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Last active November 7, 2020 23:50
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Name Patterns for JS & React

I'm able to visually identify and understand React components. However, I do not know the names used to identify them.

Class Component:

class MyList extends React.Component {...}

Function component:

function App() {return (


Component definition: function MyList() { return (

) } Component instance: Element: An HTML Element

Function delcaration function () {...}

Arrow function delcaration const () => {...} const item => {...} const (item) => {...} const (item, index) => {...}

// Synthetic event's wrap around the browser's native event to prevent native browser behavior. const handleChange = event => {...} // Function signature: the method name and the number of arguments the function required.

// searchTerm represents the current state. setSearchTerm is the state updater function. const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = React.useState('')

var people = [ { age: 20, name: 'Scott' }, { age: 24, name: 'Peter' }, { age: 56, name: 'Roger' }, { age: 35, name: 'Sarah' } ];

MyArray.filter(callbackFunction) =>


people.reduce((accumulator, person) => {...})

people.some( person => { person.age > 50 })

returns true

React Controlled Components: An HTML component controlled by parent React components.

React Lifecycle has three phases: Mounting, Updating, and Unmounting.


built-in methods:

  • constructor()
  • getDerivedStateFromProps(): called right before rendering the element
  • render()
  • componentDidMount(): called after the component is rendered.


A component is updated whenever there is a change to components the state or props.

  • getDerivedStateFromProps()
  • shouldComponentUpdate()
  • render()
  • getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(): allows you to check the props and state from before the update..
  • componentDidUpdate()


  • componentWillUnmount(): Called when the component is about to be removed from the DOM.

ES6 Modules

Module export

Labeling declarations:

  • export default function foo() {}
  • export default class Bar {}

Default exporting export default foo()

Module import

import localName from 'lib' import * as myLib from 'lib' import { localName, name2 } from 'lib' import { default as foo} from 'lib'

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