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Forked from agaoglu/
Created October 26, 2010 20:11
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Save chucktrukk/647687 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
activate: function(e, id) {
// activate the form, enabling edits
if (id == "new"){
} else {
$(this).trigger('loaditem', id);
loaditem: function(e, id) {
// load data from couchdb and display it in the form
var that = this;
$$(this).app.db.openDoc(id, {
error: function() {
$$(that).ldoc = {_id:id}
success: function(doc){
$$(that).ldoc = doc;
var fdoc = $.flatten(doc);
for (var name in fdoc){
newitem: function(e) {
// activate form for new items
$$(this).ldoc = {};
removeitem: function(e){
// Self-explanatory, delete doc from couchdb
if (confirm("Are you sure?")){
submit: function(e){
// encode the data in form and save it to couchdb
var reg = $.extend({},$$(this).ldoc, $(this).toDeepJson());
var that = this;
success: function(res){
reg._id =;
reg._rev = res.rev;
$$(that).ldoc = reg;
return false;
(function( $ ){
$.fn.toDeepJson = function() {
function parse(val){
if (val == ""){ return null; }
if (val == "true"){ return true; }
if (val == "false"){ return false; }
if (val == String(parseInt(val))){ return parseInt(val); }
if (val == String(parseFloat(val))){ return parseFloat(val); }
return val;
function toNestedObject(obj, arr){
var key = arr.shift();
if (arr.length > 0) {
obj[key] = toNestedObject(obj[key] || {}, arr);
return obj;
return key;
if (this.length == 1){
return $.makeArray(this[0].elements)
return != "" && (e.type == 'radio' ? e.checked : true);
var names ='.');
if (e.type == 'checkbox') {
e.value = e.checked;
return names;
.reduce(toNestedObject, {});
} else {
throw({error:"Can work on a single form only"})
$.flatten = function (obj){
var ret = {}
for (var key in obj){
if (typeof obj[key] == 'object'){
var fobj = $.flatten(obj[key]);
for (var extkey in fobj){
ret[key+"."+extkey] = fobj[extkey];
} else {
ret[key] = String(obj[key]);
return ret;
})( jQuery );

CRUD requires jquery.deepjson.js to work so it should be included

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.deepjson.js"></script>

Then you can assign whatever's in crud.json to a variable or you can put crud.json into your evently directory and let couchapp push it to your application.

Simplest way to use it is

$ {
  $('#form').evently(app.ddoc.evently.crud, app);

If you want to put some lifecycle methods around (you usually need)

$ {
  $('#form').evently($.extend({}, app.ddoc.evently.crud, {
    postconstruct: function(e){
      // after form readies itself for editing
      // may show form or delete buttons here
    predestroy: function(e) {
      // triggers on object deletion only
      // useful to hide form
  }), app);

Then you can add function to your controls like

$('.items a').click(function(e){
    // edit item, doc id presumed set to id attr of a
    // ready form for a new item
    $('#form').trigger('activate', 'new');
    // save the form
    // delete the item set in form

It is possible to use $$('#form').ldoc to access the doc itself.

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