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Last active May 3, 2018 18:19
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# $1 - VM name
# $2 - resoure group
# Overcomplicated solution for
# Basically change the VM disk from Premium to Standard SKU to allow resize to Basic tier
# Assume one VM in Resource group
# Assume VM has one disk
#Gather information from OLD VM
echo "Get vmDiskSize"
diskId=$(az vm show -g $GROUP --name $NAME --query -o tsv)
echo "diskId=$diskId"
vmDiskSize=$(az disk show --id $diskId --query diskSizeGb -o tsv)
echo "vmDiskSize=$vmDiskSize"
echo "Get osType"
osType=$(az vm show -g $GROUP -n $NAME --query storageProfile.osDisk.osType -o tsv)
echo "osType=$osType"
echo "Get vmDisk"
vmDisk=$(az disk show --id $diskId --query "name" -o tsv )
echo "vmDisk=$vmDisk"
echo "Get oldIpAddress"
oldIpAddress=$(az vm list-ip-addresses -n $NAME -g $GROUP --query [] -o tsv)
#Create a VM disk snapshot
echo "Create snapshot"
az snapshot create -g $GROUP -n $snapName --source $vmDisk
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
exit 1
snapshotId=$(az snapshot show --name $snapName --resource-group $GROUP --query [id] -o tsv)
#Create new DISK
az disk create --resource-group $GROUP --name $newDiskName --sku Standard_LRS --source $snapshotId --size-gb $vmDiskSize
#Stop the VM to reuse IP address
echo "Stop old VM"
az vm stop -n $NAME -g $GROUP
nicId=$(az vm nic list -g $GROUP --vm-name $1 --query [].id -o tsv)
echo "nicId=$nicId"
#It's not possible because VM must have at least one nic
#echo "Remove oldVM nic"
#az vm nic remove --vm-name $1 -g $GROUP --nics $nicId
az vm delete -n $NAME -g $GROUP --yes
#Create new VM
az vm create --name $newVMNAME --resource-group $GROUP --attach-os-disk $newDiskName --os-type $osType --nics $nicId
#Cleanup - remove snapshot
az snapshot delete --resource-group $GROUP --name $snamName
az vm deallocate --name $newVMName --resource-group $GROUP
az vm resize --name $newVMNAME --resource-group $GROUP --size Basic_A1
az vm start --name $enwVMNAME -g $GROUP
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