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Last active January 21, 2024 00:01
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Check out these websites with great guides for beginners: (REAL GOOD) (COMPLICATED) (SUPERB REFERENCE)


Type the line below in command prompt (cmd) and press enter:


This is a list with descriptions of ALL commands in cmd you can use.

If you need more info on a specific command you can type /? at the end of any command and press enter. Here's an example:

color /?

Remember: when writing most commands in a file, keep the entire command on the same line!

A Few Common And Useful Commands:

@echo off

This first one hides all your commands in the console so that whoever opens your file does not see what codes you have used. Here's a good example of how useful this command is. Save this in a file (filename.bat) and run it:

@echo off

echo hi world

echo watsup? how you doing ? trali dadaaaaaaaa


See? It only displays your text you want to output thanks to @echo off. Now just delete that first line from the file and see how different it runs.

Another 2 useful commands are:


... some of your code here ...

goto bla

This forms a loop between the pointer (:bla) and the return command (goto bla), which can be used for mischief. Just remember that the pointer could be called anything (eg. :nameitlikeyouwant) and you can have as many as you want in a file but you must use the same name when you return to it using goto command.

More Tricks:


This will start your default web-browser and open the website. This command is usually used to start programs but can equally be used in this manner.

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