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Last active September 10, 2018 23:59
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Arduboy2's Sprite and ArdBitmap primary drawBitmap methods combined into one
#include "drawBitmap.h"
#include <Arduboy2.h>
* draw a bitmap with an optional mask, optional mirroring and optional inverting
* This code is a combination of Arduboy2's Sprite::drawExternalMask() and Ardbitmap's drawBitmap()
* This method can accomplish the same effect as most of Sprite's methods:
* drawOverwrite: pass in a mask of NULL
* drawExternalMask: pass in a separate mask
* drawPlusMask: pass in data that is <an entire sprite frame>, <that frames entire mask>, ...
* --- NOTE: this is different from Sprite::drawPlusMask(), which expects the bytes to be <frame byte>, <mask byte>, ...
* drawSelfMasked: pass in the same pointer for bitmap and mask
* To mirror the sprite, pass in MIRROR_HORIZONTAL or MIRROR_VERTICAL as the mirror parameter.
* To mirrow both ways at once, pass in MIRROR_HORIZONTAL | MIRROR_VERTICAL as the parameter
* setting invert to true causes pixels that would have been black to be white, and white pixels to be black
void drawBitmap(int16_t x, int16_t y, const uint8_t* bitmap, const uint8_t* mask, bool plusMask, uint8_t frame, uint8_t maskFrame, uint8_t mirror, bool invert) {
if (bitmap == NULL)
uint8_t w = pgm_read_byte(bitmap++);
uint8_t h = pgm_read_byte(bitmap++);
// no need to draw at all if we're offscreen
if (x + w <= 0 || x > WIDTH - 1 || y + h <= 0 || y > HEIGHT - 1)
if (plusMask) {
mask = bitmap;
const boolean hasMask = mask != NULL;
uint16_t frame_offset = (w * ( h / 8 + ( h % 8 == 0 ? 0 : 1)));
if (frame > 0) {
mask += maskFrame * frame_offset;
bitmap += frame * frame_offset;
// plusMask means the sprite is frame,mask,frame,mask
// jump ahead one more time to get to the correct frame
if (plusMask) {
mask += maskFrame * frame_offset;
bitmap += frame * frame_offset;
if (plusMask) {
mask += frame_offset;
// xOffset technically doesn't need to be 16 bit but the math operations
// are measurably faster if it is
uint16_t xOffset, ofs;
int8_t yOffset = abs(y) % 8;
int8_t sRow = y / 8;
uint8_t loop_h, start_h, rendered_width;
if (y < 0 && yOffset > 0) {
yOffset = 8 - yOffset;
// if the left side of the render is offscreen skip those loops
if (x < 0) {
xOffset = abs(x);
} else {
xOffset = 0;
// if the right side of the render is offscreen skip those loops
if (x + w > WIDTH - 1) {
rendered_width = ((WIDTH - x) - xOffset);
} else {
rendered_width = (w - xOffset);
// if the top side of the render is offscreen skip those loops
if (sRow < -1) {
start_h = abs(sRow) - 1;
} else {
start_h = 0;
loop_h = h / 8 + (h % 8 > 0 ? 1 : 0); // divide, then round up
// if (sRow + loop_h - 1 > (HEIGHT/8)-1)
if (sRow + loop_h > (HEIGHT / 8)) {
loop_h = (HEIGHT / 8) - sRow;
// prepare variables for loops later so we can compare with 0
// instead of comparing two variables
loop_h -= start_h;
sRow += start_h;
ofs = (sRow * WIDTH) + x + xOffset;
const uint8_t *bofs = bitmap + (start_h * w) + xOffset;
const uint8_t *mask_ofs = mask + (start_h * w) + xOffset;
if (mirror & MIRROR_HORIZONTAL) {
bofs += rendered_width - 1;
mask_ofs += rendered_width - 1;
if (x < 0){
bofs -= w - rendered_width;
mask_ofs -= w - rendered_width;
} else{
bofs += w - rendered_width;
mask_ofs += w - rendered_width;
if (mirror & MIRROR_VERTICAL) {
bofs += (loop_h - 1) * w;
mask_ofs += (loop_h - 1) * w;
if (y < 0) {
bofs -= (start_h * w);
mask_ofs -= (start_h * w);
uint8_t data;
uint8_t mul_amt = 1 << yOffset;
uint16_t bitmap_data;
uint16_t mask_data;
// really if yOffset = 0 you have a faster case here that could be
// optimized
for (uint8_t a = 0; a < loop_h; a++) {
for (uint8_t iCol = 0; iCol < rendered_width; iCol++) {
data = pgm_read_byte(bofs);
mask_data = hasMask ? pgm_read_byte(mask_ofs) : 0xFF;
if (invert) {
data = ~data & mask_data;
if (mirror & MIRROR_VERTICAL) {
//reverse bits
data = (data & 0xF0) >> 4 | (data & 0x0F) << 4;
data = (data & 0xCC) >> 2 | (data & 0x33) << 2;
data = (data & 0xAA) >> 1 | (data & 0x55) << 1;
mask_data = (mask_data & 0xF0) >> 4 | (mask_data & 0x0F) << 4;
mask_data = (mask_data & 0xCC) >> 2 | (mask_data & 0x33) << 2;
mask_data = (mask_data & 0xAA) >> 1 | (mask_data & 0x55) << 1;
bitmap_data = data * mul_amt;
mask_data = ~(mask_data * mul_amt);
if (sRow >= 0) {
data = Arduboy2Base::sBuffer[ofs];
data &= (uint8_t)(mask_data);
data |= (uint8_t)(bitmap_data);
Arduboy2Base::sBuffer[ofs] = data;
if (yOffset != 0 && sRow < 7) {
data = Arduboy2Base::sBuffer[ofs + WIDTH];
data &= (*((unsigned char *) (&mask_data) + 1));
data |= (*((unsigned char *) (&bitmap_data) + 1));
Arduboy2Base::sBuffer[ofs + WIDTH] = data;
if (mirror & MIRROR_HORIZONTAL) {
} else{
if (mirror & MIRROR_HORIZONTAL) {
bofs += w + rendered_width;
mask_ofs += w + rendered_width;
} else{
bofs += w - rendered_width;
mask_ofs += w - rendered_width;
if (mirror & MIRROR_VERTICAL) {
bofs -= 2 * w;
mask_ofs -= 2 * w;
ofs += WIDTH - rendered_width;
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