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Last active January 8, 2023 19:40
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Brute force solver for a cat themed 'scramble squares' puzzle
# Brute force solver for a cat themed 'scramble squares' puzzle. Attempts to find all
# possible solutions to the puzzle.
import math
def number_to_order(number, items):
# Create a unique ordering of the values in items, based on an integer number.
# This alows all possible combinations of the items to be calculated by looping
# through the numbers 0 - len(items)!
# For instance, for a set of three items:
# | number | items | output |
# | --- | --- | --- |
# | 0 | ['a','b','c'] | ['a','b','c'] |
# | 1 | ['a','b','c'] | ['a','c','b'] |
# | 2 | ['a','b','c'] | ['b','a','c'] |
# | 3 | ['a','b','c'] | ['b','c','a'] |
# | 4 | ['a','b','c'] | ['c','a','b'] |
# | 5 | ['a','b','c'] | ['c','b','a'] |
f = math.factorial(len(items))//len(items)
pos = math.floor(number//f)
new_items = items.copy()
del new_items[pos]
if(len(new_items) > 1):
ret = [items[pos]]
ret.extend(number_to_order(number%f, new_items))
return ret
ret = [items[pos]]
return ret
def grid_33_matches(tiles, matches):
# Each tiles is described by a list, which describes its edges starting at the north
# and working clockwise. For example, ['A2', 'B1', 'D1', 'C1'] represents:
# ____________
# | A2 |
# | |
# | C1 B1 |
# | |
# | D1 |
# |____________|
# This function determines if a 3x3 grid of tiles 'matches' on each edge. Tiles match
# if their edges fit together (as defined in the 'matches' dict), for instance:
# ____________ ____________ ____________
# | A2 | | A2 | | A2 |
# | | | | | |
# | C1 B1 | | B2 C2 | | C1 B1 |
# | | | | | |
# | D1 | | A1 | | B1 |
# |____________| |____________| |____________|
# ____________ ____________ ____________
# | D2 | | A2 | | B2 |
# | | | | | |
# | C1 B1 | | B2 B1 | | B2 B1 |
# | | | | | |
# | A1 | | D1 | | B1 |
# |____________| |____________| |____________|
# ____________ ____________ ____________
# | A2 | | D2 | | B2 |
# | | | | | |
# | C1 B1 | | B2 B1 | | B2 B1 |
# | | | | | |
# | D1 | | D1 | | D1 |
# |____________| |____________| |____________|
return (matches[tiles[0][1]] == tiles[1][3]) \
and (matches[tiles[1][1]] == tiles[2][3]) \
and (matches[tiles[3][1]] == tiles[4][3]) \
and (matches[tiles[4][1]] == tiles[5][3]) \
and (matches[tiles[6][1]] == tiles[7][3]) \
and (matches[tiles[7][1]] == tiles[8][3]) \
and (matches[tiles[0][2]] == tiles[3][0]) \
and (matches[tiles[1][2]] == tiles[4][0]) \
and (matches[tiles[2][2]] == tiles[5][0]) \
and (matches[tiles[3][2]] == tiles[6][0]) \
and (matches[tiles[4][2]] == tiles[7][0]) \
and (matches[tiles[5][2]] == tiles[8][0])
def search_neighbor_rotations_horizontal(tile_0, tile_1, matches):
# Search for any rotation combinations that allow two tiles to match horizontally. For
# example, these tiles only match in one orientation:
# ____________ ____________
# | A1 | | B2 |
# | | | |
# | D2 B1 | | C1 D2 |
# | | | |
# | C1 | | A1 |
# |____________| |____________|
# [0,270] => [0,3]
# These match in three orientations:
# ____________ ____________
# | D1 | | A1 |
# | | | |
# | A2 A2 | | B2 B2 |
# | | | |
# | C1 | | C2 |
# |____________| |____________|
# [0,270] => [0,3]
# [180,270] => [2,3]
# [270,90] => [3,1]
# These are then the maximum set of rotations that each piece can be in
rotations = []
for rot_0 in range(0,4):
for rot_1 in range(0,4):
if matches[tile_0[(4-rot_0+1)%4]] == tile_1[(4-rot_1+3)%4]:
rotations.append([rot_0, rot_1])
return rotations
def search_neighbor_rotations_vertical(tile_0, tile_1, matches):
# Search for any rotation combinations that allow two tiles to match vertically. For
# example, these tiles only match in one orientation:
# ____________
# | A1 |
# | |
# | D2 B1 |
# | |
# | C1 |
# |____________|
# ____________
# | B2 |
# | |
# | C1 D2 |
# | |
# | A1 |
# |____________|
# [90,0] => [1,0]
# These match in three orientations:
# ____________
# | A2 |
# | |
# | A2 D2 |
# | |
# | C1 |
# |____________|
# ____________
# | A1 |
# | |
# | B2 B2 |
# | |
# | C2 |
# |____________|
# [0,180] => [0,2]
# [180,0] => [2,0]
# [270,0] => [3,0]
# These are then the maximum set of rotations that each piece can be in
rotations = []
for rot_0 in range(0,4):
for rot_1 in range(0,4):
if matches[tile_0[(4-rot_0+2)%4]] == tile_1[(4-rot_1+0)%4]:
rotations.append([rot_0, rot_1])
return rotations
def rotate_tile(tile, rotation):
return [tile[(4 + 0 - rotation) % 4],
tile[(4 + 1 - rotation) % 4],
tile[(4 + 2 - rotation) % 4],
tile[(4 + 3 - rotation) % 4]
# print(rotate_tile(['D2','D1','C1','B1'],0))
# print(rotate_tile(['D2','D1','C1','B1'],1))
# print(rotate_tile(['D2','D1','C1','B1'],2))
# print(rotate_tile(['D2','D1','C1','B1'],3))
# exit(0)
def rotate_tileset(tileset, rotations):
return [rotate_tile(tile, rotation) for tile, rotation in zip(tileset, rotations)]
def search_rotations(tiles, matches):
# Tile positions:
# 0 1 2
# 3 4 5
# 6 7 8
# Try rotating each tile in the set, to see if it can match its neighbor. This function returns early if
# any two neighbor tiles can't be rotated to match each other, to prevent needing to search the entire
# space.
horizontal_tileset = [
vertical_tileset = [
# Union of all allowed rotations, for each tile
allowed_rotations = [
# Check if each horizonal neighbor has a valid fit (in isolation)
for tileset in horizontal_tileset:
rotations = search_neighbor_rotations_horizontal(tiles[tileset[0]], tiles[tileset[1]], matches)
if rotations == []:
return False, []
allowed_0 = []
allowed_1 = []
for rotation in rotations:
allowed_rotations[tileset[0]] = list(set(allowed_rotations[tileset[0]]) & set(allowed_0))
allowed_rotations[tileset[1]] = list(set(allowed_rotations[tileset[1]]) & set(allowed_1))
# Check if each vertical neighbor has a valid fit (in isolation)
for tileset in vertical_tileset:
rotations = search_neighbor_rotations_vertical(tiles[tileset[0]], tiles[tileset[1]], matches)
if rotations == []:
return False, []
allowed_0 = []
allowed_1 = []
for rotation in rotations:
allowed_rotations[tileset[0]] = list(set(allowed_rotations[tileset[0]]) & set(allowed_0))
allowed_rotations[tileset[1]] = list(set(allowed_rotations[tileset[1]]) & set(allowed_1))
# Check if all of the isolated sets still allow a potential rotation
for rotation in allowed_rotations:
if rotation == []:
return False, []
# Probably a recursive solution would be cleaner here
valid_solutions = []
for rot0 in allowed_rotations[0]:
for rot1 in allowed_rotations[1]:
for rot2 in allowed_rotations[2]:
for rot3 in allowed_rotations[3]:
for rot4 in allowed_rotations[4]:
for rot5 in allowed_rotations[5]:
for rot6 in allowed_rotations[6]:
for rot7 in allowed_rotations[7]:
for rot8 in allowed_rotations[8]:
rotated_tileset = rotate_tileset(
#[tile_set[i] for i in tiles],
[rot0, rot1, rot2, rot3, rot4, rot5, rot6, rot7, rot8]
if grid_33_matches(rotated_tileset, matches):
valid_solutions.append([rot0, rot1, rot2, rot3, rot4, rot5, rot6, rot7, rot8])
if valid_solutions == []:
return False, []
return True, valid_solutions
# seta = [1,2,3,4]
# setb = [2,2,4]
# print(list(set(seta) & set(setb)))
# exit(0)
def tile_repr(tiles):
# This function prints a tile grid, for example:
# ____________ ____________ ____________
# | A2 | | A2 | | A2 |
# | | | | | |
# | C1 B1 | | B2 C2 | | C1 B1 |
# | | | | | |
# | D1 | | A1 | | B1 |
# |____________| |____________| |____________|
# ____________ ____________ ____________
# | D2 | | A2 | | B2 |
# | | | | | |
# | C1 B1 | | B2 B1 | | B2 B1 |
# | | | | | |
# | A1 | | D1 | | B1 |
# |____________| |____________| |____________|
# ____________ ____________ ____________
# | A2 | | D2 | | B2 |
# | | | | | |
# | C1 B1 | | B2 B1 | | B2 B1 |
# | | | | | |
# | D1 | | D1 | | D1 |
# |____________| |____________| |____________|
text = []
for row in [tiles[0:3], tiles[3:6],tiles[6:9]]:
text.extend([' ____________ ____________ ____________ '])
text.extend(['| {:} | | {:} | | {:} |'.format(row[0][0],row[1][0],row[2][0])])
text.extend(['| | | | | |'])
text.extend(['| {:} {:} | | {:} {:} | | {:} {:} |'.format(row[0][3],row[0][1],row[1][3],row[1][1],row[2][3],row[2][1])])
text.extend(['| | | | | |'])
text.extend(['| {:} | | {:} | | {:} |'.format(row[0][2],row[1][2],row[2][2])])
text.extend(['|____________| |____________| |____________|'])
return text
tile_set = [
matches = {
good_match = [
# print('\n'.join(tile_repr(good_match)))
# print(grid_33_matches(good_match,matches))
# exit(0)
# print(search_neighbor_rotations_horizontal(['A1','B1','C1','D2'], ['B2','D2','A1','C1'], matches))
# print(search_neighbor_rotations_horizontal(['D1','A2','C1','A2'], ['A1','B2','C2','B2'], matches))
# print(search_neighbor_rotations_vertical(['A1','B1','C1','D2'], ['B2','D2','A1','C1'], matches))
# print(search_neighbor_rotations_vertical(['A2','D2','C1','A2'], ['A1','B2','C2','B2'], matches))
# exit(0)
rot_possible_count = 0
total = math.factorial(len(tile_set))
for number in range(0,math.factorial(len(tile_set))):
order = number_to_order(number, list(range(0,len(tile_set))))
tiles = [tile_set[i] for i in order]
#good = grid_33_matches(tiles, matches)
rotation_possible, allowed_rotations = search_rotations(tiles, matches)
#print('{:3.0f}%'.format(number/total*100), number, order, tiles, rotation_possible)
if rotation_possible:
print('{:3.0f}%'.format(number/total*100), number, order, tiles, allowed_rotations)
rot_possible_count = rot_possible_count + 1
for line in tile_repr(tiles):
print(rot_possible_count, total)
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