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Created February 9, 2021 23:51
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Add arXiv paper nodes and all edges
def add_papers(rows, batch_size=5000):
# Adds paper nodes and (:Author)--(:Paper) and
# (:Paper)--(:Category) relationships to the Neo4j graph as a
# batch job.
query = '''
UNWIND $rows as row
MERGE (p:Paper {}) ON CREATE SET p.title = row.title
// connect categories
WITH row, p
UNWIND row.category_list AS category_name
MATCH (c:Category {category: category_name})
// connect authors
WITH distinct row, p // reduce cardinality
UNWIND row.cleaned_authors_list AS author
MATCH (a:Author {name: author})
MERGE (a)-[:AUTHORED]->(p)
RETURN count(distinct p) as total
return insert_data(query, rows, batch_size)
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