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Created January 11, 2018 16:33
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Mocha Test for Bet.sol
var Bet = artifacts.require("./contracts/Bet");
const betAmountInEth = 0.25;
const wrongBetAmountInEth = 0.15;
const agreedUponBetAmount = web3.toWei(betAmountInEth, "ether");
const wrongBetAmount = web3.toWei(wrongBetAmountInEth, "ether");
contract("Bet", function(accounts) {
const betOriginator = accounts[0];
const betTaker = accounts[1];
const badActor = accounts[2];
const originatorBet = 4;
const takerBet = 5;
const originatorBalanceBeforeBet = web3.eth.getBalance(betOriginator);
const takerBalanceBeforeBet = web3.eth.getBalance(betTaker);
let originatorBalanceAfterBet;
let takerBalanceAfterBet;
it("We should be able to start a bet by setting a guess and sending the bet amount that the contract was initialized with", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance.createBet
.sendTransaction(originatorBet, {
from: betOriginator,
value: agreedUponBetAmount,
.then(tx => {
assert.notEqual(tx, "", "We should get a transaction hash");
it("The originating bet amount in the contract should match the passed in values", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance
from: betOriginator,
.then(betAmount => {
//console.log("betAmount: " + agreedUponBetAmount);
assert.equal(betAmount, agreedUponBetAmount, "Bet amounts don't match");
it("The originating bet guess in the contract should match the passed in values", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance
from: betOriginator,
.then(betGuess => {
assert.equal(betGuess, originatorBet, "Bet guesses don't match");
it("The originator balance should be less the bet amount and gas", function() {
const originalBalanceMinusBet = originatorBalanceBeforeBet - agreedUponBetAmount;
originatorBalanceAfterBet = web3.eth.getBalance(betOriginator);
originatorBalanceAfterBet < originalBalanceMinusBet,
"Current Balance should be less than original balance minus bet because of gas"
it("We should be able to take a bet by setting a guess and sending the bet amount that the contract was initialized with", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance.takeBet
.sendTransaction(takerBet, {
from: betTaker,
value: agreedUponBetAmount,
.then(tx => {
assert.notEqual(tx, "", "We should get a transaction hash");
it("Taking the bet should fail if the bet amount does not equal the bet amount that the contract was initialized with", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance.takeBet
.sendTransaction(takerBet, {
from: betTaker,
value: wrongBetAmount,
.catch(error => {
assert.isDefined(error, "We should get an error");
it("The taker bet guess in the contract should match the passed in values", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance
from: betTaker,
.then(betGuess => {
assert.equal(betGuess, takerBet, "Bet guesses don't match");
it("The taker balance should be less the bet amount and gas", function() {
const originalBalanceMinusBet = takerBalanceBeforeBet - agreedUponBetAmount;
takerBalanceAfterBet = web3.eth.getBalance(betTaker);
takerBalanceAfterBet < originalBalanceMinusBet,
"Current Balance should be less than original balance minus bet because of gas"
it("The contract balance should reflect the originator and taker bets", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance
from: betTaker,
.then(balance => {
(agreedUponBetAmount * 2).toString(),
"Contact Balance should equal the bet amounts "
it("The taker or originator should be able to call the payout to transfer winnings", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance
from: betTaker,
.then(tx => {
assert.notEqual(tx.tx, "", "We should get a transaction hash");
it("Originator and Taker balances should reflect bet outcome", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance
from: betTaker,
.then(outcome => {
assert.notEqual(outcome[0], "", "Bet outcome description should not be empty");
assert.notEqual(outcome[2], "", "Bet originator status should not be empty");
assert.notEqual(outcome[4], "", "Bet taker status should not be empty");
const originatorBalanceAfterPayout = web3.eth.getBalance(betOriginator);
const takerBalanceAfterPayout = web3.eth.getBalance(betTaker);
if (outcome[2].toString() === "1") {
let gain = originatorBalanceAfterPayout.minus(originatorBalanceBeforeBet);
console.log("originator gain:" + gain);
//if originator won
"Balance Gain after payout for a winning bet should be within 10% of bet amount"
} else if (outcome[4].toString() === "1") {
let gain = takerBalanceAfterPayout.minus(takerBalanceBeforeBet);
console.log("taker gain:" + gain);
//if taker won
"Balance Gain after payout for a winning bet should be within 10% of bet amount"
} else {
//a tie or error
let takerDelta = takerBalanceBeforeBet.minus(takerBalanceAfterPayout).dividedBy(takerBalanceBeforeBet);
let originatorDelta = originatorBalanceBeforeBet
console.log("originatorDelta: " + originatorDelta);
console.log("takerDelta: " + takerDelta);
takerDelta.lessThan(0.01) && originatorDelta.lessThan(0.01),
"Balance after payout for a tied bet should be within 1% of original balance"
it("ONLY the taker or originator should be able to call the payout function", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance
from: badActor,
.catch(error => {
assert.isDefined(error, "Only originator/taker can call function");
it("ONLY the taker or originator should be able to call the getBetAmount function", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance
from: badActor,
.catch(error => {
assert.isDefined(error, "Only originator/taker can call function");
it("ONLY the taker or originator should be able to call the getOriginatorGuess function", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance
from: badActor,
.catch(error => {
assert.isDefined(error, "Only originator/taker can call function");
it("ONLY the taker or originator should be able to call the getTakerGuess function", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance
from: badActor,
.catch(error => {
assert.isDefined(error, "Only originator/taker can call function");
it("ONLY the taker or originator should be able to call the getPot function", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance
from: badActor,
.catch(error => {
assert.isDefined(error, "Only originator/taker can call function");
it("ONLY the taker or originator should be able to call the getBetAmount function", function() {
return Bet.deployed().then(function(instance) {
return instance
from: badActor,
.catch(error => {
assert.isDefined(error, "Only originator/taker can call function");
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