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Created August 10, 2011 13:11
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hifi ajax-form snippet


Basic example, replace .ajax-form with whatever form you want to select:


Example using options:

$.fn.snippet_ajax_form.defaults= { hide_on_success: true };


$('.ajax-form').snippet_ajax_form({ hide_on_success: true });
do ($ = jQuery) ->
$.fn.snippet_ajax_form = (options) ->
hide_on_success: false
options = $.extend defaults, $.fn.snippet_ajax_form.defaults, options
@each ->
$(@).bind 'submit', ->
# Make a refence to the current form
$self = $ @
# Set the url
url = $self.prop 'action'
# Set the method/type
type = $self.prop 'method'
# Set all the data from the form
data = $self.serialize()
# Set the redirect url
redirect_url = $self.find('[name="redirect-page-id"]').val()
# Se the confirm message
confirm_message = $self.find('[name="message"]').val()
# Submit the form via ajax
url : url
type : type
dataType: 'html'
data : data
# This will be triggered on success and return an html response
success : (html) ->
# Clean the form and remove any previous errors/messages
$('.ajax-form-field-error, .ajax-form-message').remove()
# Search the html for the errors and extract them
matches= html.match /<strong>[^<]*<\/strong>[^\.]*/g
# If there are matches there must be errors
if matches
# Create the error message for the top of the form
$error_message= $ '<div>',
'class': 'ajax-form-message ajax-form-error hidden'
'text' : 'There were errors in your form, please check below.'
# Add it to the top of the form
# Fade it in
# Display each error next to the correct field label
for match in matches
# Split the match up so one contains the field and the other the
# error message
match = match.split("</strong> ")
# Set the field
field = match[0].replace('<strong>', '')
# Set the error message
error_message = "<span class='ajax-form-field-error'> - #{match[1]}</span>"
# Append the error to the correct field label
# If there were no errors the form was submitted successfully
# If they have a redirect set then redirect them
if redirect_url isnt "0" then window.location.href= redirect_url
# else display a nice success message at the top with their confirmation message
# Create the success message
$success_message= $ '<div>',
'class': 'ajax-form-message ajax-form-success hidden'
'text' : confirm_message
# Add it to the top of the form
# Fade in the success message
# Do we want to hide the form on success?
if options.hide_on_success then $self.slideUp()
# if we don't just clear the form and fade out the success message
# Fade out
return false
.ajax-form-field-error { font-weight:bold; color:#C00; margin-left:2px; }
.ajax-form-message {
border: 1px solid;
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 10px;
padding: 3px;
text-align: center;
.ajax-form-error {
background-color: #FFBABA;
border-color: #D8000C;
color: #D8000C;
.ajax-form-success {
background-color: #DFF2BF;
background-position: 0 1px;
border-color: #4F8A10;
color: #4F8A10;
.hidden { display:none; }
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