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Forked from ls-dac-chartrand/swagit.php
Last active July 30, 2021 07:30
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Swag It: Reverse engineer Swagger-PHP annotations from an existing JSON payload
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add your JSON in the $input to generate Swagger-PHP annotation
// Inspired by:
// php -S localhost:8888 -t .
// http://localhost:8888/swagit.php
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$tabSize = (int) filter_var($_REQUEST['tabSize'] ?? 4, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, ['options' => ['default' => 4, 'min_range' => 1, 'max_range' => 255]]);
$tabInit = (int) filter_var($_REQUEST['tabInit'] ?? 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, ['options' => ['default' => 0, 'min_range' => 0, 'max_range' => 255]]);
$input = ($_REQUEST['json'] ?? '');
$output = '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SwagIt
private string $output;
private int $indent;
private int $tabSize;
private int $tabInit;
public function __construct(int $tabSize = 4, int $tabInit = 0)
$this->tabSize = $tabSize;
$this->tabInit = $tabInit;
$this->indent = 1;
$this->output = '';
public function convert(array $jsonNodes): string
return $this->output;
private function tabs(): string
return str_repeat(' ', $this->indent * $this->tabSize + $this->tabInit);
private function isAssoc(array $arr): bool
if (array() === $arr) return false;
return array_keys($arr) !== range(0, count($arr) - 1);
private function convertObj(array $jsonNodes): void
// Array walk a tree of arrays with subarrays of subarrays...
foreach ($jsonNodes as $key => $value) {
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}@SWG\Property(";
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}property=\"{$key}\", ";
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}), ";
* @param mixed $value
private function convertItem($value): void
if (is_int($value) || is_float($value)) {
// Number
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}type=\"number\", ";
} elseif (is_bool($value)) {
// Boolean
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}type=\"boolean\", ";
} elseif (is_array($value)) {
if ($this->isAssoc($value)) {
// Object
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}type=\"object\", ";
} else {
// Array
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}type=\"array\", ";
} else {
// String
private function convertString(?string $value): void
if (is_null($value)) {
// Nullable
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}format=\"nullable\", ";
} elseif (preg_match('/^(19|20)\d{2}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/', $value)) {
// Date
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}format=\"date\", ";
} elseif (preg_match('/^(19|20)\d{2}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]).([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9](\.[0-9]{1,2})?(Z|([+\-])([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9])$/', $value)) {
// Date-time
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}format=\"date-time\", ";
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}type=\"string\", ";
if ($value) {
$value = addslashes($value);
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}example=\"$value\", ";
private function convertArray(array $value): void
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}@SWG\Items(";
foreach ($value as $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
if ($this->isAssoc($v)) {
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}type=\"object\", ";
} else {
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}type=\"array\", ";
} else {
// Handle more than one type in list of @OA\Items
// Keywords: oneOf, anyOf, ...
$this->output .= "\n*{$this->tabs()}), ";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($input) {
$json = json_decode($input, true);
if ($json) {
$swagIt = new SwagIt($tabSize, $tabInit);
$output = $swagIt->convert($json);
} else {
$output = 'Error: Invalid JSON';
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Swag It</title>
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<h1>Swag It</h1>
<p>A tool to help reverse engineer <a href="">Swagger-PHP</a> annotations from an existing JSON payload.
See <a
href="">code</a> for more
<form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>">
<div class="row">
<div class="six columns">
<label for="tabSize">Tab Width</label>
<input type="number" min=1 max=255 id="tabSize" name="tabSize" value="<?php echo $tabSize; ?>">
<div class="six columns">
<label for="tabInit">Initial Tab</label>
<input type="number" min=0 max=255 id="tabInit" name="tabInit" value="<?php echo $tabInit; ?>">
<label for="json">JSON</label>
<textarea class="u-full-width heigh" style="height:240px;" id="json" name="json"
placeholder="Put your JSON here..."><?php echo htmlentities($input); ?></textarea><br>
<input class="button-primary" type="submit" value="Submit">
if ($output) echo '<pre style="cursor:copy;"><code id="swaggerOutput" ondblclick="copySwagger();">' . htmlentities(trim($output)) . '</code></pre>';
function copySwagger() {
const copyText = document.getElementById("swaggerOutput").textContent;
const textArea = document.createElement("textarea");
textArea.textContent = copyText;
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