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Last active February 16, 2017 22:22
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Matlab Script to decompose a moment tensor
function mtensor_decomp
% function to decompose a moment-tensor
% Moment tensor, M, in Aki & Richards format
% Mnn Mne Mnz
% Men Mee Mez
% Mzn Mze Mzz
% M = [ Mnn Mne Mzn; Mne, Mee, Mze; Mzn, Mze, Mzz]
% replace the next line with your moment tensor (or make it an argument to the ftn)
M = [-0.1348, 0.5585,1.339;0.5585,-1.686,-3.165;1.339,-3.165,1.821]
% Test cases:
% M = [0,0,0;0,-1,0;0,0,1]; % North-striking 45 degree DS
% M = [0,1,0;1,0,0;0,0,0]; % North-Striking VSS
% M = [0,0,0;0,0,-1;0,-1,0]; % North-striking VDS
% M = [1,6,0;6,-2,-1;0,-1,4]; % Jost and Herrman, SRL Example
disp( '=======================================================' )
disp( '=======================================================' )
disp( '=======================================================' )
disp(sprintf('\nMOMENT-TENSOR Decomposition'));
disp(sprintf('\nThe moment tensor:\n'));
% compute the eigenvalues
[EF,DF] = eig(M);
disp(sprintf('\nEigenvalue Matrix:\n'));
disp(sprintf('\nEigenvector Matrix:\n'));
disp( '=======================================================' )
l1 = DF(1:1,1:1);
l2 = DF(2:2,2:2);
l3 = DF(3:3,3:3);
a1 = EF(:,1);
a2 = EF(:,2);
a3 = EF(:,3);
moment = sqrt((l1*l1+l2*l2+l3*l3)/2.0);
disp( '=======================================================' )
disp(sprintf('Seismic Moment: %6.3f',moment));
disp( '=======================================================' )
% remove the isotropic component
iso = ( M(1:1,1:1) + M(2:2,2:2) + M(3:3,3:3)) / 3;
disp(sprintf('The Isotropic Component: %6.2f', iso));
disp( '=======================================================' )
l1 = l1 - iso;
l2 = l2 - iso;
l3 = l3 - iso;
% sort the eigenvalues
if(abs(l2) < abs(l1)) ,
ltmp = l1;
atmp = a1;
l1 = l2;
a1 = a2;
l2 = ltmp;
a2 = atmp;
% check to see if #2 is less than #3
if(abs(l3) < abs(l2)) ,
ltmp = l2;
atmp = a2;
l2 = l3;
a2 = a3;
l3 = ltmp;
a3 = atmp;
% check to see if the new # 2 is less than the new #1
if(abs(l2) < abs(l1)) ,
ltmp = l1;
atmp = a1;
l1 = l2;
a1 = a2;
l2 = ltmp;
a2 = atmp;
disp(sprintf('The eigenvalues: %.3f %.3f %.3f',l1,l2,l3));
% Write out epsilon (related to percent double couple
disp( '=======================================================' )
disp(sprintf('Epsilon:') );
disp( '=======================================================' )
disp(sprintf('Herrmann & Jost Definition (positive only): %.2f\n',abs(l1 / l3)));
a0 = abs(DF(1:1,1:1));
if(abs(DF(3:3,3:3)) > a0) a0 = abs(DF(3:3,3:3));end
signed_epsilon = -DF(2:2,2:2)/a0;
disp(sprintf('Non-positive Definition (Giardini,1983): %.2f',signed_epsilon))
disp('(epsilon > 0 implies tension) ');
disp('(0 > epsilon implies compression)');
% compute the major double couple
disp( '=======================================================' )
disp( '=======================================================' )
disp(sprintf( '\nMo: %.2f\n',abs(l3)));
% plane one
if(l3 > 0) ,
p = a2;
t = a3;
p = a3;
t = a2;
disp(sprintf('P-axis: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f',p));
disp(sprintf('T-axis: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n',t));
u = 1 / sqrt(2) * (t - p);
u = u / norm(u);
nu = 1 / sqrt(2) * (t + p);
nu = nu / norm(u);
[strike_rad, dip_rad, rake_rad] = Axes_to_Angles(u,nu);
% Make the values of strike and rake fall between -180 and +180
strike_rad = Nice_Angle(strike_rad);
dip_rad = Nice_Angle( dip_rad);
rake_rad = Nice_Angle( rake_rad);
disp( 'For First Plane:')
disp(sprintf('Slip Vector: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f',u));
disp(sprintf('Normal Vector: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f',nu));
strike_deg = 180 / pi * strike_rad;
dip_deg = 180 / pi * dip_rad;
rake_deg = 180 / pi * rake_rad;
disp(sprintf('\nStrike Dip Rake'));
disp(sprintf('%5.1f %4.1f %5.1f',strike_deg, dip_deg,rake_deg));
% plane two
atmp = u;
u = nu;
nu = atmp;
[strike_rad, dip_rad, rake_rad] = Axes_to_Angles(u,nu);
% Make the values of strike and rake fall between -180 and +180
strike_rad = Nice_Angle(strike_rad);
dip_rad = Nice_Angle( dip_rad);
rake_rad = Nice_Angle( rake_rad);
strike_deg = 180 / pi * strike_rad;
dip_deg = 180 / pi * dip_rad;
rake_deg = 180 / pi * rake_rad;
disp(sprintf('%5.1f %4.1f %5.1f\n',strike_deg, dip_deg,rake_deg));
% compute the minor double couple
disp( '=======================================================' )
disp( '=======================================================' )
mystring = sprintf( '\nMo: %.2f\n',abs(l1));
if (abs(l1) ~= 0 ) ,
% plane one
if(l1 > 0) ,
p = a2;
t = a1;
p = a1;
t = a2;
disp(sprintf('P-axis: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f',p));
disp(sprintf('T-axis: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n',t));
u = 1 / sqrt(2) * (t - p);
nu = 1 / sqrt(2) * (t + p);
[strike_rad, dip_rad, rake_rad] = Axes_to_Angles(u,nu);
% Make the values of strike and rake fall between -180 and +180
strike_rad = Nice_Angle(strike_rad);
dip_rad = Nice_Angle( dip_rad);
rake_rad = Nice_Angle( rake_rad);
disp( 'For First Plane:')
strike_deg = 180 / pi * strike_rad;
dip_deg = 180 / pi * dip_rad;
rake_deg = 180 / pi * rake_rad;
disp(sprintf('Slip Vector: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f',u));
disp(sprintf('Normal Vector: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f',nu));
disp(sprintf('\nStrike Dip Rake'));
disp(sprintf('%5.1f %4.1f %5.1f',strike_deg, dip_deg,rake_deg));
% plane two
atmp = u;
u = nu;
nu = atmp;
[strike_rad, dip_rad, rake_rad] = Axes_to_Angles(u,nu);
% Make the values of strike and rake fall between -180 and +180
strike_rad = Nice_Angle(strike_rad);
dip_rad = Nice_Angle( dip_rad);
rake_rad = Nice_Angle( rake_rad);
strike_deg = 180 / pi * strike_rad;
dip_deg = 180 / pi * dip_rad;
rake_deg = 180 / pi * rake_rad;
disp(sprintf('%5.1f %4.1f %5.1f\n',strike_deg, dip_deg,rake_deg));
% compute the minor double couple preserving P axis
disp( '=======================================================' )
disp( 'MINOR DOUBLE COUPLE - Preserve P- or T-Axis' )
disp( '=======================================================' )
disp(sprintf( '\nMo: %.2f\n',abs(l1)));
if (abs(l1) ~= 0 ) ,
% plane one
if(l3 < 0) ,
p = a3;
t = a1;
p = a1;
t = a3;
disp(sprintf('P-axis: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f',p));
disp(sprintf('T-axis: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n',t));
u = 1 / sqrt(2) * (t - p);
nu = 1 / sqrt(2) * (t + p);
[strike_rad, dip_rad, rake_rad] = Axes_to_Angles(u,nu);
% Make the values of strike and rake fall between -180 and +180
strike_rad = Nice_Angle(strike_rad);
dip_rad = Nice_Angle( dip_rad);
rake_rad = Nice_Angle( rake_rad);
disp( 'For First Plane:')
strike_deg = 180 / pi * strike_rad;
dip_deg = 180 / pi * dip_rad;
rake_deg = 180 / pi * rake_rad;
disp(sprintf('Slip Vector: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f',u));
disp(sprintf('Normal Vector: %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f',nu));
disp(sprintf('\nStrike Dip Rake'));
disp(sprintf('%5.1f %4.1f %5.1f',strike_deg, dip_deg,rake_deg));
% plane two
atmp = u;
u = nu;
nu = atmp;
[strike_rad, dip_rad, rake_rad] = Axes_to_Angles(u,nu);
% Make the values of strike and rake fall between -180 and +180
strike_rad = Nice_Angle(strike_rad);
dip_rad = Nice_Angle( dip_rad);
rake_rad = Nice_Angle( rake_rad);
strike_deg = 180 / pi * strike_rad;
dip_deg = 180 / pi * dip_rad;
rake_deg = 180 / pi * rake_rad;
disp(sprintf('%5.1f %4.1f %5.1f\n',strike_deg, dip_deg,rake_deg));
% make an angle lie between -pi and pi
function a = Nice_Angle(a)
if(a >= 2*pi) ,
a = a - 2*pi;
if(a < -pi),
a = a + 2 * pi;
if(a > pi),
a = a - 2 * pi;
% convert the slip and normal vectors to dislocation angles
function [strike_rad, dip_rad, rake_rad] = Axes_to_Angles(u,nu)
dip_rad = acos(-nu(3:3));
strike_rad = atan2(nu(2:2),nu(1:1)) - pi / 2;
rake_rad = asin(-u(3:3) / sin(dip_rad));
% this is a check of the non-unique inversion equations
ltmp = cos(rake_rad)*sin(strike_rad)-cos(dip_rad)*cos(strike_rad)*sin(rake_rad);
dtmp = ltmp - u(2:2);
if(abs(dtmp) > 0.001) ,
rake_rad = pi - rake_rad;
if ( dip_rad > pi / 2) ,
strike_rad = pi + strike_rad;
dip_rad = pi - dip_rad;
rake_rad = - rake_rad;
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arifzpk commented Feb 16, 2017

Good morning

i want to ask you, what kind of seismic data format data that used to make moment tensor in those script? does it also relocate a microearthquake locations? and if it's allowed, may i have your email address for further informations?

thanks you,
Arif Setiawan

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