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Last active February 9, 2017 14:42
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optimist is a simple option parser for golang which is inspired by minimist, Getopt::Casual.


The below code returns optimist.Args that is the result of parsing arguments and structuring them.

import (

o := optimist.ParseArgv(os.Args[1:])
./optimist_sample test --op abc --op dfg -ab -c 4 -d3 -efge hoge fuga --no-test -hihi -- hogo --go
    "__RAW__": []string{
    "_":  []string{
    "--": []string{
    "^":  []map[string][]interface{
    "--op": []string{
    "-a": []bool{true},
    "-b": []bool{true},
    "-c": []string{
    "-e": []bool{true},
    "-f": []bool{true},
    "-g": []bool{true},
    "-e": []string{
    "--test": []bool{false},
    "-h": []bool{true, true},
    "-i": []bool{true, true},



In __RAW__, all arguments before being parsed are stored.

-o --option

Words starting with one or two dashes (with exception of -, -- by themselves) are interpreted as short (one-letter) or long options, respectively. optimist.Args has keys which is the same as the option, and the values are the options' arguments.

  • Options which have no argument are interpreted as boolean value.
    • Long options which have negative form of prefix like --no- are interpreted as false.
  • Short options can be stacked meaning that -abc is equivalent to -a -b -c.
  • Long options can have arguments specified after space or equal = sign: --input=ARG is equivalent to --input ARG.
  • Short options can have arguments specified after optional space like -f FILE.
    • The case of having arguments without space like -fFILE is explained below.
Note: About Ambiguity

writing --input ARG (as opposed to --input=ARG) is ambiguous, meaning it is not possible to tell whether ARG is option's argument or a non-option argument. Basically, this will be interpreted as an option with argument. Otherwise it will be interpreted as an option and separate non-option argument only if there is a definition for that option is provided or the option has negative form of prefix.

There is the same ambiguity with the -f FILE and -fFILE notation. In the latter case it is not possible to tell whether it is a number of stacked short options, or an option with an argument. So, these notations will be interpreted as an option without an argument anytime.


A double dash --, when not part of an option, is often used as a convention to separate options and non-option arguments, in order to handle cases when, e.g., file names could be mistaken for options. In order to support this convention, unparsed arguments after -- are stored in the -- key of optimist.Args.


In _, all non-option arguments are stored.


optimist.Args has a function to remove arguments. In ^, all removed arguments are stored.


To install optimist according to your $GOPATH:

go get


To build, use go get and make

go get -d
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ make


  1. Fork (
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Rebase your local changes against the master branch
  5. Run test suite with the go test ./... command and confirm that it passes
  6. Run gofmt -s
  7. Create new Pull Request



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