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Last active June 29, 2019 17:16
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My definition of Intelligence

My definition of intelligence

Intelligence = collect info + build models + predict outcomes of different choices + decide on optimal choice + execute the choice

The key is really to find/build a model for important things (self, others, and environment), and to quickly make good decision for actions, based on predicted outcomes of the model, and finally act on the choices.

Dictionary definition

noun: intelligence

  1. the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

Compare two definitions

knowledge: knowning things , best proof of knowing something is to have an accurate model for the thing.

skills: self-possessed capabilities. Essentially models of self

acquire: learning, sensoring, collecting information

  • this does overlap largely the process of building models: essentially learning

Apply: this contains both thinking and acting

  • the thinking part is essentially predicting in mind, a thought process
  • the acting part is to execute decisions

Why does this matter?

To measure how intelligent a person is

  • the ability to collect relevant information: learning
  • his/her ability to model things accurately: know self, others, the world, the society, a scientific domain (computers, programming languages, etc), ...
  • the ability to feed information into the models and evaluate outcomes of different choices, and make a good decision
  • the ability to execute/act on decisions: get things done, make things happen as promised

How to improve one's intelligence?

  • improving learning skills
  • improving the models for things matter: model of people (self and others), physical environment, social environment, a business domain
  • improving decision making process: how to quickly find relevant information to make a sound decision, under various constraints, with conflicting goals.
  • improving exuection skills

Google translation generated Chinese version (with minor manual revisions)





名词: 1.获得和应用知识和技能的能力。




获取:学习,传感,收集信息 *这在很大程度上与建立模型的过程重叠:基本上是学习

应用:这包含思考和行动 *思考部分基本上是在预测思维过程 *行动部分是执行决定



  • 收集相关信息的能力:学习能力, 感知能力
  • 他/她准确地模拟事物的能力:了解自己,他人,世界,社会,科学领域(计算机,编程语言等),......
  • 能够将信息提供给模型并评估不同选择的结果,并做出正确的决定
  • 执行/行动决策的能力: 按时完成计划和分配的任务


  • 学习能力强, 也会察言观色
  • 理解事物: 知己知彼,深刻理解自己和周围的人和事
  • 预测能力强: 看得准大趋势,各种事情的未来
  • 执行能力强: 说到做到


  • 提高学习能力技巧:特别是自学能力, 感知他人和环境的变化
  • 改善对事物的模型:人的模型(自我和他人),物理环境,社会环境,商业领域。。 的模型。 还是通过学习来提高模型精度。
  • 改进决策制定流程:如何快速查找相关信息,在各种约束条件下, 多个有冲突的目标的情况下,做出合理的决策。
  • 提高执行力
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