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Created January 15, 2023 16:54
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Error on trying to add data to a field
$Fatal Error Details = array:3 [ "message" => "DB Error: unknown error" "code" => null "exception" => PEAR_Exception {#1694 #cause: DB_Error {#1707 +error_message_prefix: "" +mode: 16 +level: 1024 +code: -1 +message: "DB Error: unknown error" +userinfo: "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( 20230109000000,'\x013\x01',62569 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = 20230109000000,`interviewer1_134` = '\x013\x01' [nativecode=1366 ** Incorrect integer value: '\x013\x01' for column 'interviewer1_134' at row 1]" +backtrace: array:29 [ 0 => array:6 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/vendor/pear/db/DB.php" "line" => 997 "function" => "__construct" "class" => "PEAR_Error" "type" => "->" "args" => array:5 [ 0 => "DB Error: unknown error" 1 => -1 2 => 16 3 => array:2 [ 0 => "CRM_Core_Error" 1 => "exceptionHandler" ] 4 => "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( 20230109000000,'\x013\x01',62569 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = 20230109000000,`interviewer1_134` = '\x013\x01' [nativecode=1366 ** Incorrect integer value: '\x013\x01' for column 'interviewer1_134' at row 1]" ] ] 1 => array:7 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src/PEAR.php" "line" => 575 "function" => "__construct" "class" => "DB_Error" "object" => DB_Error {#1707} "type" => "->" "args" => array:4 [ 0 => -1 1 => 16 2 => array:2 [ 0 => "CRM_Core_Error" 1 => "exceptionHandler" ] 3 => "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( 20230109000000,'\x013\x01',62569 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = 20230109000000,`interviewer1_134` = '\x013\x01' [nativecode=1366 ** Incorrect integer value: '\x013\x01' for column 'interviewer1_134' at row 1]" ] ] 2 => array:6 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src/PEAR.php" "line" => 223 "function" => "_raiseError" "class" => "PEAR" "type" => "::" "args" => array:8 [ 0 => DB_mysqli {#151 +phptype: "mysqli" +dbsyntax: "mysqli" +features: array:7 [ "limit" => "alter" "new_link" => false "numrows" => true "pconnect" => false "prepare" => false "ssl" => true "transactions" => true ] +errorcode_map: array:29 [ 1004 => -15 1005 => -15 1006 => -15 1007 => -5 1008 => -17 1022 => -5 1044 => -26 1046 => -14 1048 => -3 1049 => -27 1050 => -5 1051 => -18 1054 => -19 1061 => -5 1062 => -5 1064 => -2 1091 => -4 1100 => -21 1136 => -22 1142 => -26 1146 => -18 1205 => -30 1213 => -31 1216 => -3 1217 => -3 1356 => "-32" 1365 => -13 1451 => -3 1452 => -3 ] +connection: mysqli {#152 +affected_rows: null +client_info: null +client_version: null +connect_errno: null +connect_error: null +errno: null +error: null +error_list: null +field_count: null +host_info: null +info: null +insert_id: null +server_info: null +server_version: null +sqlstate: null +protocol_version: null +thread_id: null +warning_count: null } +dsn: array:10 [ "phptype" => "mysqli" "dbsyntax" => "mysqli" "username" => "civicrm" "password" => "civicrm" "protocol" => "tcp" "hostspec" => "db" "port" => false "socket" => false "database" => "civicrm_dev" "new_link" => "true" ] +autocommit: true +transaction_opcount: 0 +_db: "civicrm_dev" +mysqli_flags: array:11 [ 1 => "not_null" 2 => "primary_key" 4 => "unique_key" 8 => "multiple_key" 16 => "blob" 32 => "unsigned" 64 => "zerofill" 512 => "auto_increment" 1024 => "timestamp" 2048 => "set" 32768 => "group_by" ] +mysqli_types: array:25 [ 0 => "decimal" 1 => "tinyint" 2 => "int" 3 => "int" 4 => "float" 5 => "double" 7 => "timestamp" 8 => "bigint" 9 => "mediumint" 10 => "date" 11 => "time" 12 => "datetime" 13 => "year" 14 => "date" 247 => "enum" 248 => "set" 249 => "tinyblob" 250 => "mediumblob" 251 => "longblob" 252 => "blob" 253 => "varchar" 254 => "char" 255 => "geometry" 16 => "bit" 246 => "decimal" ] +fetchmode: 1 +fetchmode_object_class: "stdClass" +was_connected: null +last_query: "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( 20230109000000,'\x013\x01',62569 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = 20230109000000,`interviewer1_134` = '\x013\x01'" +options: array:8 [ "result_buffering" => 500 "persistent" => false "ssl" => false "debug" => 0 "seqname_format" => "%s_seq" "autofree" => false "portability" => 0 "optimize" => "performance" ] +last_parameters: [] +prepare_tokens: [] +prepare_types: [] +prepared_queries: [] +_last_query_manip: true +_next_query_manip: false +_debug: false +_default_error_mode: null +_default_error_options: null +_default_error_handler: "" +_error_class: "DB_Error" +_expected_errors: [] } 1 => null 2 => -1 3 => 16 4 => array:2 [ 0 => "CRM_Core_Error" 1 => "exceptionHandler" ] 5 => "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( 20230109000000,'\x013\x01',62569 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = 20230109000000,`interviewer1_134` = '\x013\x01' [nativecode=1366 ** Incorrect integer value: '\x013\x01' for column 'interviewer1_134' at row 1]" 6 => "DB_Error" 7 => true ] ] 3 => array:7 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/vendor/pear/db/DB/common.php" "line" => 1928 "function" => "__call" "class" => "PEAR" "object" => DB_mysqli {#151} "type" => "->" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => "raiseError" 1 => array:7 [ 0 => null 1 => -1 2 => null 3 => null 4 => "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( 20230109000000,'\x013\x01',62569 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = 20230109000000,`interviewer1_134` = '\x013\x01' [nativecode=1366 ** Incorrect integer value: '\x013\x01' for column 'interviewer1_134' at row 1]" 5 => "DB_Error" 6 => true ] ] ] 4 => array:7 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/vendor/pear/db/DB/mysqli.php" "line" => 943 "function" => "raiseError" "class" => "DB_common" "object" => DB_mysqli {#151} "type" => "->" "args" => array:5 [ 0 => -1 1 => null 2 => null 3 => "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( 20230109000000,'\x013\x01',62569 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = 20230109000000,`interviewer1_134` = '\x013\x01' [nativecode=1366 ** Incorrect integer value: '\x013\x01' for column 'interviewer1_134' at row 1]" 4 => "1366 ** Incorrect integer value: '\x013\x01' for column 'interviewer1_134' at row 1" ] ] 5 => array:7 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/vendor/pear/db/DB/mysqli.php" "line" => 413 "function" => "mysqliRaiseError" "class" => "DB_mysqli" "object" => DB_mysqli {#151} "type" => "->" "args" => [] ] 6 => array:7 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/vendor/pear/db/DB/common.php" "line" => 1234 "function" => "simpleQuery" "class" => "DB_mysqli" "object" => DB_mysqli {#151} "type" => "->" "args" => array:1 [ 0 => "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( 20230109000000,'\x013\x01',62569 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = 20230109000000,`interviewer1_134` = '\x013\x01'" ] ] 7 => array:7 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/packages/DB/DataObject.php" "line" => 2696 "function" => "query" "class" => "DB_common" "object" => DB_mysqli {#151} "type" => "->" "args" => array:1 [ 0 => "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( 20230109000000,'\x013\x01',62569 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = 20230109000000,`interviewer1_134` = '\x013\x01'" ] ] 8 => array:7 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/packages/DB/DataObject.php" "line" => 1829 "function" => "_query" "class" => "DB_DataObject" "object" => CRM_Core_DAO {#1772 #resultCopies: 0 #_options: [] +_DB_DataObject_version: "1.11.3" +__table: null +N: 0 +_database_dsn: "" +_database_dsn_md5: "8f965c296f7254ab7db87eba14c4d753" +_database: "civicrm_dev" +_query: array:11 [ "condition" => "" "group_by" => "" "order_by" => "" "having" => "" "useindex" => "" "limit_start" => "" "limit_count" => "" "data_select" => "*" "unions" => [] "derive_table" => "" "derive_select" => "" ] +_DB_resultid: null +_resultFields: false +_link_loaded: false +_join: "" +_lastError: false } "type" => "->" "args" => array:1 [ 0 => "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( 20230109000000,'\x013\x01',62569 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = 20230109000000,`interviewer1_134` = '\x013\x01'" ] ] 9 => array:7 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/DAO.php" "line" => 494 "function" => "query" "class" => "DB_DataObject" "object" => CRM_Core_DAO {#1772} "type" => "->" "args" => array:1 [ 0 => "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( 20230109000000,'\x013\x01',62569 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = 20230109000000,`interviewer1_134` = '\x013\x01'" ] ] 10 => array:7 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/DAO.php" "line" => 1675 "function" => "query" "class" => "CRM_Core_DAO" "object" => CRM_Core_DAO {#1772} "type" => "->" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( 20230109000000,'\x013\x01',62569 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = 20230109000000,`interviewer1_134` = '\x013\x01'" 1 => true ] ] 11 => array:6 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/BAO/CustomValueTable.php" "line" => 271 "function" => "executeQuery" "class" => "CRM_Core_DAO" "type" => "::" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => "INSERT INTO civicrm_value_interview_15 ( `interview_date_9`,`interviewer1_134`,`entity_id` ) VALUES ( %1,%2,%3 ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `interview_date_9` = %1,`interviewer1_134` = %2" 1 => array:3 [ 1 => array:2 [ 0 => "20230109000000" 1 => "Timestamp" ] 2 => array:2 [ 0 => "\x013\x01" 1 => "String" ] 3 => array:2 [ 0 => 62569 1 => "Integer" ] ] ] ] 12 => array:6 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/BAO/CustomValueTable.php" "line" => 398 "function" => "create" "class" => "CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable" "type" => "::" "args" => array:2 [ 0 => array:1 [ "civicrm_value_interview_15" => array:1 [ -1 => array:2 [ 0 => array:11 [ "entity_table" => "civicrm_contact" "entity_id" => 62569 "value" => "20230109000000" "type" => "Timestamp" "custom_field_id" => "9" "custom_group_id" => "15" "table_name" => "civicrm_value_interview_15" "column_name" => "interview_date_9" "is_multiple" => "0" "serialize" => "0" "file_id" => null ] 1 => array:11 [ "entity_table" => "civicrm_contact" "entity_id" => 62569 "value" => "\x013\x01" "type" => "ContactReference" "custom_field_id" => "134" "custom_group_id" => "15" "table_name" => "civicrm_value_interview_15" "column_name" => "interviewer1_134" "is_multiple" => "0" "serialize" => "1" "file_id" => null ] ] ] ] 1 => null ] ] 13 => array:6 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/BAO/CustomValueTable.php" "line" => 418 "function" => "store" "class" => "CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable" "type" => "::" "args" => array:4 [ 0 => array:2 [ 9 => array:1 [ -1 => array:10 [ "id" => null "value" => "20230109000000" "type" => "Date" "custom_field_id" => "9" "custom_group_id" => "15" "table_name" => "civicrm_value_interview_15" "column_name" => "interview_date_9" "file_id" => null "is_multiple" => "0" "serialize" => "0" ] ] 134 => array:1 [ -1 => array:10 [ "id" => null "value" => "\x013\x01" "type" => "ContactReference" "custom_field_id" => "134" "custom_group_id" => "15" "table_name" => "civicrm_value_interview_15" "column_name" => "interviewer1_134" "file_id" => null "is_multiple" => "0" "serialize" => "1" ] ] ] 1 => "civicrm_contact" 2 => 62569 3 => null ] ] 14 => array:6 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Contact/Form/Inline/CustomData.php" "line" => 79 "function" => "postProcess" "class" => "CRM_Core_BAO_CustomValueTable" "type" => "::" "args" => array:4 [ 0 => & array:8 [ "qfKey" => "CRMContactFormInlineCustomData66fbg6fzdz0gc4ccwscwcggs4c4804swwso40ockgcwwc0k0w8_2192" "entryURL" => ";class_name=CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_CustomData&amp;groupID=15&amp;customRecId=-1&amp;cgcount=1&amp;reset=1" "oplock_ts" => "2023-01-05 21:42:42" "MAX_FILE_SIZE" => "67108864" "hidden_custom" => "1" "hidden_custom_group_count" => array:1 [ 15 => "1" ] "custom_9_-1" => "2023-01-09" "custom_134_-1" => "3" ] 1 => "civicrm_contact" 2 => 62569 3 => null ] ] 15 => array:7 [ "file" => "/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/Form.php" "line" => 573 "function" => "postProcess" "class" => "CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_CustomData" "object" => CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_CustomData {#1480 +_groupID: 15 #_entityType: null +_contactId: 62569 +_contactType: "Individual" +_contactSubType: array:1 [ 1 => "Job_Applicant" ] #_state: null #_name: "CustomData" #_title: null +_defaults: [] +_options: null +_action: 2 #submittableMoneyFields: [] #_paymentProcessors: null +_paymentProcessorIDs: null #_paymentProcessorID: null #_is_pay_later_enabled: null #_renderer: null #_dateFields: [] #unsavedChangesWarn: null +ajaxResponse: [] +urlPath: array:3 [ 0 => "civicrm" 1 => "ajax" 2 => "inline" ] #context: null +submitOnce: false #exportedValues: [] +controller: CRM_Core_Controller_Simple {#1281 #_title: null +_key: "CRMContactFormInlineCustomData66fbg6fzdz0gc4ccwscwcggs4c4804swwso40ockgcwwc0k0w8_2192" #_scope: "CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_CustomData_CRMContactFormInlineCustomData66fbg6fzdz0gc4ccwscwcggs4c4804swwso40ockgcwwc0k0w8_2192" #_stateMachine: &7 CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478 #_controller: CRM_Core_Controller_Simple {#1281} #_states: array:1 [ "CustomData" => CRM_Core_State {#1479 #_name: "CustomData" #_type: 3 #_back: null #_next: null #_stateMachine: CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478} } ] #_pages: array:1 [ "CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_CustomData" => null ] #_pageNames: array:1 [ 0 => "CustomData" ] #_action: 0 #_name: null } #_embedded: false #_skipRedirection: false +_print: "json" +_generateQFKey: true +_QFResponseType: "json" #_parent: null +_destination: null +_entryURL: ";class_name=CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_CustomData&amp;groupID=15&amp;customRecId=-1&amp;cgcount=1&amp;reset=1" +_pages: array:1 [ "CustomData" => CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_CustomData {#1480} ] +_actions: array:12 [ "CustomData" => HTML_QuickForm_Action_Direct {#1483} "display" => CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Display {#1484 #_stateMachine: &7 CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478} } "next" => CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Next {#1485 #_stateMachine: &7 CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478} } "back" => CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Back {#1486 #_stateMachine: &7 CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478} } "process" => CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Process {#1487 #_stateMachine: &7 CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478} } "cancel" => CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Cancel {#1488 #_stateMachine: &7 CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478} } "refresh" => CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Refresh {#1489 #_stateMachine: &7 CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478} } "reload" => CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Reload {#1490 #_stateMachine: &7 CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478} } "done" => CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Done {#1491 #_stateMachine: &7 CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478} } "jump" => CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Jump {#1492 #_stateMachine: &7 CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478} } "submit" => CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Submit {#1493 #_stateMachine: &7 CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478} } "upload" => CRM_Core_QuickForm_Action_Upload {#1494 #_uploadNames: array:4 [ 0 => "attachFile_1" 1 => "attachFile_2" 2 => "attachFile_3" 3 => "uploadFile" ] #_uploadDir: "/var/www/html/sites/default/files/civicrm/upload/" #_stateMachine: &7 CRM_Core_StateMachine {#1478} } ] +_name: "CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_CustomData_CRMContactFormInlineCustomData66fbg6fzdz0gc4ccwscwcggs4c4804swwso40ockgcwwc0k0w8_2192" +_modal: true +_actionName: array:2 [ 0 => "CustomData" 1 => "upload" ] } -_chainSelectFields: [] +expectedSmartyVariables: array:18 [ 0 => "breadcrumb" 1 => "pageTitle" 2 => "urlIsPublic" 3 => "isDeleted" 4 => "suppressForm" 5 => "beginHookFormElements" 6 => "contactId" 7 => "infoMessage" 8 => "infoTitle" 9 => "infoType" 10 => "infoOptions" 11 => "context" 12 => "linkButtons" 13 => "external_identifier" 14 => "lastModified" 15 => "created_date" 16 => "changeLog" 17 => "footer_status_severity" ] #optionalQuickFormElements: [] +_actions: [] +_formBuilt: true +_elements: array:10 [ 0 => HTML_QuickForm_hidden {#1498 +_label: "" +_type: "hidden" +_flagFrozen: false +_persistantFreeze: false +_attributes: array:3 [ "name" => "qfKey" "type" => "hidden" "value" => "CRMContactFormInlineCustomData66fbg6fzdz0gc4ccwscwcggs4c4804swwso40ockgcwwc0k0w8_2192" ] +_tabOffset: 0 +_tab: "\t" +_lineEnd: "\n" +_comment: "" } 1 => HTML_QuickForm_hidden {#1500 +_label: "" +_type: "hidden" +_flagFrozen: false +_persistantFreeze: false +_attributes: array:3 [ "name" => "entryURL" "type" => "hidden" "value" => ";class_name=CRM_Contact_Form_Inline_CustomData&amp;groupID=15&amp;customRecId=-1&amp;cgcount=1&amp;reset=1" ] +_tabOffset: 0 +_tab: "\t" +_lineEnd: "\n" +_comment: "" } 2 => HTML_QuickForm_hidden {#1501 +_label: "" +_type: "hidden" +_flagFrozen: false +_persistantFreeze: false +_attributes: array:4 [ "id" => "oplock_ts" "name" => "oplock_ts" "type" => "hidden" "value" => "2023-01-05 21:42:42" ] +_tabOffset: 0 +_tab: "\t" +_lineEnd: "\n" +_comment: "" } 3 => HTML_QuickForm_hidden {#1502 +_label: "" +_type: "hidden" +_flagFrozen: false +_persistantFreeze: false +_attributes: array:3 [ "name" => "_qf_default" "type" => "hidden" "value" => "CustomData:upload" ] +_tabOffset: 0 +_tab: "\t" +_lineEnd: "\n" +_comment: "" } 4 => HTML_QuickForm_hidden {#1504 +_label: "" +_type: "hidden" +_flagFrozen: false +_persistantFreeze: false +_attributes: array:3 [ "name" => "MAX_FILE_SIZE" "type" => "hidden" "value" => "67108864" ] +_tabOffset: 0 +_tab: "\t" +_lineEnd: "\n" +_comment: "" } 5 => HTML_QuickForm_group {#1506 +_name: "buttons" +_elements: array:2 [ 0 => HTML_QuickForm_xbutton {#1503 +_content: "<i aria-hidden="true" class="crm-i fa-check"></i> Save" +_label: "" +_type: "xbutton" +_flagFrozen: false +_persistantFreeze: false +_attributes: array:5 [ "class" => "crm-form-submit default validate crm-button crm-button-type-upload crm-button_qf_CustomData_upload" "value" => 1 "accesskey" => "S" "type" => "submit" "name" => "_qf_CustomData_upload" ] +_tabOffset: 0 +_tab: "\t" +_lineEnd: "\n" +_comment: "" } 1 => HTML_QuickForm_xbutton {#1505 +_content: "<i aria-hidden="true" class="crm-i fa-times"></i> Cancel" +_label: "" +_type: "xbutton" 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/var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/QuickForm/Action/Upload.php:119 { …} /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/packages/HTML/QuickForm/Controller.php:203 { …} /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/packages/HTML/QuickForm/Page.php:103 { …} /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/Controller.php:355 { …} /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Utils/Wrapper.php:98 { …} /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/Page/AJAX.php:63 { …} /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/Invoke.php:285 { …} /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/Invoke.php:69 { …} /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/CRM/Core/Invoke.php:36 { …} /var/www/html/sites/all/modules/civicrm/drupal/civicrm.module:471 { …} /var/www/html/includes/ { …} /var/www/html/index.php:21 { …} } } ]
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