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Last active August 29, 2022 09:02
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FairyGUI Puerts component tool
import { FairyGUI } from "csharp";
import View, { Bind, Component } from "../common/fairygui";
// ${pakageName/componentName}
export class LandPage extends View {
public nameTxt:FairyGUI.GLabel
//@Trans 绑定特效
static get inst() {
if (LandPage._inst == null) LandPage._inst = new LandPage();
return LandPage._inst as LandPage;
console.log("landing page attach")
this.nameTxt.text = "Good"
console.log("open landing page")
//you can call
// or new LandingPage() , component will add to Groot when class instantiation
import { FairyGUI, UnityEngine } from 'csharp'
const { Vector2 } = UnityEngine
export const createObject = FairyGUI.UIPackage.CreateObject
interface BindArgs {
view: string,
route?: string
const PageMap: Map<string, any> = new Map();
export const loadPackage = (packageName, callBack) => {
export const Component = (args: string | BindArgs) => {
let path, route;
if (typeof args == "string") {
path = args;
} else {
({ view: path, route } = args);
return function (target) {
let { packageName, page } = View.resolve(path);
let parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
let proto = target.prototype;
route && PageMap.set(route, target);
// 界面和弹窗处理
let load
if (parent == View) {
load = function () { = page;
this.packageName = packageName;
loadPackage(packageName, this.onUILoaded);
} else {
load = function () { = page;
this.packageName = packageName;
let loadOpts = { fileName: `${path}`, loaded: false, Load: loadFunc };
let ctx: Dialog = this
function loadFunc(callBack) {
loadPackage(packageName, () => {
loadOpts.loaded = true;;
proto.load = load
// 获取组件
export const Bind = (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor?: PropertyDescriptor) => {
let privateKey = '_' + propertyKey;
if (!descriptor) {
Object.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, {
configurable: true,
set: function (value: any) {
this[privateKey] = value;
get: function () {
if (!this[privateKey]) {
let c = this.getChild(propertyKey)
this[privateKey] = c
return this[privateKey];
// 获取特效
export const Trans = (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor?: PropertyDescriptor) => {
let privateKey = '_' + propertyKey;
if (!descriptor) {
Object.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, {
configurable: true,
set: function (value: any) {
this[privateKey] = value;
get: function () {
if (!this[privateKey]) {
let c = this.view.getTransition(propertyKey)
if (!c) return null
this[privateKey] = c
return this[privateKey];
// 页面基类
export default class View {
static _inst: View;
// 页面
private _view: FairyGUI.GComponent;
// 控制器
_ctrl: FairyGUI.Controller;
loadCall: Function;
private packageName: string;
private page: string;
private ctrlName: string;
// 装饰器覆写
// private readonly load
static resolve(path: string) {
if (path.indexOf('/') < 0) throw Error('invalided path:' + path);
let [packageName, page] = path.split('/');
return {
constructor() {
get asCom() {
return this._view
get view() {
return this._view
set view(v) {
this._view = v
get ctrl() {
return this._ctrl
set ctrl(v) {
this._ctrl = v
attach() { }
onUILoaded = () => {
this.view = createObject(this.packageName,;
this.loadCall && this.loadCall()
setupController() {
this.ctrl = this.view.GetController(this.ctrlName || 'ctrl');
getChild(name: string) {
if (!this.view) return null
return this.view.GetChild(name);
blur() {
clearBlur() {
dispose() {
// 带有动画弹窗
export class Dialog extends FairyGUI.Window {
// 页面
_view: FairyGUI.GComponent;
// 控制器
_ctrl: FairyGUI.Controller;
loadCall: Function;
private packageName: string;
private page: string;
private ctrlName: string;
// 装饰器覆写
private readonly load: Function
constructor() {
get view() {
return this._view
set view(v) {
this._view = v
get ctrl() {
return this._ctrl
set ctrl(v) {
this._ctrl = v
attach() { }
onInit() {
const { packageName, page } = this;
this.view = createObject(packageName, page).asCom;
this.contentPane = this._view;
this.SetPivot(0.5, 0.5);
protected doShowAnimation(): void {
this.SetScale(0.9, 0.9);
FairyGUI.GTween.To(new Vector2(0.9, 0.9),, 0.2)
.SetTarget(this, FairyGUI.TweenPropType.Scale)
onShown = () => {
onHide() {
setupController() {
this.ctrl = this.view.GetController(this.ctrlName || 'ctrl');
getChild(name: string) {
return this.view.GetChild(name);
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