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Created April 26, 2020 23:06
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#include <Arduino.h>
#include <MKRIMU.h>
#include <MKRMotorCarrier.h>
// Rx inputs
#define CH1_PIN 15 // Steering
#define CH2_PIN 16
#define CH3_PIN 17 // Throttle
#define CH4_PIN 20
#define CH5_PIN 20
#define CH6_PIN 21
// Raw Rx input values
float ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6;
float elapsed_time, time, previous_time;
float pid_output, error, previous_error;
float pid_p = 20;
float pid_i = 20;
float pid_d = 0;
// PID Constants
float kp = 25;
float ki = 0;
float kd = 0.8;
float desired_angle = 0.0;
void setup()
// Serial port initialization
// Set up the motor carrier shield
if (controller.begin())
Serial.print("MKR Motor Shield connected, firmware version ");
Serial.println("MKRMotorCarrier: Couldn't connect! Is the red led blinking? You may need to update the firmware with FWUpdater sketch");
while (1)
// Reboot the motor controller; brings every value back to default
// Turn off all motors
// Set up the IMU shield
if (!IMU.begin())
Serial.println("MKRIMU: Failed to initialize IMU!");
while (1)
time = millis();
void loop()
previous_time = time;
time = millis();
elapsed_time = (time - previous_time) / 1000;
// Read the values frmo the receiver
ch1 = pulseIn(CH1_PIN, HIGH, 25000);
ch2 = pulseIn(CH2_PIN, HIGH, 25000);
ch3 = pulseIn(CH3_PIN, HIGH, 25000);
ch4 = pulseIn(CH4_PIN, HIGH, 25000);
ch5 = pulseIn(CH5_PIN, HIGH, 25000);
ch6 = pulseIn(CH6_PIN, HIGH, 25000);
// Normalize throttle and steering
int throttle = map(ch1, 900, 2100, 100, -100);
int steering = map(ch3, 990, 1990, 100, -100);
// Steering deadband
if (steering < STEERING_DEADBAND && steering > -STEERING_DEADBAND)
steering = 0;
* Calvin Hass
// Mix throttle and steering
int dutyCycleLeft;
int dutyCycleRight;
float dutyCycleLeftUnmixed;
float dutyCycleRightUnmixed;
int pivotSpeed;
float fPivScale;
// Calculate Drive Turn output due to Joystick X input
if (throttle >= 0)
// Forward
dutyCycleLeftUnmixed = (steering >= 0) ? 100.0 : (100.0 + steering);
dutyCycleRightUnmixed = (steering >= 0) ? (100.0 - steering) : 100.0;
// Reverse
dutyCycleLeftUnmixed = (steering >= 0) ? (100.0 - steering) : 100.0;
dutyCycleRightUnmixed = (steering >= 0) ? 100.0 : (100.0 + steering);
// Scale Drive output due to Joystick Y input (throttle)
dutyCycleLeftUnmixed = dutyCycleLeftUnmixed * throttle / 100.0;
dutyCycleRightUnmixed = dutyCycleRightUnmixed * throttle / 100.0;
// Now calculate pivot amount
// - Strength of pivot (pivotSpeed) based on Joystick X input
// - Blending of pivot vs drive (fPivScale) based on Joystick Y input
pivotSpeed = steering;
fPivScale = (abs(throttle) > PIVOT_THRESHOLD) ? 0.0 : (1.0 - abs(throttle) / PIVOT_THRESHOLD);
// Calculate final mix of Drive and Pivot
dutyCycleLeft = (1.0 - fPivScale) * dutyCycleLeftUnmixed + fPivScale * (pivotSpeed);
dutyCycleRight = (1.0 - fPivScale) * -dutyCycleRightUnmixed + fPivScale * (pivotSpeed);
// Check if we're in the deadband and turn off the motor
if (dutyCycleLeft > -DEADBAND_THRESHOLD && dutyCycleLeft < DEADBAND_THRESHOLD)
dutyCycleLeft = 0;
if (dutyCycleRight > -DEADBAND_THRESHOLD && dutyCycleRight < DEADBAND_THRESHOLD)
dutyCycleRight = 0;
// Motor output before PID
dutyCycleLeft = min(100, max(-100, dutyCycleLeft));
dutyCycleRight = min(100, max(-100, dutyCycleRight));
// PID
float heading, roll, pitch;
float x, y, z;
if (IMU.eulerAnglesAvailable() && IMU.accelerationAvailable())
IMU.readEulerAngles(heading, roll, pitch);
IMU.readAcceleration(x, y, z);
// Complimentary filter
pitch = pitch * 0.98 + z * 02;
// Calculate error
error = pitch - desired_angle;
pid_p = kp * error;
pid_i = pid_i + (ki * error);
pid_d = kd * ((error - previous_error) / elapsed_time);
pid_output = pid_p + pid_d;
previous_error = error;
// TODO: NEED HELP: how to mix the PID_OUTPUT with the duty cycle left and right
// -100 to 100
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