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Created October 13, 2011 17:38
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configuration do |c|
# The name for your resulting application file (e.g., if the project_name is 'foo' then you'll get foo.jar, foo.exe, etc.)
# default value: "test"
c.project_name = "test"
# Undocumented option 'output_dir'
# default value: "package"
c.output_dir = "package"
# The type of executable to create (console or gui)
# default value: "gui"
#c.executable_type = "gui"
c.executable_type = "console"
# The main ruby file to invoke, minus the .rb extension
# default value: "main"
#c.main_ruby_file = "main"
c.main_ruby_file = "foo"
# The fully-qualified name of the main Java file used to initiate the application.
# default value: "org.rubyforge.rawr.Main"
c.main_java_file = "org.rubyforge.rawr.Main"
# A list of directories where source files reside
# default value: ["src"]
#c.source_dirs = ["src"]
c.source_dirs = ["src", "lib/ruby"]
# A list of regexps of files to exclude
# default value: []
#c.source_exclude_filter = []
# The base directory that holds Mirah files, or subdirectories with Mirah files.
# default value: "src"
#c.mirah_source_root = "src"
# Whether Ruby source files should be compiled into .class files
# default value: true
c.compile_ruby_files = true
# A list of individual Java library files to include.
# default value: []
#c.java_lib_files = []
# A list of directories for rawr to include . All files in the given directories get bundled up.
# default value: ["lib/java"]
c.java_lib_dirs = ["lib/java"]
# Undocumented option 'files_to_copy'
# default value: []
#c.files_to_copy = []
# Undocumented option 'target_jvm_version'
# default value: 1.6
#c.target_jvm_version = 1.6
# Undocumented option 'jvm_arguments'
# default value: ""
#c.jvm_arguments = ""
# Undocumented option 'java_library_path'
# default value: ""
#c.java_library_path = ""
# Undocumented option 'extra_user_jars'
# default value: {}
#c.extra_user_jars[:data] = { :directory => 'data/images/png',
# :location_in_jar => 'images',
# :exclude => /*.bak$/ }
# Undocumented option 'mac_do_not_generate_plist'
# default value: nil
#c.mac_do_not_generate_plist = nil
# Undocumented option 'mac_icon_path'
# default value: nil
#c.mac_icon_path = nil
# Undocumented option 'windows_icon_path'
# default value: nil
#c.windows_icon_path = nil
Mac-Pro:test cremes$ rake rawr:jar
Loaded /Users/cremes/.rvm/gems/jruby-1.6.3/gems/rawr-1.6.0/lib/rawr/core_ext.rb
javac -target 1.6 -cp lib/java/jruby-complete.jar:src:lib/ruby -sourcepath src:lib/ruby -d package/classes/java src/org/rubyforge/rawr/
Compile src/foo.rb into package/classes/ruby/foo.class
compile_dirs has src_dirs = ["src", "lib/ruby"]
glob_ruby_files has directory 'src' glob ["src/foo.rb"]
files for src: 1
glob_ruby_files has directory 'lib/ruby' glob []
files for lib/ruby: 0
ruby_globs.each has glob_data = #<OpenStruct files=["foo.rb"], directory="src">
Go compile ["src/foo.rb"]
ruby_globs.each has glob_data = #<OpenStruct files=[], directory="lib/ruby">
=== Creating jar file: package/jar/test.jar
Mac-Pro:test cremes$ java -classpath .:package/jar/lib/java/jruby-complete.jar package/jar/test.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: package/jar/test/jar
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: package.jar.test.jar
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
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