Easy step by step guide to download view only PDF from Google Drive - no TrustedScriptURL error and better quality
- Open the document in Google Docs
- Zoom in 2 times using Ctrl and + (VERY IMPORTANT!)
- Open Developer Tools
- Hit Ctrl + R to reload the document.
- Scroll to the bottom of the document to load all pages.
- To check if all pages are loaded, go to "Network" tab, type "img" in search bar. At the bottom bar you see "xx/yyy requests", "xx" must be equal to document's pages; if not scroll up to load missing pages
- Go to "Console" tab
- Paste the updated and improved script (download_pdf.js) that avoids TrustedScriptURL error and allows better file's quality
If you want to download the file at lower resolution or you have issues with zoom method, use lowres_download.js script.
Sadly it's patched :((