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Working From Home

Ahmad Wijaya cibofdevs

Working From Home
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# Write one for loop to print out each character of the string my_str on a separate line.
my_str = "MICHIGAN"
for i in range(len(my_str)):
# Write one for loop to print out each element of the list several_things.
# Then, write another for loop to print out the TYPE of each element of the list several_things.
# To complete this problem you should have written two different for loops,
# each of which iterates over the list several_things, but each of those 2 for loops should have a different result.
several_things = ["hello", 2, 4, 6.0, 7.5, 234352354, "the end", "", 99]
for i in range(len(several_things)):
# Write code that uses iteration to print out the length of each element of the list stored in str_list.
str_list = ["hello", "", "goodbye", "wonderful", "I love Python"]
# Write your code here.
for i in range(len(str_list)):
# Write code to count the number of characters in original_str using the accumulation pattern and assign the answer to a variable num_chars.
# Do NOT use the len function to solve the problem (if you use it while you are working on this problem, comment it out afterward!)
original_str = "The quick brown rhino jumped over the extremely lazy fox."
num_chars = 0
for i in original_str:
num_chars = num_chars + 1
# addition_str is a string with a list of numbers separated by the + sign.
# Write code that uses the accumulation pattern to take the sum of all of the numbers and assigns it to sum_val (an integer).
# (You should use the .split("+") function to split by "+" and int() to cast to an integer).
addition_str = "2+5+10+20"
sum_val = 0
for i in addition_str:
sum_val = sum(map(int,addition_str.split("+")))
# week_temps_f is a string with a list of fahrenheit temperatures separated by the , sign.
# Write code that uses the accumulation pattern to compute the average (sum divided by number of items) and assigns it to avg_temp.
# Do not hard code your answer (i.e., make your code compute both the sum or the number of items in week_temps_f)
# (You should use the .split(",") function to split by "," and float() to cast to a float).
week_temps_f = "75.1,77.7,83.2,82.5,81.0,79.5,85.7"
avg_temp = 0.0
for i in week_temps_f:
# Write code to create a list of numbers from 0 to 67 and assign that list to the variable nums. Do not hard code the list.
nums = list(range(0, 68))
# Write code to create a list of word lengths for the words in original_str,
# using the accumulation pattern and assign the answer to a variable num_words_list.
# (You should use the len function).
original_str = "The quick brown rhino jumped over the extremely lazy fox"
original_list = list(original_str.split())
num_words = len(original_list)
num_words_list = []
for i in original_list:
# Create an empty string and assign it to the variable lett.
# Then using range, write code such that when your code is run, lett has 7 b’s ("bbbbbbb").
lett = ''
for i in range(7):
lett += 'b'
print(lett, end='')
cibofdevs /
Last active September 19, 2022 13:09
# Write a program that uses the turtle module and a for loop to draw something.
# It doesn’t have to be complicated, but draw something different than we have done in the past.
# (Hint: if you are drawing something complicated, it could get tedious to watch it draw over and over.
# Try setting .speed(10) for the turtle to draw fast, or .speed(0) for it to draw super fast with no animation.)
import turtle
star = turtle.Turtle()
for i in range(50):