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Last active December 7, 2018 13:35
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  • Save cinek810/b86807f13cb5e990fea46ddc759f464e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Script for reingestion of specific jobs data (based on the resource code name and dates) to XDMoD (Interested? Check whole article:
# Author: Marcin Stolarek
delete from mod_shredder.shredded_job_slurm where start_time > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$START') and end_time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$END') and cluster_name = '$RESOURCE';
delete from mod_shredder.shredded_job where resource_name='$RESOURCE' and start_time > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$START') and end_time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$END');
delete from mod_shredder.staging_job where resource_name='$RESOURCE' and start_time > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$START') and end_time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$END');
delete from mod_hpcdb.hpcdb_jobs where resource_id=( SELECT resource_id FROM mod_hpcdb.hpcdb_resources where resource_code = "$RESOURCE" ) and start_time > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$START') and end_time < UNIX_TIMESTAMP('$END');
delete from modw.jobfact where resource_id=( SELECT resource_id FROM mod_hpcdb.hpcdb_resources where resource_code = "$RESOURCE" ) and start_time > '$START' and end_time < '$END';
cat $MYSQL_REMOVE | mysql
/usr/bin/xdmod-ingestor --start-time "${START}" --end-time "${END}" --debug > /tmp/xdmod-ingestor-remove.debug
/usr/bin/xdmod-slurm-helper -r $RESOURCE --start-time "${START}T00:00:00" --end-time "${END}T00:00:00" --debug > /tmp/xdmod-slurm-helper.debug
/usr/bin/xdmod-ingestor --start-time "$START" --end-time "${END}" --debug > /tmp/xdmod-ingestor-add.debug
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