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Forked from hwayne/taxes.als
Created August 30, 2020 09:29
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//assumes no tax overrides
//assumes no tax can replace another tax
sig Location {} //states, cities
sig Category {}
sig Item {
, category: some Category
enum TaxRate {Percent, Flat}
sig Tax { //should probably have a general rules interface
, cost: TaxRate
, rules: some Rule
} //set means that a tax would ALWAYS apply if no rules
abstract sig Rule {}
sig LocationRule extends Rule {
rule: Location
sig CategoryRule extends Rule {
rule: some Category
} // can apply if Category A OR B
sig CountRule extends Rule {
rule: Int
} {rule > 0}
fact "One locationrule per location" {
LocationRule.rule = Location
#LocationRule = #Location
fact "Tax type restrictions" {
//no so far?!
pred tax_applies[t: Tax, i: Item] {
all r: t.rules |
pred rule_applies[r: Rule, i: Item] {
r in LocationRule => r.rule_location[i] else
r in CategoryRule => r.rule_category[i] else
r in CountRule => r.rule_count[i]
pred rule_location[r: LocationRule, i: Item] {
r.rule in Cart.address
pred rule_category[r: CategoryRule, i: Item] {
i.category in r.rule
pred rule_count[r: CountRule, i: Item] {
Cart.contents[i] <= r.rule
one sig Cart {
, contents: set (Item -> lone Int) //gotta have to pay
//question: Int -> Item or Item -> Int???
, address: some Location // city in state etc
} {
no i: Item.contents | i <= 0
run {some t: Tax, i: Item | #t.rules > 1 and t.tax_applies[i]}
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