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Created April 27, 2023 07:33
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psi -- WSLg IntelliJ with pageant agent forwarding
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
#tmux_sess="$( { pgrep -f "tmux attach" || pgrep -f "tmux new"; } | head -n1)"
#if ! [[ "$tmux_sess" ]]
#then read -p "confirm no tmux"
#eval export $(cat /proc/$tmux_sess/environ | grep -z SSH_AUTH_SOCK | tr "\0" "\n")
if [[ ! -f $psi_env ]]
then read -p "confirm no psi env"
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(cat /tmp/psi.txt)
setxkbmap -layout de -variant nodeadkeys
export http_proxy= https_proxy=$http_proxy no_proxy=localhost
cd $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE)
cd .local/opt/idea-IU*
set +e
exec ./bin/
powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted psi.ps1
start-job -name foo -ScriptBlock { ssh -A localhost -p 2222 -l cschulz -- 'echo $SSH_AUTH_SOCK > /tmp/psi.txt; while sleep inf & wait; do :; done' }
wsl '$HOME/'
stop-job -name foo
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