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Created February 21, 2022 20:07
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American Community Survey, Multiple Years, Example using purrr and tidycensus, journey-to-work
# ACS_AllYears_Journey2Work_purrr.r
# Use the purrr function map_dfr to iterate tidycensus call for 1-year, 5-year ACS data.
# Data on Means of Transportation to Work Variables, All ACS years
# Nation and US States and counties and places (added 1/28/22)
# American Community Survey, 1-year, 2005-2019 data
# ACS 5-year data: 2005-2009, 2010-2014, 2015-2019
# ACS 5-year data: 2006-2010, 2010-2014, 2015-2019 (this works for B08006....)
## ACS 5-year data: 2006-2010, 2011-2015, 2016-2020 @@ should work after 3/17/22.
# Data is meant to be "stacked" with one row/record for each geography/year combination
# -- January 18, 2022 --
## -- January 28, 2022 -- (Add County and Place!!!)
## -- February 7, 2022 -- "skip-a-year" is working. And new sets of
## nonoverlapping 5-yrs when 2016-2020 is released 3/17/22
# These R packages were installed in previous sessions, so no need to re-install
# install.packages("tidyverse")
# install.packages("tidycensus")
# install.packages("janitor")
# install.packages("purrr")
# Load relevant libraries into R-session.
# Census API Key was installed in previous sessions, so no need to re-install
# census_api_key("fortycharacterkeysentbyCensusBureau",install=TRUE)
# Set a list of variables to extract in each iteration of get_acs
# Total Population is problematic for 2005-09 since GQ pop wasn't collected in 2005....
# selvars2 was a previous "best of" variables for introductory analyses....
selvars2 <- c(# TotalPop_ = "B06001_001", # Total Population
Med_HHInc_ = "B19013_001", # Median Household Income
Agg_HHInc_ = "B19025_001", # Aggregate Household Income
HHldPop_ = "B11002_001", # Population in Households
Househlds_ = "B25003_001", # Total Households
Owner_OccDU_= "B25003_002", # Owner-Occupied Dwelling Units
Rent_OccDU_ = "B25003_003", # Renter-Occupied Dwelling Units
Med_HHVal_ = "B25077_001")
selvars <- c(total_pop_ = "B06001_001", # Total Population
hh_pop_ = "B11002_001", # Population in Households
households_ = "B25003_001", # Total Households
agg_commtime_ = "B08013_001", # Aggregate Travel Time to Work
agg_vehicle_ = "B08015_001", # Aggregate Vehicles Used in Journey-to-Work
total_worker_ = "B08006_001",
drove_alone_ = "B08006_003",
carpool_2_ = "B08006_005",
carpool_3_ = "B08006_006",
carpool_4p_ = "B08006_007",
transit_ = "B08006_008",
bicycle_ = "B08006_014",
walked_ = "B08006_015",
other3_ = "B08006_016", # taxicab, motorcycle, other means
at_home_ = "B08006_017",
bus_ = "B08006_009",
subway_ = "B08006_010",
railroad_ = "B08006_011",
lightrail_ = "B08006_012",
ferry_ = "B08006_013")
# Iterate on ACS 1-year data, using the purrr function "map_dfr"
test1 <- get_acs(survey="acs1",geography="place",state="CA",variables=selvars,
# This doesn't work for 2005 since the ACS 2005 B08006 table
# had extra records for Carpools: carpool 4, carpool 5-6, and carpool 7+
# years <- 2005:2019
years <- 2006:2019
# Testing skip-a-year to see what how we'll handle 2020-X data.....
years <- c(2009:2017,2019)
names(years) <- years
# United States, 2006-2019, single year ACS
zeta1 <- map_dfr(years, ~{ get_acs(survey = "acs1",
geography = "us", # state = "CA",
variables = selvars, output='wide',
year = .x)}, .id = "year")
# Sort the Results by GEOID and then by year
zeta2 <- zeta1[order(zeta1$GEOID,zeta1$year),]
# All US States, 2006-2019, single year ACS
zeta3 <- map_dfr(years, ~{ get_acs(survey = "acs1",
geography = "state", # state = "CA",
variables = selvars, output='wide',
year = .x)}, .id = "year")
# Sort the Results by GEOID and then by year
zeta4 <- zeta3[order(zeta3$GEOID,zeta3$year),]
# Large US Counties, 2006-2019, single year ACS (Population 65K+)
zeta5 <- map_dfr(years, ~{ get_acs(survey = "acs1",
geography = "county", # state = "CA",
variables = selvars, output='wide',
year = .x)}, .id = "year")
# Sort the Results by GEOID and then by year
zeta6 <- zeta5[order(zeta5$GEOID,zeta5$year),]
# Large US Places, 2006-2019, single year ACS (Population 65K+)
zeta7 <- map_dfr(years, ~{ get_acs(survey = "acs1",
geography = "place", # state = "CA",
variables = selvars, output='wide',
year = .x)}, .id = "year")
# Sort the Results by GEOID and then by year
zeta8 <- zeta7[order(zeta7$GEOID,zeta7$year),]
## Output the ACS single year databases....
# note that my working directory (wd) is for a Mac computer.
# Export the data frames to CSV files, for importing to Excel
# just write them in a master XLSX workbook.....
# Grrrr... this doesn't work... java heap space error, whatever that is.....
write.xlsx2(zeta2, "ACS_AllYears_journey_to_work_master_2006_2019.xlsx",
sheetName="nation", append=FALSE)
write.xlsx2(zeta4, "ACS_AllYears_journey_to_work_master_2006_2019.xlsx",
sheetName="states", append=TRUE)
write.xlsx2(zeta6, "ACS_AllYears_journey_to_work_master_2006_2019.xlsx",
sheetName="counties", append=TRUE)
write.xlsx2(zeta8, "ACS_AllYears_journey_to_work_master_2006_2019.xlsx",
sheetName="places", append=TRUE)
# Iterate on ACS 5-year data, using the purrr function "map_dfr"
# this doesn't work....
test5 <- get_acs(survey="acs5",year=2009,
geography="us", variables="B08006001", output="wide")
# with years 2010, 2014 and 2019, this is a one-year overlap between
# the first two periods.... 2009 --- bombed for some reason.....
# The new 2016-2020 ACS 5-year data is scheduled for release 3/17/22.....
# Data for 2006-2010, 2011-2015, 2016-2020:
# years5 <- c(2010,2015,2020)
years5 <- c(2010,2014,2019)
names(years5) <- years5
# This code is choking on selvars (means of transportation to work)
# getting an "unknown variable 'B08006_001E'" error??? :(
# re-ran... it works on 2006-2010; 2010-2014; 2015-2019..... weird!!
# National, ACS 5-years (2006-2010, 2010-2014, 2015-2019)
zeta9 <- map_dfr(years5, ~{ get_acs(survey = "acs5",
geography = "us", # state = "CA",
variables = selvars, output='wide',
year = .x)}, .id = "year")
# Sort the Results by GEOID and then by year
zeta10 <- zeta9[order(zeta9$GEOID,zeta9$year),]
# State, ACS 5-years (2006-2010, 2010-2014, 2015-2019)
zeta11 <- map_dfr(years5, ~{ get_acs(survey = "acs5",
geography = "state", # state = "CA",
variables = selvars, output='wide',
year = .x)}, .id = "year")
# Sort the Results by GEOID and then by year
zeta12 <- zeta11[order(zeta11$GEOID,zeta11$year),]
# County, ACS 5-years (2006-2010, 2010-2014, 2015-2019)
zeta13 <- map_dfr(years5, ~{ get_acs(survey = "acs5",
geography = "county", # state = "CA",
variables = selvars, output='wide',
year = .x)}, .id = "year")
# Sort the Results by GEOID and then by year
zeta14 <- zeta13[order(zeta13$GEOID,zeta13$year),]
# Place, ACS 5-years (2006-2010, 2010-2014, 2015-2019)
zeta15 <- map_dfr(years5, ~{ get_acs(survey = "acs5",
geography = "place", # state = "CA",
variables = selvars, output='wide',
year = .x)}, .id = "year")
# Sort the Results by GEOID and then by year
zeta16 <- zeta15[order(zeta15$GEOID,zeta15$year),]
# This last dataframe, zeta16, has 88,636 records... pretty big!
## Output the ACS five year databases....
# Export the data frames to CSV files, for importing to Excel
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