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Created February 9, 2015 21:15
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Example of Azure Resource Manager Providers for a Subscription
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"Central US",
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"Australia Southeast",
"Japan West",
"Southeast Asia",
"South Central US",
"Australia East"
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"Brazil South",
"Southeast Asia",
"East Asia",
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"Australia Southeast"
"apiVersions": [
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"West Europe",
"Japan East",
"Japan West",
"Brazil South",
"Australia East",
"Australia Southeast"
"apiVersions": [
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"Central US",
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"Japan West",
"Brazil South",
"Australia Southeast",
"Australia East"
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"East US 2",
"North Central US",
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"Brazil South",
"West US",
"Central US",
"South Central US",
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"Japan West",
"East Asia",
"Southeast Asia",
"Australia East",
"Australia Southeast"
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"Japan West",
"East Asia",
"Southeast Asia"
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"North Central US",
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"West Europe",
"Brazil South",
"West US",
"Central US",
"South Central US",
"Japan East",
"Japan West",
"East Asia",
"Southeast Asia"
"apiVersions": [
"resourceType": "checkDataFactoryNameAvailability",
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"apiVersions": [
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"apiVersions": [
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"Central US (Stage)"
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"Central US",
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"East US"
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"West US",
"East US"
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"East US"
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"apiVersions": [
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"Central US"
"apiVersions": [
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"East US",
"East US 2",
"North Central US",
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"West Europe",
"Brazil South",
"West US",
"Central US",
"South Central US",
"Japan East",
"Japan West",
"East Asia",
"Southeast Asia"
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"East US",
"East US 2",
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"West Europe",
"Brazil South",
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"Central US",
"South Central US",
"Japan East",
"Japan West",
"East Asia",
"Southeast Asia"
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"apiVersions": []
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"West Europe",
"West US",
"Australia Southeast",
"Australia East",
"South Central US"
"apiVersions": []
"registrationState": "Registered"
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"West US"
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"West US",
"North Europe",
"West Europe",
"East Asia",
"Southeast Asia",
"Japan East",
"Japan West",
"Brazil South"
"apiVersions": [
"resourceType": "validateServiceName",
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"apiVersions": [
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"East US 2 (Stage)",
"North Central US (Stage)"
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"East US 2 (Stage)",
"North Central US (Stage)"
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"East US 2 (Stage)",
"North Central US (Stage)"
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"East US 2 (Stage)",
"North Central US (Stage)"
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"East US 2 (Stage)",
"North Central US (Stage)"
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"locations": [],
"apiVersions": [
"resourceType": "georegions",
"locations": [],
"apiVersions": [
"registrationState": "Registered"
"id": "/subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/providers/NewRelic.APM",
"namespace": "NewRelic.APM",
"resourceTypes": [
"resourceType": "accounts",
"locations": [
"North Central US",
"South Central US",
"West US",
"East US",
"North Europe",
"West Europe",
"Southeast Asia",
"East Asia"
"apiVersions": [
"resourceType": "accounts/applications",
"locations": [
"North Central US",
"South Central US",
"West US",
"East US",
"North Europe",
"West Europe",
"Southeast Asia",
"East Asia"
"apiVersions": [
"registrationState": "NotRegistered"
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