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Created January 11, 2018 16:25
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Jedi Ethereum Betting Smart Contract
pragma solidity ^0.4.8;
contract Bet {
//jedi bet status
uint constant STATUS_WIN = 1;
uint constant STATUS_LOSE = 2;
uint constant STATUS_TIE = 3;
uint constant STATUS_PENDING = 4;
//game status
uint constant STATUS_NOT_STARTED = 1;
uint constant STATUS_STARTED = 2;
uint constant STATUS_COMPLETE = 3;
//general status
uint constant STATUS_ERROR = 4;
//the 'better' structure
struct JediBet {
uint guess;
address addr;
uint status;
//the 'game' structure
struct Game {
uint256 betAmount;
uint outcome;
uint status;
JediBet originator;
JediBet taker;
//the game
Game game;
//fallback function
function() public payable {}
function createBet(uint _guess) public payable {
game = Game(msg.value, 0, STATUS_STARTED, JediBet(_guess, msg.sender, STATUS_PENDING), JediBet(0, 0, STATUS_NOT_STARTED));
game.originator = JediBet(_guess, msg.sender, STATUS_PENDING);
function takeBet(uint _guess) public payable {
//requires the taker to make the same bet amount
require(msg.value == game.betAmount);
game.taker = JediBet(_guess, msg.sender, STATUS_PENDING);
function payout() public payable {
if (game.originator.status == STATUS_TIE && game.taker.status == STATUS_TIE) {
} else {
if (game.originator.status == STATUS_WIN) {
} else if (game.taker.status == STATUS_WIN) {
} else {
function checkPermissions(address sender) view private {
//only the originator or taker can call this function
require(sender == game.originator.addr || sender == game.taker.addr);
function getBetAmount() public view returns (uint) {
return game.betAmount;
function getOriginatorGuess() public view returns (uint) {
return game.originator.guess;
function getTakerGuess() public view returns (uint) {
return game.taker.guess;
function getPot() public view returns (uint256) {
return this.balance;
function generateBetOutcome() private {
//todo - not a great way to generate a random number but ok for now
game.outcome = uint(block.blockhash(block.number-1))%10 + 1;
game.status = STATUS_COMPLETE;
if (game.originator.guess == game.taker.guess) {
game.originator.status = STATUS_TIE;
game.taker.status = STATUS_TIE;
} else if (game.originator.guess > game.outcome && game.taker.guess > game.outcome) {
game.originator.status = STATUS_TIE;
game.taker.status = STATUS_TIE;
} else {
if ((game.outcome - game.originator.guess) < (game.outcome - game.taker.guess)) {
game.originator.status = STATUS_WIN;
game.taker.status = STATUS_LOSE;
} else if ((game.outcome - game.taker.guess) < (game.outcome - game.originator.guess)) {
game.originator.status = STATUS_LOSE;
game.taker.status = STATUS_WIN;
} else {
game.originator.status = STATUS_ERROR;
game.taker.status = STATUS_ERROR;
game.status = STATUS_ERROR;
//returns - [<description>, 'originator', <originator status>, 'taker', <taker status>]
function getBetOutcome() public view returns
(string description, string originatorKey, uint originatorStatus, string takerKey, uint takerStatus)
if (game.originator.status == STATUS_TIE || game.taker.status == STATUS_TIE) {
description = "Both bets were the same or were over the number, the pot will be split";
} else {
if (game.originator.status == STATUS_WIN) {
description = "Bet originator guess was closer to the number and will receive the pot";
} else if (game.taker.status == STATUS_WIN) {
description = "Bet taker guess was closer to the number and will receive the pot";
} else {
description = "Unknown Bet Outcome";
originatorKey = "originator";
originatorStatus = game.originator.status;
takerKey = "taker";
takerStatus = game.taker.status;
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