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Created December 17, 2011 21:10
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"postrestoredb.rb" updates schema of MSSQL databases from data bag settings after they have been refreshed
# Cookbook Name:: smashrun
# Recipe:: postrestoredb.rb
# Copyright 2010, Smashrun, Inc.
# Author:: Steven Craig <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# WITHOUT WARRdeployIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
log("begin postrestoredb.rb") { level :debug }
log("running postrestoredb.rb") { level :info }
unless File.exists?("#{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}\\deploysql-#{node[:deploy][:tag]}.log")
# ensure necessary dirs are setup and available
["#{node[:restoredb][:tempdir]}", "#{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}", "#{node[:restoredb][:restoredir]}"].each do |dir|
# log("create #{dir} directory if necessary") { level :debug }
directory "#{dir}" do
action :create
not_if { File.exists?("#{dir}") }
recursive true
database = "smashrun"
projectname = "Web"
# svn export sql script depending on tag
# individual files should be force-exported in case they already exist (force will overwrite)
log("export deploy.sql to #{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}") { level :debug }
subversion "export-deploy.sql_#{database}" do
action :force_export
svn_username "#{node[:deploy][:svnuser]}"
svn_password "#{node[:deploy][:svnpasswd]}"
destination "#{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}\\deploy.sql"
repository "#{node[:deploy][:svnbase]}/tags/#{node[:deploy][:tag]}/#{projectname}/sql/deploy.sql"
revision "HEAD"
# always ensure templated batch file to execute transact-sql statements is up-to-date
log("create #{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}\\#{node[:createdb][:executesql_bat]} if necessary") { level :debug }
template "#{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}\\#{node[:createdb][:executesql_bat]}" do
source "#{node[:createdb][:executesql_template]}"
:author_name => "#{node[:restoredb][:author_name]}",
:author_email => "#{node[:restoredb][:author_email]}",
:working_dir => "#{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}",
:sqlcmd_path => "#{node[:createdb][:sqlcmd_path]}",
:sqlsausername => "#{node[:createdb][:sqlsausername]}",
:executesql_bat => "#{node[:createdb][:executesql_bat]}",
:executesql_template => "#{node[:createdb][:executesql_template]}"
# tweet
log("tweet begin refresh #{node[:hostname]}-#{database} with #{node[:deploy][:tag]}") { level :debug }
ruby_block "begin refresh #{node[:hostname]}-#{database} with #{node[:deploy][:tag]}" do
block {
node[:tweeter][:admin].each { |a|
Tweeter.tweet(a, "begin refresh #{node[:hostname]}-#{database} with #{node[:deploy][:tag]}") }
ignore_failure true
# deploy changes to current database
execute "deploy_sql-#{node[:deploy][:tag]}" do
cwd "#{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}"
command "#{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}\\#{node[:createdb][:executesql_bat]} SQL-SAPASSWD deploy.sql deploysql-#{node[:deploy][:tag]}"
timeout 3600
# email postrestore report
# log("email postrestore report") { level :debug }
ruby_block "email #{database} tag #{node[:deploy][:tag]} postrestore report" do
only_if "#{node[:restoredb][:emailreport]}"
block {
unless File.exists?("#{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}\\email-#{node[:deploy][:tag]}.log")
node[:emailer][:to].each { |to|
Emailer.send("#{node[:emailer][:from]}", to, "#{node[:hostname]} deploysql report: #{database} tag #{node[:deploy][:tag]}", "attachment only - no inline text", "#{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}\\deploysql-#{node[:deploy][:tag]}.log") }
ignore_failure true
# ticket attach deploysql report
log("update ticket with deploysql report") { level :debug }
ruby_block "update ticket with tag #{node[:deploy][:tag]} deploysql report" do
block {
unless File.exists?("#{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}\\email-#{node[:deploy][:tag]}.log")
fn = "#{node[:restoredb][:sqlscripts]}\\deploysql-#{node[:deploy][:tag]}.log"
fh =, "rb")
sdata =
data =
Tracker.ticketattach("#{node[:build][:ticket]}", "deploysql-#{node[:deploy][:tag]}.log", "#{node[:hostname]} #{database} deploysql report #{node[:deploy][:tag]}", data)
ignore_failure true
log("end postrestoredb.rb") { level :info }
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