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Created February 10, 2019 22:17
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Files to open: []
/Applications/ Folders to open: ["/Users/cj/apps/yah/client"]
/Applications/ $env:ONI_CONFIG_FILE: undefined
/Applications/ [Configuration] Adding file: /Users/cj/.config/oni/config.js
/Applications/ Configuration setting 'editor.completions.enabled' is deprecated and will be replaced with 'editor.completions.mode'. See more info at:
t.warn @ /Applications/
2/index.js:21 config deactivated
/Applications/ Oni.Start.Config: 109.35791015625ms
/Applications/ $env:ONI_CONFIG_FILE: undefined
/Applications/ Oni.Start.Plugins.Discover: 14.81689453125ms
/Applications/ [Configuration] Got update.
/Applications/ Configuration setting 'editor.completions.enabled' is deprecated and will be replaced with 'editor.completions.mode'. See more info at:
t.warn @ /Applications/
2/index.js:21 config deactivated
/Applications/ Oni.Start.Themes: 16.552001953125ms
/Applications/ [Notifications] Setting enabled: true
/Applications/ [OniEditor::enter]
/Applications/ [NeovimEditor::enter]
/Applications/ [OniEditor::init] Called with filesToOpen:
/Applications/ [NeovimEditor::init] Called with filesToOpen:
/Applications/ [NeovimProcessSpawner::startNeovim] Neovim process path: /Applications/
/Applications/ [NeovimProcessSpawner::startNeovim] Starting Neovim - process: 71802
/Applications/ Initializing neovim process using transport: stdio
/Applications/ NeovimInstance: Neovim started
/Applications/ [NeovimInstance::_checkAndFixIfBlocked] checking mode...
/Applications/ [NeovimInstance::_checkAndFixIfBlocked] Not blocking mode.
/Applications/ [NeovimInstance::_attachUI] Neovim version reported as 0.3.1
/Applications/ [NeovimInstance::_attachUI] Using startup options: {"rgb":true,"popupmenu_external":true,"ext_tabline":true,"ext_cmdline":false,"ext_wildmenu":false} and size: 268, 57
/Applications/ Unhandled command: option_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ Unhandled command: default_colors_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ Attach success
/Applications/ NeovimInstance.Start.Attach: 68.56396484375ms
/Applications/ Unhandled command: option_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ NeovimInstance.Start: 2093.463134765625ms
/Applications/ Unhandled command: default_colors_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ Unhandled command: option_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ Unhandled command: default_colors_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ Unhandled command: option_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ [SharedNeovimInstance::start] Starting...
/Applications/ [NeovimProcessSpawner::startNeovim] Neovim process path: /Applications/
/Applications/ [NeovimProcessSpawner::startNeovim] Starting Neovim - process: 71823
/Applications/ Initializing neovim process using transport: stdio
/Applications/ NeovimInstance: Neovim started
/Applications/ [NeovimInstance::_checkAndFixIfBlocked] checking mode...
/Applications/ [NeovimEditor] Colors changed: onedark - background: #282c34 foreground: #abb2bf
/Applications/ [NeovimInstance::_checkAndFixIfBlocked] Not blocking mode.
/Applications/ Unhandled command: default_colors_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ [NeovimInstance::_attachUI] Neovim version reported as 0.3.1
/Applications/ [NeovimInstance::_attachUI] Using startup options: {"rgb":true,"popupmenu_external":true,"ext_tabline":true,"ext_cmdline":false,"ext_wildmenu":false} and size: NaN, NaN
/Applications/ Attach success
/Applications/ NeovimInstance.Start.Attach: 109.7978515625ms
/Applications/ NeovimInstance.Start: 237.52001953125ms
/Applications/ [SharedNeovimInstance::start] Started successfully!
/Applications/ Oni.Start.Editors: 3249.07177734375ms
/Applications/ Unhandled command: option_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ Unhandled command: default_colors_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ Unhandled command: option_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ Unhandled command: default_colors_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ Unhandled command: option_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ Unhandled command: default_colors_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ Unhandled command: option_set
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ Error deserializing from store: SyntaxError: Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0
t.warn @ /Applications/
/Applications/ $env:ONI_CONFIG_FILE: undefined
/Applications/ Oni.Start.Sidebar: 238.9951171875ms
/Applications/ [NeovimEditor] Colors changed: onedark - background: #282c34 foreground: #abb2bf
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activating: oni-plugin-statusbar
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activation successful.
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activating: oni-plugin-buffers
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activation successful.
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activating: oni-plugin-git
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activation successful.
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activating: oni-plugin-typescript
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activation successful.
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activating: oni-plugin-markdown-preview
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activation successful.
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activating: oni-plugin-prettier
preload.js:2 eval is not available @ preload.js:2
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activation successful.
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activating: oni-plugin-quickopen
/Applications/ [PLUGIN] Activation successful.
/index.js:4 config activated
/Applications/ $env:ONI_CONFIG_FILE: undefined
/Applications/ [Language Manager - Config] Registering info for language: html - command: /Applications/
/Applications/ [Language Manager - Config] Registering info for language: go - command: go-langserver
/Applications/ [Language Manager - Config] Registering info for language: python - command: pyls
/Applications/ [Language Manager - Config] Registering info for language: cpp - command: clangd
/Applications/ [Language Manager - Config] Registering info for language: c - command: clangd
/Applications/ [Language Manager - Config] Registering info for language: css - command: /Applications/
/Applications/ [Language Manager - Config] Registering info for language: less - command: /Applications/
/Applications/ [Language Manager - Config] Registering info for language: scss - command: /Applications/
/Applications/ [Language Manager - Config] Registering info for language: reason - command: /Applications/
/Applications/ [Language Manager - Config] Registering info for language: ocaml - command: /Applications/
/Applications/ [Language Manager - Config] Registering info for language: haskell - command: stack
/Applications/ Oni.Start.Activate: 545.670166015625ms
/Applications/ Oni.Start: 4540.13623046875ms
bundle.js:1 Unhandled command: default_colors_set
t.warn @ bundle.js:1
_isDisposed.t.forEach.e @ vendor.bundle.js:824
_handleNotification @ vendor.bundle.js:824
_onNotification @ vendor.bundle.js:824
_neovim.on @ vendor.bundle.js:824
emitTwo @ events.js:126
emit @ events.js:214
_decoder.on.e @ vendor.bundle.js:874
emitOne @ events.js:116
emit @ events.js:211
addChunk @ _stream_readable.js:263
readableAddChunk @ _stream_readable.js:250
Readable.push @ _stream_readable.js:208
Transform.push @ _stream_transform.js:147
DecodeStream.decoder.push @ /Applications/
flush @ /Applications/
DecodeStream._transform @ /Applications/
Transform._read @ _stream_transform.js:186
Transform._write @ _stream_transform.js:174
doWrite @ _stream_writable.js:387
writeOrBuffer @ _stream_writable.js:373
Writable.write @ _stream_writable.js:290
ondata @ _stream_readable.js:639
emitOne @ events.js:116
emit @ events.js:211
addChunk @ _stream_readable.js:263
readableAddChunk @ _stream_readable.js:250
Readable.push @ _stream_readable.js:208
onread @ net.js:594
bundle.js:1 Unhandled command: option_set
t.warn @ bundle.js:1
_isDisposed.t.forEach.e @ vendor.bundle.js:824
_handleNotification @ vendor.bundle.js:824
_onNotification @ vendor.bundle.js:824
_neovim.on @ vendor.bundle.js:824
emitTwo @ events.js:126
emit @ events.js:214
_decoder.on.e @ vendor.bundle.js:874
emitOne @ events.js:116
emit @ events.js:211
addChunk @ _stream_readable.js:263
readableAddChunk @ _stream_readable.js:250
Readable.push @ _stream_readable.js:208
Transform.push @ _stream_transform.js:147
DecodeStream.decoder.push @ /Applications/
flush @ /Applications/
DecodeStream._transform @ /Applications/
Transform._read @ _stream_transform.js:186
Transform._write @ _stream_transform.js:174
doWrite @ _stream_writable.js:387
writeOrBuffer @ _stream_writable.js:373
Writable.write @ _stream_writable.js:290
ondata @ _stream_readable.js:639
emitOne @ events.js:116
emit @ events.js:211
addChunk @ _stream_readable.js:263
readableAddChunk @ _stream_readable.js:250
Readable.push @ _stream_readable.js:208
onread @ net.js:594
TypeScriptServerHost.ts:58 Process ID: 71858
bundle.js:1 Error: No content available.
at TypeScriptServerHost._parseResponse (TypeScriptServerHost.ts:339)
at Interface.<anonymous> (TypeScriptServerHost.ts:84)
at emitOne (events.js:116)
at Interface.emit (events.js:211)
at Interface._onLine (readline.js:282)
at Interface._normalWrite (readline.js:424)
at Socket.ondata (readline.js:141)
at emitOne (events.js:116)
at Socket.emit (events.js:211)
at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263)
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