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Created June 10, 2015 20:58
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Dinner Club Test
# Dinner Club
require './club_event.rb'
class DinnerClub
attr_accessor :running_balance, :club_history
# Creates an empty hash to store the dinner club members and their balance.
# Makes the default value of the hash 0, so that new members can be added.
# Makes a club_history hash as empty.
def initialize
@running_balance = {}
running_balance.default = 0
@club_history = {}
# Creates a new dinner event for when some people go out.
# total_cost - integer passed by the user when the method is run.
# tip_percentage - float or integer passed by the user when the method is run.
# people - array of attendees passed by user when the method is run.
# date - string passed by the user.
# location - string passed by the user.
# who_paid - string passed by the user.
# Returns nothing.
def new_event(total_cost, tip_percentage, people, date, location, who_paid)
event =, tip_percentage, people, date, location, who_paid)
club_history_update(club_history, event.event_log)
running_balance_update(running_balance, event.event_log)
# Updates the all_events hash if a new event takes place.
# club_history - Hash with the date as a key and an array as the value.
# the array contains location, and the attendees_hash, both created in
# the new_event method.
# event_log - Hash taken from the ClubEvent Class's event_update method.
# Returns the updated club_history Hash.
def club_history_update(club_history, event_log)
# Updates the balance if a new dinner event occurred.
# running_balance - Hash that is continually being updated as a new event
# occurs.
# club_history - Hash with the date as a key and the value as an Array. Array
# contains the location and the attendees_hash (from ClubEvent class).
# attendees_hash contains the member name and the cost member paid at event.
# Returns the updated club_history Hash
def running_balance_update(running_balance, club_history)
club_history.each do |date, array|
array[1].each do |name, amount|
running_balance[name] += amount
# Displays the current running balance of each member of DinnerClub.
# Returns the running_balance Hash formatted for display.
def display_running_balance(running_balance)
puts "\n"
puts "Member Name".ljust(20) + "Member Balance".rjust(10)
35.times {print "-"}
puts "\n"
running_balance.each do |name, balance|
puts "#{name}".ljust(20) + "$#{sprintf("%0.2f", balance)}".rjust(10)
puts "\n"
# Displays the log of events nicely. Will only show if called specifically.
# club_history - Hash with the date as a key, value is an Array with location
# and the attendees_hash. attendees_hash has a key of member name and value
# of cost paid at the event.
# Returns club_history Hash formatted for display.
def display_history(club_history)
puts "\n"
puts "Date\t\tLocation\t" + "Members and Payments".rjust(25)
65.times {print "-"}
puts "\n"
club_history.each do |date, array|
puts "#{date}\t#{array[0]}\t\t" + "#{array[1]}".rjust(25)
# DinnerClub Test
require "minitest/autorun"
require_relative "dinnerclub.rb"
class DinnerClubTest < Minitest::Test
# Need to create a test for the initialize method. The test should show that
# two empty hashes are created.
def test_initialize_hashes
dinner =
assert_equal({}, dinner.running_balance)
assert_equal({}, dinner.club_history)
# Need to test that the club_history_update method changes the
# first Hash when two Hashes are given by destructively merging them.
def test_history_update
dinner =
club_history = {}
one_event = {"06-10-2015" => ["Dundee Dell", {"Calypso" => 11}]}
assert_equal({"06-10-2015" => ["Dundee Dell", {"Calypso" => 11}]}, dinner.club_history_update(club_history, one_event))
# Test for the running_balance_update method. Should show that the Hash has
# been modified.
def test_running_balance_update
dinner =
club_history_ex = {"06-10-2015" => ["Dundee Dell", {"Calypso" => 11}]}
dinner.running_balance_update(dinner.running_balance, club_history_ex)
assert_equal({"Calypso" => 11}, dinner.running_balance)
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