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Last active September 12, 2017 12:00
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//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
typealias JSON = [String: Any]
protocol APIModelProtocol {
init?(_ data: JSON)
protocol APISerializerProtocol {
associatedtype APIModelType
func serialize(_ model: APIModelType) -> JSON
func deserialize(_ data: JSON) -> APIModelType
private class _AnyAPISerializer<T>: APISerializerProtocol {
typealias APIModelType = T
init() {
guard type(of: self) != _AnyAPISerializer.self else {
fatalError("_AnyAPISerializer<APIModelType> instances can not be created; create a subclass instance instead")
func serialize(_ model: T) -> JSON {
fatalError("Must override")
func deserialize(_ data: JSON) -> T {
fatalError("Must override")
private class _AnyAPISerializerBox<T: APISerializerProtocol>: _AnyAPISerializer<T.APIModelType> {
private let base: T
init(_ base: T) {
self.base = base
override func serialize(_ model: T.APIModelType) -> JSON {
return base.serialize(model)
override func deserialize(_ data: JSON) -> T.APIModelType {
return base.deserialize(data)
class AnyAPISerializer<APIModelType>: APISerializerProtocol {
private let box: _AnyAPISerializer<APIModelType>
init<Concrete: APISerializerProtocol>(_ concrete: Concrete) where Concrete.APIModelType == APIModelType {
box = _AnyAPISerializerBox(concrete)
func serialize(_ model: APIModelType) -> JSON {
return box.serialize(model)
func deserialize(_ data: JSON) -> APIModelType {
return box.deserialize(data)
class MyModel: APIModelProtocol {
var name: String?
required init!(_ data: JSON) { = data["name"] as? String
class MyModelSerializer: APISerializerProtocol {
typealias APIModelType = MyModel
func serialize(_ model: MyModel) -> JSON {
return ["name":!]
func deserialize(_ data: JSON) -> MyModel {
return MyModel(data)
class APIResponse {
private let data: Data
init(_ data: Data) { = data
func json(_ serializer: AnyAPISerializer<Any>) -> APIModelProtocol? {
guard let obj = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with:, let result = obj as? APIModelProtocol else {
return nil
return result
let serializer = AnyAPISerializer(MyModelSerializer())
let response = APIResponse(data)
let data = try! ["name": "Test"])
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