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Last active June 27, 2023 19:21
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  • Save ciscorn/915ef9970c1b7f662af33e7679e4efba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ciscorn/915ef9970c1b7f662af33e7679e4efba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[PoC] A more effective compression algorithm for CircuitPython's i18n strings. (merged)
from collections import Counter
import re
import huffman
class TextSplitter:
def __init__(self, words):
words.sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True)
self.words = set(words)
self.pat = re.compile("|".join(re.escape(w) for w in words) + "|.", flags=re.DOTALL)
def iter_words(self, text):
s = []
for m in self.pat.finditer(text):
t =
if t in self.words:
if s:
yield (False, "".join(s))
s = []
yield (True, t)
if s:
yield (False, "".join(s))
def iter_substrings(s, minlen, maxlen):
maxlen = min(len(s), maxlen)
for n in range(minlen, maxlen + 1):
for begin in range(0, len(s) - n + 1):
yield s[begin : begin + n]
def process(texts):
words = []
max_ord = 0
begin_unused = 128
end_unused = 256
for text in texts:
for c in text:
ord_c = ord(c)
max_ord = max(max_ord, ord_c)
if 128 <= ord_c < 256:
end_unused = min(ord_c, end_unused)
max_words = end_unused - begin_unused
char_size = 1 if max_ord < 256 else 2
sum_word_len = 0
while True:
extractor = TextSplitter(words)
counter = Counter()
for t in texts:
for (found, word) in extractor.iter_words(t):
if not found:
for substr in iter_substrings(word, minlen=2, maxlen=9):
counter[substr] += 1
scores = sorted(
(s, (len(s) - 1) ** ((max(occ - 2, 1) + 0.5) ** 0.8), occ)
for (s, occ) in counter.items()
key=lambda x: x[1],
w = None
for (s, score, occ) in scores:
if score < 0:
if len(s) > 1:
w = s
if not w:
if len(w) + sum_word_len > 256:
if len(words) == max_words:
sum_word_len += len(w)
extractor = TextSplitter(words)
counter = Counter()
for t in texts:
for (found, word) in extractor.iter_words(t):
if found:
counter[word] += 1
for c in word:
counter[c] += 1
cb = huffman.codebook(counter.items())
size = 0
for t in texts:
s = 8 # message length
for (found, word) in extractor.iter_words(t):
if found:
s += len(cb[word])
for c in word:
s += len(cb[c])
size += (s + 7) // 8 # round up
# Codebook
size += len(cb) * char_size
# A contcatenation of frequent words (This must be shorter than 256 chars)
size += sum(len(w) for w in words) * char_size
# Indices of each frequent word (8 bit * len(words))
size += len(words)
return (size, words)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import json
import naive_huffman
with open("i18ns_trinket_m0.json") as f:
trans = json.load(f)
for (lang, texts) in trans.items():
#if lang not in ["de_DE", "en_US", "ja", "cs"]:
# continue
(orig_len, huff_len) = naive_huffman.compress(texts)
(comp_len, freq_words) = process(texts)
print(f"freq words: {freq_words}")
print(f"original utf-8: {orig_len:5d} bytes")
print(f" naive 1gram: {huff_len:5d} bytes ({huff_len / orig_len:.1%})")
print(f" 1gram+freq: {comp_len:5d} bytes ({comp_len / orig_len:.1%})")
print(f" (reduced): {huff_len - comp_len:5d} bytes")
"en_x_pirate": [
"File \"%q\", line %d",
"%%c requires int or char",
"%q in use",
"%q index out of range",
"%q indices must be integers, not %q",
"%q() takes %d positional arguments but %d were given",
"'%q' argument required",
"'%q' object cannot assign attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support item assignment",
"'%q' object does not support item deletion",
"'%q' object has no attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object is not an iterator",
"'%q' object is not callable",
"'%q' object is not iterable",
"'%q' object is not subscriptable",
"'=' alignment not allowed in string format specifier",
"'break' outside loop",
"'continue' outside loop",
"'return' outside function",
"'yield' outside function",
"*x must be assignment target",
", in %q",
"3-arg pow() not supported",
"Avast! A hardware interrupt channel be used already",
"All timers for this pin are in use",
"All timers in use",
"AnalogOut is only 16 bits. Value must be less than 65536.",
"AnalogOut not supported on given pin",
"Belay that! thar be another active send",
"Array must contain halfwords (type 'H')",
"Array values should be single bytes.",
"At most %d %q may be specified (not %d)",
"Attempted heap allocation when MicroPython VM not running.",
"Auto-reload be off.",
"Auto-reload be on. Put yer files on USB to weigh anchor, er' bring'er about t' the REPL t' scuttle.",
"Both pins must support hardware interrupts",
"Brightness must be between 0 and 255",
"Buffer incorrect size. Should be %d bytes.",
"Buffer must be at least length 1",
"Bytes must be between 0 and 255.",
"Call super().__init__() before accessing native object.",
"Cannot delete values",
"Cannot get pull while in output mode",
"Cannot remount '/' when USB is active.",
"Cannot reset into bootloader because no bootloader is present.",
"Cannot set value when direction is input.",
"Cannot subclass slice",
"CircuitPython core code crashed hard. Whoops!",
"CircuitPython is in safe mode because you pressed the reset button during boot. Press again to exit safe mode.",
"Corrupt .mpy file",
"Corrupt raw code",
"Could not initialize UART",
"Crash into the HardFault_Handler.",
"Drive mode not used when direction is input.",
"Avast! EXTINT channel already in use",
"Expected a %q",
"Failed to allocate RX buffer of %d bytes",
"Failed to write internal flash.",
"File exists",
"Function requires lock",
"Incompatible .mpy file. Please update all .mpy files. See for more info.",
"Input/output error",
"Invalid PWM frequency",
"Invalid argument",
"Invalid direction.",
"Invalid memory access.",
"Invalid number of bits",
"Invalid phase",
"Invalid pin",
"Invalid pins",
"Invalid polarity",
"Invalid run mode.",
"LHS of keyword arg must be an id",
"Length must be an int",
"Length must be non-negative",
"MicroPython NLR jump failed. Likely memory corruption.",
"MicroPython fatal error.",
"Name too long",
"No RX pin",
"No TX pin",
"No free GCLKs",
"No hardware random available",
"No hardware support on pin",
"No long integer support",
"No space left on device",
"No such file/directory",
"Not running saved code.",
"Object has been deinitialized and can no longer be used. Create a new object.",
"PWM duty_cycle must be between 0 and 65535 inclusive (16 bit resolution)",
"Permission denied",
"Belay that! Th' Pin be not ADC capable",
"Pin is input only",
"Plus any modules on the filesystem",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Press any key to enter the REPL. Use CTRL-D to reload.",
"Pull not used when direction is output.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 Not yet supported on this device",
"Read-only filesystem",
"Running in safe mode!",
"SDA or SCL needs a pull up",
"Slice and value different lengths.",
"Slices not supported",
"Stack size must be at least 256",
"The CircuitPython heap was corrupted because the stack was too small.\nPlease increase the stack size if you know how, or if not:",
"The `microcontroller` module was used to boot into safe mode. Press reset to exit safe mode.",
"The microcontroller's power dipped. Make sure your power supply provides\nenough power for the whole circuit and press reset (after ejecting CIRCUITPY).",
"Traceback (most recent call last):",
"Tuple or struct_time argument required",
"USB Busy",
"USB Error",
"Unable to init parser",
"Unable to write to nvm.",
"Unknown reason.",
"Unsupported baudrate",
"Unsupported operation",
"Unsupported pull value.",
"Watchdog timer expired.",
"Welcome to Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nPlease visit for project guides.\n\nTo list built-in modules please do `help(\"modules\")`.",
"You are in safe mode: something unanticipated happened.",
"Captin's orders are complete. Holdin' fast fer reload.",
"Yar, there is a hole in the keel. Let the cap'n know at\n",
"__init__() should return None",
"__init__() should return None, not '%q'",
"abort() called",
"arg is an empty sequence",
"argument num/types mismatch",
"array/bytes required on right side",
"attributes not supported yet",
"bad conversion specifier",
"bad typecode",
"bits must be 7, 8 or 9",
"buffer size must match format",
"buffer slices must be of equal length",
"buffer too small",
"byte code not implemented",
"bytes > 8 bits not supported",
"bytes value out of range",
"calibration is out of range",
"calibration is read only",
"can't add special method to already-subclassed class",
"can't assign to expression",
"can't convert %q to %q",
"can't convert '%q' object to %q implicitly",
"can't convert to %q",
"can't convert to str implicitly",
"can't declare nonlocal in outer code",
"can't delete expression",
"can't have multiple **x",
"can't have multiple *x",
"can't pend throw to just-started generator",
"can't send non-None value to a just-started generator",
"can't set attribute",
"can't switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification",
"can't switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering",
"cannot create '%q' instances",
"cannot create instance",
"cannot import name %q",
"cannot perform relative import",
"chr() arg not in range(0x110000)",
"complex values not supported",
"constant must be an integer",
"default 'except' must be last",
"dict update sequence has wrong length",
"division by zero",
"empty separator",
"empty sequence",
"end of format while looking for conversion specifier",
"exceptions must derive from BaseException",
"expected ':' after format specifier",
"expected tuple/list",
"expecting just a value for set",
"expecting key:value for dict",
"extra keyword arguments given",
"extra positional arguments given",
"filesystem must provide mount method",
"first argument to super() must be type",
"float too big",
"format requires a dict",
"function does not take keyword arguments",
"function expected at most %d arguments, got %d",
"function got multiple values for argument '%q'",
"function missing %d required positional arguments",
"function missing keyword-only argument",
"function missing required keyword argument '%q'",
"function missing required positional argument #%d",
"function takes %d positional arguments but %d were given",
"function takes exactly 9 arguments",
"generator already executing",
"generator ignored GeneratorExit",
"identifier redefined as global",
"identifier redefined as nonlocal",
"incomplete format",
"incomplete format key",
"incorrect padding",
"index out of range",
"indices must be integers",
"int() arg 2 must be >= 2 and <= 36",
"integer required",
"invalid format specifier",
"invalid micropython decorator",
"invalid step",
"invalid syntax",
"invalid syntax for integer",
"invalid syntax for integer with base %d",
"invalid syntax for number",
"issubclass() arg 1 must be a class",
"issubclass() arg 2 must be a class or a tuple of classes",
"join expects a list of str/bytes objects consistent with self object",
"keywords must be strings",
"length argument not allowed for this type",
"lhs and rhs should be compatible",
"local variable referenced before assignment",
"long int not supported in this build",
"math domain error",
"maximum recursion depth exceeded",
"memory allocation failed, allocating %u bytes",
"memory allocation failed, heap is locked",
"module not found",
"multiple *x in assignment",
"multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict",
"must use keyword argument for key function",
"name '%q' is not defined",
"name not defined",
"name reused for argument",
"need more than %d values to unpack",
"negative shift count",
"no active exception to reraise",
"no binding for nonlocal found",
"no module named '%q'",
"no such attribute",
"non-default argument follows default argument",
"non-hex digit found",
"non-keyword arg after */**",
"non-keyword arg after keyword arg",
"not all arguments converted during string formatting",
"not enough arguments for format string",
"object '%q' is not a tuple or list",
"object does not support item assignment",
"object does not support item deletion",
"object has no len",
"object is not subscriptable",
"object not an iterator",
"object not callable",
"object not in sequence",
"object not iterable",
"object of type '%q' has no len()",
"object with buffer protocol required",
"odd-length string",
"offset out of bounds",
"only slices with step=1 (aka None) are supported",
"ord expects a character",
"ord() expected a character, but string of length %d found",
"pop from empty %q",
"requested length %d but object has length %d",
"sign not allowed in string format specifier",
"sign not allowed with integer format specifier 'c'",
"single '}' encountered in format string",
"sleep length must be non-negative",
"slice step cannot be zero",
"small int overflow",
"soft reboot",
"start/end indices",
"step must be non-zero",
"stop must be 1 or 2",
"stop not reachable from start",
"stream operation not supported",
"string indices must be integers, not %q",
"string not supported; use bytes or bytearray",
"substring not found",
"super() can't find self",
"threshold must be in the range 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() takes a 9-sequence",
"timeout must be 0.0-100.0 seconds",
"too many arguments provided with the given format",
"too many values to unpack (expected %d)",
"tuple/list has wrong length",
"tx and rx cannot both be None",
"type '%q' is not an acceptable base type",
"type is not an acceptable base type",
"type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'",
"type takes 1 or 3 arguments",
"unexpected indent",
"unexpected keyword argument '%q'",
"unicode name escapes",
"unindent does not match any outer indentation level",
"unknown conversion specifier %c",
"unknown format code '%c' for object of type '%q'",
"unmatched '{' in format",
"unreadable attribute",
"unsupported format character '%c' (0x%x) at index %d",
"unsupported type for %q: '%q'",
"unsupported type for operator",
"unsupported types for %q: '%q', '%q'",
"value must fit in %d byte(s)",
"wrong number of arguments",
"wrong number of values to unpack",
"zero step"
"hi": [
"File \"%q\", line %d",
"%%c requires int or char",
"%q in use",
"%q index out of range",
"%q indices must be integers, not %q",
"%q() takes %d positional arguments but %d were given",
"'%q' argument required",
"'%q' object cannot assign attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support item assignment",
"'%q' object does not support item deletion",
"'%q' object has no attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object is not an iterator",
"'%q' object is not callable",
"'%q' object is not iterable",
"'%q' object is not subscriptable",
"'=' alignment not allowed in string format specifier",
"'break' outside loop",
"'continue' outside loop",
"'return' outside function",
"'yield' outside function",
"*x must be assignment target",
", in %q",
"3-arg pow() not supported",
"A hardware interrupt channel is already in use",
"All timers for this pin are in use",
"All timers in use",
"AnalogOut is only 16 bits. Value must be less than 65536.",
"AnalogOut not supported on given pin",
"Another send is already active",
"Array must contain halfwords (type 'H')",
"Array values should be single bytes.",
"At most %d %q may be specified (not %d)",
"Attempted heap allocation when MicroPython VM not running.",
"Auto-reload is off.",
"Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to disable.",
"Both pins must support hardware interrupts",
"Brightness must be between 0 and 255",
"Buffer incorrect size. Should be %d bytes.",
"Buffer must be at least length 1",
"Bytes must be between 0 and 255.",
"Call super().__init__() before accessing native object.",
"Cannot delete values",
"Cannot get pull while in output mode",
"Cannot remount '/' when USB is active.",
"Cannot reset into bootloader because no bootloader is present.",
"Cannot set value when direction is input.",
"Cannot subclass slice",
"CircuitPython core code crashed hard. Whoops!",
"CircuitPython is in safe mode because you pressed the reset button during boot. Press again to exit safe mode.",
"Corrupt .mpy file",
"Corrupt raw code",
"Could not initialize UART",
"Crash into the HardFault_Handler.",
"Drive mode not used when direction is input.",
"EXTINT channel already in use",
"Expected a %q",
"Failed to allocate RX buffer of %d bytes",
"Failed to write internal flash.",
"File exists",
"Function requires lock",
"Incompatible .mpy file. Please update all .mpy files. See for more info.",
"Input/output error",
"Invalid PWM frequency",
"Invalid argument",
"Invalid direction.",
"Invalid memory access.",
"Invalid number of bits",
"Invalid phase",
"Invalid pin",
"Invalid pins",
"Invalid polarity",
"Invalid run mode.",
"LHS of keyword arg must be an id",
"Length must be an int",
"Length must be non-negative",
"MicroPython NLR jump failed. Likely memory corruption.",
"MicroPython fatal error.",
"Name too long",
"No RX pin",
"No TX pin",
"No free GCLKs",
"No hardware random available",
"No hardware support on pin",
"No long integer support",
"No space left on device",
"No such file/directory",
"Not running saved code.",
"Object has been deinitialized and can no longer be used. Create a new object.",
"PWM duty_cycle must be between 0 and 65535 inclusive (16 bit resolution)",
"Permission denied",
"Pin does not have ADC capabilities",
"Pin is input only",
"Plus any modules on the filesystem",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Press any key to enter the REPL. Use CTRL-D to reload.",
"Pull not used when direction is output.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 Not yet supported on this device",
"Read-only filesystem",
"Running in safe mode!",
"SDA or SCL needs a pull up",
"Slice and value different lengths.",
"Slices not supported",
"Stack size must be at least 256",
"The CircuitPython heap was corrupted because the stack was too small.\nPlease increase the stack size if you know how, or if not:",
"The `microcontroller` module was used to boot into safe mode. Press reset to exit safe mode.",
"The microcontroller's power dipped. Make sure your power supply provides\nenough power for the whole circuit and press reset (after ejecting CIRCUITPY).",
"Traceback (most recent call last):",
"Tuple or struct_time argument required",
"USB Busy",
"USB Error",
"Unable to init parser",
"Unable to write to nvm.",
"Unknown reason.",
"Unsupported baudrate",
"Unsupported operation",
"Unsupported pull value.",
"Watchdog timer expired.",
"Welcome to Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nPlease visit for project guides.\n\nTo list built-in modules please do `help(\"modules\")`.",
"You are in safe mode: something unanticipated happened.",
"Code done running. Waiting for reload.",
"Please file an issue with the contents of your CIRCUITPY drive at \n",
"__init__() should return None",
"__init__() should return None, not '%q'",
"abort() called",
"arg is an empty sequence",
"argument num/types mismatch",
"array/bytes required on right side",
"attributes not supported yet",
"bad conversion specifier",
"bad typecode",
"bits must be 7, 8 or 9",
"buffer size must match format",
"buffer slices must be of equal length",
"buffer too small",
"byte code not implemented",
"bytes > 8 bits not supported",
"bytes value out of range",
"calibration is out of range",
"calibration is read only",
"can't add special method to already-subclassed class",
"can't assign to expression",
"can't convert %q to %q",
"can't convert '%q' object to %q implicitly",
"can't convert to %q",
"can't convert to str implicitly",
"can't declare nonlocal in outer code",
"can't delete expression",
"can't have multiple **x",
"can't have multiple *x",
"can't pend throw to just-started generator",
"can't send non-None value to a just-started generator",
"can't set attribute",
"can't switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification",
"can't switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering",
"cannot create '%q' instances",
"cannot create instance",
"cannot import name %q",
"cannot perform relative import",
"chr() arg not in range(0x110000)",
"complex values not supported",
"constant must be an integer",
"default 'except' must be last",
"dict update sequence has wrong length",
"division by zero",
"empty separator",
"empty sequence",
"end of format while looking for conversion specifier",
"exceptions must derive from BaseException",
"expected ':' after format specifier",
"expected tuple/list",
"expecting just a value for set",
"expecting key:value for dict",
"extra keyword arguments given",
"extra positional arguments given",
"filesystem must provide mount method",
"first argument to super() must be type",
"float too big",
"format requires a dict",
"function does not take keyword arguments",
"function expected at most %d arguments, got %d",
"function got multiple values for argument '%q'",
"function missing %d required positional arguments",
"function missing keyword-only argument",
"function missing required keyword argument '%q'",
"function missing required positional argument #%d",
"function takes %d positional arguments but %d were given",
"function takes exactly 9 arguments",
"generator already executing",
"generator ignored GeneratorExit",
"identifier redefined as global",
"identifier redefined as nonlocal",
"incomplete format",
"incomplete format key",
"incorrect padding",
"index out of range",
"indices must be integers",
"int() arg 2 must be >= 2 and <= 36",
"integer required",
"invalid format specifier",
"invalid micropython decorator",
"invalid step",
"invalid syntax",
"invalid syntax for integer",
"invalid syntax for integer with base %d",
"invalid syntax for number",
"issubclass() arg 1 must be a class",
"issubclass() arg 2 must be a class or a tuple of classes",
"join expects a list of str/bytes objects consistent with self object",
"keywords must be strings",
"length argument not allowed for this type",
"lhs and rhs should be compatible",
"local variable referenced before assignment",
"long int not supported in this build",
"math domain error",
"maximum recursion depth exceeded",
"memory allocation failed, allocating %u bytes",
"memory allocation failed, heap is locked",
"module not found",
"multiple *x in assignment",
"multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict",
"must use keyword argument for key function",
"name '%q' is not defined",
"name not defined",
"name reused for argument",
"need more than %d values to unpack",
"negative shift count",
"no active exception to reraise",
"no binding for nonlocal found",
"no module named '%q'",
"no such attribute",
"non-default argument follows default argument",
"non-hex digit found",
"non-keyword arg after */**",
"non-keyword arg after keyword arg",
"not all arguments converted during string formatting",
"not enough arguments for format string",
"object '%q' is not a tuple or list",
"object does not support item assignment",
"object does not support item deletion",
"object has no len",
"object is not subscriptable",
"object not an iterator",
"object not callable",
"object not in sequence",
"object not iterable",
"object of type '%q' has no len()",
"object with buffer protocol required",
"odd-length string",
"offset out of bounds",
"only slices with step=1 (aka None) are supported",
"ord expects a character",
"ord() expected a character, but string of length %d found",
"pop from empty %q",
"requested length %d but object has length %d",
"sign not allowed in string format specifier",
"sign not allowed with integer format specifier 'c'",
"single '}' encountered in format string",
"sleep length must be non-negative",
"slice step cannot be zero",
"small int overflow",
"soft reboot",
"start/end indices",
"step must be non-zero",
"stop must be 1 or 2",
"stop not reachable from start",
"stream operation not supported",
"string indices must be integers, not %q",
"string not supported; use bytes or bytearray",
"substring not found",
"super() can't find self",
"threshold must be in the range 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() takes a 9-sequence",
"timeout must be 0.0-100.0 seconds",
"too many arguments provided with the given format",
"too many values to unpack (expected %d)",
"tuple/list has wrong length",
"tx and rx cannot both be None",
"type '%q' is not an acceptable base type",
"type is not an acceptable base type",
"type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'",
"type takes 1 or 3 arguments",
"unexpected indent",
"unexpected keyword argument '%q'",
"unicode name escapes",
"unindent does not match any outer indentation level",
"unknown conversion specifier %c",
"unknown format code '%c' for object of type '%q'",
"unmatched '{' in format",
"unreadable attribute",
"unsupported format character '%c' (0x%x) at index %d",
"unsupported type for %q: '%q'",
"unsupported type for operator",
"unsupported types for %q: '%q', '%q'",
"value must fit in %d byte(s)",
"wrong number of arguments",
"wrong number of values to unpack",
"zero step"
"cs": [
"Soubor \"%q\", řádek %d",
"%%c vyžaduje int nebo char",
"%q se nyní používá",
"%q index je mimo rozsah",
"%q indices must be integers, not %q",
"%q() takes %d positional arguments but %d were given",
"'%q' argument required",
"'%q' object cannot assign attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support item assignment",
"'%q' object does not support item deletion",
"'%q' object has no attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object is not an iterator",
"'%q' object is not callable",
"'%q' object is not iterable",
"'%q' object is not subscriptable",
"'=' alignment not allowed in string format specifier",
"'break' outside loop",
"'continue' outside loop",
"'return' outside function",
"'yield' outside function",
"*x must be assignment target",
", in %q",
"3-arg pow() not supported",
"A hardware interrupt channel is already in use",
"All timers for this pin are in use",
"All timers in use",
"AnalogOut is only 16 bits. Value must be less than 65536.",
"AnalogOut not supported on given pin",
"Another send is already active",
"Array must contain halfwords (type 'H')",
"Array values should be single bytes.",
"At most %d %q may be specified (not %d)",
"Attempted heap allocation when MicroPython VM not running.",
"Auto-reload is off.",
"Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to disable.",
"Both pins must support hardware interrupts",
"Brightness must be between 0 and 255",
"Buffer incorrect size. Should be %d bytes.",
"Buffer must be at least length 1",
"Bytes must be between 0 and 255.",
"Call super().__init__() before accessing native object.",
"Cannot delete values",
"Cannot get pull while in output mode",
"Cannot remount '/' when USB is active.",
"Cannot reset into bootloader because no bootloader is present.",
"Cannot set value when direction is input.",
"Cannot subclass slice",
"CircuitPython core code crashed hard. Whoops!",
"CircuitPython is in safe mode because you pressed the reset button during boot. Press again to exit safe mode.",
"Corrupt .mpy file",
"Corrupt raw code",
"Could not initialize UART",
"Crash into the HardFault_Handler.",
"Drive mode not used when direction is input.",
"EXTINT channel already in use",
"Expected a %q",
"Failed to allocate RX buffer of %d bytes",
"Failed to write internal flash.",
"File exists",
"Function requires lock",
"Incompatible .mpy file. Please update all .mpy files. See for more info.",
"Input/output error",
"Invalid PWM frequency",
"Invalid argument",
"Invalid direction.",
"Invalid memory access.",
"Invalid number of bits",
"Invalid phase",
"Invalid pin",
"Invalid pins",
"Invalid polarity",
"Invalid run mode.",
"LHS of keyword arg must be an id",
"Length must be an int",
"Length must be non-negative",
"MicroPython NLR jump failed. Likely memory corruption.",
"MicroPython fatal error.",
"Name too long",
"No RX pin",
"No TX pin",
"No free GCLKs",
"No hardware random available",
"No hardware support on pin",
"No long integer support",
"No space left on device",
"No such file/directory",
"Not running saved code.",
"Object has been deinitialized and can no longer be used. Create a new object.",
"PWM duty_cycle must be between 0 and 65535 inclusive (16 bit resolution)",
"Permission denied",
"Pin does not have ADC capabilities",
"Pin is input only",
"Plus any modules on the filesystem",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Press any key to enter the REPL. Use CTRL-D to reload.",
"Pull not used when direction is output.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 Not yet supported on this device",
"Read-only filesystem",
"Running in safe mode!",
"SDA or SCL needs a pull up",
"Slice and value different lengths.",
"Slices not supported",
"Stack size must be at least 256",
"The CircuitPython heap was corrupted because the stack was too small.\nPlease increase the stack size if you know how, or if not:",
"The `microcontroller` module was used to boot into safe mode. Press reset to exit safe mode.",
"The microcontroller's power dipped. Make sure your power supply provides\nenough power for the whole circuit and press reset (after ejecting CIRCUITPY).",
"Traceback (most recent call last):",
"Tuple or struct_time argument required",
"USB Busy",
"USB Error",
"Unable to init parser",
"Unable to write to nvm.",
"Unknown reason.",
"Unsupported baudrate",
"Unsupported operation",
"Unsupported pull value.",
"Watchdog timer expired.",
"Welcome to Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nPlease visit for project guides.\n\nTo list built-in modules please do `help(\"modules\")`.",
"You are in safe mode: something unanticipated happened.",
"Kód byl dokončen. Čekám na opětovné načtení.",
"Založte prosím problém s obsahem vaší jednotky CIRCUITPY na adrese\n",
"__init__() should return None",
"__init__() should return None, not '%q'",
"abort() called",
"arg is an empty sequence",
"argument num/types mismatch",
"array/bytes required on right side",
"attributes not supported yet",
"bad conversion specifier",
"bad typecode",
"bits must be 7, 8 or 9",
"buffer size must match format",
"buffer slices must be of equal length",
"buffer too small",
"byte code not implemented",
"bytes > 8 bits not supported",
"bytes value out of range",
"calibration is out of range",
"calibration is read only",
"can't add special method to already-subclassed class",
"can't assign to expression",
"can't convert %q to %q",
"can't convert '%q' object to %q implicitly",
"can't convert to %q",
"can't convert to str implicitly",
"can't declare nonlocal in outer code",
"can't delete expression",
"can't have multiple **x",
"can't have multiple *x",
"can't pend throw to just-started generator",
"can't send non-None value to a just-started generator",
"can't set attribute",
"can't switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification",
"can't switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering",
"cannot create '%q' instances",
"cannot create instance",
"cannot import name %q",
"cannot perform relative import",
"chr() arg not in range(0x110000)",
"complex values not supported",
"constant must be an integer",
"default 'except' must be last",
"dict update sequence has wrong length",
"division by zero",
"empty separator",
"empty sequence",
"end of format while looking for conversion specifier",
"exceptions must derive from BaseException",
"expected ':' after format specifier",
"expected tuple/list",
"expecting just a value for set",
"expecting key:value for dict",
"extra keyword arguments given",
"extra positional arguments given",
"filesystem must provide mount method",
"first argument to super() must be type",
"float too big",
"format requires a dict",
"function does not take keyword arguments",
"function expected at most %d arguments, got %d",
"function got multiple values for argument '%q'",
"function missing %d required positional arguments",
"function missing keyword-only argument",
"function missing required keyword argument '%q'",
"function missing required positional argument #%d",
"function takes %d positional arguments but %d were given",
"function takes exactly 9 arguments",
"generator already executing",
"generator ignored GeneratorExit",
"identifier redefined as global",
"identifier redefined as nonlocal",
"incomplete format",
"incomplete format key",
"incorrect padding",
"index out of range",
"indices must be integers",
"int() arg 2 must be >= 2 and <= 36",
"integer required",
"invalid format specifier",
"invalid micropython decorator",
"invalid step",
"invalid syntax",
"invalid syntax for integer",
"invalid syntax for integer with base %d",
"invalid syntax for number",
"issubclass() arg 1 must be a class",
"issubclass() arg 2 must be a class or a tuple of classes",
"join expects a list of str/bytes objects consistent with self object",
"keywords must be strings",
"length argument not allowed for this type",
"lhs and rhs should be compatible",
"local variable referenced before assignment",
"long int not supported in this build",
"math domain error",
"maximum recursion depth exceeded",
"memory allocation failed, allocating %u bytes",
"memory allocation failed, heap is locked",
"module not found",
"multiple *x in assignment",
"multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict",
"must use keyword argument for key function",
"name '%q' is not defined",
"name not defined",
"name reused for argument",
"need more than %d values to unpack",
"negative shift count",
"no active exception to reraise",
"no binding for nonlocal found",
"no module named '%q'",
"no such attribute",
"non-default argument follows default argument",
"non-hex digit found",
"non-keyword arg after */**",
"non-keyword arg after keyword arg",
"not all arguments converted during string formatting",
"not enough arguments for format string",
"object '%q' is not a tuple or list",
"object does not support item assignment",
"object does not support item deletion",
"object has no len",
"object is not subscriptable",
"object not an iterator",
"object not callable",
"object not in sequence",
"object not iterable",
"object of type '%q' has no len()",
"object with buffer protocol required",
"odd-length string",
"offset out of bounds",
"only slices with step=1 (aka None) are supported",
"ord expects a character",
"ord() expected a character, but string of length %d found",
"pop from empty %q",
"requested length %d but object has length %d",
"sign not allowed in string format specifier",
"sign not allowed with integer format specifier 'c'",
"single '}' encountered in format string",
"sleep length must be non-negative",
"slice step cannot be zero",
"small int overflow",
"soft reboot",
"start/end indices",
"step must be non-zero",
"stop must be 1 or 2",
"stop not reachable from start",
"stream operation not supported",
"string indices must be integers, not %q",
"string not supported; use bytes or bytearray",
"substring not found",
"super() can't find self",
"threshold must be in the range 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() takes a 9-sequence",
"timeout must be 0.0-100.0 seconds",
"too many arguments provided with the given format",
"too many values to unpack (expected %d)",
"tuple/list has wrong length",
"tx and rx cannot both be None",
"type '%q' is not an acceptable base type",
"type is not an acceptable base type",
"type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'",
"type takes 1 or 3 arguments",
"unexpected indent",
"unexpected keyword argument '%q'",
"unicode name escapes",
"unindent does not match any outer indentation level",
"unknown conversion specifier %c",
"unknown format code '%c' for object of type '%q'",
"unmatched '{' in format",
"unreadable attribute",
"unsupported format character '%c' (0x%x) at index %d",
"unsupported type for %q: '%q'",
"unsupported type for operator",
"unsupported types for %q: '%q', '%q'",
"value must fit in %d byte(s)",
"wrong number of arguments",
"wrong number of values to unpack",
"zero step"
"fr": [
"Fichier \"%q\", ligne %d",
"sortie :",
"%%c nécessite un entier 'int' ou un caractère 'char'",
"%q utilisé",
"index %q hors gamme",
"%q indices must be integers, not %q",
"%q() prend %d arguments positionnels mais %d ont été donnés",
"'%q' argument requis",
"'%q' object cannot assign attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support item assignment",
"'%q' object does not support item deletion",
"'%q' object has no attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object is not an iterator",
"'%q' object is not callable",
"'%q' object is not iterable",
"'%q' object is not subscriptable",
"'=' alignement non autorisé dans la spéc. de format de chaîne",
"'break' en dehors d'une boucle",
"'continue' en dehors d'une boucle",
"'return' en dehors d'une fonction",
"'yield' en dehors d'une fonction",
"*x doit être la cible de l'assignement",
", dans %q",
"pow() non supporté avec 3 arguments",
"Un canal d'interruptions matérielles est déjà utilisé",
"Tous les timers pour cette broche sont utilisés",
"Tous les timers sont utilisés",
"AnalogOut est seulement 16 bits. Les valeurs doivent être inf. à 65536.",
"'AnalogOut' n'est pas supporté sur la broche indiquée",
"Un autre envoi est déjà actif",
"Le tableau doit contenir des demi-mots (type 'H')",
"Les valeurs du tableau doivent être des octets simples 'bytes'.",
"Au plus %d %q peut être spécifié (pas %d)",
"Tentative d'allocation de tas alors que la VM MicroPython ne tourne pas.",
"L'auto-chargement est désactivé.",
"Auto-chargement activé. Copiez simplement les fichiers en USB pour les lancer ou entrez sur REPL pour le désactiver.",
"Les deux entrées doivent supporter les interruptions matérielles",
"La luminosité doit être entre 0 et 255",
"Tampon de taille incorrect. Devrait être de %d octets.",
"Le tampon doit être de longueur au moins 1",
"Les octets 'bytes' doivent être entre 0 et 255.",
"Appelez super () .__ init __ () avant d'accéder à l'objet natif.",
"Impossible de supprimer les valeurs",
"Ne peut être tiré ('pull') en mode 'output'",
"'/' ne peut être remonté quand l'USB est actif.",
"Ne peut être redémarré vers le bootloader car il n'y a pas de bootloader.",
"Impossible d'affecter une valeur quand la direction est 'input'.",
"On ne peut faire de sous-classes de tranches",
"Le code principal de CircuitPython s'est écrasé durement. Oups !",
"CircuitPython est en mode sans échec car vous avez appuyé sur le bouton de réinitialisation pendant le démarrage. Appuyez à nouveau pour quitter le mode sans échec.",
"Fichier .mpy corrompu",
"Code brut corrompu",
"L'UART n'a pu être initialisé",
"Plantage vers le 'HardFault_Handler'.",
"Le mode Drive n'est pas utilisé quand la direction est 'input'.",
"Canal EXTINT déjà utilisé",
"Attendu un %q",
"Echec de l'allocation de %d octets du tampon RX",
"Échec de l'écriture du flash interne.",
"Le fichier existe",
"La fonction nécessite un verrou",
"Fichier .mpy incompatible. Merci de mettre à jour tous les fichiers .mpy.Voir pour plus d'informations.",
"Erreur d'entrée/sortie",
"Fréquence de PWM invalide",
"Argument invalide",
"Direction invalide.",
"Accès mémoire invalide.",
"Nombre de bits invalide",
"Phase invalide",
"Broche invalide",
"Broches invalides",
"Polarité invalide",
"Mode de lancement invalide.",
"La partie gauche de l'argument nommé doit être un identifiant",
"La longueur doit être un nombre entier",
"La longueur ne doit pas être négative",
"Saut MicroPython NLR a échoué. Corruption de mémoire possible.",
"Erreur fatale de MicroPython.",
"Nom trop long",
"Pas de broche RX",
"Pas de broche TX",
"Pas de GCLK libre",
"Pas de source matérielle d'aléa disponible",
"Pas de support matériel pour cette broche",
"Pas de support entier long",
"Il n'y a plus d'espace libre sur le périphérique",
"Fichier/dossier introuvable",
"Not running saved code.",
"L'objet a été désinitialisé et ne peut plus être utilisé. Créez un nouvel objet.",
"La valeur de cycle PWM doit être entre 0 et 65535 inclus (résolution de 16 bits)",
"Permission refusée",
"La broche ne peut être utilisée pour l'ADC",
"La broche est entrée uniquement",
"Ainsi que tout autre module présent sur le système de fichiers",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Appuyez sur une touche pour entrer sur REPL ou CTRL-D pour recharger.",
"Le tirage 'pull' n'est pas utilisé quand la direction est 'output'.",
"RTS / CTS / RS485 Pas encore pris en charge sur cet appareil",
"Lecture seule",
"Système de fichier en lecture seule",
"Running in safe mode!",
"SDA ou SCL a besoin d'une résistance de tirage ('pull up')",
"Tranche et valeur de tailles différentes.",
"Tranches non supportées",
"La pile doit être au moins de 256",
"Le tas CircuitPython a été corrompu car la pile était trop petite.\nVeuillez augmenter la taille de la pile si vous savez comment, ou sinon :",
"Le module `microcontrôleur` a été utilisé pour démarrer en mode sans échec. Appuyez sur reset pour quitter le mode sans échec.",
"La puissance du microcontrôleur a baissé. Assurez-vous que votre alimentation\nassez de puissance pour tout le circuit et appuyez sur reset (après avoir éjecté CIRCUITPY).",
"Trace (appels les plus récents en dernier) :",
"Argument de type tuple ou struct_time nécessaire",
"USB occupé",
"Erreur USB",
"Impossible d'initialiser le parser",
"Impossible d'écrire sur la mémoire non-volatile.",
"Raison inconnue.",
"Débit non supporté",
"Opération non supportée",
"Valeur de tirage 'pull' non supportée.",
"Le minuteur Watchdog a expiré.",
"Bienvenue sur Adafruit CircuitPython %s !\n\nVisitez pour les guides.\n\nPour lister les modules inclus, tapez `help(\"modules\")`.",
"Vous êtes en mode sans échec : quelque chose d'imprévu s'est passé.",
"Fin d'éxecution du code. En attente de recharge.",
"Veuillez signaler un problème avec le contenu de votre lecteur CIRCUITPY à l'adresse\n",
"__init__() doit retourner None",
"__init__() should return None, not '%q'",
"abort() appelé",
"l'argument est une séquence vide",
"argument num/types ne correspond pas",
"tableau/octets requis à droite",
"attribut pas encore supporté",
"mauvaise spécification de conversion",
"mauvais code type",
"bits doivent être 7, 8 ou 9",
"la taille du tampon doit correspondre au format",
"les tranches de tampon doivent être de longueurs égales",
"tampon trop petit",
"bytecode non implémenté",
"octets > 8 bits non supporté",
"valeur des octets hors bornes",
"étalonnage hors bornes",
"étalonnage en lecture seule",
"impossible d'ajouter une méthode spéciale à une classe déjà sous-classée",
"ne peut pas assigner à une expression",
"can't convert %q to %q",
"impossible de convertir l'objet '%q' en '%q' implicitement",
"can't convert to %q",
"impossible de convertir en chaine 'str' implicitement",
"ne peut déclarer de 'nonlocal' dans un code externe",
"ne peut pas supprimer l'expression",
"il ne peut y avoir de **x multiples",
"il ne peut y avoir de *x multiples",
"on ne peut effectuer une action de type 'pend throw' sur un générateur fraîchement démarré",
"on ne peut envoyer une valeur autre que 'None' à un générateur fraîchement démarré",
"attribut non modifiable",
"impossible de passer d'une énumération auto des champs à une spécification manuelle",
"impossible de passer d'une spécification manuelle des champs à une énumération auto",
"ne peut pas créer une instance de '%q'",
"ne peut pas créer une instance",
"ne peut pas importer le nom %q",
"ne peut pas réaliser un import relatif",
"argument de chr() hors de la gamme range(0x11000)",
"valeurs complexes non supportées",
"constante doit être un entier",
"l''except' par défaut doit être en dernier",
"la séquence de mise à jour de dict a une mauvaise longueur",
"division par zéro",
"séparateur vide",
"séquence vide",
"fin de format en cherchant une spécification de conversion",
"les exceptions doivent dériver de 'BaseException'",
"':' attendu après la spécification de format",
"un tuple ou une liste est attendu",
"une simple valeur est attendue pour l'ensemble 'set'",
"couple clef:valeur attendu pour un dictionnaire 'dict'",
"argument(s) nommé(s) supplémentaire(s) donné(s)",
"argument(s) positionnel(s) supplémentaire(s) donné(s)",
"le system de fichier doit fournir une méthode 'mount'",
"le premier argument de super() doit être un type",
"nombre à virgule flottante trop grand",
"le format nécessite un dict",
"la fonction ne prend pas d'arguments nommés",
"la fonction attendait au plus %d arguments, reçu %d",
"la fonction a reçu plusieurs valeurs pour l'argument '%q'",
"il manque %d arguments obligatoires à la fonction",
"il manque un argument nommé obligatoire",
"il manque l'argument nommé obligatoire '%q'",
"il manque l'argument positionnel obligatoire #%d",
"la fonction prend %d argument(s) positionnels mais %d ont été donné(s)",
"la fonction prend exactement 9 arguments",
"générateur déjà en cours d'exécution",
"le générateur a ignoré GeneratorExit",
"identifiant redéfini comme global",
"identifiant redéfini comme nonlocal",
"format incomplet",
"clé de format incomplète",
"espacement incorrect",
"index hors gamme",
"les indices doivent être des entiers",
"l'argument 2 de int() doit être >=2 et <=36",
"entier requis",
"spécification de format invalide",
"décorateur micropython invalide",
"pas invalide",
"syntaxe invalide",
"syntaxe invalide pour un entier",
"syntaxe invalide pour un entier de base %d",
"syntaxe invalide pour un nombre",
"l'argument 1 de issubclass() doit être une classe",
"l'argument 2 de issubclass() doit être une classe ou un tuple de classes",
"'join' s'attend à une liste d'objets str/bytes cohérents avec l'objet self",
"les noms doivent être des chaînes de caractères",
"argument 'length' non-permis pour ce type",
"Les parties gauches et droites doivent être compatibles",
"variable locale référencée avant d'être assignée",
"entiers longs non supportés dans cette build",
"erreur de domaine math",
"profondeur maximale de récursivité dépassée",
"l'allocation de mémoire a échoué en allouant %u octets",
"l'allocation de mémoire a échoué, le tas est vérrouillé",
"module introuvable",
"*x multiple dans l'assignement",
"de multiples bases ont un conflit de lay-out d'instance",
"doit utiliser un argument nommé pour une fonction key",
"nom '%q' non défini",
"nom non défini",
"nom réutilisé comme argument",
"nécessite plus de %d valeurs à dégrouper",
"compte de décalage négatif",
"aucune exception active à relever",
"pas de lien trouvé pour nonlocal",
"pas de module '%q'",
"pas de tel attribut",
"un argument sans valeur par défaut suit un argument avec valeur par défaut",
"chiffre non-héxadécimale trouvé",
"argument non-nommé après */**",
"argument non-nommé après argument nommé",
"tous les arguments n'ont pas été convertis pendant le formatage de la chaîne",
"pas assez d'arguments pour la chaîne de format",
"object '%q' is not a tuple or list",
"l'objet ne supporte pas l'assignation d'éléments",
"l'objet ne supporte pas la suppression d'éléments",
"l'objet n'a pas de 'len'",
"l'objet n'est pas sous-scriptable",
"l'objet n'est pas un itérateur",
"objet non appelable",
"l'objet n'est pas dans la séquence",
"objet non itérable",
"object of type '%q' has no len()",
"un objet avec un protocole de tampon est nécessaire",
"chaîne de longueur impaire",
"décalage hors limites",
"seules les tranches avec 'step=1' (cad None) sont supportées",
"ord attend un caractère",
"ord() attend un caractère mais une chaîne de caractère de longueur %d a été trouvée",
"pop from empty %q",
"la longueur requise est %d mais l'objet est long de %d",
"rsplit(None, n)",
"signe non autorisé dans les spéc. de formats de chaînes de caractères",
"signe non autorisé avec la spéc. de format d'entier 'c'",
"'}' seule rencontrée dans une chaîne de format",
"la longueur de sleep ne doit pas être négative",
"le pas 'step' de la tranche ne peut être zéro",
"dépassement de capacité d'un entier court",
"redémarrage logiciel",
"indices de début/fin",
"le pas 'step' doit être non nul",
"stop doit être 1 ou 2",
"stop n'est pas accessible au démarrage",
"opération de flux non supportée",
"string indices must be integers, not %q",
"chaîne de carac. non supportée ; utilisez des bytes ou un tableau de bytes",
"sous-chaîne non trouvée",
"super() ne peut pas trouver self",
"le seuil doit être dans la gamme 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() prend une séquence de longueur 9",
"le délai doit être compris entre 0.0 et 100.0 secondes",
"trop d'arguments fournis avec ce format",
"trop de valeur à dégrouper (%d attendues)",
"tuple/liste a une mauvaise longueur",
"tx et rx ne peuvent être 'None' tous les deux",
"le type '%q' n'est pas un type de base accepté",
"le type n'est pas un type de base accepté",
"l'objet de type '%q' n'a pas d'attribut '%q'",
"le type prend 1 ou 3 arguments",
"indentation inattendue",
"argument nommé '%q' inattendu",
"échappements de nom unicode",
"la désindentation ne correspond à aucune indentation précédente",
"spécification %c de conversion inconnue",
"unknown format code '%c' for object of type '%q'",
"'{' sans correspondance dans le format",
"attribut illisible",
"caractère de format '%c' (0x%x) non supporté à l'index %d",
"unsupported type for %q: '%q'",
"type non supporté pour l'opérateur",
"unsupported types for %q: '%q', '%q'",
"la valeur doit tenir dans %d octet(s)",
"mauvais nombres d'arguments",
"mauvais nombre de valeurs à dégrouper",
"'step' nul"
"nl": [
"Bestand \"%q\", regel %d",
"%%c vereist een int of char",
"%q in gebruik",
"%q index buiten bereik",
"%q indices moeten integers zijn, geen %q",
"%q() verwacht %d positionele argumenten maar kreeg %d",
"'%q' argument vereist",
"'%q' object kan attribuut ' %q' niet toewijzen",
"'%q' object ondersteunt geen '%q'",
"'%q' object ondersteunt toewijzing van items niet",
"'%q' object ondersteunt verwijderen van items niet",
"'%q' object heeft geen attribuut '%q'",
"'%q' object is geen iterator",
"'%q' object is niet aanroepbaar",
"'%q' object is niet itereerbaar",
"kan niet abonneren op '%q' object",
"'=' uitlijning niet toegestaan in string format specifier",
"'break' buiten de loop",
"'continue' buiten de loop",
"'return' buiten de functie",
"'yield' buiten de functie",
"*x moet een assignment target zijn",
", in %q",
"3-arg pow() niet ondersteund",
"Een hardware interrupt kanaal is al in gebruik",
"Alle timers voor deze pin zijn in gebruik",
"Alle timers zijn in gebruik",
"AnalogOut is slechts 16 bits. Waarde moet minder dan 65536 zijn.",
"AnalogOut niet ondersteund door gegeven pin",
"Een andere send is al actief",
"Array moet halfwords (type 'H') bevatten",
"Array waardes moet enkele bytes zijn.",
"Op zijn meest %d %q mogen worden gespecificeerd (niet %d)",
"heap allocatie geprobeerd terwijl MicroPython VM niet draait.",
"Auto-herlaad staat uit.",
"Auto-herlaad staat aan. Sla bestanden simpelweg op over USB om uit te voeren of start REPL om uit te schakelen.",
"Beide pinnen moeten hardware interrupts ondersteunen",
"Helderheid moet tussen de 0 en 255 liggen",
"Buffer heeft incorrect grootte. Moet %d bytes zijn.",
"Buffer moet op zijn minst lengte 1 zijn",
"Bytes moeten tussen 0 en 255 liggen.",
"Roep super().__init__() aan voor toegang native object.",
"Kan waardes niet verwijderen",
"get pull kan niet gedurende output mode",
"Kan '/' niet hermounten als USB actief is.",
"Kan niet resetten naar bootloader omdat er geen bootloader aanwezig is.",
"Kan de waarde niet toewijzen als de richting input is.",
"Kan slice niet subclasseren",
"CircuitPython core code is hard gecrashed. Ojee!",
"CircuitPython is in veilige modus omdat de rest knop werd ingedrukt tijdens het opstarten. Druk nogmaals om veilige modus te verlaten",
"Corrupt .mpy bestand",
"Corrupt raw code",
"Kan UART niet initialiseren",
"Crash naar de HardFault_Handler.",
"Drive modus niet gebruikt als de richting input is.",
"EXTINT kanaal al in gebruik",
"Verwacht een %q",
"Mislukt een RX buffer van %d bytes te alloceren",
"Schrijven naar interne flash mislukt.",
"Bestand bestaat",
"Functie vereist lock",
"Incompatibel .mpy bestand. Update alle .mpy bestanden. Zie voor meer informatie.",
"Input/Output fout",
"Ongeldige PWM frequentie",
"Ongeldig argument",
"Ongeldige richting.",
"Ongeldig geheugen adres.",
"Ongeldig aantal bits",
"Ongeldige fase",
"Ongeldige pin",
"Ongeldige pinnen",
"Ongeldige polariteit",
"Ongeldige run modus.",
"LHS van sleutelwoord arg moet een id zijn",
"Lengte moet een int zijn",
"Lengte moet niet negatief zijn",
"MicroPython NLR sprong mislukt. Waarschijnlijk geheugen corruptie.",
"MicroPython fatale fout.",
"Naam te lang",
"Geen RX pin",
"Geen TX pin",
"Geen vrije GCLKs",
"Geen hardware random beschikbaar",
"Geen hardware ondersteuning op pin",
"Geen lange integer ondersteuning",
"Geen ruimte meer beschikbaar op apparaat",
"Bestand/map bestaat niet",
"Opgeslagen code wordt niet uitgevoerd.",
"Object is gedeïnitialiseerd en kan niet meer gebruikt worden. Creëer een nieuw object.",
"PWM duty_cycle moet tussen 0 en 65535 inclusief zijn (16 bit resolutie)",
"Toegang geweigerd",
"Pin heeft geen ADC mogelijkheden",
"Pin kan alleen voor invoer gebruikt worden",
"En iedere module in het bestandssysteem",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Druk een willekeurige toets om de REPL te starten. Gebruik CTRL+D om te herstarten.",
"Pull niet gebruikt wanneer de richting output is.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 Nog niet ondersteund door dit apparaat",
"Alleen-lezen bestandssysteem",
"Veilige modus wordt uitgevoerd!",
"SDA of SCL hebben een pullup nodig",
"Slice en waarde hebben verschillende lengtes.",
"Slices niet ondersteund",
"Stack grootte moet op zijn minst 256 zijn",
"De CircuitPyton heap is corrupt omdat de stack te klein was.\nVergroot de stack grootte als je weet hoe, zo niet:",
"De `microcontroller` module is gebruikt om in veilige modus op te starten. Druk reset om de veilige modus te verlaten.",
"Het vermogen van de microcontroller zakte. Zorg ervoor dat de stroomvoorziening \nvoldoende vermogen heeft voor het hele systeem en druk reset (na uitwerpen van CIRCUITPY).",
"Traceback (meest recente call laatst):",
"Tuple of struct_time argument vereist",
"USB Bezet",
"USB Fout",
"Niet in staat om de parser te initialiseren",
"Niet in staat om naar nvm te schrijven.",
"Onbekende reden.",
"Niet-ondersteunde baudsnelheid",
"Niet-ondersteunde operatie",
"Niet-ondersteunde pull-waarde.",
"Watchdog-timer verstreken.",
"Welkom bij Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nBezoek voor projectgidsen.\n\nVoor een lijst van ingebouwde modules, gebruik `help(\"modules\")`.",
"Je bent in de veilige modus: er is iets onverwachts gebeurd.",
"Code is uitgevoerd. Wachten op herladen.",
"Meld een probleem met de inhoud van de CIRCUITPY drive op:\n",
"__init __ () zou None moeten retourneren",
"__init__() moet None teruggeven, niet '%q'",
"abort() aangeroepen",
"arg is een lege sequentie",
"argument num/typen komen niet overeen",
"array/bytes vereist aan de rechterkant",
"attributen nog niet ondersteund",
"slechte conversie specificatie",
"verkeerde typecode",
"bits moet 7, 8, of 9 zijn",
"grootte van de buffer moet overeenkomen met het formaat",
"buffer slices moeten van gelijke grootte zijn",
"buffer te klein",
"byte code niet geïmplementeerd",
"butes > 8 niet ondersteund",
"bytes waarde buiten bereik",
"calibration is buiten bereik",
"calibration is alleen-lezen",
"kan geen speciale methode aan een al ge-subkwalificeerde klasse toevoegen",
"kan niet toewijzen aan expressie",
"kan %q niet naar %q converteren",
"kan '%q' object niet omzetten naar %q impliciet",
"kan niet naar %q converteren",
"kan niet omzetten naar str impliciet",
"kan geen nonlocal in buitenste code declareren",
"kan expressie niet verwijderen",
"kan niet meerdere **x hebben",
"kan geen meerdere *x hebben",
"kan throw niet aan net gestartte generator toevoegen",
"kan geen niet-'None' waarde naar een net gestartte generator sturen",
"kan attribute niet instellen",
"kan niet schakelen tussen automatische en handmatige veld specificatie",
"kan niet schakelen tussen handmatige en automatische veld specificatie",
"kan geen instanties van '%q' creëren",
"kan geen instantie creëren",
"kan naam %q niet importeren",
"kan geen relatieve import uitvoeren",
"chr() arg niet binnen bereik (0x110000)",
"complexe waardes niet ondersteund",
"constant moet een integer zijn",
"standaard 'expect' moet laatste zijn",
"dict update sequence heeft de verkeerde lengte",
"deling door nul",
"lege seperator",
"lege sequentie",
"einde van format terwijl zoekend naar conversie-specifier",
"uitzonderingen moeten afleiden van BaseException",
"verwachtte ':' na format specifier",
"verwachtte een tuple/lijst",
"verwacht alleen een waarde voor set",
"verwacht key:waarde for dict",
"extra keyword argumenten gegeven",
"extra positionele argumenten gegeven",
"bestandssysteem moet een mount methode bieden",
"eerste argument voor super() moet een type zijn",
"float is te groot",
"format vereist een dict",
"functie accepteert geen keyword argumenten",
"functie verwachtte op zijn meest %d argumenten, maar kreeg %d",
"functie kreeg meedere waarden voor argument '%q'",
"functie mist %d vereist positionele argumenten",
"functie mist keyword-only argument",
"functie mist vereist sleutelwoord argument \"%q",
"functie mist vereist positie-argument #%d",
"functie vraagt %d argumenten zonder keyword maar %d argumenten werden gegeven",
"functie vraagt precies 9 argumenten",
"generator wordt al uitgevoerd",
"generator negeerde GeneratorExit",
"identifier is opnieuw gedefinieerd als global",
"identifier is opnieuw gedefinieerd als nonlocal",
"incompleet formaat",
"incomplete formaatsleutel",
"vulling (padding) is onjuist",
"index is buiten bereik",
"indices moeten integers zijn",
"int() argument 2 moet >=2 en <= 36 zijn",
"integer vereist",
"ongeldige formaatspecificatie",
"ongeldige micropython decorator",
"ongeldige stap",
"ongeldige syntax",
"ongeldige syntax voor integer",
"ongeldige syntax voor integer met grondtal %d",
"ongeldige syntax voor nummer",
"issubclass() argument 1 moet een klasse zijn",
"issubclass() argument 2 moet een klasse of tuple van klassen zijn",
"join verwacht een lijst van str/byte objecten die consistent zijn met het self-object",
"trefwoorden moeten van type string zijn",
"voor dit type is length niet toegestaan",
"lhs en rhs moeten compatibel zijn",
"verwijzing naar een (nog) niet toegewezen lokale variabele",
"long int wordt niet ondersteund in deze build",
"fout in het wiskundig domein (math domain error)",
"maximale recursiediepte overschreden",
"geheugentoewijzing mislukt, %u bytes worden toegewezen",
"geheugentoewijzing mislukt, heap is vergrendeld",
"module niet gevonden",
"meerdere *x in toewijzing",
"meerdere grondtallen (bases) hebben instance lay-out conflicten",
"voor sleutelfunctie moet een trefwoordargument gebruikt worden",
"naam '%q' is niet gedefinieerd",
"naam is niet gedefinieerd",
"naam hergebruikt voor argument",
"Om uit te pakken zijn meer dan %d waarden vereist",
"negatieve verschuivingstelling (shift count)",
"geen actieve uitzondering om opnieuw op te werpen (raise)",
"geen binding voor nonlocal gevonden",
"geen module met naam '%q'",
"niet zo'n attribuut",
"niet-standaard argument volgt op een standaard argument",
"er werd een niet-hexadecimaal cijfer gevonden",
"niet-trefwoord argument na */**",
"niet-trefwoord argument na trefwoord argument",
"niet alle argumenten omgezet bij formattering van string",
"niet genoeg argumenten om string te formatteren",
"object '%q' is geen tuple of lijst",
"object ondersteund toewijzen van elementen niet",
"object ondersteund verwijderen van elementen niet",
"object heeft geen len",
"object heeft geen '__getitem__'-methode (not subscriptable)",
"object is geen iterator",
"object niet aanroepbaar",
"object niet in volgorde (sequence)",
"object niet itereerbaar",
"object van type '%q' heeft geen len()",
"object met buffer protocol vereist",
"string met oneven lengte",
"offset buiten bereik",
"alleen segmenten met step=1 (ook wel None) worden ondersteund",
"ord verwacht een teken (char)",
"ord() verwacht een teken (char) maar vond een string van lengte %d",
"pop van een lege %q",
"gevraagde lengte is %d maar object heeft lengte %d",
"teken niet toegestaan in string formaatspecificatie",
"teken niet toegestaan bij integer formaatspecificatie 'c'",
"enkele '}' aangetroffen in formaat tekenreeks (string)",
"de slaapduur mag niet negatief zijn",
"segmentstap mag niet nul zijn",
"small int overloop",
"zachte herstart",
"start/stop indices",
"step mag geen nul zijn",
"stop moet 1 of 2 zijn",
"stop is niet bereikbaar vanaf start",
"stream operatie niet ondersteund",
"string indices moeten integers zijn, geen %q",
"string niet ondersteund; gebruik bytes of bytearray",
"deelreeks niet gevonden",
"super() kan self niet vinden",
"drempelwaarde moet in het bereik 0-65536 liggen",
"time.struct_time() accepteert een 9-rij",
"timeout moet tussen 0.0 en 100.0 seconden zijn",
"te veel argumenten opgegeven bij dit formaat",
"te veel waarden om uit te pakken (%d verwacht)",
"tuple of lijst heeft onjuiste lengte",
"tx en rx kunnen niet beiden None zijn",
"type '%q' is geen aanvaardbaar basistype",
"type is geen aanvaardbaar basistype",
"objecttype '%q' heeft geen attribuut '%q'",
"type accepteert 1 of 3 argumenten",
"onverwachte inspringing",
"onverwacht trefwoordargument '%q'",
"op naam gebaseerde unicode escapes zijn niet geïmplementeerd",
"inspringing komt niet overeen met hoger gelegen inspringingsniveaus",
"onbekende conversiespecificatie %c",
"onbekende formaatcode '%c' voor object van type '%q'",
"'{' zonder overeenkomst in formaat",
"onleesbaar attribuut",
"niet ondersteund formaatkarakter '%c' (0x%x) op index %d",
"niet ondersteund type voor %q: '%q'",
"niet ondersteund type voor operator",
"niet ondersteunde types voor %q: '%q', '%q'",
"waarde moet in %d byte(s) passen",
"onjuist aantal argumenten",
"verkeerd aantal waarden om uit te pakken",
"sv": [
"Fil \"%q\", rad %d",
"%%c kräver int eller char",
"%q används redan",
"Index %q ligger utanför intervallet",
"%q index måste vara heltal, inte %q",
"%q() kräver %d positionsargument men %d gavs",
"'%q' argument krävs",
"Objektet '%q' kan inte tilldela attributet '%q'",
"Objektet '%q' stöder inte '%q'",
"Objektet '%q' stöder inte tilldelning",
"Objektet '%q' stöder inte borttagning av objekt",
"Objektet '%q' har inget attribut '%q'",
"Objektet '%q' är inte en iterator",
"Objektet '%q' kan inte anropas",
"Objektet '%q' är inte itererbart",
"Objektet '%q' är inte indexbar",
"'='-justering tillåts inte i strängformatspecifikation",
"'break' utanför loop",
"'continue' utanför loop",
"'return' utanför funktion",
"'yield' utanför funktion",
"*x måste vara mål för tilldelning",
", i %q",
"3-arguments pow() stöds inte",
"En kanal för hårdvaruavbrott används redan",
"Alla timers för denna pinne är i bruk",
"Alla timers används",
"AnalogOut hanterar bara 16 bitar. Värdet måste vara mindre än 65536.",
"AnalogOut stöds inte på angiven pinne",
"En annan send är redan aktiv",
"Matrisen måste innehålla halfwords (typ \"H\")",
"Matrisvärden ska bestå av enstaka bytes.",
"Högst %d %q kan anges (inte %d)",
"Försökte tilldela heap när MicroPython VM inte körs.",
"Autoladdning är avstängd.",
"Autoladdning är på. Spara bara filer via USB för att köra dem eller ange REPL för att inaktivera.",
"Båda pinnarna måste stödja maskinvaruavbrott",
"Ljusstyrka måste vara mellan 0 och 255",
"Buffert har felaktig storlek. Ska vara %d byte.",
"Bufferten måste ha minst längd 1",
"Bytes måste vara mellan 0 och 255.",
"Anropa super().__init__() innan du använder det ursprungliga objektet.",
"Kan inte radera värden",
"Kan inte ange pull i output-läge",
"Kan inte återmontera '/' när USB är aktivt.",
"Det går inte att återställa till bootloader eftersom bootloader saknas.",
"Kan inte sätta värde när riktning är input.",
"Det går inte att subklassa slice",
"CircuitPython kärnkod kraschade hårt. Hoppsan!",
"CircuitPython är i säkert läge eftersom du tryckte på återställningsknappen under start. Tryck igen för att lämna säkert läge.",
"Skadad .mpy-fil",
"Korrupt rå kod",
"Det gick inte att initiera UART",
"Krasch in i HardFault_Handler.",
"Drivläge används inte när riktning är input.",
"EXTINT-kanalen används redan",
"Förväntade %q",
"Det gick inte att allokera RX-bufferten på %d byte",
"Det gick inte att skriva till intern flash.",
"Filen finns redan",
"Funktion kräver lås",
"Inkompatibel .mpy-fil. Uppdatera alla .mpy-filer. Se för mer information.",
"Ogiltig PWM-frekvens",
"Ogiltigt argument",
"Ogiltig riktning.",
"Ogiltig minnesåtkomst.",
"Ogiltigt antal bitar",
"Ogiltig fas",
"Ogiltig pinne",
"Ogiltiga pinnar",
"Ogiltig polaritet",
"Ogiltigt körläge.",
"LHS av keword arg måste vara ett id",
"Length måste vara en int",
"Length måste vara positiv",
"MicroPython NLR jump misslyckades. Troligen korrupt minne.",
"MicroPython fatalt fel.",
"Name är för långt",
"Ingen RX-pinne",
"Ingen TX-pinne",
"Inga fria GCLK: er",
"Ingen hårdvaru-random tillgänglig",
"Inget hårdvarustöd på pinne",
"Inget stöd för långt heltal",
"Inget utrymme kvar på enheten",
"Ingen sådan fil/katalog",
"Kör inte sparad kod.",
"Objektet har deinitialiserats och kan inte längre användas. Skapa ett nytt objekt.",
"PWM duty_cykel måste vara mellan 0 och 65535 (16 bitars upplösning)",
"Åtkomst nekad",
"Pinnen har inte ADC-funktionalitet",
"Pinnen är enbart ingång",
"Plus eventuella moduler i filsystemet",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Tryck på valfri knapp för att gå in i REPL. Använd CTRL-D för att ladda om.",
"Pull används inte när riktningen är output.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 Stöds ännu inte på den här enheten",
"Skrivskyddat filsystem",
"Kör i säkert läge!",
"SDA eller SCL behöver en pullup",
"Slice och värde har olika längd.",
"Slice stöds inte",
"Stackstorleken måste vara minst 256",
"CircuitPythons heap blev korrupt eftersom stacken var för liten.\nÖka stackstorleken om du vet hur, eller om inte:",
"Modulen \"microkontroller\" användes för att starta i säkert läge. Tryck på reset för att lämna säkert läge.",
"Mikrokontrollerns matningsspänning droppade. Se till att strömförsörjningen ger\ntillräckligt med ström för hela kretsen och tryck på reset (efter utmatning av CIRCUITPY).",
"Traceback (senaste anrop):",
"Tuple- eller struct_time-argument krävs",
"USB upptagen",
"Kan inte initiera tolken",
"Det gick inte att skriva till nvm.",
"Okänd anledning.",
"Baudrate stöd inte",
"Åtgärd som inte stöds",
"Ogiltigt Pull-värde.",
"Watchdog-timern har löpt ut.",
"Välkommen till Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nBesök för projektguider.\n\nFör att lista inbyggda moduler, ange `help(\"modules\")`.",
"Du är i säkert läge: något öväntat hände.",
"Koden har kört klart. Väntar på omladdning.",
"Vänligen skapa ett ärende med innehållet i din CIRCUITPY-enhet på\n",
"__init __ () ska returnera None",
"__init__() ska returnera None, inte '%q'",
"abort() anropad",
"arg är en tom sekvens",
"argument antal/typ matchar inte",
"array/bytes krävs på höger sida",
"attribut stöds inte än",
"Ogiltig konverteringsspecifikation",
"Ogiltig typkod",
"bits måste vara 7, 8 eller 9",
"buffertstorleken måste matcha formatet",
"buffertsegmenten måste vara lika långa",
"buffert för liten",
"byte-kod inte implementerad",
"bytes> 8 bitar stöds inte",
"bytevärde utanför intervallet",
"kalibrering är utanför intervallet",
"kalibrering är skrivskyddad",
"kan inte lägga till särskild metod för redan subklassad klass",
"kan inte tilldela uttryck",
"kan inte konvertera %q till %q",
"kan inte konvertera '%q' objekt implicit till %q",
"kan inte konvertera till %q",
"kan inte implicit konvertera till str",
"kan inte deklarera icke-lokalt i yttre kod",
"kan inte ta bort uttryck",
"kan inte ha flera **x",
"kan inte ha flera *x",
"kan inte 'pend throw' för nystartad generator",
"kan inte skicka icke-None värde till nystartad generator",
"kan inte att ange attribut",
"kan inte byta från automatisk fältnumrering till manuell fältspecifikation",
"kan inte byta från manuell fältspecifikation till automatisk fältnumrering",
"kan inte skapa instanser av '%q'",
"kan inte skapa instans",
"kan inte importera namn %q",
"kan inte utföra relativ import",
"chr() arg är inte i intervallet(0x110000)",
"komplexa värden stöds inte",
"konstant måste vara ett heltal",
"standard \"except\" måste ligga sist",
"uppdateringssekvensen för dict har fel längd",
"division med noll",
"tom separator",
"tom sekvens",
"slut på format vid sökning efter konverteringsspecificerare",
"exceptions måste ärvas från BaseException",
"förväntade ':' efter formatspecifikation",
"förväntade tupel/lista",
"förväntar bara ett värde för set",
"förväntar nyckel:värde för dict",
"extra keyword-argument angivna",
"extra positions-argument angivna",
"filsystemet måste tillhandahålla mount-metod",
"första argumentet till super() måste vara typ",
"flyttalet för stort",
"formatet kräver en dict",
"funktionen tar inte nyckelordsargument",
"funktionen förväntar som mest %d argument, fick %d",
"funktionen fick flera värden för argumentet '%q'",
"funktion saknar %d obligatoriska positionsargument",
"funktionen saknar nyckelordsargument",
"funktionen saknar det obligatoriska nyckelordsargumentet '%q'",
"funktionen saknar det obligatoriska positionsargumentet #%d",
"funktionen kräver %d positionsargument men %d angavs",
"funktionen kräver exakt 9 argument",
"generatorn kör redan",
"generatorn ignorerade GeneratorExit",
"identifieraren omdefinierad till global",
"identifieraren omdefinierad som icke-lokal",
"ofullständigt format",
"ofullständig formatnyckel",
"felaktig utfyllnad",
"index utanför intervallet",
"index måste vara heltal",
"int() arg 2 måste vara >= 2 och <= 36",
"heltal krävs",
"ogiltig formatspecificerare",
"ogiltig mikropython-dekorator",
"ogiltigt steg",
"ogiltig syntax",
"ogiltig syntax för heltal",
"ogiltig syntax för heltal med bas %d",
"ogiltig syntax för tal",
"issubclass() arg 1 måste vara en klass",
"issubclass() arg 2 måste vara en klass eller en tupel av klasser",
"join förväntar sig en lista över str/bytes-objekt som överensstämmer med objektet self",
"nyckelord måste vara strängar",
"argumentet length är inte är tillåten för denna typ",
"lhs och rhs måste vara kompatibla",
"lokal variabel refererad före tilldelning",
"long int stöds inte i denna build",
"maximal rekursionsdjup överskriden",
"minnesallokering misslyckades, allokerar %u byte",
"minnesallokeringen misslyckades, heapen är låst",
"modulen hittades inte",
"flera *x i tilldelning",
"Multipla basklasser har instanslayoutkonflikt",
"måste använda nyckelordsargument för nyckelfunktion",
"namnet '%q' är inte definierat",
"namn inte definierat",
"namn återanvänt för argument",
"behöver mer än %d värden för att packa upp",
"negativt skiftantal",
"ingen aktiv exception för reraise",
"ingen bindning för ickelokal hittad",
"ingen modul med namnet '%q'",
"inget sådant attribut",
"icke-standard argument följer standard argument",
"icke-hexnummer hittade",
"icke nyckelord arg efter * / **",
"icke nyckelord arg efter nyckelord arg",
"inte alla argument omvandlade under strängformatering",
"inte tillräckligt med argument för formatsträng",
"objektet '%q' är inte en tuple eller list",
"Objektet stöder inte tilldelning",
"objektet stöder inte borttagning",
"objektet har inte len",
"Objektet är inte indexbart",
"objektet är inte en iterator",
"objektet är inte anropbart",
"objektet är inte i sekvens",
"objektet är inte iterable",
"objekt av typen '%q' har inte len()",
"objekt med buffertprotokoll krävs",
"sträng har udda längd",
"offset utanför gränserna",
"endast segment med steg=1 (aka Ingen) stöds",
"ord förväntar sig ett tecken",
"ord() förväntade sig ett tecken, men en sträng med längden %d hittades",
"pop från tom %q",
"begärd längd %d men objektet har längden %d",
"tecknet tillåts inte i strängformatspecificerare",
"tecken tillåts inte med heltalsformatspecificeraren 'c'",
"Enkelt '}' påträffades i formatsträngen",
"värdet för sleep måste vara positivt",
"segmentsteg kan inte vara noll",
"värdet för small int överskreds",
"mjuk omstart",
"step måste vara icke-noll",
"stop måste vara 1 eller 2",
"stop kan inte nås från start",
"stream-åtgärd stöds inte",
"strängindex måste vara heltal, inte %q",
"sträng stöds inte; använd bytes eller bytearray",
"det gick inte att hitta delsträng",
"super() kan inte hitta self",
"tröskelvärdet måste ligga i intervallet 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() kräver en 9-sekvens",
"timeout måste vara 0.0-100.0 sekunder",
"för många argument för det givna formatet",
"för många värden att packa upp (förväntat %d)",
"tupel/lista har fel längd",
"tx och rx kan inte båda vara None",
"typ '%q' är inte en acceptabel bastyp",
"typ är inte en acceptabel bastyp",
"typobjektet '%q' har inget attribut '%q'",
"typen tar 1 eller 3 argument",
"oväntat indrag",
"oväntat nyckelordsargument '%q'",
"unicode-namn flyr",
"indentering inte matchar någon yttre indenteringsnivå",
"okänd konverteringsspecificerare %c",
"okänd formatkod '%c' för objekt av typ '%q'",
"omatchad '{' i format",
"attribut kan inte läsas",
"Formattecknet '%c' (0x%x) stöds inte vid index %d",
"typen %q stöder inte '%q'",
"typ stöds inte för operatören",
"typen %q stöder inte '%q', '%q'",
"värdet måste passa i %d byte(s)",
"fel antal argument",
"fel antal värden för att packa upp",
"noll steg"
"pt_BR": [
"Arquivo \"%q\", linha %d",
"%%c requer int ou char",
"%q em uso",
"O índice %q está fora do intervalo",
"Os indicadores %q devem ser inteiros, não %q",
"%q() recebe %d argumentos posicionais, porém %d foram informados",
"'%q' argumento(s) requerido(s)",
"O objeto '%q' não pode definir o atributo '%q'",
"O objeto '%q' não suporta '%q'",
"O objeto '%q' não suporta a atribuição do item",
"O objeto '%q' não suporta a exclusão dos itens",
"O objeto '%q' não possui qualquer atributo '%q'",
"O objeto '%q' não é um iterador",
"O objeto '%s' não é invocável",
"O objeto '%q' não é iterável",
"O objeto '%q' não é subscritível",
"'=' alinhamento não permitido no especificador do formato da cadeia de caracteres",
"'break' fora do loop",
"'continue' fora do loop",
"função externa 'return'",
"função externa 'yield'",
"*x deve ser o destino da atribuição",
", em %q",
"3-arg pow() não compatível",
"Um canal de interrupção de hardware já está em uso",
"Todos os temporizadores para este pino estão em uso",
"Todos os temporizadores em uso",
"O AnalogOut é de apenas 16 bits. O valor deve ser menor que 65536.",
"Saída analógica não suportada no pino fornecido",
"Outro envio já está ativo",
"Array deve conter meias palavras (tipo 'H')",
"Os valores das matrizes devem ser bytes simples.",
"Pelo menos %d %q pode ser definido (não %d)",
"A tentativa da área de alocação dinâmica de variáveis (heap) quando o MicroPython VM não está em execução.",
"A atualização automática está desligada.",
"O recarregamento automático está ativo. Simplesmente salve os arquivos via USB para executá-los ou digite REPL para desativar.",
"Ambos os pinos devem suportar interrupções de hardware",
"O brilho deve estar entre 0 e 255",
"Buffer de tamanho incorreto. Deve ser %d bytes.",
"O comprimento do buffer deve ter pelo menos 1",
"Os bytes devem estar entre 0 e 255.",
"Chame super().__init__() antes de acessar o objeto nativo.",
"Não é possível excluir valores",
"Não é possível obter pull enquanto está modo de saída",
"Não é possível remontar '/' enquanto o USB estiver ativo.",
"Não é possível redefinir para o bootloader porque o mesmo não está presente.",
"Não é possível definir o valor quando a direção é inserida.",
"Não é possível subclassificar a fatia",
"O núcleo principal do CircuitPython falhou feio. Ops!",
"O CircuitPython está no modo de segurança porque você pressionou o botão de redefinição durante a inicialização. Pressione novamente para sair do modo de segurança.",
"Arquivo .mpy corrompido",
"Código bruto corrompido",
"Não foi possível inicializar o UART",
"Falha no HardFault_Handler.",
"O modo do controlador não é usado quando a direção for inserida.",
"Canal EXTINT em uso",
"Esperado um",
"Falha ao alocar buffer RX de %d bytes",
"Falha ao gravar o flash interno.",
"Arquivo já existe",
"A função requer bloqueio",
"Arquivo .mpy incompatível. Atualize todos os arquivos .mpy. Consulte para mais informações.",
"Erro de entrada/saída",
"Frequência PWM inválida",
"Argumento inválido",
"Direção inválida.",
"O acesso da memória é inválido.",
"Número inválido de bits",
"Fase Inválida",
"Pino inválido",
"Pinos inválidos",
"Polaridade inválida",
"O modo de execução é inválido.",
"O LHS da palavra-chave arg deve ser um ID",
"Tamanho deve ser um int",
"O comprimento deve ser positivo",
"O salto do MicroPython NLR falhou. Possível corrupção de memória.",
"Houve um erro fatal do MicroPython.",
"Nome muito longo",
"Nenhum pino RX",
"Nenhum pino TX",
"Não há GCLKs livre",
"Nenhum hardware aleatório está disponível",
"Nenhum suporte de hardware no pino",
"Não há compatibilidade com inteiro longo",
"Não resta espaço no dispositivo",
"Este arquivo/diretório não existe",
"O código salvo não está em execução.",
"Objeto foi desinicializado e não pode ser mais usaado. Crie um novo objeto.",
"O duty_cycle do PWM deve estar entre 0 e inclusive 65535 (com resolução de 16 bits)",
"Permissão negada",
"O pino não tem recursos de ADC",
"Apenas o pino de entrada",
"Além de quaisquer módulos no sistema de arquivos",
"A porta não aceita pinos ou frequência. Em vez disso, construa e passe um PWMOut Carrier",
"Pressione qualquer tecla para entrar no REPL. Use CTRL-D para recarregar.",
"O Pull não foi usado quando a direção for gerada.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 Ainda não é compatível neste dispositivo",
"Somente leitura",
"Sistema de arquivos somente leitura",
"Executando no modo de segurança!",
"SDA ou SCL precisa de um pull up",
"Fatie e avalie os diferentes comprimentos.",
"Fatiamento não compatível",
"O tamanho da pilha deve ser pelo menos 256",
"A área de alocação dinâmica de variáveis (heap) do CircuitPython foi corrompida porque a pilha de funções (stack) era muito pequena.\nAumente o tamanho da pilha de funções caso saiba como, ou caso não saiba:",
"O módulo `microcontrolador` foi utilizado para inicializar no modo de segurança. Pressione reset para encerrar do modo de segurança.",
"A força do microcontrolador caiu. Verifique se a fonte de alimentação fornece\nenergia suficiente para todo o circuito e pressione reset (após a ejeção CIRCUITPY).",
"Traceback (a última chamada mais recente):",
"O argumento de tupla ou struct_time é necessário",
"USB ocupada",
"Erro na USB",
"Não foi possível iniciar o analisador",
"Não é possível gravar no nvm.",
"Motivo desconhecido.",
"Taxa de transmissão não suportada",
"Operação não suportada",
"O valor pull não é compatível.",
"O temporizador Watchdog expirou.",
"Bem-vindo ao Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nPara obter guias de projeto, visite\n\nPara listar os módulos internos, faça `help(\"modules\")`.",
"Você está no modo de segurança: algo inesperado aconteceu.",
"O código concluiu a execução. Esperando pela recarga.",
"Registre um problema com o conteúdo do seu controlador no CIRCUITPY\n",
"O __init__() deve retornar Nenhum",
"O __init__() deve retornar Nenhum, não '%q'",
"abort() chamado",
"o arg é uma sequência vazia",
"o argumento num/tipos não combinam",
"matriz/bytes são necessários no lado direito",
"atributos ainda não suportados",
"especificador de conversão incorreto",
"typecode incorreto",
"os bits devem ser 7, 8 ou 9",
"o tamanho do buffer deve coincidir com o formato",
"as fatias do buffer devem ter o mesmo comprimento",
"o buffer é muito pequeno",
"o código dos bytes ainda não foi implementado",
"bytes > 8 bits não suportado",
"o valor dos bytes estão fora do alcance",
"Calibração está fora do intervalo",
"Calibração é somente leitura",
"não é possível adicionar o método especial à classe já subclassificada",
"a expressão não pode ser atribuída",
"não é possível converter %q para %q",
"não é possível converter implicitamente o objeto '%q' para %q",
"não é possível converter para %q",
"não é possível converter implicitamente para str",
"não é possível declarar nonlocal no código externo",
"não é possível excluir a expressão",
"não pode haver vários **x",
"não pode haver vários *x",
"não pode pendurar o lançamento para o gerador recém-iniciado",
"Não é possível enviar algo que não seja um valor para um gerador recém-iniciado",
"não é possível definir o atributo",
"não é possível alternar entre a numeração automática dos campos para a manual",
"não é possível alternar da especificação de campo manual para a automática",
"não é possível criar instâncias '%q'",
"não é possível criar instância",
"não pode importar nome %q",
"não pode executar a importação relativa",
"o arg chr() está fora do intervalo(0x110000)",
"os valores complexos não compatíveis",
"constante deve ser um inteiro",
"a predefinição 'exceto' deve ser o último",
"sequência da atualização dict tem o comprimento errado",
"divisão por zero",
"separador vazio",
"seqüência vazia",
"final de formato enquanto procura pelo especificador de conversão",
"as exceções devem derivar a partir do BaseException",
"é esperado ':' após o especificador do formato",
"é esperada tupla/lista",
"esperando apenas um valor para o conjunto",
"chave esperada: valor para dict",
"argumentos extras de palavras-chave passados",
"argumentos extra posicionais passados",
"sistema de arquivos deve fornecer método de montagem",
"o primeiro argumento para super() deve ser um tipo",
"float muito grande",
"formato requer um dict",
"função não aceita argumentos de palavras-chave",
"função esperada na maioria dos %d argumentos, obteve %d",
"A função obteve vários valores para o argumento '%q'",
"função ausente %d requer argumentos posicionais",
"falta apenas a palavra chave do argumento da função",
"falta apenas a palavra chave do argumento '%q' da função",
"falta o argumento #%d da posição necessária da função",
"função leva %d argumentos posicionais, mas apenas %d foram passadas",
"função leva exatamente 9 argumentos",
"o gerador já está em execução",
"ignorando o gerador GeneratorExit",
"o identificador foi redefinido como global",
"o identificador foi redefinido como não-local",
"formato incompleto",
"a chave do formato está incompleto",
"preenchimento incorreto",
"Índice fora do intervalo",
"os índices devem ser inteiros",
"int() arg 2 deve ser >= 2 e <= 36",
"inteiro requerido",
"o especificador do formato é inválido",
"o decorador micropython é inválido",
"passo inválido",
"sintaxe inválida",
"sintaxe inválida para o número inteiro",
"sintaxe inválida para o número inteiro com base %d",
"sintaxe inválida para o número",
"issubclass() arg 1 deve ser uma classe",
"issubclass() arg 2 deve ser uma classe ou uma tupla de classes",
"join espera uma lista de objetos str/bytes consistentes com o próprio objeto",
"as palavras-chave devem ser uma cadeia de caracteres",
"o argumento de comprimento não é permitido para este tipo",
"o lhs e rhs devem ser compatíveis",
"a variável local referenciada antes da atribuição",
"o long int não é suportado nesta compilação",
"erro de domínio matemático",
"a recursão máxima da profundidade foi excedida",
"falha na alocação de memória, alocando %u bytes",
"falha na alocação de memória, a área de alocação dinâmica de variáveis (heap) está bloqueada",
"o módulo não foi encontrado",
"múltiplo *x na atribuição",
"várias bases possuem instâncias de layout com conflitos",
"deve usar o argumento da palavra-chave para a função da chave",
"o nome '%q' não está definido",
"nome não definido",
"o nome foi reutilizado para o argumento",
"precisa de mais de %d valores para desempacotar",
"contagem de turnos negativos",
"nenhuma exceção ativa para reraise",
"nenhuma ligação para nonlocal foi encontrada",
"nenhum módulo chamado '%q'",
"não há tal atributo",
"o argumento não predefinido segue o argumento predefinido",
"um dígito não hexadecimal foi encontrado",
"um arg sem palavra-chave após */ **",
"um arg não-palavra-chave após a palavra-chave arg",
"nem todos os argumentos são convertidos durante a formatação da string",
"argumentos insuficientes para o formato da string",
"o objeto '%q' não é uma tupla ou uma lista",
"O objeto não suporta a atribuição dos itens",
"objeto não suporta a exclusão do item",
"o objeto não tem len",
"O objeto não é subroteirizável",
"o objeto não é um iterador",
"o objeto não é resgatável",
"objeto não em seqüência",
"objeto não iterável",
"o objeto do tipo '%q' não tem len()",
"é necessário objeto com protocolo do buffer",
"sequência com comprimento ímpar",
"desvio fora dos limites",
"apenas fatias com a etapa=1 (também conhecida como Nenhuma) são compatíveis",
"o ord espera um caractere",
"o ord() esperava um caractere, porém a sequência do comprimento %d foi encontrada",
"pop a partir do %q vazio",
"o comprimento solicitado %d, porém o objeto tem comprimento %d",
"sinal não permitido no especificador do formato da sequência",
"sinal não permitido com o especificador no formato inteiro 'c'",
"único '}' encontrado na string do formato",
"a duração do sleep não deve ser negativo",
"a etapa da fatia não pode ser zero",
"transbordamento int pequeno",
"reinicialização soft",
"os índices de início/fim",
"o passo deve ser diferente de zero",
"o stop deve ser 1 ou 2",
"stop não está acessível a partir do início",
"a operação do fluxo não é compatível",
"a sequência dos índices devem ser inteiros, não %q",
"a string não é compatível; use bytes ou bytearray",
"a substring não foi encontrada",
"o super() não consegue se encontrar",
"Limite deve estar no alcance de 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() leva uma sequência com 9",
"o tempo limite deve ser entre 0.0 a 100.0 segundos",
"Muitos argumentos fornecidos com o formato dado",
"valores demais para descompactar (esperado %d)",
"a tupla/lista está com tamanho incorreto",
"TX e RX não podem ser ambos",
"o tipo '%q' não é um tipo base aceitável",
"tipo não é um tipo base aceitável",
"o objeto tipo '%q' não possuí atributo '%q'",
"o tipo usa 1 ou 3 argumentos",
"recuo inesperado",
"argumento inesperado da palavra-chave '%q'",
"escapar o nome unicode",
"o unindent não coincide com nenhum nível de recuo externo",
"especificador de conversão desconhecido %c",
"o formato do código '%c' é desconhecido para o objeto do tipo '%q'",
"um '{' sem par no formato",
"atributo ilegível",
"o caractere do formato não é compatível '%c' (0x%x) no índice %d",
"tipo sem suporte para %q: '%q'",
"tipo não compatível para o operador",
"tipo sem suporte para %q: '%q', '%q'",
"o valor deve caber em %d byte(s)",
"quantidade errada dos argumentos",
"quantidade incorreta dos valores para descompressão",
"passo zero"
"es": [
"Archivo \"%q\", línea %d",
"%%c requiere int o char",
"%q está siendo utilizado",
"%q indice fuera de rango",
"índices %q deben ser enteros, no %q",
"%q() toma %d argumentos posicionales pero %d fueron dados",
"argumento '%q' requerido",
"el objeto '%q' no puede asignar el atributo '%q'",
"objeto '%q' no tiene capacidad '%q'",
"objeto '%q' no tiene capacidad de asignado de artículo",
"objeto '%q' no tiene capacidad de borrado de artículo",
"objeto '%q' no tiene atributo '%q'",
"objeto '%q' no es un iterador",
"objeto '%q' no es llamable",
"objeto '%q' no es iterable",
"objeto '%q' no es subscribible",
"'=' alineación no permitida en el especificador string format",
"'break' fuera de un bucle",
"'continue' fuera de un bucle",
"'return' fuera de una función",
"'yield' fuera de una función",
"*x debe ser objetivo de la tarea",
", en %q",
"pow() con 3 argumentos no soportado",
"El canal EXTINT ya está siendo utilizado",
"Todos los timers para este pin están siendo utilizados",
"Todos los timers en uso",
"AnalogOut es solo de 16 bits. Value debe ser menos a 65536.",
"El pin proporcionado no soporta AnalogOut",
"Otro envío ya está activo",
"Array debe contener media palabra (type 'H')",
"Valores del array deben ser bytes individuales.",
"Como máximo %d %q se puede especificar (no %d)",
"Intento de allocation de heap cuando la VM de MicroPython no estaba corriendo.",
"Auto-recarga deshabilitada.",
"Auto-reload habilitado. Simplemente guarda los archivos via USB para ejecutarlos o entra al REPL para desabilitarlos.",
"Ambos pines deben soportar interrupciones por hardware",
"El brillo debe estar entro 0 y 255",
"Tamaño de buffer incorrecto. Debe ser de %d bytes.",
"Buffer debe ser de longitud 1 como minimo",
"Bytes debe estar entre 0 y 255.",
"Llame a super().__ init __() antes de acceder al objeto nativo.",
"No se puede eliminar valores",
"No puede ser pull mientras este en modo de salida",
"No se puede volver a montar '/' cuando el USB esta activo.",
"No se puede reiniciar a bootloader porque no hay bootloader presente.",
"No se puede asignar un valor cuando la dirección es input.",
"No se puede manejar la partición en una subclase",
"El código central de CircuitPython se estrelló con fuerza. ¡Whoops!",
"CircuitPython está en modo seguro porque presionó el botón de reinicio durante el arranque. Presione nuevamente para salir del modo seguro.",
"Archivo .mpy corrupto",
"Código crudo corrupto",
"No se puede inicializar la UART",
"Choque en el HardFault_Handler.",
"Modo Drive no se usa cuando la dirección es input.",
"El canal EXTINT ya está siendo utilizado",
"Se espera un %q",
"Falló la asignación del buffer RX de %d bytes",
"Error al escribir al flash interno.",
"El archivo ya existe",
"La función requiere lock",
"Archivo .mpy incompatible. Actualice todos los archivos .mpy. Consulte para más información.",
"error Input/output",
"Frecuencia PWM inválida",
"Argumento inválido",
"Dirección inválida.",
"Acceso a memoria no válido.",
"Numero inválido de bits",
"Fase inválida",
"Pin inválido",
"pines inválidos",
"Polaridad inválida",
"Modo de ejecución inválido.",
"LHS del agumento por palabra clave deberia ser un identificador",
"Length debe ser un int",
"Longitud no deberia ser negativa",
"MicroPython NLR salto fallido. Probable corrupción de memoria.",
"Error fatal de MicroPython.",
"Nombre muy largo",
"Sin pin RX",
"Sin pin TX",
"Sin GCLKs libres",
"No hay hardware random disponible",
"Sin soporte de hardware en pin",
"No hay soporte de entero largo",
"No queda espacio en el dispositivo",
"No existe el archivo/directorio",
"No ejecutando el código almacenado.",
"El objeto se ha desinicializado y ya no se puede utilizar. Crea un nuevo objeto.",
"PWM duty_cycle debe ser entre 0 y 65535 inclusivo (16 bit resolution)",
"Permiso denegado",
"Pin no tiene capacidad ADC",
"El pin es solo de entrada",
"Además de cualquier módulo en el sistema de archivos",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Presiona cualquier tecla para entrar al REPL. Usa CTRL-D para recargar.",
"Pull no se usa cuando la dirección es output.",
"Sin capacidad de RTS/CTS/RS485 para este dispositivo",
"Sistema de archivos de solo-Lectura",
"¡Corriendo en modo seguro!",
"SDA o SCL necesitan una pull up",
"Slice y value tienen tamaños diferentes.",
"Rebanadas no soportadas",
"El tamaño de la pila debe ser de al menos 256",
"El montículo de CircuitPython se dañó porque la pila era demasiado pequeña.\nAumente el tamaño de la pila si sabe cómo, o si no:",
"El módulo de `microcontroller` fue utilizado para bootear en modo seguro. Presione reset para salir del modo seguro.",
"La alimentación de la microntroladora bajó. Asegúrate que tu fuente de poder\npueda suplir suficiente energía para todo el circuito y presione reset (luego de\nexpulsar CIRCUITPY)",
"Traceback (ultima llamada reciente):",
"Argumento tuple o struct_time requerido",
"USB ocupado",
"Error USB",
"Incapaz de inicializar el parser",
"Imposible escribir en nvm.",
"Razón desconocida.",
"Baudrate no soportado",
"Operación no soportada",
"valor pull no soportado.",
"Temporizador de perro guardián expirado.",
"Bienvenido a Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nVisita para obtener guías de proyectos.\n\nPara listar los módulos incorporados por favor haga `help(\"modules\")`.",
"Estás en modo seguro: algo inesperado ha sucedido.",
"El código terminó su ejecución. Esperando para recargar.",
"Reporte un problema con el contenido de su unidad CIRCUITPY en\n",
"__init__() deberia devolver None",
"__init__() debe retornar None, no '%q'",
"se llamó abort()",
"argumento es una secuencia vacía",
"argumento número/tipos no coinciden",
"array/bytes requeridos en el lado derecho",
"atributos aún no soportados",
"especificador de conversion erroneo",
"typecode erroneo",
"bits deben ser 7, 8 ó 9",
"el tamaño del buffer debe de coincidir con el formato",
"Las secciones del buffer necesitan tener longitud igual",
"buffer demasiado pequeño",
"codigo byte no implementado",
"bytes > 8 bits no soportados",
"valor de bytes fuera de rango",
"calibration esta fuera de rango",
"calibration es de solo lectura",
"no se puede agregar un método a una clase ya subclasificada",
"no se puede asignar a la expresión",
"no puede convertir %q a %q",
"no se puede convertir el objeto '%q' a %q implícitamente",
"no puede convertir a %q",
"no se puede convertir a str implícitamente",
"no se puede declarar nonlocal",
"no se puede borrar la expresión",
"no puede tener multiples *x",
"no puede tener multiples *x",
"no se puede colgar al generador recién iniciado",
"no se puede enviar un valor que no sea None a un generador recién iniciado",
"no se puede asignar el atributo",
"no se puede cambiar de la numeración automática de campos a la especificación de campo manual",
"no se puede cambiar de especificación de campo manual a numeración automática de campos",
"no se pueden crear '%q' instancias",
"no se puede crear instancia",
"no se puede importar name '%q'",
"no se puedo realizar importación relativa",
"El argumento de chr() esta fuera de rango(0x110000)",
"valores complejos no soportados",
"constant debe ser un entero",
"'except' por defecto deberia estar de último",
"la secuencia de actualizacion del dict tiene una longitud incorrecta",
"división por cero",
"separator vacío",
"secuencia vacía",
"el final del formato mientras se busca el especificador de conversión",
"las excepciones deben derivar de BaseException",
"se esperaba ':' después de un especificador de tipo format",
"se esperaba una tupla/lista",
"esperando solo un valor para set",
"esperando la clave:valor para dict",
"argumento(s) por palabra clave adicionales fueron dados",
"argumento posicional adicional dado",
"sistema de archivos debe proporcionar método de montaje",
"primer argumento para super() debe ser de tipo",
"punto flotante muy grande",
"format requiere un dict",
"la función no tiene argumentos por palabra clave",
"la función esperaba minimo %d argumentos, tiene %d",
"la función tiene múltiples valores para el argumento '%q'",
"a la función le hacen falta %d argumentos posicionales requeridos",
"falta palabra clave para función",
"la función requiere del argumento por palabra clave '%q'",
"la función requiere del argumento posicional #%d",
"la función toma %d argumentos posicionales pero le fueron dados %d",
"la función toma exactamente 9 argumentos",
"generador ya se esta ejecutando",
"generador ignorado GeneratorExit",
"identificador redefinido como global",
"identificador redefinido como nonlocal",
"formato incompleto",
"formato de llave incompleto",
"relleno (padding) incorrecto",
"index fuera de rango",
"indices deben ser enteros",
"int() arg 2 debe ser >= 2 y <= 36",
"Entero requerido",
"especificador de formato inválido",
"decorador de micropython inválido",
"paso inválido",
"sintaxis inválida",
"sintaxis inválida para entero",
"sintaxis inválida para entero con base %d",
"sintaxis inválida para número",
"issubclass() arg 1 debe ser una clase",
"issubclass() arg 2 debe ser una clase o tuple de clases",
"join espera una lista de objetos str/bytes consistentes con el mismo objeto",
"palabras clave deben ser strings",
"argumento length no permitido para este tipo",
"lhs y rhs deben ser compatibles",
"variable local referenciada antes de la asignación",
"long int no soportado en esta compilación",
"error de dominio matemático",
"profundidad máxima de recursión excedida",
"la asignación de memoria falló, asignando %u bytes",
"la asignación de memoria falló, el heap está bloqueado",
"módulo no encontrado",
"múltiples *x en la asignación",
"multiple bases tienen una instancia conel conflicto diseño",
"debe utilizar argumento de palabra clave para la función clave",
"name '%q' no esta definido",
"name no definido",
"name reusado para argumento",
"necesita más de %d valores para descomprimir",
"cuenta de corrimientos negativo",
"exception no activa para reraise",
"no se ha encontrado ningún enlace para nonlocal",
"ningún módulo se llama '%q'",
"no hay tal atributo",
"argumento no predeterminado sigue argumento predeterminado",
"digito non-hex encontrado",
"no deberia estar/tener agumento por palabra clave despues de */**",
"no deberia estar/tener agumento por palabra clave despues de argumento por palabra clave",
"no todos los argumentos fueron convertidos durante el formato de string",
"no suficientes argumentos para format string",
"objeto '%q' no es tupla o lista",
"el objeto no soporta la asignación de elementos",
"object no soporta la eliminación de elementos",
"el objeto no tiene longitud",
"el objeto no es suscriptable",
"objeto no es un iterator",
"objeto no puede ser llamado",
"objeto no en secuencia",
"objeto no iterable",
"objeto de tipo '%q' no tiene len()",
"objeto con protocolo de buffer requerido",
"string de longitud impar",
"offset fuera de límites",
"solo se admiten segmentos con step=1 (alias None)",
"ord espera un carácter",
"ord() espera un carácter, pero encontró un string de longitud %d",
"pop desde %q vacía",
"longitud solicitada %d pero el objeto tiene longitud %d",
"signo no permitido en el espeficador de string format",
"signo no permitido con el especificador integer format 'c'",
"un solo '}' encontrado en format string",
"la longitud de sleep no puede ser negativa",
"slice step no puede ser cero",
"pequeño int desbordamiento",
"reinicio suave",
"índices inicio/final",
"paso debe ser numero no cero",
"stop debe ser 1 ó 2",
"stop no se puede alcanzar del principio",
"operación stream no soportada",
"índices de cadena deben ser enteros, no %q",
"string no soportado; usa bytes o bytearray",
"substring no encontrado",
"super() no puede encontrar self",
"limite debe ser en el rango 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() toma un sequencio 9",
"el tiempo de espera debe ser 0.0-100.0 segundos",
"demasiados argumentos provistos con el formato dado",
"demasiados valores para descomprimir (%d esperado)",
"tupla/lista tiene una longitud incorrecta",
"Ambos tx y rx no pueden ser None",
"type '%q' no es un tipo de base aceptable",
"type no es un tipo de base aceptable",
"objeto de tipo '%q' no tiene atributo '%q'",
"type acepta 1 ó 3 argumentos",
"sangría inesperada",
"argumento por palabra clave inesperado '%q'",
"nombre en unicode escapa",
"sangría no coincide con ningún nivel exterior",
"especificador de conversión %c desconocido",
"formato de código desconocicdo '%c' para objeto de tipo '%q'",
"No coinciden '{' en format",
"atributo no legible",
"carácter no soportado '%c' (0x%x) en índice %d",
"tipo no soportado para %q: '%q'",
"tipo de operador no soportado",
"tipos no soportados para %q: '%q', '%q'",
"el valor debe caber en %d byte(s)",
"numero erroneo de argumentos",
"numero erroneo de valores a descomprimir",
"paso cero"
"zh_Latn_pinyin": [
"Wénjiàn \"%q\", dì %d xíng",
"%%c xūyào zhěngshù huò char",
"%q zhèngzài shǐyòng",
"%q suǒyǐn chāochū fànwéi",
"%q suǒyǐn bìxū shì zhěngshù, ér bùshì %q",
"%q() cǎiyòng %d wèizhì cānshù, dàn gěi chū %d",
"xūyào '%q' cānshù",
"'%q' duì xiàng wú fǎ fēn pèi shǔ xìng '%q'",
"'%q' duì xiàng bù zhī chí '%q'",
"'%q' duì xiàng bù zhī chí xiàng mù fēn pèi",
"'%q' duì xiàng bù zhī chí xiàng mù shān chú",
"%q' duì xiàng méi yǒu shǔ xìng %q'",
"%q' duì xiàng bù shì yí gè liú lǎn qì",
"%q' duì xiàng bù kě diào yòng",
"%q' duì xiàng bù kě yí dòng",
"%q' duì xiàng bù kě xià biāo",
"zìfú chuàn géshì shuōmíng fú zhōng bù yǔnxǔ '=' duìqí",
"'break' wàibù xúnhuán",
"'continue' wàibù xúnhuán",
"'return' wàibù gōngnéng",
"'yield' wàibù gōngnéng",
"*x bìxū shì rènwù mùbiāo",
", zài %q",
"bù zhīchí 3-arg pow ()",
"Yìngjiàn zhōngduàn tōngdào yǐ zài shǐyòng zhōng",
"Cǐ yǐn jiǎo de suǒyǒu jìshí qì zhèngzài shǐyòng",
"Suǒyǒu jìshí qì shǐyòng",
"AnalogOut jǐn wèi 16 wèi. Zhí bìxū xiǎoyú 65536.",
"Wèi zhīchí zhǐdìng de yǐn jiǎo AnalogOut",
"Lìng yīgè fāsòng yǐjīng jīhuó",
"Shùzǔ bìxū bāohán bàn zìshù (type 'H')",
"Shùzǔ zhí yīnggāi shì dāngè zì jié.",
"zuì duō kě yǐ zhǐ dìng %d %q (bù shì %d)",
"MicroPython VM wèi yùnxíng shí chángshì duī fēnpèi.",
"Zìdòng chóngxīn jiāzài yǐ guānbì.",
"Zìdòng chóngxīn jiāzài. Zhǐ xū tōngguò USB bǎocún wénjiàn lái yùnxíng tāmen huò shūrù REPL jìnyòng.",
"Liǎng gè yǐn jiǎo dōu bìxū zhīchí yìngjiàn zhōngduàn",
"Liàngdù bìxū jiè yú 0 dào 255 zhī jiān",
"Huǎnchōng qū dàxiǎo bù zhèngquè. Yīnggāi shì %d zì jié.",
"Huǎnchōng qū bìxū zhìshǎo chángdù 1",
"Zì jié bìxū jiè yú 0 dào 255 zhī jiān.",
"Zài fǎngwèn běn jī wùjiàn zhīqián diàoyòng super().__init__()",
"Wúfǎ shānchú zhí",
"Zài shūchū móshì xià wúfǎ huòqǔ lādòng",
"USB jīhuó shí wúfǎ chóngxīn bǎng ding '/'.",
"Wúfǎ chóng zhì wèi bootloader, yīnwèi méiyǒu bootloader cúnzài.",
"Dāng fāngxiàng xiàng nèi shí, bùnéng shèzhì gāi zhí.",
"Wúfǎ zi fēnlèi",
"CircuitPython de héxīn chūxiàn gùzhàng. Āiyā!",
"CircuitPython chǔyú ānquán móshì, yīnwèi zài yǐndǎo guòchéng zhōng àn xiàle chóng zhì ànniǔ. Zài àn yīcì tuìchū ānquán móshì.",
"Fǔbài de .mpy wénjiàn",
"Sǔnhuài de yuánshǐ dàimǎ",
"Wúfǎ chūshǐhuà UART",
"Bēngkuì dào HardFault_Handler.",
"Fāngxiàng shūrù shí qūdòng móshì méiyǒu shǐyòng.",
"EXTINT píndào yǐjīng shǐyòng",
"Yùqí %q",
"Fēnpèi RX huǎnchōng qū%d zì jié shībài",
"Wúfǎ xiě rù nèibù shǎncún.",
"Wénjiàn cúnzài",
"Hánshù xūyào suǒdìng",
"Bù jiānróng.Mpy wénjiàn. Qǐng gēngxīn suǒyǒu.Mpy wénjiàn. Yǒuguān xiángxì xìnxī, qǐng cānyuè http://Adafru.It/mpy-update.",
"Shūrù/shūchū cuòwù",
"Wúxiào de PWM pínlǜ",
"Wúxiào de cānshù",
"Wúxiào de fāngxiàng.",
"Wúxiào de nèicún fǎngwèn.",
"Wèi shù wúxiào",
"Jiēduàn wúxiào",
"Wúxiào de yǐn jiǎo",
"Wúxiào de yǐn jiǎo",
"Wúxiào liǎng jí zhí",
"Wúxiào de yùnxíng móshì.",
"Guānjiàn zì arg de LHS bìxū shì id",
"Chángdù bìxū shì yīgè zhěngshù",
"Chángdù bìxū shìfēi fùshù",
"MicroPython NLR tiàoyuè shībài. Kěnéng nèicún fǔbài.",
"MicroPython zhìmìng cuòwù.",
"Míngchēng tài zhǎng",
"Wèi zhǎodào RX yǐn jiǎo",
"Wèi zhǎodào TX yǐn jiǎo",
"Méiyǒu miǎnfèi de GCLKs",
"Méiyǒu kěyòng de yìngjiàn suíjī",
"Méiyǒu zài yǐn jiǎo shàng de yìngjiàn zhīchí",
"Méiyǒu zhǎng zhěngshù zhīchí",
"Shèbèi shàng méiyǒu kònggé",
"Méiyǒu cǐ lèi wénjiàn/mùlù",
"Méiyǒu yùnxíng yǐ bǎocún de dàimǎ.",
"Duìxiàng yǐjīng bèi shānchú, wúfǎ zài shǐyòng. Chuàngjiàn yīgè xīn duìxiàng.",
"PWM yìwù zhōuqí bìxū jiè yú 0 zhì 65535 de bāoróng xìng (16 wèi fēnbiàn lǜ)",
"Quánxiàn bèi jùjué",
"Pin méiyǒu ADC nénglì",
"Yǐn jiǎo jǐn shūrù",
"Zài wénjiàn xìtǒng shàng tiānjiā rènhé mókuài",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Àn xià rènhé jiàn jìnrù REPL. Shǐyòng CTRL-D chóngxīn jiāzài.",
"Fāngxiàng shūchū shí Pull méiyǒu shǐyòng.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 gāi shèbèi shàng bù zhīchí",
"Zhǐ dú",
"Zhǐ dú wénjiàn xìtǒng",
"Zài ānquán móshì xià yùnxíng!",
"SDA huò SCL xūyào lādòng",
"Qiēpiàn hé zhí bùtóng chángdù.",
"Qiēpiàn bù shòu zhīchí",
"Duīzhàn dàxiǎo bìxū zhìshǎo 256",
"Yóuyú duīzhàn tài xiǎo,CircuitPython duī yǐ sǔnhuài.\nRúguǒ nín zhīdào rúhé zēngjiā duīzhàn dàxiǎo, fǒuzé:",
"“Wēi kòngzhì qì” mókuài yòng yú qǐdòng ānquán móshì. Àn chóng zhì kě tuìchū ānquán móshì.",
"wēi kòng zhì qì de gōng lǜ jiàng dī. Quèbǎo nín de diànyuán wèi zhěnggè\ndiànlù tígōng zúgòu de diànyuán, bìng àn xià fùwèi (Dànchū CIRCUITPY zhīhòu).",
"Traceback (Zuìjìn yīcì dǎ diànhuà):",
"Xūyào Tuple huò struct_time cānshù",
"USB máng",
"USB Cuòwù",
"Wúfǎ chūshǐ jiěxī qì",
"Wúfǎ xiě rù nvm.",
"Yuányīn bùmíng.",
"Bù zhīchí de baudrate",
"Bù zhīchí de cāozuò",
"Bù zhīchí de lādòng zhí.",
"Kān mén gǒu dìngshí qì yǐ guòqí.",
"Huānyíng lái dào Adafruit CircuitPython%s!\n\nQǐng fǎngwèn xuéxí.\n\nRuò yào liè chū nèizài de mókuài, qǐng qǐng zuò yǐxià `help(\"modules\")`.",
"Nín chǔyú ānquán móshì: Chū hū yìliào de shìqíng fāshēngle.",
"Dàimǎ yǐ wánchéng yùnxíng. Zhèngzài děngdài chóngxīn jiāzài.",
"Qǐng tōngguò\ntíjiāo yǒuguān nín de CIRCUITPY qūdòngqì nèiróng de wèntí",
"__init__() fǎnhuí not",
"__Init __() yīnggāi fǎnhuí None, ér bùshì '%q'",
"zhōngzhǐ () diàoyòng",
"cānshù shì yīgè kōng de xùliè",
"cānshù biānhào/lèixíng bù pǐpèi",
"yòu cè xūyào shùzǔ/zì jié",
"shǔxìng shàngwèi zhīchí",
"cuòwù zhuǎnhuàn biāozhù",
"cuòwù de dàimǎ lèixíng",
"bǐtè bìxū shì 7,8 huò 9",
"huǎnchōng qū dàxiǎo bìxū pǐpèi géshì",
"huǎnchōng qū qiēpiàn bìxū chángdù xiāngděng",
"huǎnchōng qū tài xiǎo",
"zì jié dàimǎ wèi zhíxíng",
"zì jié > 8 wèi",
"zì jié zhí chāochū fànwéi",
"jiàozhǔn fànwéi chāochū fànwéi",
"jiàozhǔn zhǐ dú dào",
"wúfǎ tiānjiā tèshū fāngfǎ dào zi fēnlèi lèi",
"bùnéng fēnpèi dào biǎodá shì",
"Wúfǎ jiāng %q zhuǎnhuàn wèi %q",
"wúfǎ jiāng '%q' duìxiàng zhuǎnhuàn wèi %q yǐn hán",
"wúfǎ zhuǎnhuàn wèi %q",
"bùnéng mò shì zhuǎnhuàn wèi str",
"wúfǎ zàiwài dàimǎ zhōng shēngmíng fēi běndì",
"bùnéng shānchú biǎodá shì",
"wúfǎ yǒu duō gè **x",
"wúfǎ yǒu duō gè *x",
"bùnéng bǎ tā rēng dào gāng qǐdòng de fā diànjī shàng",
"wúfǎ xiàng gānggāng qǐdòng de shēngchéng qì fāsòng fēi zhí",
"wúfǎ shèzhì shǔxìng",
"wúfǎ zìdòng zìduàn biānhào gǎi wèi shǒudòng zìduàn guīgé",
"wúfǎ cóng shǒudòng zìduàn guīgé qiēhuàn dào zìdòng zìduàn biānhào",
"wúfǎ chuàngjiàn '%q' ' shílì",
"wúfǎ chuàngjiàn shílì",
"wúfǎ dǎorù míngchēng %q",
"wúfǎ zhíxíng xiāngguān dǎorù",
"chr() cān shǔ bùzài fànwéi (0x110000)",
"bù zhīchí fùzá de zhí",
"chángshù bìxū shì yīgè zhěngshù",
"mòrèn 'except' bìxū shì zuìhòu yīgè",
"yǔfǎ gēngxīn xùliè de chángdù cuòwù",
"bèi líng chú",
"kōng fēngé fú",
"kōng xùliè",
"xúnzhǎo zhuǎnhuàn biāozhù géshì de jiéshù",
"lìwài bìxū láizì BaseException",
"zài géshì shuōmíng fú zhīhòu yùqí ':'",
"yùqí de yuán zǔ/lièbiǎo",
"jǐn qídài shèzhì de zhí",
"qídài guānjiàn: Zìdiǎn de jiàzhí",
"éwài de guānjiàn cí cānshù",
"gěi chūle éwài de wèizhì cānshù",
"wénjiàn xìtǒng bìxū tígōng guà zài fāngfǎ",
"chāojí () de dì yī gè cānshù bìxū shì lèixíng",
"fú diǎn tài dà",
"géshì yāoqiú yīgè yǔjù",
"hánshù méiyǒu guānjiàn cí cānshù",
"hánshù yùjì zuìduō %d cānshù, huòdé %d",
"hánshù huòdé cānshù '%q' de duōchóng zhí",
"hánshù diūshī %d suǒ xū wèizhì cānshù",
"hánshù quēshǎo guānjiàn zì cānshù",
"hánshù quēshǎo suǒ xū guānjiàn zì cānshù '%q'",
"hánshù quēshǎo suǒ xū de wèizhì cānshù #%d",
"hánshù xūyào %d gè wèizhì cānshù, dàn %d bèi gěi chū",
"hánshù xūyào wánquán 9 zhǒng cānshù",
"shēngchéng qì yǐjīng zhíxíng",
"shēngchéng qì hūlüè shēngchéng qì tuìchū",
"biāozhì fú chóngxīn dìngyì wèi quánjú",
"biāozhì fú chóngxīn dìngyì wéi fēi běndì",
"géshì bù wánzhěng",
"géshì bù wánzhěng de mì yào",
"bù zhèngquè de tiánchōng",
"suǒyǐn chāochū fànwéi",
"suǒyǐn bìxū shì zhěngshù",
"zhěngshù() cānshù 2 bìxū > = 2 qiě <= 36",
"xūyào zhěngshù",
"wúxiào de géshì biāozhù",
"wúxiào de MicroPython zhuāngshì qì",
"wúxiào bùzhòu",
"wúxiào de yǔfǎ",
"zhěngshù wúxiào de yǔfǎ",
"jīshù wèi %d de zhěng shǔ de yǔfǎ wúxiào",
"wúxiào de hàomǎ yǔfǎ",
"issubclass() cānshù 1 bìxū shì yīgè lèi",
"issubclass() cānshù 2 bìxū shì lèi de lèi huò yuán zǔ",
"tiānjiā yīgè fúhé zìshēn duìxiàng de zìfú chuàn/zì jié duìxiàng lièbiǎo",
"guānjiàn zì bìxū shì zìfú chuàn",
"bù yǔnxǔ gāi lèixíng de chángdù cānshù",
"lhs hé rhs yīnggāi jiānróng",
"fùzhí qián yǐnyòng de júbù biànliàng",
"cǐ bǎnběn bù zhīchí zhǎng zhěngshù",
"shùxué yù cuòwù",
"chāochū zuìdà dìguī shēndù",
"nèicún fēnpèi shībài, fēnpèi %u zì jié",
"jìyì tǐ fēnpèi shībài, duī bèi suǒdìng",
"zhǎo bù dào mókuài",
"duō gè*x zài zuòyè zhōng",
"duō gè jīdì yǒu shílì bùjú chōngtú",
"bìxū shǐyòng guānjiàn cí cānshù",
"míngchēng '%q' wèi dìngyì",
"míngchēng wèi dìngyì",
"cān shǔ míngchēng bèi chóngxīn shǐyòng",
"xūyào chāoguò%d de zhí cáinéng jiědú",
"fù zhuǎnyí jìshù",
"méiyǒu jīhuó de yìcháng lái chóngxīn píngjià",
"zhǎo bù dào fēi běndì de bǎng dìng",
"méiyǒu mókuài '%q'",
"méiyǒu cǐ shǔxìng",
"bùshì mòrèn cānshù zūnxún mòrèn cānshù",
"zhǎodào fēi shíliù jìn zhì shùzì",
"zài */** zhīhòu fēi guānjiàn cí cānshù",
"guānjiàn zì cānshù zhīhòu de fēi guānjiàn zì cānshù",
"bùshì zì chuàn géshì huà guòchéng zhōng zhuǎnhuàn de suǒyǒu cānshù",
"géshì zìfú chuàn cān shǔ bùzú",
"duìxiàng '%q' bùshì yuán zǔ huò lièbiǎo",
"duìxiàng bù zhīchí xiàngmù fēnpèi",
"duìxiàng bù zhīchí shānchú xiàngmù",
"duìxiàng méiyǒu chángdù",
"duìxiàng bùnéng xià biāo",
"duìxiàng bùshì diédài qì",
"duìxiàng wúfǎ diàoyòng",
"duìxiàng bùshì xùliè",
"duìxiàng bùnéng diédài",
"lèixíng '%q' de duìxiàng méiyǒu len()",
"xūyào huǎnchōng qū xiéyì de duìxiàng",
"jīshù zìfú chuàn",
"piānlí biānjiè",
"jǐn zhīchí bù zhǎng = 1(jí wú) de qiēpiàn",
"ord yùqí zìfú",
"ord() yùqí zìfú, dàn chángdù zìfú chuàn %d",
"cóng kōng %q dànchū",
"qǐngqiú chángdù %d dàn duìxiàng chángdù %d",
"zìfú chuàn géshì shuōmíng fú zhōng bù yǔnxǔ shǐyòng fúhào",
"zhěngshù géshì shuōmíng fú 'c' bù yǔnxǔ shǐyòng fúhào",
"zài géshì zìfú chuàn zhōng yù dào de dāngè '}'",
"shuìmián chángdù bìxū shìfēi fùshù",
"qiēpiàn bù bùnéng wéi líng",
"xiǎo zhěngshù yìchū",
"ruǎn chóngqǐ",
"kāishǐ/jiéshù zhǐshù",
"bùzhòu bìxū shìfēi líng",
"tíngzhǐ bìxū wèi 1 huò 2",
"tíngzhǐ wúfǎ cóng kāishǐ zhōng zhǎodào",
"bù zhīchí liú cāozuò",
"zìfú chuàn suǒyǐn bìxū shì zhěngshù, ér bùshì %q",
"zìfú chuàn bù zhīchí; shǐyòng zì jié huò zì jié zǔ",
"wèi zhǎodào zi zìfú chuàn",
"chāojí() zhǎo bù dào zìjǐ",
"yùzhí bìxū zài fànwéi 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() xūyào 9 xùliè",
"Chāo shí shíjiān bìxū wèi 0.0 Dào 100.0 Miǎo",
"tígōng jǐ dìng géshì de cānshù tài duō",
"dǎkāi tài duō zhí (yùqí %d)",
"yuán zǔ/lièbiǎo chángdù cuòwù",
"tx hé rx bùnéng dōu shì wú",
"lèixíng '%q' bùshì kě jiēshòu de jīchǔ lèixíng",
"lèixíng bùshì kě jiēshòu de jīchǔ lèixíng",
"lèixíng duìxiàng '%q' méiyǒu shǔxìng '%q'",
"lèixíng wèi 1 huò 3 gè cānshù",
"wèi yùliào de suō jìn",
"yìwài de guānjiàn cí cānshù '%q'",
"unicode míngchēng táoyì",
"bùsuō jìn yǔ rènhé wàibù suō jìn jíbié dōu bù pǐpèi",
"wèizhī de zhuǎnhuàn biāozhù %c",
"lèixíng '%q' de duìxiàng de wèizhī géshì dàimǎ '%c'",
"géshì wèi pǐpèi '{'",
"bùkě dú shǔxìng",
"bù zhīchí de géshì zìfú '%c' (0x%x) suǒyǐn %d",
"%q de bù shòu zhīchí de lèixíng: '%q'",
"bù zhīchí de cāozuò zhě lèixíng",
"%q bù zhīchí de lèixíng: '%q', '%q'",
"Zhí bìxū fúhé %d zì jié",
"cānshù shù cuòwù",
"wúfǎ jiě bāo de zhí shù",
"líng bù"
"ja": [
"ファイル \"%q\", 行 %d",
"%%c にはintまたはcharが必要",
"%q インデックスは範囲外",
"引数 '%q' が必要",
"'=' alignment not allowed in string format specifier",
"*x must be assignment target",
", in %q",
"array のタイプは16ビット ('H') でなければなりません",
"最大で %d個の %q が指定できます(%d個でなく)",
"MicroPython VM 非実行時にヒープの確保を試みました",
"破損した .mpy ファイル",
"破損したraw code",
"Function requires lock",
"非互換の.mpyファイルです。全ての.mpyファイルを更新してください。詳細は を参照",
"不正なRun Mode",
"long integerサポートがありません",
"Plus any modules on the filesystem",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"`microcontroller` モジュールが使われてセーフモードで起動しました。セーフモードを抜けるにはリセットを押します。",
"Tuple or struct_time argument required",
"nvm に書き込みできません",
"Watchdog timer expired.",
"Welcome to Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nPlease visit for project guides.\n\nTo list built-in modules please do `help(\"modules\")`.",
"You are in safe mode: something unanticipated happened.",
"__init__() should return None",
"__init__() should return None, not '%q'",
"arg is an empty sequence",
"argument num/types mismatch",
"bad conversion specifier",
"bitsは7, 8, 9のいずれかが必要",
"buffer size must match format",
"buffer slices must be of equal length",
"buffer too small",
"byte code not implemented",
"bytes > 8 bits not supported",
"オブジェクト '%q' を %q に暗黙に変換できません",
"%q に変換できません",
"can't convert to str implicitly",
"can't delete expression",
"複数の **x は持てません",
"複数の *x は持てません",
"can't pend throw to just-started generator",
"can't send non-None value to a just-started generator",
"can't set attribute",
"can't switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification",
"cannot create '%q' instances",
"cannot import name %q",
"chr() arg not in range(0x110000)",
"complex values not supported",
"constant must be an integer",
"dict update sequence has wrong length",
"ゼロ除算 (division by zero)",
"empty separator",
"empty sequence",
"end of format while looking for conversion specifier",
"dictには key:value が必要",
"first argument to super() must be type",
"function does not take keyword arguments",
"function expected at most %d arguments, got %d",
"function got multiple values for argument '%q'",
"function missing %d required positional arguments",
"function missing required positional argument #%d",
"function takes %d positional arguments but %d were given",
"generator already executing",
"generator ignored GeneratorExit",
"identifier redefined as global",
"identifier redefined as nonlocal",
"incomplete format",
"incomplete format key",
"incorrect padding",
"invalid format specifier",
"invalid syntax for integer with base %d",
"issubclass() arg 2 must be a class or a tuple of classes",
"length argument not allowed for this type",
"local variable referenced before assignment",
"このビルドはlong intをサポートしていません",
"memory allocation failed, allocating %u bytes",
"multiple *x in assignment",
"multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict",
"must use keyword argument for key function",
"名前 '%q' は定義されていません",
"no active exception to reraise",
"'%q' という名前のモジュールはありません",
"*/** の後に非キーワード引数は置けません",
"not all arguments converted during string formatting",
"object not in sequence",
"オブジェクト(型 '%q')はlen()を持ちません",
"object with buffer protocol required",
"offset out of bounds",
"only slices with step=1 (aka None) are supported",
"ord()は1文字を要求しますが、長さ %d の文字列が与えられました",
"pop from empty %q",
"文字列フォーマット中に孤立した '}' があります",
"slice step cannot be zero",
"small int オーバーフロー",
"start/end indices",
"stop not reachable from start",
"timeout must be 0.0-100.0 seconds",
"アンパックする値が多すぎます (%d個を期待)",
"type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'",
"unexpected indent",
"unicode name escapes",
"unknown conversion specifier %c",
"書式中にマッチしない '{' があります",
"unsupported format character '%c' (0x%x) at index %d",
"%qがサポートしていない型: '%q'",
"%qでサポートされない型: '%q', '%q'",
"wrong number of arguments",
"ID": [
"File \"%q\", baris %d",
"%%c harus int atau char",
"%q sedang digunakan",
"%q indeks di luar batas",
"%q indices must be integers, not %q",
"%q() mengambil posisi argumen %d tapi %d yang diberikan",
"'%q' argumen dibutuhkan",
"'%q' object cannot assign attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support item assignment",
"'%q' object does not support item deletion",
"'%q' object has no attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object is not an iterator",
"'%q' object is not callable",
"'%q' object is not iterable",
"'%q' object is not subscriptable",
"'=' perataan tidak diizinkan dalam penentu format string",
"'break' diluar loop",
"'continue' diluar loop",
"'return' diluar fungsi",
"'yield' diluar fungsi",
"*x harus menjadi target assignment",
", dalam %q",
"pow() 3-arg tidak didukung",
"Sebuah channel hardware interrupt sedang digunakan",
"Semua timer untuk pin ini sedang digunakan",
"Semua timer sedang digunakan",
"AnalogOut hanya 16 bit. Nilai harus kurang dari 65536.",
"pin yang dipakai tidak mendukung AnalogOut",
"Send yang lain sudah aktif",
"Array harus mengandung halfwords (ketik 'H')",
"Nilai array harus berupa byte tunggal.",
"Paling banyak %d %q dapat ditentukan (bukan %d)",
"Mencoba alokasi heap ketika MicroPython VM tidak berjalan.",
"Auto-reload tidak aktif.",
"Auto-reload aktif. Silahkan simpan data-data (files) melalui USB untuk menjalankannya atau masuk ke REPL untukmenonaktifkan.",
"Kedua pin harus mendukung hardware interrut",
"Brightness harus di antara 0 dan 255",
"Ukuran buffer salah. Seharusnya %d byte.",
"Penyangga harus memiliki panjang setidaknya 1",
"Bytes harus di antara 0 dan 255.",
"Panggil super().__init__() sebelum mengakses objek asli.",
"Tidak dapat menghapus nilai",
"Tidak bisa mendapatkan pull pada saat mode output",
"Tidak dapat memasang kembali '/' ketika USB aktif.",
"Tidak dapat melakukan reset ke bootloader karena tidak ada bootloader yang terisi",
"Tidak dapat menetapkan nilai saat arah input.",
"Tidak dapat membuat subkelas dari irisan",
"Kode inti CircuitPython mengalami crash. Aduh!",
"CircuitPython dalam mode aman karena Anda menekan tombol reset saat boot. Tekan lagi untuk keluar dari mode aman.",
"File .mpy rusak",
"Kode raw rusak",
"Tidak dapat menginisialisasi UART",
"Gagal ke HardFault_Handler.",
"Mode kendara tidak digunakan saat arah input.",
"Channel EXTINT sedang digunakan",
"Diharapkan %q",
"Gagal untuk megalokasikan buffer RX dari %d byte",
"Gagal menulis flash internal.",
"File sudah ada",
"Fungsinya membutuhkan kunci",
"File .mpy tidak kompatibel. Perbarui semua file .mpy. Lihat untuk info lebih lanjut.",
"Kesalahan input/output",
"Frekuensi PWM tidak valid",
"Argumen tidak valid",
"Arah tidak valid.",
"Akses memori tidak valid.",
"Jumlah bit tidak valid",
"Fase tidak valid",
"Pin tidak valid",
"Pin-pin tidak valid",
"Polaritas tidak valid",
"Mode operasi tidak valid.",
"LHS dari keyword arg harus menjadi sebuah id",
"Panjang harus berupa int",
"Panjangnya harus non-negatif",
"Lompatan NLR MicroPython gagal. Kemungkinan kerusakan memori.",
"Kesalahan fatal MicroPython.",
"Name too long",
"Tidak pin RX",
"Tidak ada pin TX",
"Tidak ada GCLK yang kosong",
"No hardware random available",
"Tidak ada dukungan hardware untuk pin",
"No long integer support",
"No space left on device",
"No such file/directory",
"Not running saved code.",
"Object has been deinitialized and can no longer be used. Create a new object.",
"PWM duty_cycle must be between 0 and 65535 inclusive (16 bit resolution)",
"Permission denied",
"Pin tidak mempunya kemampuan untuk ADC (Analog Digital Converter)",
"Pin is input only",
"Tambahkan module apapun pada filesystem",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Tekan tombol apa saja untuk masuk ke dalam REPL. Gunakan CTRL+D untuk reset (Reload)",
"Pull not used when direction is output.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 Not yet supported on this device",
"sistem file (filesystem) bersifat Read-only",
"Running in safe mode!",
"SDA atau SCL membutuhkan pull up",
"Slice and value different lengths.",
"Slices not supported",
"Stack size must be at least 256",
"The CircuitPython heap was corrupted because the stack was too small.\nPlease increase the stack size if you know how, or if not:",
"The `microcontroller` module was used to boot into safe mode. Press reset to exit safe mode.",
"The microcontroller's power dipped. Make sure your power supply provides\nenough power for the whole circuit and press reset (after ejecting CIRCUITPY).",
"Traceback (most recent call last):",
"Tuple or struct_time argument required",
"USB Busy",
"USB Error",
"Unable to init parser",
"Unable to write to nvm.",
"Unknown reason.",
"Baudrate tidak didukung",
"Unsupported operation",
"Unsupported pull value.",
"Watchdog timer expired.",
"Selamat datang ke Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nSilahkan kunjungi untuk panduan project.\n\nUntuk menampilkan modul built-in silahkan ketik `help(\"modules\")`.",
"You are in safe mode: something unanticipated happened.",
"Kode selesai berjalan. Menunggu memuat ulang.",
"Harap ajukan masalah dengan konten drive CIRCUITPY Anda di\n",
"__init__() should return None",
"__init__() should return None, not '%q'",
"abort() dipanggil",
"arg is an empty sequence",
"argumen num/types tidak cocok",
"array/bytes required on right side",
"attributes not supported yet",
"bad conversion specifier",
"typecode buruk",
"bits must be 7, 8 or 9",
"buffers harus mempunyai panjang yang sama",
"buffer slices must be of equal length",
"buffer too small",
"byte code not implemented",
"byte > 8 bit tidak didukung",
"bytes value out of range",
"kalibrasi keluar dari jangkauan",
"kalibrasi adalah read only",
"can't add special method to already-subclassed class",
"tidak dapat menetapkan ke ekspresi",
"can't convert %q to %q",
"can't convert '%q' object to %q implicitly",
"can't convert to %q",
"can't convert to str implicitly",
"tidak dapat mendeklarasikan nonlocal diluar jangkauan kode",
"tidak bisa menghapus ekspresi",
"tidak bisa memiliki **x ganda",
"tidak bisa memiliki *x ganda",
"can't pend throw to just-started generator",
"can't send non-None value to a just-started generator",
"can't set attribute",
"can't switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification",
"can't switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering",
"cannot create '%q' instances",
"cannot create instance",
"cannot import name %q",
"tidak dapat melakukan relative import",
"chr() arg not in range(0x110000)",
"complex values not supported",
"constant must be an integer",
"'except' standar harus terakhir",
"dict update sequence has wrong length",
"division by zero",
"empty separator",
"empty sequence",
"end of format while looking for conversion specifier",
"exceptions must derive from BaseException",
"expected ':' after format specifier",
"expected tuple/list",
"hanya mengharapkan sebuah nilai (value) untuk set",
"key:value diharapkan untuk dict",
"argumen keyword ekstra telah diberikan",
"argumen posisi ekstra telah diberikan",
"filesystem must provide mount method",
"first argument to super() must be type",
"float too big",
"format requires a dict",
"fungsi tidak dapat mengambil argumen keyword",
"fungsi diharapkan setidaknya %d argumen, hanya mendapatkan %d",
"fungsi mendapatkan nilai ganda untuk argumen '%q'",
"fungsi kehilangan %d argumen posisi yang dibutuhkan",
"fungsi kehilangan argumen keyword-only",
"fungsi kehilangan argumen keyword '%q' yang dibutuhkan",
"fungsi kehilangan argumen posisi #%d yang dibutuhkan",
"fungsi mengambil posisi argumen %d tapi %d yang diberikan",
"function takes exactly 9 arguments",
"generator already executing",
"generator ignored GeneratorExit",
"identifier didefinisi ulang sebagai global",
"identifier didefinisi ulang sebagai nonlocal",
"incomplete format",
"incomplete format key",
"lapisan (padding) tidak benar",
"index keluar dari jangkauan",
"indices must be integers",
"int() arg 2 must be >= 2 and <= 36",
"integer required",
"invalid format specifier",
"micropython decorator tidak valid",
"invalid step",
"syntax tidak valid",
"invalid syntax for integer",
"invalid syntax for integer with base %d",
"invalid syntax for number",
"issubclass() arg 1 must be a class",
"issubclass() arg 2 must be a class or a tuple of classes",
"join expects a list of str/bytes objects consistent with self object",
"keyword harus berupa string",
"length argument not allowed for this type",
"lhs and rhs should be compatible",
"local variable referenced before assignment",
"long int not supported in this build",
"math domain error",
"maximum recursion depth exceeded",
"memory allocation failed, allocating %u bytes",
"memory allocation failed, heap is locked",
"modul tidak ditemukan",
"perkalian *x dalam assignment",
"multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict",
"must use keyword argument for key function",
"name '%q' is not defined",
"name not defined",
"nama digunakan kembali untuk argumen",
"need more than %d values to unpack",
"negative shift count",
"no active exception to reraise",
"tidak ada ikatan/bind pada temuan nonlocal",
"tidak ada modul yang bernama '%q'",
"no such attribute",
"argumen non-default mengikuti argumen standar(default)",
"digit non-hex ditemukan",
"non-keyword arg setelah */**",
"non-keyword arg setelah keyword arg",
"not all arguments converted during string formatting",
"not enough arguments for format string",
"object '%q' is not a tuple or list",
"object does not support item assignment",
"object does not support item deletion",
"object has no len",
"object is not subscriptable",
"object not an iterator",
"object not callable",
"object not in sequence",
"object not iterable",
"object of type '%q' has no len()",
"object with buffer protocol required",
"panjang data string memiliki keganjilan (odd-length)",
"modul tidak ditemukan",
"only slices with step=1 (aka None) are supported",
"ord expects a character",
"ord() expected a character, but string of length %d found",
"pop from empty %q",
"requested length %d but object has length %d",
"sign not allowed in string format specifier",
"sign not allowed with integer format specifier 'c'",
"single '}' encountered in format string",
"sleep length must be non-negative",
"slice step cannot be zero",
"small int overflow",
"memulai ulang software(soft reboot)",
"start/end indices",
"step must be non-zero",
"stop must be 1 or 2",
"stop not reachable from start",
"stream operation not supported",
"string indices must be integers, not %q",
"string not supported; use bytes or bytearray",
"substring not found",
"super() tidak dapat menemukan dirinya sendiri",
"threshold must be in the range 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() takes a 9-sequence",
"timeout must be 0.0-100.0 seconds",
"too many arguments provided with the given format",
"too many values to unpack (expected %d)",
"tuple/list has wrong length",
"tx dan rx keduanya tidak boleh kosong",
"type '%q' is not an acceptable base type",
"type is not an acceptable base type",
"type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'",
"type takes 1 or 3 arguments",
"unexpected indent",
"keyword argumen '%q' tidak diharapkan",
"unicode name escapes",
"unindent does not match any outer indentation level",
"unknown conversion specifier %c",
"unknown format code '%c' for object of type '%q'",
"unmatched '{' in format",
"unreadable attribute",
"unsupported format character '%c' (0x%x) at index %d",
"unsupported type for %q: '%q'",
"unsupported type for operator",
"unsupported types for %q: '%q', '%q'",
"value must fit in %d byte(s)",
"wrong number of arguments",
"wrong number of values to unpack",
"zero step"
"fil": [
"File \"%q\", line %d",
"%%c nangangailangan ng int o char",
"%q ay ginagamit",
"%q indeks wala sa sakop",
"%q indices must be integers, not %q",
"Ang %q() ay kumukuha ng %d positional arguments pero %d lang ang binigay",
"'%q' argument kailangan",
"'%q' object cannot assign attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support item assignment",
"'%q' object does not support item deletion",
"'%q' object has no attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object is not an iterator",
"'%q' object is not callable",
"'%q' object is not iterable",
"'%q' object is not subscriptable",
"'=' Gindi pinapayagan ang alignment sa pag specify ng string format",
"'break' sa labas ng loop",
"'continue' sa labas ng loop",
"'return' sa labas ng function",
"'yield' sa labas ng function",
"*x ay dapat na assignment target",
", sa %q",
"3-arg pow() hindi suportado",
"Isang channel ng hardware interrupt ay ginagamit na",
"Lahat ng timers para sa pin na ito ay ginagamit",
"Lahat ng timer ginagamit",
"AnalogOut ay 16 bits. Value ay dapat hindi hihigit pa sa 65536.",
"Hindi supportado ang AnalogOut sa ibinigay na pin",
"Isa pang send ay aktibo na",
"May halfwords (type 'H') dapat ang array",
"Array values ay dapat single bytes.",
"At most %d %q may be specified (not %d)",
"Attempted heap allocation when MicroPython VM not running.",
"Awtomatikong pag re-reload ay OFF.",
"Ang awtomatikong pag re-reload ay ON. i-save lamang ang mga files sa USB para patakbuhin sila o pasukin ang REPL para i-disable ito.",
"Ang parehong mga pin ay dapat na sumusuporta sa hardware interrupts",
"Ang liwanag ay dapat sa gitna ng 0 o 255",
"Mali ang size ng buffer. Dapat %d bytes.",
"Buffer dapat ay hindi baba sa 1 na haba",
"Sa gitna ng 0 o 255 dapat ang bytes.",
"Call super().__init__() before accessing native object.",
"Hindi mabura ang values",
"Hindi makakakuha ng pull habang nasa output mode",
"Hindi ma-remount '/' kapag aktibo ang USB.",
"Hindi ma-reset sa bootloader dahil walang bootloader.",
"Hindi ma i-set ang value kapag ang direksyon ay input.",
"Hindi magawa ang sublcass slice",
"CircuitPython core code crashed hard. Whoops!",
"CircuitPython is in safe mode because you pressed the reset button during boot. Press again to exit safe mode.",
"Corrupt .mpy file",
"Corrupt raw code",
"Hindi ma-initialize ang UART",
"Nagcrash sa HardFault_Handler.",
"Drive mode ay hindi ginagamit kapag ang direksyon ay input.",
"Ginagamit na ang EXTINT channel",
"Umasa ng %q",
"Nabigong ilaan ang RX buffer ng %d bytes",
"Failed to write internal flash.",
"Mayroong file",
"Function nangangailangan ng lock",
".mpy file hindi compatible. Maaring i-update lahat ng .mpy files. See for more info.",
"May mali sa Input/Output",
"Mali ang PWM frequency",
"Maling argumento",
"Mali ang direksyon.",
"Invalid memory access.",
"Mali ang bilang ng bits",
"Mali ang phase",
"Mali ang pin",
"Mali ang pins",
"Mali ang polarity",
"Mali ang run mode.",
"LHS ng keyword arg ay dapat na id",
"Haba ay dapat int",
"Haba ay dapat hindi negatibo",
"CircuitPython NLR jump nabigo. Maaring memory corruption.",
"CircuitPython fatal na pagkakamali.",
"Name too long",
"Walang RX pin",
"Walang TX pin",
"Walang libreng GCLKs",
"Walang magagamit na hardware random",
"Walang support sa hardware ang pin",
"No long integer support",
"No space left on device",
"Walang file/directory",
"Not running saved code.",
"Object ay deinitialized at hindi na magagamit. Lumikha ng isang bagong Object.",
"PWM duty_cycle ay dapat sa loob ng 0 at 65535 (16 bit resolution)",
"Walang pahintulot",
"Ang pin ay walang kakayahan sa ADC",
"Pin is input only",
"Kasama ang kung ano pang modules na sa filesystem",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Pindutin ang anumang key upang pumasok sa REPL. Gamitin ang CTRL-D upang i-reload.",
"Pull hindi ginagamit kapag ang direksyon ay output.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 Not yet supported on this device",
"Basahin-lamang mode",
"Running in safe mode!",
"Kailangan ng pull up resistors ang SDA o SCL",
"Slice at value iba't ibang haba.",
"Hindi suportado ang Slices",
"Ang laki ng stack ay dapat na hindi bababa sa 256",
"The CircuitPython heap was corrupted because the stack was too small.\nPlease increase the stack size if you know how, or if not:",
"The `microcontroller` module was used to boot into safe mode. Press reset to exit safe mode.",
"The microcontroller's power dipped. Make sure your power supply provides\nenough power for the whole circuit and press reset (after ejecting CIRCUITPY).",
"Traceback (pinakahuling huling tawag):",
"Tuple o struct_time argument kailangan",
"Busy ang USB",
"May pagkakamali ang USB",
"Hindi ma-init ang parser",
"Hindi ma i-sulat sa NVM.",
"Unknown reason.",
"Hindi supportadong baudrate",
"Hindi sinusuportahang operasyon",
"Hindi suportado ang pull value.",
"Watchdog timer expired.",
"Mabuhay sa Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nMangyaring bisitahin ang para sa project guides.\n\nPara makita ang listahan ng modules, `help(“modules”)`.",
"You are in safe mode: something unanticipated happened.",
"Code done running. Waiting for reload.",
"Please file an issue with the contents of your CIRCUITPY drive at \n",
"__init __ () dapat magbalik na None",
"__init__() should return None, not '%q'",
"abort() tinawag",
"arg ay walang laman na sequence",
"hindi tugma ang argument num/types",
"array/bytes kinakailangan sa kanang bahagi",
"attributes hindi sinusuportahan",
"masamang pag convert na specifier",
"masamang typecode",
"bits ay dapat 7, 8 o 9",
"aarehas na haba dapat ang buffer slices",
"aarehas na haba dapat ang buffer slices",
"masyadong maliit ang buffer",
"byte code hindi pa implemented",
"hindi sinusuportahan ang bytes > 8 bits",
"bytes value wala sa sakop",
"kalibrasion ay wala sa sakop",
"pagkakalibrate ay basahin lamang",
"hindi madagdag ang isang espesyal na method sa isang na i-subclass na class",
"hindi ma i-assign sa expression",
"can't convert %q to %q",
"hindi maaaring i-convert ang '%q' na bagay sa %q nang walang pahiwatig",
"can't convert to %q",
"hindi ma i-convert sa string ng walang pahiwatig",
"hindi madeclare nonlocal sa outer code",
"hindi mabura ang expression",
"hindi puede ang maraming **x",
"hindi puede ang maraming *x",
"hindi mapadala ang send throw sa isang kaka umpisang generator",
"hindi mapadala ang non-None value sa isang kaka umpisang generator",
"hindi ma i-set ang attribute",
"hindi mapalitan ang awtomatikong field numbering sa manual field specification",
"hindi mapalitan ang manual field specification sa awtomatikong field numbering",
"hindi magawa '%q' instances",
"hindi magawa ang instance",
"hindi ma-import ang name %q",
"hindi maaring isagawa ang relative import",
"chr() arg wala sa sakop ng range(0x110000)",
"kumplikadong values hindi sinusuportahan",
"constant ay dapat na integer",
"default 'except' ay dapat sa huli",
"may mali sa haba ng dict update sequence",
"dibisyon ng zero",
"walang laman na separator",
"walang laman ang sequence",
"sa huli ng format habang naghahanap sa conversion specifier",
"ang mga exceptions ay dapat makuha mula sa BaseException",
"umaasa ng ':' pagkatapos ng format specifier",
"umaasa ng tuple/list",
"umaasa sa value para sa set",
"umaasang key: halaga para sa dict",
"dagdag na keyword argument na ibinigay",
"dagdag na positional argument na ibinigay",
"ang filesystem dapat mag bigay ng mount method",
"unang argument ng super() ay dapat type",
"masyadong malaki ang float",
"kailangan ng format ng dict",
"ang function ay hindi kumukuha ng mga argumento ng keyword",
"function na inaasahang %d ang argumento, ngunit %d ang nakuha",
"ang function ay nakakuha ng maraming values para sa argument '%q'",
"function kulang ng %d required na positional arguments",
"function nangangailangan ng keyword-only argument",
"function nangangailangan ng keyword argument '%q'",
"function nangangailangan ng positional argument #%d",
"ang function ay kumuhuha ng %d positional arguments ngunit %d ang ibinigay",
"function kumukuha ng 9 arguments",
"insinasagawa na ng generator",
"hindi pinansin ng generator ang GeneratorExit",
"identifier ginawang global",
"identifier ginawang nonlocal",
"hindi kumpleto ang format",
"hindi kumpleto ang format key",
"mali ang padding",
"index wala sa sakop",
"ang mga indeks ay dapat na integer",
"int() arg 2 ay dapat >=2 at <= 36",
"kailangan ng int",
"mali ang format specifier",
"mali ang micropython decorator",
"mali ang step",
"mali ang sintaks",
"maling sintaks sa integer",
"maling sintaks sa integer na may base %d",
"maling sintaks sa number",
"issubclass() arg 1 ay dapat na class",
"issubclass() arg 2 ay dapat na class o tuple ng classes",
"join umaaasang may listahan ng str/bytes objects na naalinsunod sa self object",
"ang keywords dapat strings",
"length argument ay walang pahintulot sa ganitong type",
"lhs at rhs ay dapat magkasundo",
"local variable na reference bago na i-assign",
"long int hindi sinusuportahan sa build na ito",
"may pagkakamali sa math domain",
"lumagpas ang maximum recursion depth",
"nabigo ang paglalaan ng memorya, paglalaan ng %u bytes",
"abigo ang paglalaan ng memorya, ang heap ay naka-lock",
"module hindi nakita",
"maramihang *x sa assignment",
"maraming bases ay may instance lay-out conflict",
"dapat gumamit ng keyword argument para sa key function",
"name '%q' ay hindi defined",
"name hindi na define",
"name muling ginamit para sa argument",
"kailangan ng higit sa %d na halaga upang i-unpack",
"negative shift count",
"walang aktibong exception para i-reraise",
"no binding para sa nonlocal, nahanap",
"walang module na '%q'",
"walang ganoon na attribute",
"non-default argument sumusunod sa default argument",
"non-hex digit nahanap",
"non-keyword arg sa huli ng */**",
"non-keyword arg sa huli ng keyword arg",
"hindi lahat ng arguments na i-convert habang string formatting",
"kulang sa arguments para sa format string",
"object '%q' is not a tuple or list",
"ang object na '%s' ay hindi maaaring i-subscript",
"ang object ay hindi sumusuporta sa pagbura ng item",
"object walang len",
"ang bagay ay hindi maaaring ma-subscript",
"object ay hindi iterator",
"hindi matatawag ang object",
"object wala sa sequence",
"object hindi ma i-iterable",
"object of type '%q' has no len()",
"object na may buffer protocol kinakailangan",
"odd-length string",
"wala sa sakop ang address",
"ang mga slices lamang na may hakbang = 1 (aka None) ang sinusuportahan",
"ord umaasa ng character",
"ord() umaasa ng character pero string ng %d haba ang nakita",
"pop from empty %q",
"hiniling ang haba %d ngunit may haba ang object na %d",
"sign hindi maaring string format specifier",
"sign hindi maari sa integer format specifier 'c'",
"isang '}' nasalubong sa format string",
"sleep length ay dapat hindi negatibo",
"slice step ay hindi puedeng 0",
"small int overflow",
"malambot na reboot",
"start/end indeks",
"step ay dapat hindi zero",
"stop dapat 1 o 2",
"stop hindi maabot sa simula",
"stream operation hindi sinusuportahan",
"string indices must be integers, not %q",
"string hindi supportado; gumamit ng bytes o kaya bytearray",
"substring hindi nahanap",
"super() hindi mahanap ang sarili",
"ang threshold ay dapat sa range 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() kumukuha ng 9-sequence",
"timeout must be 0.0-100.0 seconds",
"masyadong maraming mga argumento na ibinigay sa ibinigay na format",
"masyadong maraming values para i-unpact (umaasa ng %d)",
"mali ang haba ng tuple/list",
"tx at rx hindi pwedeng parehas na None",
"hindi maari ang type na '%q' para sa base type",
"hindi puede ang type para sa base type",
"type object '%q' ay walang attribute '%q'",
"type kumuhuha ng 1 o 3 arguments",
"hindi inaasahang indent",
"hindi inaasahang argumento ng keyword na '%q'",
"unicode name escapes",
"unindent hindi tugma sa indentation level sa labas",
"hindi alam ang conversion specifier na %c",
"unknown format code '%c' for object of type '%q'",
"hindi tugma ang '{' sa format",
"hindi mabasa ang attribute",
"hindi sinusuportahan ang format character na '%c' (0x%x) sa index %d",
"unsupported type for %q: '%q'",
"hindi sinusuportahang type para sa operator",
"unsupported types for %q: '%q', '%q'",
"value must fit in %d byte(s)",
"mali ang bilang ng argumento",
"maling number ng value na i-unpack",
"zero step"
"it_IT": [
"File \"%q\", riga %d",
"%%c necessita di int o char",
"%q in uso",
"indice %q fuori intervallo",
"%q indices must be integers, not %q",
"%q() prende %d argomenti posizionali ma ne sono stati forniti %d",
"'%q' argomento richiesto",
"'%q' object cannot assign attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support item assignment",
"'%q' object does not support item deletion",
"'%q' object has no attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object is not an iterator",
"'%q' object is not callable",
"'%q' object is not iterable",
"'%q' object is not subscriptable",
"aligniamento '=' non è permesso per il specificatore formato string",
"'break' al di fuori del ciclo",
"'continue' al di fuori del ciclo",
"'return' al di fuori della funzione",
"'yield' al di fuori della funzione",
"*x deve essere il bersaglio del assegnamento",
", in %q",
"pow() con tre argmomenti non supportata",
"Un canale di interrupt hardware è già in uso",
"Tutti i timer per questo pin sono in uso",
"Tutti i timer utilizzati",
"AnalogOut ha solo 16 bit. Il valore deve essere meno di 65536.",
"AnalogOut non supportato sul pin scelto",
"Another send è gia activato",
"Array deve avere mezzoparole (typo 'H')",
"Valori di Array dovrebbero essere bytes singulari",
"At most %d %q may be specified (not %d)",
"Attempted heap allocation when MicroPython VM not running.",
"Auto-reload disattivato.",
"L'auto-reload è attivo. Salva i file su USB per eseguirli o entra nel REPL per disabilitarlo.",
"Entrambi i pin devono supportare gli interrupt hardware",
"La luminosità deve essere compreso tra 0 e 255",
"Buffer di lunghezza non valida. Dovrebbe essere di %d bytes.",
"Il buffer deve essere lungo almeno 1",
"I byte devono essere compresi tra 0 e 255",
"Call super().__init__() before accessing native object.",
"Impossibile cancellare valori",
"non si può tirare quando nella modalita output",
"Non è possibile rimontare '/' mentre l'USB è attiva.",
"Impossibile resettare nel bootloader poiché nessun bootloader è presente.",
"non si può impostare un valore quando direzione è input",
"Impossibile subclasare slice",
"CircuitPython core code crashed hard. Whoops!",
"CircuitPython is in safe mode because you pressed the reset button during boot. Press again to exit safe mode.",
"Corrupt .mpy file",
"Corrupt raw code",
"Impossibile inizializzare l'UART",
"Crash into the HardFault_Handler.",
"Drive mode not used when direction is input.",
"Canale EXTINT già in uso",
"Atteso un %q",
"Fallita allocazione del buffer RX di %d byte",
"Failed to write internal flash.",
"File esistente",
"Function requires lock",
"File .mpy incompatibile. Aggiorna tutti i file .mpy. Vedi per più informazioni.",
"Errore input/output",
"Frequenza PWM non valida",
"Argomento non valido",
"Direzione non valida.",
"Invalid memory access.",
"Numero di bit non valido",
"Fase non valida",
"Pin non valido",
"Pin non validi",
"Polarità non valida",
"Modalità di esecuzione non valida.",
"LHS of keyword arg must be an id",
"Length deve essere un intero",
"Length deve essere non negativo",
"MicroPython NLR jump failed. Likely memory corruption.",
"Errore fatale in MicroPython.",
"Name too long",
"Nessun pin RX",
"Nessun pin TX",
"Nessun GCLK libero",
"Nessun generatore hardware di numeri casuali disponibile",
"Nessun supporto hardware sul pin",
"No long integer support",
"Non che spazio sul dispositivo",
"Nessun file/directory esistente",
"Not running saved code.",
"L'oggetto è stato deinizializzato e non può essere più usato. Crea un nuovo oggetto.",
"duty_cycle del PWM deve essere compresa tra 0 e 65535 inclusiva (risoluzione a 16 bit)",
"Permesso negato",
"Il pin non ha capacità di ADC",
"Pin is input only",
"Imposssibile rimontare il filesystem",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Premi un qualunque tasto per entrare nel REPL. Usa CTRL-D per ricaricare.",
"Pull not used when direction is output.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 Not yet supported on this device",
"Sola lettura",
"Filesystem in sola lettura",
"Running in safe mode!",
"SDA o SCL necessitano un pull-up",
"Slice and value different lengths.",
"Slice non supportate",
"La dimensione dello stack deve essere almeno 256",
"The CircuitPython heap was corrupted because the stack was too small.\nPlease increase the stack size if you know how, or if not:",
"The `microcontroller` module was used to boot into safe mode. Press reset to exit safe mode.",
"The microcontroller's power dipped. Make sure your power supply provides\nenough power for the whole circuit and press reset (after ejecting CIRCUITPY).",
"Traceback (chiamata più recente per ultima):",
"Tupla o struct_time richiesto come argomento",
"USB occupata",
"Errore USB",
"Inizilizzazione del parser non possibile",
"Imposibile scrivere su nvm.",
"Unknown reason.",
"baudrate non supportato",
"Operazione non supportata",
"Valore di pull non supportato.",
"Watchdog timer expired.",
"Welcome to Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nPlease visit for project guides.\n\nTo list built-in modules please do `help(\"modules\")`.",
"You are in safe mode: something unanticipated happened.",
"Code done running. Waiting for reload.",
"Please file an issue with the contents of your CIRCUITPY drive at \n",
"__init__() deve ritornare None",
"__init__() should return None, not '%q'",
"abort() chiamato",
"l'argomento è una sequenza vuota",
"discrepanza di numero/tipo di argomenti",
"array/bytes required on right side",
"attributi non ancora supportati",
"specificatore di conversione scorretto",
"bad typecode",
"i bit devono essere 7, 8 o 9",
"slice del buffer devono essere della stessa lunghezza",
"slice del buffer devono essere della stessa lunghezza",
"buffer troppo piccolo",
"byte code non implementato",
"byte > 8 bit non supportati",
"valore byte fuori intervallo",
"la calibrazione è fuori intervallo",
"la calibrazione è in sola lettura",
"can't add special method to already-subclassed class",
"impossibile assegnare all'espressione",
"can't convert %q to %q",
"impossibile convertire l'oggetto '%q' implicitamente in %q",
"can't convert to %q",
"impossibile convertire a stringa implicitamente",
"impossibile dichiarare nonlocal nel codice esterno",
"impossibile cancellare l'espessione",
"impossibile usare **x multipli",
"impossibile usare *x multipli",
"can't pend throw to just-started generator",
"can't send non-None value to a just-started generator",
"impossibile impostare attributo",
"can't switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification",
"can't switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering",
"creare '%q' istanze",
"impossibile creare un istanza",
"impossibile imporate il nome %q",
"impossibile effettuare l'importazione relativa",
"argomento di chr() non è in range(0x110000)",
"valori complessi non supportai",
"la costante deve essere un intero",
"'except' predefinito deve essere ultimo",
"sequanza di aggiornamento del dizionario ha la lunghezza errata",
"divisione per zero",
"separatore vuoto",
"sequenza vuota",
"end of format while looking for conversion specifier",
"le eccezioni devono derivare da BaseException",
"':' atteso dopo lo specificatore di formato",
"lista/tupla prevista",
"un solo valore atteso per set",
"chiave:valore atteso per dict",
"argomento nominato aggiuntivo fornito",
"argomenti posizonali extra dati",
"il filesystem deve fornire un metodo di mount",
"first argument to super() must be type",
"float troppo grande",
"la formattazione richiede un dict",
"la funzione non prende argomenti nominati",
"la funzione prevede al massimo %d argmoneti, ma ne ha ricevuti %d",
"la funzione ha ricevuto valori multipli per l'argomento '%q'",
"mancano %d argomenti posizionali obbligatori alla funzione",
"argomento nominato mancante alla funzione",
"argomento nominato '%q' mancante alla funzione",
"mancante il #%d argomento posizonale obbligatorio della funzione",
"la funzione prende %d argomenti posizionali ma ne sono stati forniti %d",
"la funzione prende esattamente 9 argomenti",
"generator already executing",
"generator ignored GeneratorExit",
"identificatore ridefinito come globale",
"identificatore ridefinito come nonlocal",
"formato incompleto",
"incomplete format key",
"padding incorretto",
"indice fuori intervallo",
"gli indici devono essere interi",
"il secondo argomanto di int() deve essere >= 2 e <= 36",
"intero richiesto",
"specificatore di formato non valido",
"decoratore non valido in micropython",
"step non valida",
"sintassi non valida",
"sintassi invalida per l'intero",
"sintassi invalida per l'intero con base %d",
"sintassi invalida per il numero",
"il primo argomento di issubclass() deve essere una classe",
"il secondo argomento di issubclass() deve essere una classe o una tupla di classi",
"join prende una lista di oggetti str/byte consistenti con l'oggetto stesso",
"argomenti nominati devono essere stringhe",
"length argument not allowed for this type",
"lhs e rhs devono essere compatibili",
"variabile locale richiamata prima di un assegnamento",
"long int non supportata in questa build",
"errore di dominio matematico",
"profondità massima di ricorsione superata",
"allocazione di memoria fallita, allocando %u byte",
"allocazione di memoria fallita, l'heap è bloccato",
"modulo non trovato",
"*x multipli nell'assegnamento",
"multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict",
"must use keyword argument for key function",
"nome '%q'non definito",
"nome non definito",
"nome riutilizzato come argomento",
"necessari più di %d valori da scompattare",
"negative shift count",
"nessuna eccezione attiva da rilanciare",
"nessun binding per nonlocal trovato",
"nessun modulo chiamato '%q'",
"attributo inesistente",
"argomento non predefinito segue argmoento predfinito",
"trovata cifra non esadecimale",
"argomento non nominato dopo */**",
"argomento non nominato seguito da argomento nominato",
"non tutti gli argomenti sono stati convertiti durante la formatazione in stringhe",
"argomenti non sufficienti per la stringa di formattazione",
"object '%q' is not a tuple or list",
"object does not support item assignment",
"object does not support item deletion",
"l'oggetto non ha lunghezza",
"object is not subscriptable",
"l'oggetto non è un iteratore",
"object not callable",
"oggetto non in sequenza",
"oggetto non iterabile",
"object of type '%q' has no len()",
"object with buffer protocol required",
"stringa di lunghezza dispari",
"indirizzo fuori limite",
"solo slice con step=1 (aka None) sono supportate",
"ord() aspetta un carattere",
"ord() aspettava un carattere, ma ha ricevuto una stringa di lunghezza %d",
"pop from empty %q",
"lunghezza %d richiesta ma l'oggetto ha lunghezza %d",
"segno non permesso nello spcificatore di formato della stringa",
"segno non permesso nello spcificatore di formato 'c' della stringa",
"'}' singolo presente nella stringa di formattazione",
"la lunghezza di sleed deve essere non negativa",
"la step della slice non può essere zero",
"small int overflow",
"soft reboot",
"start/end indices",
"step deve essere non zero",
"stop must be 1 or 2",
"stop non raggiungibile dall'inizio",
"operazione di stream non supportata",
"string indices must be integers, not %q",
"string not supported; use bytes or bytearray",
"sottostringa non trovata",
"super() can't find self",
"la soglia deve essere nell'intervallo 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() takes a 9-sequence",
"timeout must be 0.0-100.0 seconds",
"troppi argomenti forniti con il formato specificato",
"troppi valori da scompattare (%d attesi)",
"tupla/lista ha la lunghezza sbagliata",
"tx e rx non possono essere entrambi None",
"il tipo '%q' non è un tipo di base accettabile",
"il tipo non è un tipo di base accettabile",
"l'oggetto di tipo '%q' non ha l'attributo '%q'",
"tipo prende 1 o 3 argomenti",
"indentazione inaspettata",
"argomento nominato '%q' inaspettato",
"unicode name escapes",
"unindent does not match any outer indentation level",
"specificatore di conversione %s sconosciuto",
"unknown format code '%c' for object of type '%q'",
"'{' spaiato nella stringa di formattazione",
"attributo non leggibile",
"carattere di formattazione '%c' (0x%x) non supportato all indice %d",
"unsupported type for %q: '%q'",
"tipo non supportato per l'operando",
"unsupported types for %q: '%q', '%q'",
"value must fit in %d byte(s)",
"numero di argomenti errato",
"numero di valori da scompattare non corretto",
"zero step"
"de_DE": [
"Datei \"%q\", Zeile %d",
"%%c erwartet int oder char",
"%q in Benutzung",
"Der Index %q befindet sich außerhalb des Bereiches",
"%q indices must be integers, not %q",
"%q() nimmt %d Argumente ohne Keyword an, aber es wurden %d angegeben",
"'%q' Argument erforderlich",
"'%q' object cannot assign attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support item assignment",
"'%q' object does not support item deletion",
"'%q' object has no attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object is not an iterator",
"'%q' object is not callable",
"'%q' object is not iterable",
"'%q' object is not subscriptable",
"'='-Ausrichtung ist im String-Formatbezeichner nicht zulässig",
"'break' außerhalb einer Schleife",
"'continue' außerhalb einer Schleife",
"'return' außerhalb einer Funktion",
"'yield' außerhalb einer Funktion",
"*x muss Zuordnungsziel sein",
", in %q",
"3-arg pow() wird nicht unterstützt",
"Ein Hardware Interrupt Kanal wird schon benutzt",
"Alle timer für diesen Pin werden bereits benutzt",
"Alle timer werden benutzt",
"AnalogOut kann nur 16 Bit. Der Wert muss unter 65536 liegen.",
"AnalogOut ist an diesem Pin nicht unterstützt",
"Ein anderer Sendevorgang ist schon aktiv",
"Array muss Halbwörter enthalten (type 'H')",
"Array-Werte sollten aus Einzelbytes bestehen.",
"Es darf höchstens %d %q spezifiziert werden (nicht %d)",
"Versuch einer Heap Reservierung, wenn die MicroPython-VM nicht ausgeführt wird.",
"Automatisches Neuladen ist deaktiviert.",
"Automatisches Neuladen ist aktiv. Speichere Dateien über USB um sie auszuführen oder verbinde dich mit der REPL zum Deaktivieren.",
"Beide pins müssen Hardware Interrupts unterstützen",
"Die Helligkeit muss zwischen 0 und 255 liegen",
"Der Puffergröße ist inkorrekt. Sie sollte %d bytes haben.",
"Der Puffer muss eine Mindestenslänge von 1 haben",
"Ein Bytes kann nur Werte zwischen 0 und 255 annehmen.",
"Rufe super().__init__() vor dem Zugriff auf ein natives Objekt auf.",
"Kann Werte nicht löschen",
"Pull up im Ausgabemodus nicht möglich",
"Kann '/' nicht remounten when USB aktiv ist.",
"Reset zum bootloader nicht möglich da bootloader nicht vorhanden.",
"Der Wert kann nicht gesetzt werden, wenn die Richtung input ist.",
"Slice kann keine sub-klasse sein",
"Der CircuitPython-Kerncode ist hart abgestürzt. Hoppla!",
"CircuitPython befindet sich im abgesicherten Modus, da Sie beim Booten die Reset-Taste gedrückt haben. Drücken Sie erneut, um den abgesicherten Modus zu verlassen.",
"Beschädigte .mpy Datei",
"Beschädigter raw code",
"Konnte UART nicht initialisieren",
"Absturz in HardFault_Handler.",
"Drive mode wird nicht verwendet, wenn die Richtung input ist.",
"EXTINT Kanal ist schon in Benutzung",
"Erwartet ein(e) %q",
"Konnte keine RX Buffer mit %d allozieren",
"Interner Flash konnte nicht geschrieben werden.",
"Datei existiert",
"Die Funktion erwartet, dass der 'lock'-Befehl zuvor ausgeführt wurde",
"Inkompatible mpy-Datei. Bitte aktualisieren Sie alle mpy-Dateien. Siehe für weitere Informationen.",
"Ungültige PWM Frequenz",
"Ungültiges Argument",
"Ungültige Richtung.",
"Ungültiger Speicherzugriff.",
"Ungültige Anzahl von Bits",
"Ungültige Phase",
"Ungültiger Pin",
"Ungültige Pins",
"Ungültige Polarität",
"Ungültiger Ausführungsmodus.",
"LHS des Schlüsselwortarguments muss eine id sein",
"Länge muss ein int sein",
"Länge darf nicht negativ sein",
"MicroPython-NLR-Sprung ist fehlgeschlagen. Wahrscheinlich Speicherbeschädigung.",
"Schwerwiegender MicroPython-Fehler",
"Name zu lang",
"Kein RX Pin",
"Kein TX Pin",
"Keine freien GCLKs",
"Kein hardware random verfügbar",
"Keine Hardwareunterstützung an diesem Pin",
"Keine langen Integer (long) unterstützt",
"Kein Speicherplatz mehr verfügbar auf dem Gerät",
"Keine solche Datei/Verzeichnis",
"Not running saved code.",
"Objekt wurde deinitialisiert und kann nicht mehr verwendet werden. Erstelle ein neues Objekt.",
"PWM duty_cycle muss zwischen 0 und 65535 (16 Bit Auflösung) liegen",
"Zugang verweigert",
"Pin hat keine ADC Funktionalität",
"Pin kann nur als Eingang verwendet werden",
"und alle Module im Dateisystem",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Drücke eine Taste um dich mit der REPL zu verbinden. Drücke Strg-D zum neu laden.",
"Pull wird nicht verwendet, wenn die Richtung output ist.",
"RTS / CTS / RS485 Wird von diesem Gerät noch nicht unterstützt",
"Nur lesen möglich, da Schreibgeschützt",
"Schreibgeschützte Dateisystem",
"Running in safe mode!",
"SDA oder SCL brauchen pull up",
"Slice und Wert (value) haben unterschiedliche Längen.",
"Slices werden nicht unterstützt",
"Die Stackgröße sollte mindestens 256 sein",
"Der CircuitPython-Heap wurde beschädigt, weil der Stapel zu klein war.\nBitte erhöhen Sie die Stapelgröße, wenn Sie wissen wie oder wenn nicht:",
"Das `Mikrocontroller` Modul wurde benutzt, um in den Sicherheitsmodus zu starten. Drücke Reset um den Sicherheitsmodus zu verlassen.",
"Die Spannungsversorgung des Mikrocontrollers hat den minimal Wert unterschritten.\nStellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Netzteil genug Strom bereitstellt für den gesamten Stromkreis und drücken Sie Reset (nach dem Auswerfen von CIRCUITPY).",
"Zurückverfolgung (jüngste Aufforderung zuletzt):",
"Tuple- oder struct_time-Argument erforderlich",
"USB beschäftigt",
"USB Fehler",
"Parser konnte nicht gestartet werden",
"Schreiben in nvm nicht möglich.",
"Unbekannter Grund.",
"Baudrate wird nicht unterstützt",
"Nicht unterstützte Operation",
"Nicht unterstützter Pull-Wert.",
"Watchdog timer expired.",
"Willkommen bei Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nProjektleitfäden findest du auf \n\nUm die integrierten Module aufzulisten, führe bitte `help(\"modules\")` aus.",
"Sie befinden sich im abgesicherten Modus: Es ist etwas Unerwartetes passiert.",
"Der Code wurde ausgeführt. Warte auf reload.",
"Bitte melden Sie ein Problem mit dem Inhalt Ihres CIRCUITPY-Laufwerks unter\n",
"__init__() sollte None zurückgeben",
"__init__() should return None, not '%q'",
"abort() wurde aufgerufen",
"arg ist eine leere Sequenz",
"Anzahl/Type der Argumente passen nicht",
"Array/Bytes auf der rechten Seite erforderlich",
"Attribute werden noch nicht unterstützt",
"schlechter Konvertierungsspezifizierer",
"Falscher Typcode",
"bits muss 7, 8 oder 9 sein",
"Die Puffergröße muss zum Format passen",
"Puffersegmente müssen gleich lang sein",
"Der Puffer ist zu klein",
"Bytecode nicht implementiert",
"bytes mit mehr als 8 bits werden nicht unterstützt",
"Byte-Wert außerhalb des Bereichs",
"Kalibrierung ist außerhalb der Reichweite",
"Kalibrierung ist Schreibgeschützt",
"Der bereits untergeordneten Klasse kann keine spezielle Methode hinzugefügt werden",
"kann keinem Ausdruck zuweisen",
"can't convert %q to %q",
"Kann '%q' Objekt nicht implizit nach %q konvertieren",
"can't convert to %q",
"Kann nicht implizit nach str konvertieren",
"kann im äußeren Code nicht als nonlocal deklarieren",
"Ausdruck kann nicht gelöscht werden",
"mehrere **x sind nicht gestattet",
"mehrere *x sind nicht gestattet",
"Ich kann den Wurf nicht an den gerade gestarteten Generator hängen",
"Nicht \"None\" Werte können nicht an einen gerade gestarteten Generator gesendet werden",
"kann Attribut nicht setzen",
"kann nicht von der automatischen Feldnummerierung zur manuellen Feldspezifikation wechseln",
"kann nicht von der manuellen Feldspezifikation zur automatischen Feldnummerierung wechseln",
"Kann '%q' Instanzen nicht erstellen",
"Kann Instanz nicht erstellen",
"Name %q kann nicht importiert werden",
"kann keinen relativen Import durchführen",
"chr() arg ist nicht in range(0x110000)",
"Komplexe Zahlen nicht unterstützt",
"constant muss ein integer sein",
"Die Standart-Ausnahmebehandlung muss als letztes sein",
"Die Wörterbuch-Aktualisierungssequenz hat eine falsche Länge",
"Division durch Null",
"leeres Trennzeichen",
"leere Sequenz",
"Ende des Formats wärend der Suche nach einem conversion specifier",
"Exceptions müssen von BaseException abgeleitet sein",
"erwarte ':' nach format specifier",
"erwarte tuple/list",
"Erwarte nur einen Wert für set",
"Erwarte key:value für dict",
"Es wurden zusätzliche Keyword-Argumente angegeben",
"Es wurden zusätzliche Argumente ohne Keyword angegeben",
"Das Dateisystem muss eine Mount-Methode bereitstellen",
"Das erste Argument für super() muss type sein",
"float zu groß",
"Format erfordert ein Wörterbuch (dict)",
"Funktion akzeptiert keine Keyword-Argumente",
"Funktion erwartet maximal %d Argumente, aber hat %d erhalten",
"Funktion hat mehrere Werte für Argument '%q'",
"Funktion vermisst %d benötigte Argumente ohne Keyword",
"Funktion vermisst Keyword-only-Argument",
"Funktion vermisst benötigtes Keyword-Argumente '%q'",
"Funktion vermisst benötigtes Argumente ohne Keyword #%d",
"Funktion nimmt %d Argumente ohne Keyword an, aber es wurden %d angegeben",
"Funktion benötigt genau 9 Argumente",
"Generator läuft bereits",
"Generator ignoriert GeneratorExit",
"Bezeichner als global neu definiert",
"Bezeichner als nonlocal definiert",
"unvollständiges Format",
"unvollständiger Formatschlüssel",
"padding ist inkorrekt",
"index außerhalb der Reichweite",
"Indizes müssen Integer sein",
"int() arg 2 muss >= 2 und <= 36 sein",
"integer erforderlich",
"ungültiger Formatbezeichner",
"ungültiger micropython decorator",
"ungültiger Schritt (step)",
"ungültige Syntax",
"ungültige Syntax für integer",
"ungültige Syntax für integer mit Basis %d",
"ungültige Syntax für number",
"issubclass() arg 1 muss eine Klasse sein",
"issubclass() arg 2 muss eine Klasse oder ein Tupel von Klassen sein",
"join erwartet eine Liste von str/bytes-Objekten, die mit dem self-Objekt übereinstimmen",
"Schlüsselwörter müssen Zeichenfolgen sein",
"Für diesen Typ ist length nicht zulässig",
"lhs und rhs sollten kompatibel sein",
"Es wurde versucht auf eine Variable zuzugreifen, die es (noch) nicht gibt. Variablen immer zuerst Zuweisen",
"long int wird in diesem Build nicht unterstützt",
"maximale Rekursionstiefe überschritten",
"Speicherzuordnung fehlgeschlagen, Zuweisung von %u Bytes",
"Speicherzuweisung fehlgeschlagen, der Heap ist gesperrt",
"Modul nicht gefunden",
"mehrere *x in Zuordnung",
"Mehrere Basen haben einen Instanzlayoutkonflikt",
"muss Schlüsselwortargument für key function verwenden",
"Name '%q' ist nirgends definiert worden (Schreibweise kontrollieren)",
"Dieser Name ist nirgends definiert worden (Schreibweise kontrollieren)",
"Name für Argumente wiederverwendet",
"Zum Entpacken sind mehr als %d Werte erforderlich",
"Negative shift Anzahl",
"Keine aktive Ausnahme zu verusachen (raise)",
"Kein Binding für nonlocal gefunden",
"Kein Modul mit dem Namen '%q'",
"kein solches Attribut",
"ein non-default argument folgt auf ein default argument",
"eine nicht-hex zahl wurde gefunden",
"Nicht-Schlüsselwort arg nach * / **",
"Nicht-Schlüsselwort Argument nach Schlüsselwort Argument",
"Nicht alle Argumente wurden während der Formatierung des Strings konvertiert",
"Nicht genügend Argumente für den Formatierungs-String",
"object '%q' is not a tuple or list",
"Objekt unterstützt keine item assignment",
"Objekt unterstützt das Löschen von Elementen nicht",
"Objekt hat keine len",
"Objekt hat keine '__getitem__'-Methode (not subscriptable)",
"Objekt ist kein Iterator",
"Objekt nicht aufrufbar",
"Objekt ist nicht in sequence",
"Objekt nicht iterierbar",
"object of type '%q' has no len()",
"Objekt mit Pufferprotokoll (buffer protocol) erforderlich",
"String mit ungerader Länge",
"offset außerhalb der Grenzen",
"Es werden nur Slices mit Schritt = 1 (auch bekannt als None) unterstützt",
"ord erwartet ein Zeichen",
"ord() erwartet einen Buchstaben(char) aber es wurde ein String mit Länge %d gefunden",
"pop from empty %q",
"die ersuchte Länge ist %d, aber das Objekt hat eine Länge von %d",
"Vorzeichen nicht erlaubt in einem String formatierungs specifier",
"Vorzeichen mit ganzzahligem Formatbezeichner 'c' nicht erlaubt",
"einzelne '}' in Formatierungs-String gefunden",
"Die Schlafdauer darf nicht negativ sein",
"Der Slice-Schritt kann nicht Null sein",
"small int Überlauf",
"weicher reboot",
"start/end Indizes",
"Schritt (step) darf nicht Null sein",
"stop muss 1 oder 2 sein",
"stop ist von start aus nicht erreichbar",
"stream operation ist nicht unterstützt",
"string indices must be integers, not %q",
"Zeichenfolgen werden nicht unterstützt; Verwenden Sie bytes oder bytearray",
"substring nicht gefunden",
"super() kann self nicht finden",
"threshold muss im Intervall 0-65536 liegen",
"time.struct_time() nimmt eine 9-Sequenz an",
"Das Zeitlimit muss 0,0-100,0 Sekunden betragen",
"zu viele Argumente mit dem angegebenen Format",
"zu viele Werte zum Auspacken (erwartet %d)",
"tupel/list hat falsche Länge",
"tx und rx können nicht beide None sein",
"Typ '%q' ist kein akzeptierter Basis-Typ",
"Typ ist kein akzeptierter Basis-Typ",
"Typ vom Objekt '%q' hat kein Attribut '%q'",
"Typ akzeptiert 1 oder 3 Argumente",
"unerwarteter Einzug (Einrückung) Bitte Leerzeichen am Zeilenanfang kontrollieren",
"unerwartetes Keyword-Argument '%q'",
"Unicode Name ausgebrochen (escaped)",
"Einrückung entspricht keiner äußeren Einrückungsebene. Bitte Leerzeichen am Zeilenanfang kontrollieren",
"unbekannter Konvertierungs specifier %c",
"unknown format code '%c' for object of type '%q'",
"'{' ohne passende Zuordnung im Format",
"nicht lesbares Attribut",
"nicht unterstütztes Formatzeichen '%c' (0x%x) bei Index %d",
"unsupported type for %q: '%q'",
"nicht unterstützter Typ für Operator",
"unsupported types for %q: '%q', '%q'",
"Wert muss in %d Byte(s) passen",
"falsche Anzahl an Argumenten",
"falsche Anzahl zu entpackender Werte",
"ko": [
"파일 \"%q\", 라인 %d",
"%%c 전수(int)또는 캐릭터(char)필요합니다",
"%q 사용 중입니다",
"%q 인덱스 범위를 벗어났습니다",
"%q indices must be integers, not %q",
"%q() takes %d positional arguments but %d were given",
"'%q' argument required",
"'%q' object cannot assign attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support item assignment",
"'%q' object does not support item deletion",
"'%q' object has no attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object is not an iterator",
"'%q' object is not callable",
"'%q' object is not iterable",
"'%q' object is not subscriptable",
"'=' alignment not allowed in string format specifier",
"'break' 는 루프 외부에 있습니다",
"'continue' 는 루프 외부에 있습니다",
"'return' 는 함수 외부에 존재합니다",
"'yield' 는 함수 외부에 존재합니다",
"*x must be assignment target",
", 에서 %q",
"3-arg pow() not supported",
"A hardware interrupt channel is already in use",
"핀의 모든 타이머가 사용 중입니다",
"모든 타이머가 사용 중입니다",
"AnalogOut is only 16 bits. Value must be less than 65536.",
"AnalogOut not supported on given pin",
"Another send is already active",
"Array must contain halfwords (type 'H')",
"Array values should be single bytes.",
"At most %d %q may be specified (not %d)",
"Attempted heap allocation when MicroPython VM not running.",
"자동 재 장전이 꺼져 있습니다",
"자동 새로 고침이 켜져 있습니다. USB를 통해 파일을 저장하여 실행하십시오. 비활성화하려면 REPL을 입력하십시오.",
"Both pins must support hardware interrupts",
"밝기는 0에서 255 사이 여야합니다",
"잘못된 크기의 버퍼. %d 바이트 여야합니다.",
"잘못된 크기의 버퍼. >1 여야합니다",
"바이트는 0에서 255 사이 여야합니다.",
"Call super().__init__() before accessing native object.",
"값을 삭제할 수 없습니다",
"Cannot get pull while in output mode",
"Cannot remount '/' when USB is active.",
"Cannot reset into bootloader because no bootloader is present.",
"Cannot set value when direction is input.",
"Cannot subclass slice",
"CircuitPython core code crashed hard. Whoops!",
"CircuitPython is in safe mode because you pressed the reset button during boot. Press again to exit safe mode.",
"Corrupt .mpy file",
"Corrupt raw code",
"Could not initialize UART",
"Crash into the HardFault_Handler.",
"Drive mode not used when direction is input.",
"EXTINT channel already in use",
"%q 이 예상되었습니다.",
"Failed to allocate RX buffer of %d bytes",
"Failed to write internal flash.",
"File exists",
"Function requires lock",
"Incompatible .mpy file. Please update all .mpy files. See for more info.",
"Input/output error",
"Invalid PWM frequency",
"Invalid argument",
"Invalid direction.",
"Invalid memory access.",
"비트 수가 유효하지 않습니다",
"단계가 잘못되었습니다",
"핀이 잘못되었습니다",
"핀이 유효하지 않습니다",
"Invalid polarity",
"Invalid run mode.",
"LHS of keyword arg must be an id",
"길이는 정수(int) 여야합니다",
"Length must be non-negative",
"MicroPython NLR jump failed. Likely memory corruption.",
"MicroPython fatal error.",
"Name too long",
"No RX pin",
"No TX pin",
"No free GCLKs",
"No hardware random available",
"No hardware support on pin",
"No long integer support",
"No space left on device",
"No such file/directory",
"Not running saved code.",
"Object has been deinitialized and can no longer be used. Create a new object.",
"PWM duty_cycle must be between 0 and 65535 inclusive (16 bit resolution)",
"Permission denied",
"Pin does not have ADC capabilities",
"Pin is input only",
"Plus any modules on the filesystem",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Press any key to enter the REPL. Use CTRL-D to reload.",
"Pull not used when direction is output.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 Not yet supported on this device",
"Read-only filesystem",
"Running in safe mode!",
"SDA or SCL needs a pull up",
"Slice and value different lengths.",
"Slices not supported",
"Stack size must be at least 256",
"The CircuitPython heap was corrupted because the stack was too small.\nPlease increase the stack size if you know how, or if not:",
"The `microcontroller` module was used to boot into safe mode. Press reset to exit safe mode.",
"The microcontroller's power dipped. Make sure your power supply provides\nenough power for the whole circuit and press reset (after ejecting CIRCUITPY).",
"Traceback (most recent call last):",
"Tuple or struct_time argument required",
"USB Busy",
"USB Error",
"파서를 초기화(init) 할 수 없습니다",
"Unable to write to nvm.",
"Unknown reason.",
"Unsupported baudrate",
"Unsupported operation",
"Unsupported pull value.",
"Watchdog timer expired.",
"Welcome to Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nPlease visit for project guides.\n\nTo list built-in modules please do `help(\"modules\")`.",
"You are in safe mode: something unanticipated happened.",
"실행 완료 코드. 재장전 을 기다리는 중입니다",
"Please file an issue with the contents of your CIRCUITPY drive at \n",
"__init__() should return None",
"__init__() should return None, not '%q'",
"abort() called",
"arg is an empty sequence",
"argument num/types mismatch",
"array/bytes required on right side",
"attributes not supported yet",
"bad conversion specifier",
"bad typecode",
"비트(bits)는 7, 8 또는 9 여야합니다",
"buffer size must match format",
"buffer slices must be of equal length",
"buffer too small",
"byte code not implemented",
"bytes > 8 bits not supported",
"bytes value out of range",
"calibration is out of range",
"calibration is read only",
"can't add special method to already-subclassed class",
"can't assign to expression",
"can't convert %q to %q",
"can't convert '%q' object to %q implicitly",
"can't convert to %q",
"can't convert to str implicitly",
"can't declare nonlocal in outer code",
"can't delete expression",
"can't have multiple **x",
"can't have multiple *x",
"can't pend throw to just-started generator",
"can't send non-None value to a just-started generator",
"can't set attribute",
"can't switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification",
"can't switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering",
"cannot create '%q' instances",
"cannot create instance",
"cannot import name %q",
"cannot perform relative import",
"chr() arg not in range(0x110000)",
"complex values not supported",
"constant must be an integer",
"default 'except' must be last",
"dict update sequence has wrong length",
"division by zero",
"empty separator",
"empty sequence",
"end of format while looking for conversion specifier",
"exceptions must derive from BaseException",
"':'이 예상되었습니다",
"튜플(tuple) 또는 리스트(list)이 예상되었습니다",
"expecting just a value for set",
"expecting key:value for dict",
"extra keyword arguments given",
"extra positional arguments given",
"filesystem must provide mount method",
"first argument to super() must be type",
"float이 너무 큽니다",
"format requires a dict",
"function does not take keyword arguments",
"function expected at most %d arguments, got %d",
"function got multiple values for argument '%q'",
"function missing %d required positional arguments",
"function missing keyword-only argument",
"function missing required keyword argument '%q'",
"function missing required positional argument #%d",
"function takes %d positional arguments but %d were given",
"function takes exactly 9 arguments",
"generator already executing",
"generator ignored GeneratorExit",
"identifier redefined as global",
"identifier redefined as nonlocal",
"incomplete format",
"incomplete format key",
"incorrect padding",
"index out of range",
"indices must be integers",
"int() arg 2 must be >= 2 and <= 36",
"정수가 필요합니다",
"형식 지정자(format specifier)가 유효하지 않습니다",
"invalid micropython decorator",
"단계(step)가 유효하지 않습니다",
"구문(syntax)가 유효하지 않습니다",
"구문(syntax)가 정수가 유효하지 않습니다",
"구문(syntax)가 정수가 유효하지 않습니다",
"숫자에 대한 구문(syntax)가 유효하지 않습니다",
"issubclass() arg 1 must be a class",
"issubclass() arg 2 must be a class or a tuple of classes",
"join expects a list of str/bytes objects consistent with self object",
"keywords must be strings",
"length argument not allowed for this type",
"lhs and rhs should be compatible",
"local variable referenced before assignment",
"long int not supported in this build",
"math domain error",
"maximum recursion depth exceeded",
"memory allocation failed, allocating %u bytes",
"memory allocation failed, heap is locked",
"module not found",
"multiple *x in assignment",
"multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict",
"must use keyword argument for key function",
"name '%q' is not defined",
"name not defined",
"name reused for argument",
"need more than %d values to unpack",
"negative shift count",
"no active exception to reraise",
"no binding for nonlocal found",
"no module named '%q'",
"no such attribute",
"non-default argument follows default argument",
"non-hex digit found",
"non-keyword arg after */**",
"non-keyword arg after keyword arg",
"not all arguments converted during string formatting",
"not enough arguments for format string",
"object '%q' is not a tuple or list",
"object does not support item assignment",
"object does not support item deletion",
"object has no len",
"object is not subscriptable",
"object not an iterator",
"object not callable",
"object not in sequence",
"object not iterable",
"object of type '%q' has no len()",
"object with buffer protocol required",
"odd-length string",
"offset out of bounds",
"only slices with step=1 (aka None) are supported",
"ord expects a character",
"ord() expected a character, but string of length %d found",
"pop from empty %q",
"requested length %d but object has length %d",
"sign not allowed in string format specifier",
"sign not allowed with integer format specifier 'c'",
"single '}' encountered in format string",
"sleep length must be non-negative",
"slice step cannot be zero",
"small int overflow",
"soft reboot",
"start/end indices",
"step must be non-zero",
"stop must be 1 or 2",
"stop not reachable from start",
"stream operation not supported",
"string indices must be integers, not %q",
"string not supported; use bytes or bytearray",
"substring not found",
"super() can't find self",
"threshold must be in the range 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() takes a 9-sequence",
"timeout must be 0.0-100.0 seconds",
"too many arguments provided with the given format",
"too many values to unpack (expected %d)",
"tuple/list has wrong length",
"tx and rx cannot both be None",
"type '%q' is not an acceptable base type",
"type is not an acceptable base type",
"type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'",
"type takes 1 or 3 arguments",
"unexpected indent",
"unexpected keyword argument '%q'",
"unicode name escapes",
"unindent does not match any outer indentation level",
"unknown conversion specifier %c",
"unknown format code '%c' for object of type '%q'",
"unmatched '{' in format",
"unreadable attribute",
"unsupported format character '%c' (0x%x) at index %d",
"unsupported type for %q: '%q'",
"unsupported type for operator",
"unsupported types for %q: '%q', '%q'",
"value must fit in %d byte(s)",
"wrong number of arguments",
"wrong number of values to unpack",
"zero step"
"en_US": [
"File \"%q\", line %d",
"%%c requires int or char",
"%q in use",
"%q index out of range",
"%q indices must be integers, not %q",
"%q() takes %d positional arguments but %d were given",
"'%q' argument required",
"'%q' object cannot assign attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support item assignment",
"'%q' object does not support item deletion",
"'%q' object has no attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object is not an iterator",
"'%q' object is not callable",
"'%q' object is not iterable",
"'%q' object is not subscriptable",
"'=' alignment not allowed in string format specifier",
"'break' outside loop",
"'continue' outside loop",
"'return' outside function",
"'yield' outside function",
"*x must be assignment target",
", in %q",
"3-arg pow() not supported",
"A hardware interrupt channel is already in use",
"All timers for this pin are in use",
"All timers in use",
"AnalogOut is only 16 bits. Value must be less than 65536.",
"AnalogOut not supported on given pin",
"Another send is already active",
"Array must contain halfwords (type 'H')",
"Array values should be single bytes.",
"At most %d %q may be specified (not %d)",
"Attempted heap allocation when MicroPython VM not running.",
"Auto-reload is off.",
"Auto-reload is on. Simply save files over USB to run them or enter REPL to disable.",
"Both pins must support hardware interrupts",
"Brightness must be between 0 and 255",
"Buffer incorrect size. Should be %d bytes.",
"Buffer must be at least length 1",
"Bytes must be between 0 and 255.",
"Call super().__init__() before accessing native object.",
"Cannot delete values",
"Cannot get pull while in output mode",
"Cannot remount '/' when USB is active.",
"Cannot reset into bootloader because no bootloader is present.",
"Cannot set value when direction is input.",
"Cannot subclass slice",
"CircuitPython core code crashed hard. Whoops!",
"CircuitPython is in safe mode because you pressed the reset button during boot. Press again to exit safe mode.",
"Corrupt .mpy file",
"Corrupt raw code",
"Could not initialize UART",
"Crash into the HardFault_Handler.",
"Drive mode not used when direction is input.",
"EXTINT channel already in use",
"Expected a %q",
"Failed to allocate RX buffer of %d bytes",
"Failed to write internal flash.",
"File exists",
"Function requires lock",
"Incompatible .mpy file. Please update all .mpy files. See for more info.",
"Input/output error",
"Invalid PWM frequency",
"Invalid argument",
"Invalid direction.",
"Invalid memory access.",
"Invalid number of bits",
"Invalid phase",
"Invalid pin",
"Invalid pins",
"Invalid polarity",
"Invalid run mode.",
"LHS of keyword arg must be an id",
"Length must be an int",
"Length must be non-negative",
"MicroPython NLR jump failed. Likely memory corruption.",
"MicroPython fatal error.",
"Name too long",
"No RX pin",
"No TX pin",
"No free GCLKs",
"No hardware random available",
"No hardware support on pin",
"No long integer support",
"No space left on device",
"No such file/directory",
"Not running saved code.",
"Object has been deinitialized and can no longer be used. Create a new object.",
"PWM duty_cycle must be between 0 and 65535 inclusive (16 bit resolution)",
"Permission denied",
"Pin does not have ADC capabilities",
"Pin is input only",
"Plus any modules on the filesystem",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Press any key to enter the REPL. Use CTRL-D to reload.",
"Pull not used when direction is output.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 Not yet supported on this device",
"Read-only filesystem",
"Running in safe mode!",
"SDA or SCL needs a pull up",
"Slice and value different lengths.",
"Slices not supported",
"Stack size must be at least 256",
"The CircuitPython heap was corrupted because the stack was too small.\nPlease increase the stack size if you know how, or if not:",
"The `microcontroller` module was used to boot into safe mode. Press reset to exit safe mode.",
"The microcontroller's power dipped. Make sure your power supply provides\nenough power for the whole circuit and press reset (after ejecting CIRCUITPY).",
"Traceback (most recent call last):",
"Tuple or struct_time argument required",
"USB Busy",
"USB Error",
"Unable to init parser",
"Unable to write to nvm.",
"Unknown reason.",
"Unsupported baudrate",
"Unsupported operation",
"Unsupported pull value.",
"Watchdog timer expired.",
"Welcome to Adafruit CircuitPython %s!\n\nPlease visit for project guides.\n\nTo list built-in modules please do `help(\"modules\")`.",
"You are in safe mode: something unanticipated happened.",
"Code done running. Waiting for reload.",
"Please file an issue with the contents of your CIRCUITPY drive at \n",
"__init__() should return None",
"__init__() should return None, not '%q'",
"abort() called",
"arg is an empty sequence",
"argument num/types mismatch",
"array/bytes required on right side",
"attributes not supported yet",
"bad conversion specifier",
"bad typecode",
"bits must be 7, 8 or 9",
"buffer size must match format",
"buffer slices must be of equal length",
"buffer too small",
"byte code not implemented",
"bytes > 8 bits not supported",
"bytes value out of range",
"calibration is out of range",
"calibration is read only",
"can't add special method to already-subclassed class",
"can't assign to expression",
"can't convert %q to %q",
"can't convert '%q' object to %q implicitly",
"can't convert to %q",
"can't convert to str implicitly",
"can't declare nonlocal in outer code",
"can't delete expression",
"can't have multiple **x",
"can't have multiple *x",
"can't pend throw to just-started generator",
"can't send non-None value to a just-started generator",
"can't set attribute",
"can't switch from automatic field numbering to manual field specification",
"can't switch from manual field specification to automatic field numbering",
"cannot create '%q' instances",
"cannot create instance",
"cannot import name %q",
"cannot perform relative import",
"chr() arg not in range(0x110000)",
"complex values not supported",
"constant must be an integer",
"default 'except' must be last",
"dict update sequence has wrong length",
"division by zero",
"empty separator",
"empty sequence",
"end of format while looking for conversion specifier",
"exceptions must derive from BaseException",
"expected ':' after format specifier",
"expected tuple/list",
"expecting just a value for set",
"expecting key:value for dict",
"extra keyword arguments given",
"extra positional arguments given",
"filesystem must provide mount method",
"first argument to super() must be type",
"float too big",
"format requires a dict",
"function does not take keyword arguments",
"function expected at most %d arguments, got %d",
"function got multiple values for argument '%q'",
"function missing %d required positional arguments",
"function missing keyword-only argument",
"function missing required keyword argument '%q'",
"function missing required positional argument #%d",
"function takes %d positional arguments but %d were given",
"function takes exactly 9 arguments",
"generator already executing",
"generator ignored GeneratorExit",
"identifier redefined as global",
"identifier redefined as nonlocal",
"incomplete format",
"incomplete format key",
"incorrect padding",
"index out of range",
"indices must be integers",
"int() arg 2 must be >= 2 and <= 36",
"integer required",
"invalid format specifier",
"invalid micropython decorator",
"invalid step",
"invalid syntax",
"invalid syntax for integer",
"invalid syntax for integer with base %d",
"invalid syntax for number",
"issubclass() arg 1 must be a class",
"issubclass() arg 2 must be a class or a tuple of classes",
"join expects a list of str/bytes objects consistent with self object",
"keywords must be strings",
"length argument not allowed for this type",
"lhs and rhs should be compatible",
"local variable referenced before assignment",
"long int not supported in this build",
"math domain error",
"maximum recursion depth exceeded",
"memory allocation failed, allocating %u bytes",
"memory allocation failed, heap is locked",
"module not found",
"multiple *x in assignment",
"multiple bases have instance lay-out conflict",
"must use keyword argument for key function",
"name '%q' is not defined",
"name not defined",
"name reused for argument",
"need more than %d values to unpack",
"negative shift count",
"no active exception to reraise",
"no binding for nonlocal found",
"no module named '%q'",
"no such attribute",
"non-default argument follows default argument",
"non-hex digit found",
"non-keyword arg after */**",
"non-keyword arg after keyword arg",
"not all arguments converted during string formatting",
"not enough arguments for format string",
"object '%q' is not a tuple or list",
"object does not support item assignment",
"object does not support item deletion",
"object has no len",
"object is not subscriptable",
"object not an iterator",
"object not callable",
"object not in sequence",
"object not iterable",
"object of type '%q' has no len()",
"object with buffer protocol required",
"odd-length string",
"offset out of bounds",
"only slices with step=1 (aka None) are supported",
"ord expects a character",
"ord() expected a character, but string of length %d found",
"pop from empty %q",
"requested length %d but object has length %d",
"sign not allowed in string format specifier",
"sign not allowed with integer format specifier 'c'",
"single '}' encountered in format string",
"sleep length must be non-negative",
"slice step cannot be zero",
"small int overflow",
"soft reboot",
"start/end indices",
"step must be non-zero",
"stop must be 1 or 2",
"stop not reachable from start",
"stream operation not supported",
"string indices must be integers, not %q",
"string not supported; use bytes or bytearray",
"substring not found",
"super() can't find self",
"threshold must be in the range 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() takes a 9-sequence",
"timeout must be 0.0-100.0 seconds",
"too many arguments provided with the given format",
"too many values to unpack (expected %d)",
"tuple/list has wrong length",
"tx and rx cannot both be None",
"type '%q' is not an acceptable base type",
"type is not an acceptable base type",
"type object '%q' has no attribute '%q'",
"type takes 1 or 3 arguments",
"unexpected indent",
"unexpected keyword argument '%q'",
"unicode name escapes",
"unindent does not match any outer indentation level",
"unknown conversion specifier %c",
"unknown format code '%c' for object of type '%q'",
"unmatched '{' in format",
"unreadable attribute",
"unsupported format character '%c' (0x%x) at index %d",
"unsupported type for %q: '%q'",
"unsupported type for operator",
"unsupported types for %q: '%q', '%q'",
"value must fit in %d byte(s)",
"wrong number of arguments",
"wrong number of values to unpack",
"zero step"
"pl": [
"Plik \"%q\", linia %d",
"%%c wymaga int lub char",
"%q w użyciu",
"%q poza zakresem",
"%q indices must be integers, not %q",
"%q() bierze %d argumentów pozycyjnych, lecz podano %d",
"'%q' wymaga argumentu",
"'%q' object cannot assign attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support '%q'",
"'%q' object does not support item assignment",
"'%q' object does not support item deletion",
"'%q' object has no attribute '%q'",
"'%q' object is not an iterator",
"'%q' object is not callable",
"'%q' object is not iterable",
"'%q' object is not subscriptable",
"wyrównanie '=' niedozwolone w specyfikacji formatu",
"'break' poza pętlą",
"'continue' poza pętlą",
"'return' poza funkcją",
"'yield' poza funkcją",
"*x musi być obiektem przypisania",
", w %q",
"3-argumentowy pow() jest niewspierany",
"Kanał przerwań sprzętowych w użyciu",
"Wszystkie timery tej nóżki w użyciu",
"Wszystkie timery w użyciu",
"AnalogOut ma 16 bitów. Wartość musi być mniejsza od 65536.",
"AnalogOut niewspierany na tej nóżce",
"Wysyłanie jest już w toku",
"Tablica musi zawierać pół-słowa (typ 'H')",
"Wartości powinny być bajtami.",
"At most %d %q may be specified (not %d)",
"Próba alokacji pamięci na stercie gdy VM nie działa.",
"Samo-przeładowywanie wyłączone.",
"Samo-przeładowywanie włączone. Po prostu zapisz pliki przez USB aby je uruchomić, albo wejdź w konsolę aby wyłączyć.",
"Obie nóżki muszą wspierać przerwania sprzętowe",
"Jasność musi być pomiędzy 0 a 255",
"Zła wielkość bufora. Powinno być %d bajtów.",
"Bufor musi mieć długość 1 lub więcej",
"Bytes musi być między 0 a 255.",
"Call super().__init__() before accessing native object.",
"Nie można usunąć",
"Nie ma podciągnięcia w trybie wyjścia",
"Nie można przemontować '/' gdy USB działa.",
"Nie można zrestartować -- nie ma bootloadera.",
"Nie można ustawić wartości w trybie wejścia",
"Nie można dziedziczyć ze slice",
"CircuitPython core code crashed hard. Whoops!",
"CircuitPython is in safe mode because you pressed the reset button during boot. Press again to exit safe mode.",
"Corrupt .mpy file",
"Corrupt raw code",
"Ustawienie UART nie powiodło się",
"Katastrofa w HardFault_Handler.",
"Tryb sterowania nieużywany w trybie wejścia.",
"Kanał EXTINT w użyciu",
"Oczekiwano %q",
"Nie udała się alokacja %d bajtów na bufor RX",
"Failed to write internal flash.",
"Plik istnieje",
"Funkcja wymaga blokady",
"Niekompatybilny plik .mpy. Proszę odświeżyć wszystkie pliki .mpy. Więcej informacji na",
"Błąd I/O",
"Zła częstotliwość PWM",
"Zły argument",
"Zły tryb",
"Invalid memory access.",
"Zła liczba bitów",
"Zła faza",
"Zła nóżka",
"Złe nóżki",
"Zła polaryzacja",
"Zły tryb uruchomienia",
"Lewa strona argumentu nazwanego musi być nazwą",
"Długość musi być całkowita",
"Długość musi być nieujemna",
"Skok NLR MicroPythona nie powiódł się. Prawdopodobne skażenie pamięci.",
"Krytyczny błąd MicroPythona.",
"Name too long",
"Brak nóżki RX",
"Brak nóżki TX",
"Brak wolnych GLCK",
"Brak generatora liczb losowych",
"Brak sprzętowej obsługi na nóżce",
"No long integer support",
"Brak miejsca",
"Brak pliku/katalogu",
"Not running saved code.",
"Obiekt został zwolniony i nie można go już używać. Utwórz nowy obiekt.",
"duty_cycle musi być pomiędzy 0 a 65535 włącznie (rozdzielczość 16 bit)",
"Odmowa dostępu",
"Nóżka nie obsługuje ADC",
"Pin is input only",
"Oraz moduły w systemie plików",
"Port does not accept pins or frequency. Construct and pass a PWMOut Carrier instead",
"Dowolny klawisz aby uruchomić konsolę. CTRL-D aby przeładować.",
"Podciągnięcie nieużywane w trybie wyjścia.",
"RTS/CTS/RS485 Not yet supported on this device",
"Tylko do odczytu",
"System plików tylko do odczytu",
"Running in safe mode!",
"SDA lub SCL wymagają podciągnięcia",
"Fragment i wartość są różnych długości.",
"Fragmenty nieobsługiwane",
"Stos musi mieć co najmniej 256 bajtów",
"The CircuitPython heap was corrupted because the stack was too small.\nPlease increase the stack size if you know how, or if not:",
"The `microcontroller` module was used to boot into safe mode. Press reset to exit safe mode.",
"The microcontroller's power dipped. Make sure your power supply provides\nenough power for the whole circuit and press reset (after ejecting CIRCUITPY).",
"Ślad wyjątku (najnowsze wywołanie na końcu):",
"Wymagana krotka lub struct_time",
"USB Zajęte",
"Błąd USB",
"Błąd ustawienia parsera",
"Błąd zapisu do NVM.",
"Unknown reason.",
"Zła szybkość transmisji",
"Zła operacja",
"Zła wartość podciągnięcia.",
"Watchdog timer expired.",
"Witamy w CircuitPythonie Adafruita %s!\nPodręczniki dostępne na\nAby zobaczyć wbudowane moduły, wpisz `help(\"modules\")`.",
"You are in safe mode: something unanticipated happened.",
"Kod wykonany. Czekam na przeładowanie.",
"Please file an issue with the contents of your CIRCUITPY drive at \n",
"__init__() powinien zwracać None",
"__init__() should return None, not '%q'",
"Wywołano abort()",
"arg jest puste",
"zła liczba lub typ argumentów",
"tablica/bytes wymagane po prawej stronie",
"atrybuty nie są jeszcze obsługiwane",
"zły specyfikator konwersji",
"zły typecode",
"bits musi być 7, 8 lub 9",
"wielkość bufora musi pasować do formatu",
"fragmenty bufora muszą mieć tę samą długość",
"zbyt mały bufor",
"bajtkod niezaimplemntowany",
"bajty większe od 8 bitów są niewspierane",
"wartość bytes poza zakresem",
"kalibracja poza zakresem",
"kalibracja tylko do odczytu",
"nie można dodać specjalnej metody do podklasy",
"przypisanie do wyrażenia",
"can't convert %q to %q",
"nie można automatycznie skonwertować '%q' do '%q'",
"can't convert to %q",
"nie można automatycznie skonwertować do str",
"deklaracja nonlocal na poziomie modułu",
"nie można usunąć wyrażenia",
"nie można mieć wielu **x",
"nie można mieć wielu *x",
"nie można skoczyć do świeżo stworzonego generatora",
"świeżo stworzony generator może tylko przyjąć None",
"nie można ustawić atrybutu",
"nie można zmienić z automatycznego numerowania pól do ręcznego",
"nie można zmienić z ręcznego numerowaniu pól do automatycznego",
"nie można tworzyć instancji '%q'",
"nie można stworzyć instancji",
"nie można zaimportować nazwy %q",
"nie można wykonać relatywnego importu",
"argument chr() poza zakresem range(0x110000)",
"wartości zespolone nieobsługiwane",
"stała musi być liczbą całkowitą",
"domyślny 'except' musi być ostatni",
"sekwencja ma złą długość",
"dzielenie przez zero",
"pusty separator",
"pusta sekwencja",
"koniec formatu przy szukaniu specyfikacji konwersji",
"wyjątki muszą dziedziczyć po BaseException",
"oczekiwano ':' po specyfikacji formatu",
"oczekiwano krotki/listy",
"oczekiwano tylko wartości dla zbioru",
"oczekiwano klucz:wartość dla słownika",
"nadmiarowe argumenty nazwane",
"nadmiarowe argumenty pozycyjne",
"system plików musi mieć metodę mount",
"pierwszy argument super() musi być typem",
"float zbyt wielki",
"format wymaga słownika",
"funkcja nie bierze argumentów nazwanych",
"funkcja bierze najwyżej %d argumentów, jest %d",
"funkcja dostała wiele wartości dla argumentu '%q'",
"brak %d wymaganych argumentów pozycyjnych funkcji",
"brak argumentu nazwanego funkcji",
"brak wymaganego argumentu nazwanego '%q' funkcji",
"brak wymaganego argumentu pozycyjnego #%d funkcji",
"funkcja wymaga %d argumentów pozycyjnych, ale jest %d",
"funkcja wymaga dokładnie 9 argumentów",
"generator już się wykonuje",
"generator zignorował GeneratorExit",
"nazwa przedefiniowana jako globalna",
"nazwa przedefiniowana jako nielokalna",
"niepełny format",
"niepełny klucz formatu",
"złe wypełnienie",
"indeks poza zakresem",
"indeksy muszą być całkowite",
"argument 2 do int() busi być pomiędzy 2 a 36",
"wymagana liczba całkowita",
"zła specyfikacja formatu",
"zły dekorator micropythona",
"zły krok",
"zła składnia",
"zła składnia dla liczby całkowitej",
"zła składnia dla liczby całkowitej w bazie %d",
"zła składnia dla liczby",
"argument 1 dla issubclass() musi być klasą",
"argument 2 dla issubclass() musi być klasą lub krotką klas",
"join oczekuje listy str/bytes zgodnych z self",
"słowa kluczowe muszą być łańcuchami",
"ten typ nie pozawala na podanie długości",
"lewa i prawa strona powinny być kompatybilne",
"zmienna lokalna użyta przed przypisaniem",
"long int jest nieobsługiwany",
"błąd domeny",
"przekroczono dozwoloną głębokość rekurencji",
"alokacja pamięci nie powiodła się, alokowano %u bajtów",
"alokacja pamięci nie powiodła się, sterta zablokowana",
"brak modułu",
"wiele *x w przypisaniu",
"konflikt w planie instancji z powodu wielu baz",
"funkcja key musi być podana jako argument nazwany",
"nazwa '%q' niezdefiniowana",
"nazwa niezdefiniowana",
"nazwa użyta ponownie jako argument",
"potrzeba więcej niż %d do rozpakowania",
"ujemne przesunięcie",
"brak wyjątku do ponownego rzucenia",
"brak wiązania dla zmiennej nielokalnej",
"brak modułu o nazwie '%q'",
"nie ma takiego atrybutu",
"argument z wartością domyślną przed argumentem bez",
"cyfra nieszesnastkowa",
"argument nienazwany po */**",
"argument nienazwany po nazwanym",
"nie wszystkie argumenty wykorzystane w formatowaniu",
"nie dość argumentów przy formatowaniu",
"object '%q' is not a tuple or list",
"obiekt nie obsługuje przypisania do elementów",
"obiekt nie obsługuje usuwania elementów",
"obiekt nie ma len",
"obiekt nie ma elementów",
"obiekt nie jest iteratorem",
"obiekt nie jest wywoływalny",
"obiektu nie ma sekwencji",
"obiekt nie jest iterowalny",
"object of type '%q' has no len()",
"wymagany obiekt z protokołem buforu",
"łańcuch o nieparzystej długości",
"offset poza zakresem",
"tylko fragmenty ze step=1 (lub None) są wspierane",
"ord oczekuje znaku",
"ord() oczekuje znaku, a jest łańcuch od długości %d",
"pop from empty %q",
"zażądano długości %d ale obiekt ma długość %d",
"znak jest niedopuszczalny w specyfikacji formatu łańcucha",
"znak jest niedopuszczalny w specyfikacji 'c'",
"pojedynczy '}' w specyfikacji formatu",
"okres snu musi być nieujemny",
"zerowy krok",
"przepełnienie small int",
"programowy reset",
"początkowe/końcowe indeksy",
"step nie może być zerowe",
"stop musi być 1 lub 2",
"stop nie jest osiągalne ze start",
"operacja na strumieniu nieobsługiwana",
"string indices must be integers, not %q",
"łańcuchy nieobsługiwane; użyj bytes lub bytearray",
"brak pod-łańcucha",
"super() nie może znaleźć self",
"threshold musi być w zakresie 0-65536",
"time.struct_time() wymaga 9-elementowej sekwencji",
"timeout must be 0.0-100.0 seconds",
"zbyt wiele argumentów podanych dla tego formatu",
"zbyt wiele wartości do rozpakowania (oczekiwano %d)",
"krotka/lista ma złą długość",
"tx i rx nie mogą być oba None",
"typ '%q' nie może być bazowy",
"typ nie może być bazowy",
"typ '%q' nie ma atrybutu '%q'",
"type wymaga 1 lub 3 argumentów",
"złe wcięcie",
"zły argument nazwany '%q'",
"nazwy unicode",
"wcięcie nie pasuje do żadnego wcześniejszego wcięcia",
"zła specyfikacja konwersji %c",
"unknown format code '%c' for object of type '%q'",
"niepasujące '{' for formacie",
"nieczytelny atrybut",
"zły znak formatowania '%c' (0x%x) na pozycji %d",
"unsupported type for %q: '%q'",
"zły typ dla operatora",
"unsupported types for %q: '%q', '%q'",
"value must fit in %d byte(s)",
"zła liczba argumentów",
"zła liczba wartości do rozpakowania",
"zerowy krok"
import json
from collections import Counter
import huffman
def compress(trans):
counter = Counter()
for s in trans:
for ch in s:
counter[ch] += 1
cb = huffman.codebook(counter.items())
orig_len = 0
comp_len = 0
onebyte = max(ord(ch) for ch in cb) < 256
for s in trans:
orig_len += len(s.encode("utf-8"))
clen = 0
for ch in s:
clen += len(cb[ch])
comp_len += (clen + 8 + 7) // 8
cbsize = len(cb) * (1 if onebyte else 2)
return (orig_len, comp_len + cbsize)
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open("i18ns_trinket_m0.json") as f:
trans = json.load(f)
for (lang, texts) in trans.items():
(orig_len, comp_len) = compress(texts)
f" {orig_len} bytes -> {comp_len} bytes ({comp_len / orig_len:.1%})"
test results against Trinket M0
freq words: [' must be ', ' argument', ' specifi', 'attribut', 'support', ' requir', 'keyword', 'object', 'nvalid', "can't ", ' value', 'expect', 'conver', 'assign', 'ircuit', 'equenc', 'ength', 'must ', 'rator', 'ython', ' the ', ' has ', ' and ', 'class', 'not ', 'tion', ' for', "'%q'", ' to ', ' is ', 'type', 'able', ' mod', ' of ', 'func', ' out', ' or ', ' pin', ' be ', 'code', 'ed ', ' in', 'ing', 'er ', 'es ', 'mat', 'all', 'ent', 'ive', 'str', ' %d', 'ple', 'ile', 'res']
original utf-8: 9817 bytes
naive 1gram: 6249 bytes (63.7%)
1gram+freq: 5413 bytes (55.1%)
(reduced): 836 bytes
freq words: [' must be ', ' argument', ' specifi', 'attribut', 'support', ' requir', 'keyword', 'object', 'nvalid', "can't ", ' value', 'expect', 'conver', 'assign', 'ircuit', 'equenc', 'ength', 'must ', 'rator', 'ython', ' has ', ' and ', 'class', ' the ', 'not ', 'tion', ' for', "'%q'", ' to ', ' is ', 'type', 'able', ' of ', ' mod', 'func', ' or ', ' out', ' pin', 'code', ' in', 'ed ', 'ing', 'er ', 'es ', 'mat', 'ent', 'all', 'ive', 'str', ' %d', 'ile', 'ple', 'rea', 'res']
original utf-8: 9771 bytes
naive 1gram: 6214 bytes (63.6%)
1gram+freq: 5370 bytes (55.0%)
(reduced): 844 bytes
freq words: [' must be ', ' argument', ' specifi', 'attribut', 'support', 'keyword', ' requir', 'object', 'nvalid', "can't ", ' value', 'expect', 'conver', 'assign', 'ircuit', 'equenc', 'ength', 'must ', 'rator', 'ython', ' has ', ' and ', 'class', 'not ', 'tion', ' for', "'%q'", ' to ', ' is ', 'type', 'able', ' mod', 'func', ' of ', ' out', ' or ', ' pin', 'code', ' arg', 'ed ', ' in', 'ing', 'er ', 'es ', 'mat', 'ent', 'all', 'ive', 'str', ' %d', ' th', 'res', 'ple', 'rea']
original utf-8: 9814 bytes
naive 1gram: 6360 bytes (64.8%)
1gram+freq: 5836 bytes (59.5%)
(reduced): 524 bytes
freq words: [' invalide', 'spécifica', 'argument', 'attribut', 't être ', 'support', 'caractè', 'format', 'utilis', 'longue', 'attend', " n'est", ' avec ', 'octets', 'conver', 'ircuit', ' pas ', ' est ', 'ython', 'class', ' de ', 'tion', "'%q'", 'obje', ' doi', 'ans ', 'vale', 'type', ' en ', 'peut', 'able', 'ichi', 'fonc', ' et ', 'ur ', 'ne ', 'ent', 'es ', 'le ', ' no', 'de ', 'er ', 're ', 'un ', 'la ', ' po', 'ssi', 'che', 'rs ', 'cha', 'que', ' dé', ' êt', 'mpo', ' in', " d'"]
original utf-8: 12624 bytes
naive 1gram: 7681 bytes (60.8%)
1gram+freq: 7040 bytes (55.8%)
(reduced): 641 bytes
freq words: ['ondersteu', 'trefwoord', 'argument', 'ngeldig', 'gebruik', 'specifi', ' heeft ', 'toewijz', 'attribu', 'eilige ', 'object', 'erator', 'niet ', ' zijn', ' moet', 'voor ', 'forma', 'wacht', 'ython', 'bruik', 'groot', ' is ', "'%q'", 'ing ', 'type', 'word', 'modu', 'eist', 'func', 'niet', 'byte', 'leng', ' of ', 'zijn', 'en ', 'an ', 'de ', 'ver', 'aar', 'te ', 'sta', 'tie', 'uit', 'et ', ' in', 'ere', 'ege', 'eer', 'le ', ' ge', 'str', 'in ', 'er ', 'om ', 'en.', 'ing', 'st ']
original utf-8: 11522 bytes
naive 1gram: 7090 bytes (61.5%)
1gram+freq: 6134 bytes (53.2%)
(reduced): 956 bytes
freq words: ['argument', 'bjektet ', 'attribut', ' måste ', ' använd', 'specifi', 'giltig', 'format', 'nyckel', 'sträng', 'heltal', 'objekt', ' inte', ' för ', 'vara ', ' till', ' stöd', 'vänta', 'måste', 'ython', ' med ', ' och ', 'längd', 'redan', "'%q'", 'tion', 'att ', 'värd', 'har ', 'inte', 'funk', 'kräv', 'inne', 'byte', ' ell', ' på ', 'utan', 'läge', 'lass', 'en ', 'era', 'ing', 'er ', 'et ', 'för', 'kan', ' är', 'sta', 'ert', ' in', 'tor', ' an', ' i ', 'ick', 'typ', 'ka ']
original utf-8: 10830 bytes
naive 1gram: 6707 bytes (61.9%)
1gram+freq: 5705 bytes (52.7%)
(reduced): 1002 bytes
freq words: [' possível', 'segurança', ' palavra', 'equência', ' objeto', 'formato', ' para ', 'suport', 'atribu', 'patíve', 'defini', 'ircuit', ' não ', 'mento', ' ser ', " '%q'", 'válid', 'valor', 'chave', 'enhum', 'bytes', 'rquiv', 'ython', 'teiro', 'class', ' com', ' arg', 'ador', ' est', 'espe', ' da ', 'funç', ' um ', 'tipo', 'ific', ' ou ', ' de', 'ão ', 'do ', ' in', 'os ', 'nte', 'con', 'ar ', ' re', 'ter', ' fo', 'ada', ' ex', 'que', 'no ', 'de ', 'com', 'ra ', 'ici', 'em ', 'ati']
original utf-8: 12764 bytes
naive 1gram: 7683 bytes (60.2%)
1gram+freq: 6618 bytes (51.8%)
(reduced): 1065 bytes
freq words: ['argumento', ' inválid', 'palabra ', 'ongitud', 'puede ', ' para ', 'objeto', 'soport', 'format', 'tiene ', 'rchivo', 'string', ' debe', " '%q'", ' fuer', 'valor', 'clave', 'asign', ' de ', ' no ', 'ción', 'espe', ' en ', ' est', 'ado', ' se', 'el ', 'ent', 'es ', 'con', 'la ', 'ar ', ' in']
original utf-8: 11865 bytes
naive 1gram: 7171 bytes (60.4%)
1gram+freq: 6270 bytes (52.8%)
(reduced): 901 bytes
freq words: ['hánshù ', 'cānshù', 'ěngshù', 'guānji', 'fànwéi', 'uǎnchō', 'ircuit', ' bìxū', 'éiyǒu', 'lèixí', 'ángdù', 'xūyào', 'ngxīn', 'ython', 'wénji', 'cuòwù', 'uǎnhu', 'móshì', 'dàimǎ', ' de ', 'shì ', "'%q'", 'īchí', 'wèi ', 'wúfǎ', 'dào ', 'zìfú', 'zhì ', ' huò', 'yòng', 'uán ', 'chū ', ' %d ', ' fēn', 'biāo', 'Wúfǎ', 'fēi ', 'bùné', 'ng ', ' zh', ' sh', 'xià', 'àn ', ' ch', ' ji', 'duì', 'ài ', ' bù', 'de ', 'íng', 'yǐn', 'gè ', 'bù ', 'ìng', 'iǎo', ' yī', 'suǒ', 'pèi', 'ōng', 'shù', 'zhí', 'iān', 'hòu']
original utf-8: 12437 bytes
naive 1gram: 7291 bytes (58.6%)
1gram+freq: 6421 bytes (51.6%)
(reduced): 870 bytes
freq words: [' must be ', 'supported', 'argument', ' specifi', ' require', 'enerator', 'キーワード引数', 'ignment', 'オブジェクト', 'なければなり', 'してください', 'ircuit', "can't ", 'セーフモード', 'equenc', 'conver', 'ハードウェア', 'empty ', 'ython', 'bytes', 'インデクス', "'%q'", 'サポート', 'tion', 'not ', ' for', 'されてい', 'ファイル', ' to ', 'func', 'は要素の', 'None', 'type', 'loca', 'icro', 'ect ', 'sion', ' key', 'ません', 'が必要', ' in', 'してい', '不正な', 'ing', 'mat', 'ります', 'ました', 'er ', ' %d', 'ple', 'ed ', '文字列', 'はあり', 'ass']
original utf-8: 13715 bytes
naive 1gram: 7341 bytes (53.5%)
1gram+freq: 6708 bytes (48.9%)
(reduced): 633 bytes
freq words: [' must be ', 'attribute', ' specifi', 'argumen', 'support', 'keyword', ' assign', 'object', 'format', ' harus', ' untuk', 'fungsi', 'length', "can't ", 'conver', 'ircuit', 'expect', 'idak ', ' not ', 'valid', 'dapat', 'value', 'ython', 'luar ', 'integ', ' has ', "'%q'", ' men', 'tion', ' to ', 'type', 'able', 'byte', ' %d ', ' mem', ' mod', 'an ', 'ng ', ' in', 'ed ', 'er ', ' di', 'or ', ' se', 'kan', ' ke', 'str', ' re', 'in ', 'har', 'ent', 'and', 'le ', 'nya']
original utf-8: 10587 bytes
naive 1gram: 6741 bytes (63.7%)
1gram+freq: 5950 bytes (56.2%)
(reduced): 791 bytes
freq words: ['attribute', 'argument', 'ailangan', 'keyword', ' specif', 'binigay', 'object', 'format', 'agamit', 'ircuit', 'sinusu', 'conver', 'equenc', 'marami', 'module', 'indi ', 'dapat', 'ali a', ' para', ' not ', 'value', 'rator', 'ython', ' mode', ' sa ', ' ay ', ' na ', "'%q'", 'tion', 'port', 'type', 'ahan', 'byte', 'stri', 'func', 'uha ', 'may ', 'file', 'aari', 'inde', 'code', 'ng ', 'ala', 'int', 'aba', 'er ', 'ali', 'asa', 'pag', 'ang', 'ass', 'sup', 'it ', 'in ', 'res']
original utf-8: 11248 bytes
naive 1gram: 7019 bytes (62.4%)
1gram+freq: 6310 bytes (56.1%)
(reduced): 709 bytes
freq words: ['possibile', 'lunghezza', ' safe mod', 'argoment', ' must be', ' essere', 'support', 'object ', 'specifi', 'oggetto', 'string', 'ircuit', 'finito', ' non ', 'zione', ' not ', ' per ', 'valid', 'ython', 'fuori', 'nomin', 'ribut', 'uffer', ' di ', "'%q'", ' for', 'byte', ' to ', 'valo', ' in', 'ato', ' de', 're ', 'ent', ' co', 'la ', 'ess', 'att', 'ion', 'ile', 'un ', 'all', 'ter', 'sta', 'ass', 'ice', ' pr', 'can', 'ing', ' %d', 'ono', 'ati', 'ed ', ' ne', 'ata', 'ett']
original utf-8: 11366 bytes
naive 1gram: 7001 bytes (61.6%)
1gram+freq: 6156 bytes (54.2%)
(reduced): 845 bytes
freq words: ['unterstüt', ' außerhal', 'erforderl', 'Funktion', ' nicht ', 'rgument', 'ngültig', 'object ', 'Keyword', 'ontroll', ' muss ', 'Objekt', 'rwarte', 'erator', 'ttribu', 'lüssel', 'ormat', ' für ', ' wurd', 'Datei', 'tring', ' und ', 'Länge', ' hat ', "'%q'", ' ist', 'kann', 'werd', 'not ', 'mit ', ' ver', 'rück', 'en ', 'er ', 'ein', 'ich', 'ert', 'es ', 'ung', 'sch', 'ie ', 'nde', 'te ', 'ier', 'on ', ' in', ' zu', 'ass', 'Sch', 'ben', 'em ', 'ere', 'le ', 'gen', 'ste']
original utf-8: 12777 bytes
naive 1gram: 8085 bytes (63.3%)
1gram+freq: 7103 bytes (55.6%)
(reduced): 982 bytes
freq words: [' argument', ' must be ', ' 유효하지 않습니', 'attribute', ' specifi', 'support', 'keyword', ' requir', 'object', "can't ", 'annot ', ' value', 'length', 'expect', 'conver', 'assign', 'ircuit', 'nvalid', 'equenc', ' 여야합니다', ' not ', 'rator', 'ython', ' does', ' has ', 'class', ' the ', 'must ', 'tion', "'%q'", ' for', ' to ', 'type', 'able', ' mod', 'byte', ' of ', 'func', 'ed ', ' in', 'ing', 'er ', ' is', 'mat', 'ent', 'all', ' %d', 'ive', 'str', 'le ', 'rea']
original utf-8: 10515 bytes
naive 1gram: 6877 bytes (65.4%)
1gram+freq: 6279 bytes (59.7%)
(reduced): 598 bytes
freq words: [' must be ', ' argument', ' specifi', 'attribut', 'support', ' requir', 'keyword', 'object', 'nvalid', "can't ", ' value', 'expect', 'conver', 'assign', 'ircuit', 'equenc', 'ength', 'must ', 'rator', 'ython', ' has ', ' and ', 'class', ' the ', 'not ', 'tion', ' for', "'%q'", ' to ', ' is ', 'type', 'able', ' of ', ' mod', 'func', ' or ', ' out', ' pin', 'code', ' in', 'ed ', 'ing', 'er ', 'es ', 'mat', 'ent', 'all', 'ive', 'str', ' %d', 'ile', 'ple', 'rea', 'res']
original utf-8: 9771 bytes
naive 1gram: 6214 bytes (63.6%)
1gram+freq: 5370 bytes (55.0%)
(reduced): 844 bytes
freq words: [' musi być', ' specyfik', ' safe mod', 'argument', 'całkowit', ' format', 'object ', 'a liczb', ' zakres', 'support', 'łańcuch', 'można ', 'wymaga', 'funkcj', 'obiekt', 'obsług', 'ircuit', 'artoś', ' not ', ' jest', 'ługoś', 'rator', ' lub ', ' być ', ' wiel', 'oczek', ' dla ', 'ython', 'nie ', "'%q'", ' nie', ' prz', 'rak ', ' mus', 'ego ', 'tryb', 'ięci', 'ment', ' ma ', ' po', 'wan', ' do', ' na', 'ie ', ' in', 'acj', 'sta', ' %d', ' w ', 'for', 'nie']
original utf-8: 10542 bytes
naive 1gram: 6844 bytes (64.9%)
1gram+freq: 6369 bytes (60.4%)
(reduced): 475 bytes
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