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Save cisolarix/d4fd797a05921be4426c04f4d338679b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Little tool to fix overlapping subtitles (especially the ones extracted from english auto-subtitles of youtube, vtt files that you would convert to srt with ffmpeg)
package main
import (
type Subtitle struct {
idx int
fromTime time.Duration
toTime time.Duration
text string
var timeFramePattern, _ = regexp.Compile(`(\d+):(\d+):(\d+),(\d+) --> (\d+):(\d+):(\d+),(\d+)`)
func getDuration(parts []string) time.Duration {
hour, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[0])
minute, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
second, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[2])
millisecond, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[3])
return time.Millisecond * time.Duration(millisecond) +
time.Second * time.Duration(second) +
time.Minute * time.Duration(minute) +
time.Hour * time.Duration(hour)
func printDuration(duration time.Duration) string {
hour := duration / time.Hour
duration -= hour * time.Hour
minute := duration / time.Minute
duration -= minute * time.Minute
second := duration / time.Second
duration -= second * time.Second
millisecond := duration / time.Millisecond
return fmt.Sprintf(`%02d:%02d:%02d,%03d`, hour, minute, second, millisecond)
func readOneSubtitle(scanner *bufio.Scanner) (*Subtitle, error) {
// read idx
if !scanner.Scan() {
return nil, nil
idxRaw := scanner.Text()
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(idxRaw)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("invalid subtitle index")
// read timing
if !scanner.Scan() {
return nil, errors.New("could not find subtitle timing")
timing := timeFramePattern.FindStringSubmatch(scanner.Text())
if timing == nil {
return nil, errors.New("invalid subtitle timing")
fromTime := getDuration(timing[1:5])
toTime := getDuration(timing[5:9])
// read content
if !scanner.Scan() {
return nil, errors.New("could not find subtitle text")
content := scanner.Text()
for scanner.Scan() && scanner.Text() != "" {
content += "\n"
content += scanner.Text()
subtitle := &Subtitle{idx, fromTime, toTime, content}
return subtitle, nil
func writeOneSubtitle(file io.Writer, subtitle *Subtitle, idx *int) error {
_, err := fmt.Fprint(file,
*idx, "\n",
printDuration(subtitle.fromTime), " --> ", printDuration(subtitle.toTime), "\n",
subtitle.text, "\n\n")
return err
func main() {
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
println("Provide a subtitle file to fix.\ne.g. subtitle-fixer")
filePath := os.Args[1]
newFilePath := filePath + ".fixed"
file, _ := os.Open(filePath)
newFile, _ := os.Create(newFilePath)
defer file.Close()
defer newFile.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
var newIdx = 1
var lastSubtitle *Subtitle = nil
for {
subtitle, err := readOneSubtitle(scanner)
if lastSubtitle != nil {
if subtitle != nil {
subtitle.text = strings.Trim(subtitle.text, "\n ")
if len(subtitle.text) == 0 { // skip over empty subtitles
// skip over super-short subtitles that basically contain what their previous subtitle contains, and just prolong previous subtitle
if subtitle.toTime - subtitle.fromTime < time.Millisecond * 150 &&
strings.Contains(lastSubtitle.text, subtitle.text) {
lastSubtitle.toTime = subtitle.toTime
// if first-line of current subtitle is repeating last-line of previous-subtitle remove it
currentLines := strings.Split(subtitle.text, "\n")
lastLines := strings.Split(lastSubtitle.text, "\n")
if currentLines[0] == lastLines[len(lastLines)-1] {
subtitle.text = strings.Join(currentLines[1:], "\n")
// if first-line of current subtitle is repeating last-line of previous-subtitle remove it
if subtitle.fromTime < lastSubtitle.toTime {
lastSubtitle.toTime = subtitle.fromTime - time.Millisecond
writeOneSubtitle(newFile, lastSubtitle, &newIdx)
if subtitle == nil {
if err != nil {
lastSubtitle = subtitle
os.Rename(filePath, filePath + ".bak")
os.Rename(newFilePath, filePath)
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