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Created March 9, 2023 05:24
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const wu = require("./wuLib.js");
const {VM} = require('vm2');
const fs = require("fs");
function catchZGroup(code, groupPreStr, cb) {
const debugPre = "(function(z){var a=11;function Z(ops,debugLine){";
let zArr = {};
let i = 0;
for (let preStr of groupPreStr) {
// console.log(preStr);
let content = code.slice(code.indexOf(preStr)), z = [];
content = content.slice(content.indexOf("(function(z){var a=11;"));
content = content.slice(0, content.indexOf("})(__WXML_GLOBAL__.ops_cached.$gwx")) + "})(z);";
let vm = new VM({sandbox: {z: z, debugInfo: []}});
// fs.writeFileSync(`z_func${i}_single.js`, content);;
if (content.startsWith(debugPre)) for (let i = 0; i < z.length; i++) z[i] = z[i][1];
zArr[preStr.match(/function gz\$gwx(\d*[\_XC]*[\d\_]+)/)[1]] = z;
// fs.writeFileSync("zArr.json", JSON.stringify(zArr));
cb({"mul": zArr});
function catchM0Group(code, groupPreStr, z, cb) {
// const debugPre = "(function(z){var a=11;function Z(ops,debugLine){";
let m0Arr = {};
let i = 0;
for (let preStr of groupPreStr) {
// console.log(preStr);
let name = preStr.replace(/.*var x=\['(.*\.wxml)'\].*/g, "$1");
console.log(`M0_${i}_name: ${name}`);
let content = code.slice(code.indexOf(preStr));
content = content.slice(0, content.indexOf("if(path&&e_[path]){"));
//var z=gz$gwx_XC_18_1()
let zFuncName = ""
content.replace(/var z=gz\$gwx([_XC\d]+)\(\)/g, (match, p1, p2, p3, offset, string) => {
zFuncName = p1;
// content = content.replace(/var z=gz\$gwx[_XC\d\(\)]+/, "");
console.log(`Z_Func_${i}_name: ${zFuncName}`);
// TODO: `d_`数组不知道是什么意思, 暂时不考虑了
let rD = {}, rF = {}, rZ = z[zFuncName] || [], x = [];
let vm = new VM({
sandbox: {
x: x, z: rZ, d_: rD, e_: m0Arr, f_: rF, debugInfo: []
// fs.writeFileSync(`m0_func${i}_single.js`, content);;
// if (content.startsWith(debugPre)) for (let i = 0; i < z.length; i++) z[i] = z[i][1];
// m0Arr[name] = {code: content};
// fs.writeFileSync("zArr.json", JSON.stringify(zArr));
function catchZ(code, cb) {
let groupTest = code.match(/function gz\$gwx(\d*[\_XC]*[\d\_]*)\(\)\{\s*if\( __WXML_GLOBAL__\.ops_cached\.\$gwx\d*[\_\dXC]+\)/g);
// console.log(groupTest);
if (groupTest !== null) return catchZGroup(code, groupTest, cb);
let z = [], vm = new VM({
sandbox: {
z: z,
debugInfo: []
let lastPtr = code.lastIndexOf("(z);__WXML_GLOBAL__.ops_set.$gwx=z;");
if (lastPtr == -1) lastPtr = code.lastIndexOf("(z);__WXML_GLOBAL__.ops_set.$gwx");
// if (lastPtr == -1) lastPtr = code.lastIndexOf("__WXML_GLOBAL__.ops_set.$gwx1_XC_0=z");
code = code.slice(code.lastIndexOf('(function(z){var a=11;function Z(ops){z.push(ops)}'), lastPtr + 4);
fs.writeFileSync("catchZ_vmcode.js", code);;
* 获取所有的m0函数
* @param {String} code 代码
* @param {Object} z z数组
* @param {Function} cb 回调函数
* @returns {name: {code: string}}
function catchM0(code, z, cb) {
let groupTest = code.match(/var x=\['.*\.wxml'];d_\[x\[0\]\]=\{\}/g);
// console.log(groupTest);
if (groupTest !== null) return catchM0Group(code, groupTest, z, cb);
// let z = [], vm = new VM({
// sandbox: {
// z: z,
// debugInfo: []
// }
// });
// let lastPtr = code.lastIndexOf("(z);__WXML_GLOBAL__.ops_set.$gwx=z;");
// // if (lastPtr == -1) lastPtr = code.lastIndexOf("__WXML_GLOBAL__.ops_set.$gwx1_XC_0=z");
// code = code.slice(code.lastIndexOf('(function(z){var a=11;function Z(ops){z.push(ops)}'), lastPtr + 4);
// fs.writeFileSync("catchM0_vmcode.js", code);
// cb(z);
function restoreSingle(ops, withScope = false) {
if (typeof ops == "undefined") return "";
function scope(value) {
if (value.startsWith('{') && value.endsWith('}')) return withScope ? value : "{" + value + "}";
return withScope ? value : "{{" + value + "}}";
function enBrace(value, type = '{') {
if (value.startsWith('{') || value.startsWith('[') || value.startsWith('(') || value.endsWith('}') || value.endsWith(']') || value.endsWith(')')) value = ' ' + value + ' ';
switch (type) {
case '{':
return '{' + value + '}';
case '[':
return '[' + value + ']';
case '(':
return '(' + value + ')';
throw Error("Unknown brace type " + type);
function restoreNext(ops, w = withScope) {
return restoreSingle(ops, w);
function jsoToWxon(obj) {//convert JS Object to Wechat Object Notation(No quotes@key+str)
let ans = "";
if (typeof obj === "undefined") {
return 'undefined';
} else if (obj === null) {
return 'null';
} else if (obj instanceof RegExp) {
return obj.toString();
} else if (obj instanceof Array) {
for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) ans += ',' + jsoToWxon(obj[i]);
return enBrace(ans.slice(1), '[');
} else if (typeof obj == "object") {
for (let k in obj) ans += "," + k + ":" + jsoToWxon(obj[k]);
return enBrace(ans.slice(1), '{');
} else if (typeof obj == "string") {
let parts = obj.split('"'), ret = [];
for (let part of parts) {
let atoms = part.split("'"), ans = [];
for (let atom of atoms) ans.push(JSON.stringify(atom).slice(1, -1));
return "'" + ret.join('"') + "'";
} else return JSON.stringify(obj);
let op = ops[0];
if (typeof op != "object") {
switch (op) {
case 3://string
return ops[1];//may cause problems if wx use it to be string
case 1://direct value
return scope(jsoToWxon(ops[1]));
case 11://values list, According to var a = 11;
let ans = "";
for (let perOp of ops) ans += restoreNext(perOp);
return ans;
} else {
let ans = "";
switch (op[0]) {//vop
case 2://arithmetic operator
function getPrior(op, len) {
const priorList = {
"?:": 4,
"&&": 6,
"||": 5,
"+": 13,
"*": 14,
"/": 14,
"%": 14,
"|": 7,
"^": 8,
"&": 9,
"!": 16,
"~": 16,
"===": 10,
"==": 10,
"!=": 10,
"!==": 10,
">=": 11,
"<=": 11,
">": 11,
"<": 11,
"<<": 12,
">>": 12,
"-": len == 3 ? 13 : 16
return priorList[op] ? priorList[op] : 0;
function getOp(i) {
let ret = restoreNext(ops[i], true);
if (ops[i] instanceof Object && typeof ops[i][0] == "object" && ops[i][0][0] == 2) {
//Add brackets if we need
if (getPrior(op[1], ops.length) > getPrior(ops[i][0][1], ops[i].length)) ret = enBrace(ret, '(');
return ret;
switch (op[1]) {
ans = getOp(1) + "?" + getOp(2) + ":" + getOp(3);
case "!":
case "~":
ans = op[1] + getOp(1);
if (ops.length != 3) {
ans = op[1] + getOp(1);
}//shoud not add more in there![fall through]
ans = getOp(1) + op[1] + getOp(2);
case 4://unkown-arrayStart?
ans = restoreNext(ops[1], true);
case 5://merge-array
switch (ops.length) {
case 2:
ans = enBrace(restoreNext(ops[1], true), '[');
case 1:
ans = '[]';
default: {
let a = restoreNext(ops[1], true);
if (a.startsWith('[') && a.endsWith(']')) {
if (a != '[]') {
ans = enBrace(a.slice(1, -1).trim() + ',' + restoreNext(ops[2], true), '[');
} else {
ans = enBrace(restoreNext(ops[2], true), '[');
} else {
ans = enBrace('...' + a + ',' + restoreNext(ops[2], true), '[');//may/must not support in fact
case 6://get value of an object
let sonName = restoreNext(ops[2], true);
if (sonName._type === "var")
ans = restoreNext(ops[1], true) + enBrace(sonName, '[');
else {
let attach = "";
if (/^[A-Za-z\_][A-Za-z\d\_]*$/.test(sonName)/*is a qualified id*/)
attach = '.' + sonName;
else attach = enBrace(sonName, '[');
ans = restoreNext(ops[1], true) + attach;
case 7://get value of str
switch (ops[1][0]) {
case 11:
ans = enBrace("__unTestedGetValue:" + enBrace(jsoToWxon(ops), '['), '{');
case 3:
ans = new String(ops[1][1]);
ans._type = "var";
throw Error("Unknown type to get value");
case 8://first object
ans = enBrace(ops[1] + ':' + restoreNext(ops[2], true), '{');//ops[1] have only this way to define
case 9://object
function type(x) {
if (x.startsWith('...')) return 1;
if (x.startsWith('{') && x.endsWith('}')) return 0;
return 2;
let a = restoreNext(ops[1], true);
let b = restoreNext(ops[2], true);
let xa = type(a), xb = type(b);
if (xa == 2 || xb == 2) ans = enBrace("__unkownMerge:" + enBrace(a + "," + b, '['), '{');
else {
if (!xa) a = a.slice(1, -1).trim();
if (!xb) b = b.slice(1, -1).trim();
ans = enBrace(a + ',' + b, '{');
case 10://...object
ans = '...' + restoreNext(ops[1], true);
case 12: {
let arr = restoreNext(ops[2], true);
if (arr.startsWith('[') && arr.endsWith(']'))
ans = restoreNext(ops[1], true) + enBrace(arr.slice(1, -1).trim(), '(');
else ans = restoreNext(ops[1], true) + '.apply' + enBrace('null,' + arr, '(');
ans = enBrace("__unkownSpecific:" + jsoToWxon(ops), '{');
return scope(ans);
function restoreGroup(z) {
let ans = [];
for (let g in z.mul) {
let singleAns = [];
for (let e of z.mul[g]) singleAns.push(restoreSingle(e, false));
ans[g] = singleAns;
let ret = [];//Keep a null array for remaining global Z array.
ret.mul = ans;
return ret;
function restoreAll(z) {
if (z.mul) return restoreGroup(z);
let ans = [];
for (let e of z) ans.push(restoreSingle(e, false));
return ans;
module.exports = {
getZ(code, cb) {
catchZ(code, z => cb(restoreAll(z)));
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