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Created August 3, 2011 17:51
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hjs sprocket template, put in your rails3 app as initializer
require 'tilt'
module Sprockets
# Tilt engine class for the Hjs compiler. Depends on the `Haml` and `ejs` gem.
class HjsTemplate < Tilt::Template
# Check to see if HAML is loaded
def self.engine_initialized?
defined? HAML && defined? ::Eco
# Autoload ejs library. If the library isn't loaded, Tilt will produce
# a thread safetly warning. If you intend to use `.ejs` files, you
# should explicitly require it.
def initialize_engine
require_template_library 'eco'
def prepare
# Compile template data with EJS compiler.
# Returns a JS function definition String. The result should be
# assigned to a JS variable.
# # => "function(obj){...}"
def evaluate(scope, locals, &block)
data.force_encoding("UTF-8") if data.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
context =
class << context
include Haml::Helpers
include ActionView::Helpers
def erb str, &block
return "<%#{str}%>" unless block_given?
erb("#{str}") + capture_haml(&block).chomp
Eco.compile CGI.unescapeHTML("#{}")
- puts this in application.rb
# Sprockets::HjsTemplate
Sprockets.register_engine '.hjs', Sprockets::HjsTemplate
- add those gems in Gemfile:
gem 'haml'
gem 'eco'
Then use can use templates like this:
%h1 Edit post
%form#edit-post{:name => "post"}
= erb 'if @title:' do
= erb 'if false:' do
= label_tag :title
= erb 'end'
= text_field_tag :title, erb('=@title')
= erb 'else:' do
= label_tag :content
= text_field_tag :content, erb('=@content')
= erb 'end'
= submit_tag "Update post"
= link_to 'Back1asd', "#/index"
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Where does the hjs_template.rb live?

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config/initializers i guess :)

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