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Created July 24, 2018 07:46
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Haxe logging with nodejs, js-kit and papertrail
#if nodejs
import haxe.Timer;
import js.Node;
import js.node.Path;
import js.npm.Winston;
import js.npm.winston.transports.Console;
import js.npm.winston.transports.File;
#if !no_papertrail
import js.npm.winston.transports.Papertrail;
using StringTools;
typedef LogOptions = {
name : String,
?production : Bool,
?logFile : String,
#if !no_papertrail
?papertrail : Bool
class Log
static public var current : Log;
public static function inspect(o : Dynamic, ?options : {
?showHidden : Bool,
?depth: Null<Int>,
?colors: Bool,
?customInspect: Bool
}) : String {
var opt : Dynamic = options == null ? {} : options;
if (!Reflect.hasField(opt, "colors")) opt.colors = true;
if (!Reflect.hasField(opt, "depth")) opt.depth = 4;
return js.Lib.require('util').inspect(o, opt);
public static function dump(o : Dynamic, ?opt : {
?showHidden : Bool,
?depth: Null<Int>,
?colors: Bool,
?customInspect: Bool
}) : Void {
Node.console.log(inspect(o, opt));
var logger : Winston;
#if !no_papertrail
var papertrail : Papertrail;
public function new(?options : LogOptions) {
if(options == null) options = {name: ''};
var opt : LogOptions = {
production: Reflect.hasField(options, 'production')
? options.production
: false,
logFile: Reflect.hasField(options, 'logFile')
? options.logFile
: (Node.__dirname + '/' + ( == 0 ? '' : normalize( + '-') + 'log.txt'),
#if !no_papertrail
papertrail: Reflect.hasField(options, 'papertrail')
? options.papertrail
: true
// { emerg: 0, alert: 1, crit: 2, error: 3, warning: 4, notice: 5, info: 6, debug: 7 }
var levels = {
debug: 7,
info: 6,
warning: 4,
error: 3,
alert: 1
var transports : Array<Dynamic> = [
new Console({
level: !opt.production ? 'debug' : 'error',
timestamp: true,
colorize: Node.process.stdout.isTTY,
handleExceptions: opt.production
#if !no_papertrail
if(opt.papertrail) transports.push(
new Papertrail({
level: !opt.production ? 'debug' : 'info',
program: == 0 ? 'test' :,
colorize: true,
handleExceptions: false // package will crash otherwise when an exception occurs
if(opt.logFile != '') transports.push(
new File({
level: !opt.production ? 'debug' : 'info',
filename: opt.logFile,
json: false,
prettyPrint : true,
handleExceptions: opt.production
this.logger = new Winston({
levels: levels,
transports: transports
public function debug(msg : Dynamic, ?metadata : {}) {
log('debug', msg, metadata);
public function info(msg : Dynamic, ?metadata : {}) {
log('info', msg, metadata);
public function warning(msg : Dynamic, ?metadata : {}) {
log('warning', msg, metadata);
public function error(msg : Dynamic, ?metadata : {}) {
log('error', msg, metadata);
public function alert(msg : Dynamic, ?metadata : {}) {
log('alert', msg, metadata);
public function close(?done : Void -> Void) {
Timer.delay(function() {
if(done != null) Timer.delay(done, 100);
}, 1000);
function log(level : String, msg : Dynamic, metadata : {}) {
if(metadata == null) logger.log(level, msg);
else logger.log(level, msg, metadata);
static function normalize(s : String) {
while(s.length > 0 && !~/^[A-Za-z\d]/.match(s)) s = s.substr(1);
return ~/[^\w-_\.]/.replace(s.replace(" ", "-").toLowerCase(), '');
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