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Last active January 21, 2021 16:15
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DiskCache sqlerror when throttled / memoized
### Overriding DiskCache's decorators to make them pickle-able ###
import diskcache as dc
from functools import update_wrapper
import time
class Memoized:
'NOTE: This function is memoised.'
'\n The results for a given combination of parameters are kept'
'\n for {expire} seconds in the cache at {cache_dest}'
def __init__(self, func, cache, name=None, typed=False, expire=None, tag=None) -> None:
"""Memoizing cache decorator.
Decorator to wrap callable with memoizing function using cache.
Repeated calls with the same arguments will lookup result in cache and
avoid function evaluation.
This is the class version of the [diskcache's own implementation](#1).
Class version is required for having a pickle-compatible callable
self.base = dc.core.full_name(func) if name is None else name
self.base = (self.base,) # 1-tuple due to use in args_to_key
self.func = func
# update name, qualname etc, but do not copy dict !
update_wrapper(self, func, updated=())
notice = self.NOTICE.format(expire=expire,
if self.__doc__:
self.__doc__ += '\n\n' + notice
self.__doc__ = notice
self.cache = cache
self.typed = typed
self.expire = expire
self.tag = tag
def __cache_key__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"Make key for cache given function arguments."
return dc.core.args_to_key(self.base, args, kwargs, self.typed)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"Wrapper for callable to cache arguments and return values."
key = self.__cache_key__(*args, **kwargs)
result = self.cache.get(key, default=ENOVAL, retry=True)
if result is ENOVAL:
result = self.func(*args, **kwargs)
if self.expire is None or self.expire > 0:
self.cache.set(key, result, self.expire, tag=self.tag, retry=True)
return result
class Throttled:
'NOTE: This function is throttled!'
'\n At most {count} calls can be made every {seconds} seconds.'
'\n It synchronises using the cache at {cache_dest}.'
def __init__(self, func, cache, count, seconds, name=None, expire=None, tag=None,
time_func=time.time, sleep_func=time.sleep):
"""Decorator to throttle calls to function.
This is exact implementation of DiskCache's own [`throttle()`](#1),
but in a class object, which is required for having pickle-compatible decorator.
The only modification is that we don't allow starting with two-times the rate (#2)
self.cache = cache
self.count = count
self.seconds = seconds
self.expire = expire
self.tag = tag
self.time_func = time_func
self.sleep_func = sleep_func
self.func = func
# update name, qualname etc, but do not copy dict !
update_wrapper(self, func, updated=())
notice = self.NOTICE.format(count=count, seconds=seconds,
if self.__doc__:
self.__doc__ += '\n\n' + notice
self.__doc__ = notice
self.rate = self.count / float(self.seconds)
self.key = dc.core.full_name(func) if name is None else name = self.time_func()
# in the original code, there is an allowance of `count` to start with
# but this results in double the calls for the first interval
# we set it to zero so that it is initialised with the time of the first call
self.cache.set(self.key, (, 0), expire=self.expire, tag=self.tag, retry=True)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
while True:
with self.cache.transact(retry=True):
last, tally = self.cache.get(self.key)
now = self.time_func()
tally += (now - last) * self.rate
delay = 0
if tally > self.count:
self.cache.set(self.key, (now, self.count - 1), self.expire)
elif tally >= 1:
self.cache.set(self.key, (now, tally - 1), self.expire)
delay = (1 - tally) / self.rate
if delay:
return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
import diskcache as dc
import time
import random
from dc_utils import Throttled, Memoized
class API:
def __init__(self, cache_dir, expire=7*24*60*60) -> None:
self.expire = expire
self.cache = dc.Cache(cache_dir)
def __setup_memoization_throttling(self):
The following lines are equivalent to these decorators:
@throttled(count=1, seconds=2)
def _check_online(self):
# inner memoization -- read/write
check_memoized_rw = Memoized(self._check_online, self.cache, expire=self.expire)
# throttle the API -- API spec is max 30 calls per 60s,
# but they average somehow weirdly and large bursts result errors with API Limit Exceeded
# hence 1 call / 2s always respects that limit
# since we are mocking the API, we can increase that -- the error persists
check_30per_min = Throttled(check_memoized_rw, self.cache, count=20, seconds=2)
# outer memoization -- read-only
check_memoized_ro = Memoized(check_30per_min, self.cache, expire=0)
self._check_online = check_memoized_ro
def _check_online(self, n):
# here we would query the API using requests
return n
def get_n(self, n):
"""Retrieve data associated with given SIREN number
These calls are memoized and throttled! See `__init__`
# we need this indirection to avoid dead-locking when used in parallel
return self._check_online(n)
from dummy_api import API
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import sys
import numpy as np
from random import choices
mapping = None
def init_worker():
global mapping
mapping = {'my_api': API('./api-cache')}
def check(n, api_name):
api = mapping[api_name]
return (api.get_n(n), api)
def run_serial(items):
check_names = ['my_api'] * len(items)
results = list(map(check, items, check_names))
return results
def run_parallel(num_threads, items):
check_names = ['my_api'] * len(items)
with ProcessPoolExecutor(num_threads, initializer=init_worker) as pool:
results =, items, check_names)
return results
if __name__ == "__main__":
threads = int(sys.argv[1])
nums = 1800
tests = 60000
ws = np.abs(np.random.normal(0.5, 0.3, size=nums)) # approx normally distributed items
items = choices(range(nums), k=tests, weights=ws)
if threads == 1:
results = run_serial(items)
results = run_parallel(threads, items)
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
# use the returned `api` from the main thread
with open('/tmp/dc_results.out', 'w') as f:
for result, api in results:
print(result, file=f)
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Thanks !
Indeed, it is very different ! I had removed too many comments when stripping down the example 😅. Although the specification is 30 calls / min, it errors out when we have bursts, so I had to reduce it to 1 call every 2s.

I've increased it now to 20 calls / 2s, and this still errors for me, while filling the cache much faster.

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