing HelloHome action \'${settings.helloHomeAction}\'"
// Send notifications
def msg = "Alarm at ${}!"
state.zones.each() {
if (it.alarm) {
msg += "\n${it.alarm}"
log.trace msg
// Schedule panel reset in 3 minutes
myRunIn(180, resetPanel)
private def notify(msg) {
if (state.alarm) {
// Alarm notification
if (settings.pushMessage) {
} else {
if (settings.smsAlarmPhone1 && settings.phone1) {
sendSms(phone1, msg)
if (settings.smsAlarmPhone2 && settings.phone2) {
sendSms(phone2, msg)
if (settings.smsAlarmPhone3 && settings.phone3) {
sendSms(phone3, msg)
if (settings.smsAlarmPhone4 && settings.phone4) {
sendSms(phone4, msg)
if (settings.pushbulletAlarm && settings.pushbullet) {
} else {
// Status change notification
if (settings.pushStatusMessage) {
} else {
if (settings.smsStatusPhone1 && settings.phone1) {
sendSms(phone1, msg)
if (settings.smsStatusPhone2 && settings.phone2) {
sendSms(phone2, msg)
if (settings.smsStatusPhone3 && settings.phone3) {
sendSms(phone3, msg)
if (settings.smsStatusPhone4 && settings.phone4) {
sendSms(phone4, msg)
if (settings.pushbulletStatus && settings.pushbullet) {
private def notifyVoice() {
if (!settings.speechSynth || state._init_) {
def phrase = null
if (state.alarm) {
// Alarm notification
if (settings.speechOnAlarm) {
phrase = settings.speechText ?: getStatusPhrase()
} else {
// Status change notification
if (settings.speechOnStatus) {
if (state.armed) {
if (state.stay) {
phrase = settings.speechTextArmedStay ?: getStatusPhrase()
} else {
phrase = settings.speechTextArmedAway ?: getStatusPhrase()
} else {
phrase = settings.speechTextDisarmed ?: getStatusPhrase()
if (phrase) {
private def getStatusPhrase() {
def phrase = ""
if (state.alarm) {
phrase = "Alarm at ${}!"
state.zones.each() {
if (it.alarm) {
phrase += " In zone ${it.alarm}."
} else {
phrase = "${} alarm is "
if (state.armed) {
def mode = state.stay ? "stay" : "away"
phrase += "armed in ${mode} mode."
} else {
phrase += "disarmed."
return phrase
private def getHelloHomeActions() {
def actions = location.helloHome?.getPhrases().collect() { it.label }
return actions.sort()
private def getZoneNames() {
def zoneNames = []
for (dev in settings.z_contact) {
zoneNames << "contact: ${dev.displayName}"
for (dev in settings.z_motion) {
zoneNames << "motion: ${dev.displayName}"
for (dev in settings.z_smoke) {
zoneNames << "smoke: ${dev.displayName}"
for (dev in settings.z_water) {
zoneNames << "water: ${dev.displayName}"
return zoneNames.sort()
private def getZoneForDevice(id, sensorType) {
return state.zones.find() { it.deviceId == id && it.sensorType == sensorType }
private def getDeviceById(id) {
def device = settings.z_contact?.find() { == id }
if (!device) {
device = settings.z_motion?.find() { == id }
if (!device) {
device = settings.z_smoke?.find() { == id }
if (!device) {
device = settings.z_water?.find() { == id }
return device
private def myRunIn(delay_s, func) {
if (delay_s > 0) {
def tms = now() + (delay_s * 1000)
def date = new Date(tms)
runOnce(date, func)
TRACE("'${func}' scheduled to run at ${date}")
private def mySendPush(msg) {
// cannot call sendPush() from installed() or updated()
if (!state._init_) {
// sendPush can throw an exception
try {
} catch (e) {
log.error e
private def buildNumber() {
return 150127
private def textVersion() {
def text = "Version 2.2.6 (01/27/2015)"
private def textCopyright() {
def text = "Copyright © 2014"
private def textLicense() {
def text =
"This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or " +
"modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as " +
"published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of " +
"the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\n" +
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " +
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " +
"General Public License for more details.\n\n" +
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " +
"along with this program. If not, see <>."
private def TRACE(message) {
log.debug message
private def STATE() {
log.trace "settings: ${settings}"
log.trace "state: ${state}"
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