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Created April 5, 2020 08:42
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Telegram bot in D
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import requests;
import std.json;
import std.typecons: tuple, Tuple;
import std.conv;
import std.process;
string URL = "";
enum SLEEP = false;
string getUrl(string url)
return getContent(url).toString();
auto getJsonFromUrl(string url)
return parseJSON(getUrl(url));
auto getUpdates(long lastUpdateId)
string url = URL ~ "getUpdates?timeout=10";
if (-1 != lastUpdateId) {
url = url ~ "&offset=" ~ to!string(lastUpdateId);
return getJsonFromUrl(url);
auto getLastChatIdAndText(JSONValue updates)
auto lastUpdate = updates["result"].array.length - 1;
if ("group_chat_created" in updates["result"][lastUpdate]["message"]) {
return tuple("", -1L);
auto text = updates["result"][lastUpdate]["message"]["text"].str;
auto chat_id = updates["result"][lastUpdate]["message"]["chat"]["id"].integer;
return tuple(text, chat_id);
auto sendMessage(string text, long chat_id)
string url = URL ~ "sendMessage?text=%s&chat_id=%s".format(text, chat_id);
void respond(JSONValue update)
if ("message" !in update) return;
auto chatId = update["message"]["chat"]["id"].integer;
switch(update["message"]["from"]["first_name"].str) {
case "Dan":
sendMessage("Good day to you!", chatId);
if (SLEEP) {
sendMessage("I am sleeping, leave me alone", chatId);
} else {
sendMessage("Hey there", chatId);
void main()
string TOKEN = environment.get("TOKEN");
URL = "".format(TOKEN);
long lastUpdateId = -1;
while (true) {
auto updates = getUpdates(lastUpdateId);
if ("result" !in updates) {
JSONValue result = updates["result"];
foreach (update; result.array) {
lastUpdateId = update["update_id"].integer + 1;
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