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Last active December 17, 2015 00:19
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Non-coalescing OR macro for variable arguments and variable types including objects/primitives.
// XXOr.h
// Created by XibXor on 5/5/13.
// Non-coalescing OR macro for variable arguments and variable types including objects/primitives.
// Similar to || behavior in ECMAScript
// Usage: OR(a,b,...)
// Examples Below:
// NSLog(@"%@", OR(nil,@"", @0, @{@"foo": @"bar"}, @[]));
// // outputs {foo = bar;}
// NSLog(@"%@", OR(nil,@"", @0, @[], @"", [NSNull null]));
// // outputs <null>
// NSLog(@"%@", OR(nil,[NSNull null], @0, @[], @"foo", @"", @"bar"));
// // outputs "foo"
// int x = 10;
// NSLog(@"%f", (float) OR(false, x, 5, 2));
// // outputs 10.0
// NSLog(@"%s", OR("", "foo", "bar"));
// // outputs foo
#ifndef XIBXOR_OR
#include <boost/preprocessor/seq.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/variadic/to_seq.hpp>
#define __OR(s, state, obj) (isEmpty(obj) ? state : obj)
We define a slew of overloaded isEmpty functions for cases where we know the type at compile-time
If the type cannot be deduced at compile time, the slower isEmpty(id) is used
You should cast your id types if you know them for better performance
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const char* s) { return !strlen(s); }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const long x) { return !x; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const int x) { return !x; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const short x) { return !x; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const char x) { return !x; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const double x) { return !x; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const float x) { return !x; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const NSNumber* o) { return !o.boolValue; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const NSString* o) { return !o.length; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const NSData* o) { return !o.length; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const NSSet* o) { return !o.count; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const NSArray* o) { return !o.count; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const NSDictionary* o) { return !o.count; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const NSNull* o) { return YES; }
extern inline BOOL isEmpty(const id o) {
return o == nil
|| o == [NSNull null]
|| ([o respondsToSelector:@selector(boolValue)]
&& ![o boolValue])
|| ([o respondsToSelector:@selector(length)]
&& ![o length])
|| ([o respondsToSelector:@selector(count)]
&& ![o count]);
#define XIBXOR_OR 1
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