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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Rock Paper Scissors_Level 1
# Rock Paper Scissors
require "./player.rb"
# This section gets inputs from the user and stores them as player1 and player2.
puts "Let's play Rock-Paper-Scissors."
puts "\n"
puts "Who's player 1?"
name_one = gets.chomp
puts "And who is #{name_one} playing against?"
name_two = gets.chomp
# Gets the number of rounds the users wish to play.
# Takes the rounds and divides by 2 so that they can play until a single player
# gains the majority of wins.
puts "How many rounds would you like to play?"
rounds = gets.to_f
best_of = (rounds / 2)
puts "#{name_one}, make your move!"
weapon_one = gets.chomp.downcase
puts "#{name_two}, your turn."
weapon_two = gets.chomp.downcase
game =, name_two, weapon_one, weapon_two)
# Continually runs the game until a single player wins the majority of rounds.
# score_one - integer instance variable tracking name_one's score.
# score_two - integer instance variable tracking name_two's score.
# While the score_one and score_two are both less than the best of float, the
# game outputs a statement and asks players for the moves of the next round.
# The loop then runs the valid_input_check_one and valid_input_check_two methods
# so only valid inputs are used and then reruns the check_who_wins method.
# After check_who_wins is run, the scores will be updated.
# Two if statements are used to check the values of score_one and score_two.
# If one of those values is greater than or equal to the best_of float, a
# winning statement is given and the loop ends.
while (game.score_one <= best_of) && (game.score_two <= best_of)
puts "No winner yet. On to the next round!"
puts "#{name_one}, make your move!"
game.weapon_one = gets.chomp.downcase
puts "#{name_two}, your turn."
game.weapon_two = gets.chomp.downcase
if game.score_one >= (best_of)
puts "#{name_one} wins the game!"
if game.score_two >= (best_of)
puts "#{name_two} wins the game!"
# Player Class
class Player
attr_accessor :name_one, :name_two, :weapon_one, :weapon_two, :choices, :score_one, :score_two
# Takes and stores four arguments
# name_one - string input from user for first player
# name_two - string input from user for second player
# weapon_one - string input from user for first player's choice
# weapon_two - string input from user for second player's choice
# choices - hash, winning combinations with the winning choice as a key and
# the losing choice as the value.
# Intialize runs the valid_input_check_one and valid_input_check_two methods
# to ensure that the weapon choices work for the program.
def initialize(name_one, name_two, weapon_one, weapon_two)
@name_one = name_one
@weapon_one = weapon_one
@name_two = name_two
@weapon_two = weapon_two
@score_one = 0
@score_two = 0
@choices = {"rock" => "scissors", "paper" => "rock", "scissors" => "paper"}
# Checks to see if the weapon_one choice is a valid input: either rock, paper,
# or scissors.
# While loop runs until a valid input is given. Each time an invalid input is
# given, it tells the user the options and asks them to redefine their
# choice and reassigns the weapon_one instance variable as the new value.
def valid_input_check_one
while (weapon_one != "rock") && (weapon_one != "paper") && (weapon_one != "scissors")
puts "#{name_one}, only choose 'rock', 'paper', or 'scissors'."
@weapon_one = gets.chomp.downcase
# Checks to see if the weapon_two choice is a valid input: either rock, paper,
# or scissors.
# While loop runs until a valid input is given. Each time an invalid input is
# given, it tells the user the options and asks them to redefine their
# choice and reassigns the weapon_two instance variable as the new value.
def valid_input_check_two
while (weapon_two != "rock") && (weapon_two != "paper") && (weapon_two != "scissors")
puts "#{name_two}, only choose 'rock', 'paper', or 'scissors'."
@weapon_two = gets.chomp.downcase
# Determines who wins the game.
# Uses if-else statements to check if the two choices are the same. If so,
# the game prints results of the round.
# Checks to see if weapon_one is a key in the
# choices hash that matches the value of weapon_two. If it matches the hash,
# then that means name_one wins the game. Puts the results.
# Adds one to the score_one or score_two attributes, depending on who wins.
def check_who_wins
if weapon_one == weapon_two
puts "Tie game!"
elsif choices[weapon_one] == weapon_two
puts "#{name_one} wins this round!"
puts "#{name_two} wins this round!"
# Updates score_one by adding one to the instance variable
def score_update_one
@score_one += 1
# Updates score_two by adding one to the instance variable
def score_update_two
@score_two += 1
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