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Created January 15, 2015 16:36
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# Created by Zend Server
<VirtualHost *:${port}>
# Make ZF2 path available as environment variable
SetEnv ZF2_PATH /usr/local/zendsvr6/share/ZendFramework2/library
# Tell apache to serve index.php if the requested resource doesn't exist.
# This allows static files to be served directly while "ZF-friendly URLS"
# are sent to index.php
RewriteEngine on
<Location />
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}::$1 ^(/.+)(.+)::\2$
RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=BASE:%1]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ %{ENV:BASE}index.php [NC,L]
# Tell apache which file to serve when no file name is specified
# This allows you to access the API with [server ip]:[port]/ rather
# than having to specify [server ip]:[port]/index.php
DocumentRoot "${docroot}"
<Directory "${docroot}">
Options +Indexes FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex index.php
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AllowOverride All
ServerName ${vhost}:${port}
# include the folder containing the vhost aliases for zend server deployment
Include "${aliasdir}/*.conf"
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