Both are independent sequences of execution. Threads are interdependent.
- Is an executing instance.
- Process can have multiple threads.
- Can talk bw each other via IPC (very expensive).
- Starts with a main thread.
The Linux kernel provides the following IPC mechanisms:
- Named Pipes or FIFOs
- UNIX Domain Sockets
- Signals
- Anonymous Pipes
- SysV Message Queues
- POSIX Message Queues
- SysV Shared memory
- POSIX Shared memory
- SysV semaphores
- POSIX semaphores
- FUTEX locks
- File-backed and anonymous shared memory using mmap
- Netlink Sockets
- Network Sockets
- Inotify mechanisms
- FUSE subsystem
- D-Bus subsystem
For Most of my needs I use sockets.
- Are paths of execution within a process.
- Threads share same address space within a process.
- Shared space must be synced.
- Less resource-heavy.
- Can perform the same tasks as a process.
- Easier to create (less resource allocation)
Two or more threads wait on other two or more threads for resource control.
- mutual exclusion
- resource holding
- no sys-level preemption mechanism
- circular wait
A thread makes little to no-progress due to excessive context switching.
A deadlock, but threads are constantly switching states.
A more resource-hungry thread holds onto a given resource, making other threads with less priority wait indefinitely. Often a signal of poor semaphore technique.
Use a thread pool, create new threads (runnable) add them to the pool. When the time comes, run
will be called on them.
Gorilla vs Shark: one is an encryption algorithm (reversible) whereas the other is a hashing algorithm (one-way encrypt).
Private => class only
Protected => class, subclasses (diff package), package
No-mod => class, package
Public => world, class, package, subclasses.
- Method: only available to the class.
- Method: only available to class & subclasses.
Final method can't be overridden nor hidden.
Final class can't be subclassed.
Final var cannot be reassigned. Blank finals, can only be assigned once, but objects pointed at are still mutable. Careful!
Called after an object is eligible for GC. JVM does not guarantee GC. JVM can stop, EOL of proc. etc.
- A finally block always executes when the try block exits, even if an unexpected exception occurs.
- Useful for cleanup code, ensures it won't be bypassed by a return, continue, or break, even when no exceptions are anticipated.
- Finally won't be called is if you call System.exit() or if the JVM crashes.
- random access (read/writes).
- Expensive operations O(n) if not at the end.
- If out of bounds, needs to be resized O(n)
- Get O(1)
- More memory, regardless of items.
- iterates faster (random access)
Linked list
- Each item has more overhead (previous/next pointer allocation)
- Insertion/Removal is O(1)
- Traverse is O(n) -- sequential access.
- Requires iterators. If used properly, O(1) for add/remove.
Sync works by acquiring a locks on the object and releasing it after a successful return or uncaught exception.
class class_name {
static synchronized type method_name() {
statement block
All the statements in the method become the synchronized block, and the class object is the lock.
class class_name {
synchronized type method_name() {
statement block
All the statements in the method become the synchronized block, and the instance object is the lock.
class class_name {
type method_name() {
synchronized (object) {
statement block
All the statements specified in the parentheses of the synchronized statement become the synchronized block, and the object specified in the statement is the lock.
- can only lock on
. - Cleaner API/interface/intent.
- anyone can sync on this :(
- methods need to be splitted.
- Blocks access on the current object.
- On method exit, establishes a
relationship on all subsequent sync calls on the object. - Guarantees that changes to the state are visible to all threads.
Constructors cannot be synced.
- Final fields are safe to read.
- Static fields use a different lock from the rest of the object.
- Re-entrant sync: a thread can acquire a lock it already owns.
- Can use private/local-only objects to sync.
- Can use different objects (multiple locks) for interleaved sync.
- WARN: when calling methods from other objects.
Set of techniques in order to execute code asynchronously on the client. Allows client-server data exchange via XML/JSON.
- JavaScript triggers execution.
- XML/JSON for data transfer.
Mind web crawlers and slow connections/lack of JS.
- Minify CSS/JS
- Cache CSS/JS
- Load order
- Group together scripts/resources
- CSS sprites
- Set max-life/s-max-life
- Avoid inline CSS/JS
- Gif ALL the things! JPG elsewhere.
Application-layer and stateless protocol. Communications use a Request/Response pair. Client can create custom headers (are treated as entity headers by the protocol).
Response: URL + Verb:
- GET: Fetch a resource. Analog to READ operations on the DB. Forward when using this.
- POST [DELETE/PUT]: Contains payload data for creating a resource. Analog to CUD operations on the DB. Redirect when using these.
Response: STATUS + MSG body
- 1XX - info messages
- 2XX - success
- 3XX - redirect
- 4XX - client error
- 5XX - server error
A request/response also contains HEAD, TRACE and OPTIONS data.
OPTIONS: server info.
TRACE: server roundtrip info.
HEAD: check resource validity.
Use cache-headers to allow storing resources along the way to the client.
- private | public : should only be stored on the client. Declares intent. Use SSL instead.
- no-cache: this resource should be keep up-to date with the source (cookies/dynamic content).
- no-store: sensitive info. Request shouldn't be stored either.
- max-age: sets the cache expiry-date for any resource. Overrides the
header. - s-max-age: shared max age, sets the above property on any proxies along the way. Overrides above.
- must-revalidate: do not serve stale content. Warn client if so.
- proxy-revalidate: same as above, applies to proxies (shared content).
- no-transform: skip proxy optimization-transformations.
Transaction unit of work performed by a DBMS on a DB that guarantees a consistent state. Follows ACID:
- Atomic
- Consistent
- Isolated
- Durable
Transactions are "all-or-nothing": either completes successfully or doesn't do anything.
Enqueue: locking mechanism for controlling simultaneous access to a common resource. Uses a mutual exclusion policy for enforcing limits.
public boolean isPrime(int num) {
if (num%2==0) return false;
for(int i=3; i*i<num; i+=2) {
if (num%i==0) {
return false;
return true;
public void findPrimes(int ceiling) {
// TODO: null check
List<int> primes = new ArrayList<int>();
for(int i=3; i<=ceiling; i++) {
if (isPrime(i)) {
public boolean[] fillSieve(int ceiling) {
// TODO: null check for ceiling
boolean[] primes = new boolean[ceiling];
Arrays.fill(primes, true); // assume all nums are primes.
primes[0]=primes[1]=false; // except for 0 & 1, of course.
for(int i=2; i<primes.length; i++) {
if(primes[i]) {
for(int j=2; i*j<primes.length; j++) {
primes[i*j] = false;
public boolean isCapicua(String word) {
/* All these calls should be separate methods */
word = word.replaceAll("\\s",""); // trims whitespace
word = word.replaceAll("\\W",""); // trims non-word chars
word = word.toLowerCase(); // eases up comparison
int len = word.length() -1;
int middle = len/2;
for(int i=0; i<=middle; i++) {
if(word.charAt(i) != word.charAt(len-i)) {
return false;
return true;
SELECT, o.product
FROM customer c
INNER JOIN order o
ON = o.cust_id
WHERE o.value = 150;
SELECT Customers.CustomerName, Orders.OrderID
FROM Customers
ON Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID
ORDER BY Customers.CustomerName;
SELECT ProductName, Price FROM Products
WHERE Price>(SELECT AVG(Price) FROM Products);
SELECT Employees.LastName, COUNT(Orders.OrderID) AS NumberOfOrders FROM Orders
INNER JOIN Employees
ON Orders.EmployeeID=Employees.EmployeeID
WHERE LastName='Davolio' OR LastName='Fuller'
GROUP BY LastName, NumberOfOrders
HAVING COUNT(Orders.OrderID) > 25;
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