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Created July 11, 2014 18:28
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Arun et al measure with NPR data
from urllib2 import urlopen
from json import load
import re, nltk
from nltk.stem.wordnet import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.corpus import wordnet, stopwords
import logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s',
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities, matutils
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
url = ''
key = 'API_KEY'
url = url + key
url += '&numResults=50&format=json&id=1001'
url += '&requiredAssets=text'
response = urlopen(url)
json_obj = load(response)
with open('nprarticles.txt','w') as f:
for story in json_obj['list']['story']:
article = []
for paragraph in story['textWithHtml']['paragraph']:
art = ' '.join(article).encode('utf-8')
lmtzr = WordNetLemmatizer()
stops = stopwords.words('english')
html = re.compile(r'\<[^\>]*\>')
nonan = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z ]')
shortword = re.compile(r'\W*\b\w{1,2}\b')
copyright = 'copyright npr see visit httpwwwnprorg'
tag_to_type = {'J': wordnet.ADJ, 'V': wordnet.VERB, 'R': wordnet.ADV}
def get_wordnet_pos(treebank_tag):
return tag_to_type.get(treebank_tag[:1], wordnet.NOUN)
def clean(text):
clean_text = nonan.sub('',html.sub('',text))
words = nltk.word_tokenize(shortword.sub('',clean_text.lower()))
filtered_words = [w for w in words if not w in stops]
tags = nltk.pos_tag(filtered_words)
return ' '.join(
lmtzr.lemmatize(word, get_wordnet_pos(tag[1]))
for word, tag in zip(filtered_words, tags)
with open('nprarticles.txt','r') as f:
with open('corpus.txt','w') as f2:
text = []
for line in f:
for line in text:
text = clean(line)
f2.write(text.replace(copyright,'') +'\n')
def sym_kl(p,q):
return np.sum([stats.entropy(p,q),stats.entropy(q,p)])
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(line.lower().split() for
line in open('corpus.txt','rb'))
once_ids = [tokenid for tokenid, docfreq in
dictionary.dfs.iteritems() if docfreq == 1]
class MyCorpus(object):
def __iter__(self):
for line in open('corpus.txt','r'):
yield dictionary.doc2bow(line.lower().split())
my_corpus = MyCorpus()
l = np.array([sum(cnt for _, cnt in doc) for doc in my_corpus])
def arun(corpus,dictionary,min_topics=1,max_topics,step=1):
kl = []
for i in range(min_topics,max_topics,step):
lda = models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus,
m1 = lda.expElogbeta
U,cm1,V = np.linalg.svd(m1)
#Document-topic matrix
lda_topics = lda[my_corpus]
m2 = matutils.corpus2dense(lda_topics, lda.num_topics).transpose()
cm2 =
cm2 = cm2 + 0.0001
cm2norm = np.linalg.norm(l)
cm2 = cm2/cm2norm
return kl
kl = arun(my_corpus,dictionary,max_topics=100)
# Plot kl divergence against number of topics
plt.ylabel('Symmetric KL Divergence')
plt.xlabel('Number of Topics')
plt.savefig('kldiv.png', bbox_inches='tight')
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