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Forked from timothyshort/Jenkinsfile
Created September 28, 2022 15:45
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pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
string(name: 'server', defaultValue: "C:\\HexawareTraining\\Cohort1\\JenkinsLabs\\apache-tomcat-")
string(name: 'emailTo', defaultValue: "")
triggers {
pollSCM('* * * * *')
tools {
maven 'jenkinsMaven'
stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
bat """
cd freddie-app
mvn clean package
stage('Deploy to Staging') {
steps {
echo 'Deploy to staging environment'
// Launch tomcat
bat """
cd ${params.server}qa\\bin
bat """
cd ${params.server}staging\\bin
// Code to move WAR to Tomcat
bat "xcopy /y freddie-app\\webapp\\target\\webapp.war ${params.server}qa\\webapps"
bat "xcopy /y freddie-app\\webapp\\target\\webapp.war ${params.server}staging\\webapps"
post {
success {
emailNotification('Successfully Deployed to Staging')
failure {
emailNotification('FAILED to deploy to staging')
def emailNotification(status) {
to: "${params.emailTo}",
subject: "${status}",
body: "Job Name: <b>${env.JOB_NAME}</b> <br>" +
"Build: <b>${env.BUILD_NUMBER}</b> <br>" +
"<a href=${env.BUILD_URL}>Check Console Output</a>"
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