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Forked from jdvkivu/find_zero_dates.rb
Last active July 20, 2021 01:35
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Ruby on Rails script to check mysql zero dates
# Check for every table with temporal columns if there are records that have dates set to '0000-00-00'
conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
# get a list of tables and columns with a date type excluding merge tables
query = "select concat(`table_schema`,'.',`table_name`) as table_name,`COLUMN_NAME` from information_schema.`columns` where data_type like '%date%' AND concat(`table_schema`,'.',`table_name`) not in (select concat(`table_schema`,'.',`table_name`) from information_schema.tables where engine='mrg_myisam');"
list = conn.select_all( query )
# transform the list a bit for later querying
tables = {}
list.each do |r|
if tables.include?(r["table_name"])
# table is already in the array, just push the column name
# table is not in the hash yet, add it with its column
tables[r["table_name"]] = [r["COLUMN_NAME"]]
# query for the zero dates
tables.each do |tn, columns|
col = { |cn| "#{cn} <= '0000-01-01'" }.join(" OR ")
q = "select count(*) as c from #{tn} where #{col};"
# run query
puts q
count = conn.select_value(q)
puts count
if count > 0
puts "#{tn} has #{count} zero date records"
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