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Working From Home

Ahmad Wijaya cibofdevs

Working From Home
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Error The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced when using virtual network adapter on wsl2

Try run this commands:

wsl --shutdown
netsh winsock reset

If execution success, The message like this:


An introduction to curl using GitHub's API

The Basics

Makes a basic GET request to the specifed URI

import requests_with_caching
import json
def get_movies_from_tastedive(title):
url = ''
param = {}
param['q']= title
param['type']= 'movies'
param['limit']= 5
# 1. The variable nested contains a nested list. Assign ‘snake’ to the variable output using indexing.
nested = [['dog', 'cat', 'horse'], ['frog', 'turtle', 'snake', 'gecko'], ['hamster', 'gerbil', 'rat', 'ferret']]
output = nested[1][2]
# 2. Below, a list of lists is provided. Use in and not in tests to create variables with Boolean values.
# See comments for further instructions.
lst = [['apple', 'orange', 'banana'], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9.9, 10], ['green', 'yellow', 'purple', 'red']]
# 1. Write code to assign to the variable map_testing all the elements in lst_check
# while adding the string "Fruit: " to the beginning of each element using mapping.
lst_check = ['plums', 'watermelon', 'kiwi', 'strawberries', 'blueberries', 'peaches', 'apples', 'mangos', 'papaya']
map_testing = map(lambda str: "Fruit: " + str, lst_check)
# 2. Below, we have provided a list of strings called countries.
# Use filter to produce a list called b_countries that only contains the strings from countries that begin with B.
countries = ['Canada', 'Mexico', 'Brazil', 'Chile', 'Denmark', 'Botswana', 'Spain', 'Britain', 'Portugal', 'Russia', 'Thailand', 'Bangladesh', 'Nigeria', 'Argentina', 'Belarus', 'Laos', 'Australia', 'Panama', 'Egypt', 'Morocco', 'Switzerland', 'Belgium']
# 1. Create a function called mult that has two parameters, the first is required and should be an integer,
# the second is an optional parameter that can either be a number or a string but whose default is 6.
# The function should return the first parameter multiplied by the second.
def mult(a, b=6):
return a * b
# 2. The following function, greeting, does not work. Please fix the code so that it runs without error.
# This only requires one change in the definition of the function.
# 1. The dictionary Junior shows a schedule for a junior year semester.
# The key is the course name and the value is the number of credits.
# Find the total number of credits taken this semester and assign it to the variable credits.
# Do not hardcode this – use dictionary accumulation!
Junior = {'SI 206':4, 'SI 310':4, 'BL 300':3, 'TO 313':3, 'BCOM 350':1, 'MO 300':3}
credits = 0
for v in Junior.values():
credits += v
# 1. At the halfway point during the Rio Olympics, the United States had 70 medals, Great Britain had 38 medals, China had 45 medals, Russia had 30 medals, and Germany had 17 medals. Create a dictionary assigned to the variable medal_count with the country names as the keys and the number of medals the country had as each key’s value.
medal_count = {'United States': 70, 'Great Britain': 38, 'China': 45, 'Russia': 30, 'Germany': 17}
# 2. Given the dictionary swimmers, add an additional key-value pair to the dictionary with "Phelps" as the key and the integer 23 as the value. Do not rewrite the entire dictionary.
swimmers = {'Manuel':4, 'Lochte':12, 'Adrian':7, 'Ledecky':5, 'Dirado':4}
swimmers['Phelps'] = 23
# 1. The textfile, travel_plans.txt, contains the summer travel plans for someone with some commentary.
# Find the total number of characters in the file and save to the variable num.
fileref = open("travel_plans.txt","r")
num = 0
for i in fileref:
num += len(i)
# 2. We have provided a file called emotion_words.txt that contains lines of words that describe emotions.
# 1. Below are a set of scores that students have received in the past semester.
# Write code to determine how many are 90 or above and assign that result to the value a_scores.
scores = "67 80 90 78 93 20 79 89 96 97 92 88 79 68 58 90 98 100 79 74 83 88 80 86 85 70 90 100"
scores_split = scores.split(" ")
a_scores = 0
for x in scores_split:
x = float(x)
if x >= 90:
a_scores += 1