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Created August 5, 2013 19:31
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A jQuery free function for subforms generated via listOf from DigestiveFunctors
function dfList(el) {
var listTemplate = el.querySelector('.inputListTemplate');
var indices = el.querySelector('[name="' + + '.indices"]');
var counter = el.querySelectorAll(listTemplate.tagName.toLowerCase() + '.inputListItem').length;
var matchMinusOne = new RegExp("\-1");
var matchListTemplate = new RegExp("inputListTemplate");
var matchNumber = new RegExp("[0-9]", "g");
el.addEventListener("click", manageCodes, false);
function manageCodes(ev) {
if ( == 'add') {
var clone = listTemplate.cloneNode(true);
clone.className = clone.className.replace(matchListTemplate, 'inputListItem'); =, counter); = '';
clone.disabled = false;
var f = clone.querySelectorAll('input, select, textarea, button, label');
for (var i = 0, len = f.length; i < len; i++) {
f[i].id = f[i].id.replace(matchMinusOne, counter);
f[i].className = f[i].className.replace(matchListTemplate, 'inputListItem');
f[i].style.display = '';
if (f[i].tagName.toLowerCase() == 'label') {
f[i].setAttribute('for', f[i].getAttribute('for').replace(matchMinusOne, counter));
} else {
f[i].disabled = false;
f[i].name = f[i].name.replace(matchMinusOne, counter);
indices.value = (indices.value.length == 0 ? '' : indices.value + ',') + counter;
} else if ( == 'remove') {
// TODO: remove assumption that the button is a child of the element being removed
var rem = listTemplate.parentNode.removeChild(;
var oldCounter =[0];
var regex = new RegExp("(^|,)" + oldCounter + "(,|$)");
indices.value = indices.value.replace(regex, '');
var lists = document.querySelectorAll('.inputList');
dfInputList :: MonadIO m => View Text -> Splice m
dfInputList view = do
(ref, _) <- getRefAttributes Nothing
let listRef = absoluteRef ref view
listAttrs =
[ ("id", listRef)
, ("class", "inputList")
addControl _ = return
[ ("onclick", T.concat [ "addInputListItem(this, '"
, listRef
, "'); return false;"] ) ]
removeControl _ = return
[ ("onclick", T.concat [ "removeInputListItem(this, '"
, listRef
, "'); return false;"] ) ]
itemAttrs v _ = return
[ ("id", T.concat [listRef, ".", last $ "0" : viewContext v])
, ("class", T.append listRef " inputListItem")
templateAttrs v _ = return
[ ("id", T.concat [listRef, ".", last $ "-1" : viewContext v])
, ("class", T.append listRef " inputListTemplate")
, ("style", "display: none;")
, ("disabled", "disabled")
items = listSubViews ref view
f attrs v = localHS (bindAttributeSplices [("itemAttrs", attrs v)] .
bindDigestiveSplices v) runChildren
dfListItem = do
template <- f templateAttrs (makeListSubView ref (-1) view)
res <- mapSplices (f itemAttrs) items
return $ template ++ res
attrSplices = [ ("addControl", addControl)
, ("removeControl", removeControl)
nodes <- localHS (bindSplices [("dfListItem", dfListItem)] .
bindAttributeSplices attrSplices) runChildren
let indices = [X.Element "input"
[ ("type", "hidden")
, ("name", T.intercalate "." [listRef, indicesRef])
, ("value", T.intercalate "," $ map
(last . ("0":) . viewContext) items)
] []
return [X.Element "div" listAttrs (indices ++ nodes)]
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