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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Rock, Paper, Scissors Explanation

Rock, Paper, Scissors Explanation

Purpose of the Assignment

Rock, Paper, Scissors was created to allow two players, or a single player vs. the computer, to play a game of rock, paper, scissors. Game options include being able to choose how many rounds will be played, and being able to choose Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.


To accomplish the assignment, three classes are used: Player, ComputerPlayer, and Game.

Player Class

The Player class was created to create new players in a given game.

Player Class Arguments

  • name - String given when the Player is initialized
  • weapon - String given when the Player is initialized
  • score - Integer set at 0

Player Class Methods

The score_update method adds one to the score attribute of a given player.

def score_update
  @score += 1

ComputerPlayer Class

This class was created to create a computer player that will randomly sample a weapon to play with.

ComputerPlayer Arguments

This method requires one argument: spock. This argument is a string that determines if Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock is being played or not. This argument is created in the Game class.

Other arguments ComputerPlayer creates include:

  • name - String set to equal "Computer"; set when initialized
  • score - Integer set to equal 0 when initialized
  • weapon - Array containing weapon choices for the computer to sample

ComputerPlayer Methods

The score_update method works exactly the same as in the Player class by adding 1 to the score of the computer player.

The sample_weapon_choice method takes the Array weapon and samples it. It then stores the sample in the weapon attribute variable.

def sample_weapon_choice
  @weapon = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"].sample

The lizard_spock_weapon_sample method works the same as the sample_weapon_choice method, but it adds in the two additional choices, "lizard" and "spock", to the Array to sample.

The final method of the ComputerPlayer class is the assign_weapon method.

def assign_weapon(spock)
  if spock == "spock"

This method takes one argument, spock, which is a String created in the Game class. If spock is equal to "spock", then the lizard_spock_weapon_sample method is run. If it's not, then the sample_weapon_choice method is run.

Game Class

The Game class is what runs the game itself. It was created to hold the rules for the game and lets players use the best-of-n games logic.

Game Class Arguments

When the Game class is initialized, it creates an options Hash, with a default value of 1 round played. The options Hash is merged with the user inputs when a new Game class object is created. Arguments that can be input include:

  • name_one - String input when initialized
  • name_two - String input when initialized
  • weapon_one - String input when initialized
  • weapon_two - String input when initialized
  • rounds - Integer created when initialized
  • spock - String input when initialized

When a new object is created, two Arrays are also created: the traditional_choices Array and the spock_choices Array. Each of these Arrays contains the possible weapon choices a player can choose.

In addition, a choices Hash is created and stored as an instance variable.

@choices = {"rock" => ["scissors", "lizard"], "paper" => ["rock", "spock"], "scissors" => ["paper", "lizard"], "lizard" => ["spock", "paper"], "spock" => ["rock", "scissors"]}

Each key of the Hash is a potential weapon choice. The value of the key is an Array containing the losing weapon counterparts to the key.

Game Class Methods

The create_player_one method is ran when a Game class object is initialized. It takes two arguments: name_one and weapon_one. This method creates a new Player class object.

def create_player_one(name, weapon)
  @player_one =, weapon)

Just like the previous method, the Game class has a create_player_two method creates another Player class object and stores it as an instance variable called player_two.

The define_player_two_robot_or_human method checks the name_two argument. If it's equal to "Computer", then player_two is assigned by creating a new ComputerPlayer class object. If name_two is not "Computer", then it runs the create_player_two method.

def assign_player_two_robot_or_human
  if name_two == "Computer"
    @player_two =
    create_player_two(name_two, weapon_two)

The check_who_wins method determines who wins any given round of rock, paper, scissors and runs the score_update method on the winning player.

def check_who_wins
  if (choices[player_one.weapon][0] == player_two.weapon) || choices[player_one.weapon][1] == player_two.weapon

It uses an if-else statement to check the weapon attribute of player_one and player_two. If player_one's weapon attribute key matches the value for player_two's weapon attribute, then player_one wins. If it does not match the value of player_two's weapon attribute, then player_two wins the game.

The best_of method determines how many rounds a given player needs to win in order to win the entire game.

def determine_best_of(rounds)
  @best_of = rounds / 2

The redefine_computer_weapon method allows the ComputerPlayer object to get a new weapon choice from the ComputerPlayer class's weapon_sample_choices method.

def redefine_computer_weapon
  if == "Computer"
    player_two.weapon = player_two.sample_weapon_choice
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