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Last active December 12, 2018 20:33
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"""This section of code allows us to create and test many neural networks and save the results of a quick
test into a CSV file. Once that CSV file has been created, we will continue to add results onto the existing
rapid_testing_path = 'YOUR PATH HERE'
data_path = 'YOUR DATA PATH'
try: # try to load existing csv
rapid_mlp_results = pd.read_csv(rapid_testing_path + 'Results.csv')
index = rapid_mlp_results.shape[1]
except: # if no csv exists yet, create a DF
rapid_mlp_results = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Model', 'Train Accuracy', 'Test Accuracy', 'Train AUC', 'Test AUC',
'Preprocessing', 'Batch size', 'Learn Rate', 'Optimization', 'Activations',
'Hidden layers', 'Regularization'])
index = 0
og_one_hot = np.array(pd.read_csv(data_path)) # load one hot data
model_info = {} # create model_info dicts for all the models we want to test
model_info['Hidden layers'] = [100] * 6 # specifies the number of hidden units per layer
model_info['Input size'] = og_one_hot.shape[1] - 1 # input data size
model_info['Activations'] = ['relu'] * 6 # activation function for each layer
model_info['Optimization'] = 'adadelta' # optimization method
model_info["Learning rate"] = .005 # learning rate for optimization method
model_info["Batch size"] = 32
model_info["Preprocessing"] = 'Standard' # specifies the preprocessing method to be used
model_0 = model_info.copy() # create model 0
model_0['Name'] = 'Model0'
model_1 = model_info.copy() # create model 1
model_1['Hidden layers'] = [110] * 3
model_1['Name'] = 'Model1'
model_2 = model_info.copy() # try best model so far with several regularization parameter values
model_2['Hidden layers'] = [110] * 6
model_2['Name'] = 'Model2'
model_2['Regularization'] = 'l2'
model_2['Reg param'] = 0.0005
model_3 = model_info.copy()
model_3['Hidden layers'] = [110] * 6
model_3['Name'] = 'Model3'
model_3['Regularization'] = 'l2'
model_3['Reg param'] = 0.05
# .... create more models ....
#-------------- REGULARIZATION OPTIONS -------------
# L2 Regularization: Regularization: 'l2', Reg param: lambda value
# Dropout: Regularization: 'Dropout', Reg param: keep_prob
# Batch normalization: Regularization: 'Batch norm', Reg param: 'before' or 'after'
models = [model_0, model_1, model_2] # make a list of model_info hash tables
column_list = ['Model', 'Train Accuracy', 'Test Accuracy', 'Train AUC', 'Test AUC', 'Preprocessing',
'Batch size', 'Learn Rate', 'Optimization', 'Activations', 'Hidden layers',
'Regularization', 'Reg Param']
for model in models: # for each model_info in list of models to test, test model and record results
train_data, labels = preprocess_data(og_one_hot, model['Preprocessing'], True) # preprocess raw data
data_dict = split_data(0.9, 0, np.concatenate((train_data, labels.reshape(29999, 1)), axis=1)) # split data
train_acc, test_acc, auc_train, auc_test = quick_nn_test(model, data_dict, save_path=rapid_testing_path) # quickly assess model
reg = model['Regularization'] # set regularization parameters if given
reg_param = model['Reg param']
reg = "None" # else set NULL params
reg_param = 'NA'
val_lis = [model['Name'], train_acc[1], test_acc[1], auc_train, auc_test, model['Preprocessing'],
model["Batch size"], model["Learning rate"], model["Optimization"], str(model["Activations"]),
str(model["Hidden layers"]), reg, reg_param]
df_dict = {}
for col, val in zip(column_list, val_lis): # create df dict to append to csv file
df_dict[col] = val
df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict, index=[index])
rapid_mlp_results = rapid_mlp_results.append(df, ignore_index=False)
rapid_mlp_results.to_csv(rapid_testing_path + "Results.csv", index=False)
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